Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

Munich gunman 'had link to Anders Breivik', Norway killer
  • 23 July 2016
  • From the section Europe
The gunman who killed nine people in Munich was obsessed with mass shootings and had an obvious link to Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik, German police say.

Police who searched the 18-year-old's room say they found written material on attacks.

The gunman, who later killed himself, had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets.

Police are investigating whether he may have lured his victims through a Facebook invitation to a restaurant.

He is suspected of using a fake account under a girl's name to invite people to the McDonald's restaurant where he launched his attack.

Anders Behring Breivik
He murdered 77 people in Norway on 22 July 2011, killing eight with a bomb in the capital Oslo before shooting dead 69 at a summer camp for young centre-left political activists on the island of Utoeya.

Munich gunman 'had link to Anders Breivik', Norway killer - BBC News

Rather pathetic article...tried its best not even to mention the kid was muslim and his parents came from Iran....anyone think that might be relevant? Probably very few on this liberal boid.

They claim he had a link with brevik....he may have admired brevik ...but his greatest motivation was to leave his sad little life behind and to be a islamic martyr and go to paradise.

Watch how the media will try and portray him as a right winger.


"Based on the searches, there are no indications whatsoever that there is a connection to Islamic State" or to the issue of refugees, he told a news conference.

The investigations had also given no reason to believe he had not acted alone, Andrae said, adding that the killer was born and brought up in the Munich area and had spent time in psychiatric care."

Munich gunman raised locally, had no ties to Islamic state: police


"Based on the searches, there are no indications whatsoever that there is a connection to Islamic State" or to the issue of refugees, he told a news conference.

The investigations had also given no reason to believe he had not acted alone, Andrae said, adding that the killer was born and brought up in the Munich area and had spent time in psychiatric care."

Munich gunman raised locally, had no ties to Islamic state: police

Did I say he was ISIS? I said he was a Muslim, moron.

A witness who was in the restaurant said her son was in the bathroom with the gunman.
"That's where he loaded his weapon," said Lauretta, who only wanted to be identified by her first name.
She said she saw many children casualties.
"I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom ... and he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run."
Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or "God is great" in Arabic.
"I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry," she said.

Rather pathetic article...tried its best not even to mention the kid was muslim and his parents came from Iran....anyone think that might be relevant? Probably very few on this liberal boid.

Who needs evidence when you have prejudice?

Which sparks the question how did you become so prejudiced for you have white guilt? Or are you a closet muslim. But of course the brits have long been admirers of islam. Look at kim philby etc.etc. and so on and so forth....and why is it you loathe Jews?
You goddamned right I do especially when Muslims are killing people left and right.

I'm sure the dead in Paris, Nice and San Bernardino would agree.

There are billions of Muslims out there and those doing the killing are a small minority. One has to wonder why the billions of others do nothing about that minority.

My politics are get rid of the Muslims and stop the killing. Apparently that's a little to simple for an idiot like you. An idiot who can't see the forest for the trees.

You are a laughable idiot. You support genocide at the drop of a hat because you're petrified of a few terrorist attacks on another continent.

I dont think shes suggesting genocide, i believe she wants muslims deported.


There are 2 million german muslims. They're from germany. They didn't all just rock up in the last 18 months from Syria.
Back to Turkey, mostly... let Allah sort them out...
But they aren't turkish. So in direct violation of international law.
Once you've been foolish enough to admit large numbers of wolves into your presence, then been bitten repeatedly and savagely, and come to regret it, and have no other way to rid yourselves of the threat...

Sometimes you've just gotta break a law here-and-there, to get the job done...

Wolves are wolves... first generation... or second... as we see with many of the Muslim suicide-by-cop-in-the-name-of-Allah mass killing scenarios...

The 'date' doesn't fall far from the tree...


One Old English -style Edict of Expulsion coming up?

( Muzzies this time )
Last edited:


"Based on the searches, there are no indications whatsoever that there is a connection to Islamic State" or to the issue of refugees, he told a news conference.

The investigations had also given no reason to believe he had not acted alone, Andrae said, adding that the killer was born and brought up in the Munich area and had spent time in psychiatric care."

Munich gunman raised locally, had no ties to Islamic state: police

Did I say he was ISIS? I said he was a Muslim, moron.

A witness who was in the restaurant said her son was in the bathroom with the gunman.
"That's where he loaded his weapon," said Lauretta, who only wanted to be identified by her first name.
She said she saw many children casualties.
"I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom ... and he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run."
Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or "God is great" in Arabic.
"I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry," she said.

Yes, but once again we see them trying to blame everything under the sun but islam for this fellow even wanted to blame males cuz da shooter was a male....shows you the depth of their mindset.


"Based on the searches, there are no indications whatsoever that there is a connection to Islamic State" or to the issue of refugees, he told a news conference.

The investigations had also given no reason to believe he had not acted alone, Andrae said, adding that the killer was born and brought up in the Munich area and had spent time in psychiatric care."

Munich gunman raised locally, had no ties to Islamic state: police

Did I say he was ISIS? I said he was a Muslim, moron.

A witness who was in the restaurant said her son was in the bathroom with the gunman.
"That's where he loaded his weapon," said Lauretta, who only wanted to be identified by her first name.
She said she saw many children casualties.
"I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom ... and he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run."
Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or "God is great" in Arabic.
"I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry," she said.
Read your own post, doof.

"A Muslim woman told CNN that she heard the gunman yell: "Allahu Akbar," yet video footage showed a gunman ranting against foreigners and Turks, suggesting a Neo Nazi attack."
Footage trumps what the woman said.
You are a laughable idiot. You support genocide at the drop of a hat because you're petrified of a few terrorist attacks on another continent.

I dont think shes suggesting genocide, i believe she wants muslims deported.


There are 2 million german muslims. They're from germany. They didn't all just rock up in the last 18 months from Syria.
Back to Turkey, mostly... let Allah sort them out...
But they aren't turkish. So in direct violation of international law.
Sometimes, ya just gotta break a law here and there, to rid yourself of the threat, once you've been foolish enough to let the wolves in, in the first place...

Wolves are wolves... first generation... or second... as we see with many of the Muslim suicide-by-cop-in-the-name-of-Allah scenarios...

The current political leadership and the media in Europe and America...will never try to blame who is actually responsible...they will run and run with their liberal narrative until they can run no more aka their sorry asses are tossed out by an enraged population.
You are a laughable idiot. You support genocide at the drop of a hat because you're petrified of a few terrorist attacks on another continent.

I dont think shes suggesting genocide, i believe she wants muslims deported.


There are 2 million german muslims. They're from germany. They didn't all just rock up in the last 18 months from Syria.
Back to Turkey, mostly... let Allah sort them out...
But they aren't turkish. So in direct violation of international law.
Sometimes, ya just gotta break a law here and there, to rid yourself of the threat, once you've been foolish enough to let the wolves in, in the first place...

Wolves are wolves... first generation... or second... as we see with many of the Muslim suicide-by-cop-in-the-name-of-Allah mass killing scenarios...

The 'date' doesn't fall far from the tree...
From another site, a good encapsulation of what we know so far:

"What is known according to the media sources in the Netherlands/Germany:

- the boy was 18

- he was under treatment of a doctor (sources point to him being depressed and under treatment of a shrink)

- he targeted teens, all but one of his victims where teens

- he was obsessed with shooting games

- he previously stated that he really admired the shooting in 2009 of a 17 year old teen who shot 15 people to death in Winnenden

- he owned a book called "Amok im Kopf - Warum Schüler töten" which translates to "amok in the head - why students kill" which is a book about shootings at schools

- sources say that he hacked a facebook account to lure youths to the restaurant with the promise of free food, so they think that he wanted to kill his peers (in age), something which is understandable if you think that all but one of his victims (fatal ones) were teens.

- police found a backpack with 300 more rounds that he did not use

- he also had a lot of articles about previous shootings in Utøya and about the massacre in Winnenden. According to the daily mail he had an image of Breivik on his whatsapp profile pic.

- the 18 year old is profiled in the media as a bullied loner

- the terror act was done on the 5 year anniversary of Utøya and Oslo killings

- police say that they have found no evidence of political motives or IS connection and says that the boy was depressed

- his home has been searched and evidence has been removed by police." - Peter King


"Based on the searches, there are no indications whatsoever that there is a connection to Islamic State" or to the issue of refugees, he told a news conference.

The investigations had also given no reason to believe he had not acted alone, Andrae said, adding that the killer was born and brought up in the Munich area and had spent time in psychiatric care."

Munich gunman raised locally, had no ties to Islamic state: police

Did I say he was ISIS? I said he was a Muslim, moron.

A witness who was in the restaurant said her son was in the bathroom with the gunman.
"That's where he loaded his weapon," said Lauretta, who only wanted to be identified by her first name.
She said she saw many children casualties.
"I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom ... and he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run."
Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or "God is great" in Arabic.
"I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry," she said.
Read your own post, doof.

"A Muslim woman told CNN that she heard the gunman yell: "Allahu Akbar," yet video footage showed a gunman ranting against foreigners and Turks, suggesting a Neo Nazi attack."
Footage trumps what the woman said.

Got a link to that video...with sound? I didnt think so.
From another site, a good encapsulation of what we know so far:

"What is known according to the media sources in the Netherlands/Germany:

- the boy was 18

- he was under treatment of a doctor (sources point to him being depressed and under treatment of a shrink)

- he targeted teens, all but one of his victims where teens

- he was obsessed with shooting games

- he previously stated that he really admired the shooting in 2009 of a 17 year old teen who shot 15 people to death in Winnenden

- he owned a book called "Amok im Kopf - Warum Schüler töten" which translates to "amok in the head - why students kill" which is a book about shootings at schools

- sources say that he hacked a facebook account to lure youths to the restaurant with the promise of free food, so they think that he wanted to kill his peers (in age), something which is understandable if you think that all but one of his victims (fatal ones) were teens.

- police found a backpack with 300 more rounds that he did not use

- he also had a lot of articles about previous shootings in Utøya and about the massacre in Winnenden. According to the daily mail he had an image of Breivik on his whatsapp profile pic.

- the 18 year old is profiled in the media as a bullied loner

- the terror act was done on the 5 year anniversary of Utøya and Oslo killings

- police say that they have found no evidence of political motives or IS connection and says that the boy was depressed

- his home has been searched and evidence has been removed by police." - Peter King

and of course the fact he was the son of Iranian muslims is just a mere co-incidence....ok i got it.
Video of the shooter, new Twitter mirror

Edit: Gunman on the parking deck at the Olympia shopping center

Translation for Edit:

Gunman: Wegen Leuten wie euch wurde ich gemobbt 7 Jahre lang. (Because of people like you I was bullied for 7 years)

Guy: Du Arschloch, du Wixxer (You asshole, you wanker)

Gunman: Und jetzt muss ich ne Waffe kaufen um euch ???umzubringen??? (And now I have to buy a weapon to ???kill you???)

Guy: Dir gehört der Schädel abgeschnitten, du Arschloch (Someone should cut your head off, you asshole)

Guy2: Scheiss Türken (Fucking Turks)

Guy: Scheiss Kanacken (Fucking [don't have a proper translation for that: something like sandn*ggers])

Guy: Er hat eine geladene Waffe (He has a loaded gun) Holt die Bullen! (Bring the cops!) Der Wixxer (This wanker)

Gunman: Ich bin Deutscher (I'm a german)

Guy: Du bist ein Wixxer, bist du (You're a wanker, that's what you are)

Gunman: Hört auf mich zu filmen! (Stop filming me!)

Guy: Was macht dich deutsch? (What makes you german?)

Gunman: Ich bin hier geboren worden. (I was born here)

Guy: Na und? Was machst für einen Scheiß? (So what? What shit are you doing?)

Gunman: Ich bin hier aufgwachsen in der Hartz4-Gegend (I was grown up in the Hartz4-area/Ghetto [Hartz4 = unemployment benefit])

Gunman: Ich war in Behandlung (I was in therapy)

Guy: Ja, Behandlung. Du gehörst in die Psychiatrie du Arschloch. (Yes, therapy. You belong to psychiatry, you asshole.)

Gunman: Ich habe nichts getan. Halten Sie die Schnauze. (I did nothing. Shut the fuck up!)

Guy: Du Wixxer, du (You wanker, you)

shots fired. people screaming

people starts speaking in a foreign language


"Based on the searches, there are no indications whatsoever that there is a connection to Islamic State" or to the issue of refugees, he told a news conference.

The investigations had also given no reason to believe he had not acted alone, Andrae said, adding that the killer was born and brought up in the Munich area and had spent time in psychiatric care."

Munich gunman raised locally, had no ties to Islamic state: police

Did I say he was ISIS? I said he was a Muslim, moron.

A witness who was in the restaurant said her son was in the bathroom with the gunman.
"That's where he loaded his weapon," said Lauretta, who only wanted to be identified by her first name.
She said she saw many children casualties.
"I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom ... and he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run."
Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or "God is great" in Arabic.
"I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry," she said.
Read your own post, doof.

"A Muslim woman told CNN that she heard the gunman yell: "Allahu Akbar," yet video footage showed a gunman ranting against foreigners and Turks, suggesting a Neo Nazi attack."
Footage trumps what the woman said.

Did a anvil fall on your head? I state he was a Muslim and you come back and tell me he wasn't ISIS. Then I reiterate it and you start talking about Nazism. The fucking fact remains that he was a Muslim and that that is exactly what I had said. Fucking dumb ass.


"Based on the searches, there are no indications whatsoever that there is a connection to Islamic State" or to the issue of refugees, he told a news conference.

The investigations had also given no reason to believe he had not acted alone, Andrae said, adding that the killer was born and brought up in the Munich area and had spent time in psychiatric care."

Munich gunman raised locally, had no ties to Islamic state: police

Did I say he was ISIS? I said he was a Muslim, moron.

A witness who was in the restaurant said her son was in the bathroom with the gunman.
"That's where he loaded his weapon," said Lauretta, who only wanted to be identified by her first name.
She said she saw many children casualties.
"I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom ... and he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run."
Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or "God is great" in Arabic.
"I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry," she said.
Read your own post, doof.

"A Muslim woman told CNN that she heard the gunman yell: "Allahu Akbar," yet video footage showed a gunman ranting against foreigners and Turks, suggesting a Neo Nazi attack."
Footage trumps what the woman said.

Did a anvil fall on your head? I state he was a Muslim and you come back and tell me he wasn't ISIS. Then I reiterate it and you start talking about Nazism. The fucking fact remains that he was a Muslim and that that is exactly what I had said. Fucking dumb ass.
This is what I responded to,

"He was an Iranian shouting Allahu Akbar, moron."

^ you fucking idiot.
I dont think shes suggesting genocide, i believe she wants muslims deported.


There are 2 million german muslims. They're from germany. They didn't all just rock up in the last 18 months from Syria.
Back to Turkey, mostly... let Allah sort them out...
But they aren't turkish. So in direct violation of international law.
Sometimes, ya just gotta break a law here and there, to rid yourself of the threat, once you've been foolish enough to let the wolves in, in the first place...

Wolves are wolves... first generation... or second... as we see with many of the Muslim suicide-by-cop-in-the-name-of-Allah mass killing scenarios...

The 'date' doesn't fall far from the tree...


"Based on the searches, there are no indications whatsoever that there is a connection to Islamic State" or to the issue of refugees, he told a news conference.

The investigations had also given no reason to believe he had not acted alone, Andrae said, adding that the killer was born and brought up in the Munich area and had spent time in psychiatric care."

Munich gunman raised locally, had no ties to Islamic state: police

Muslims have great difficulty assimilating to western culture....especially the children hence their demonstrated tendancy to become radicalized.

Should they be excused because their personal lives are a mess or because they are under psychiatric all muslims should be?

Too many of these same sort of operations are occurring....all perpetrated by muslims for the apologists to try and blame other things.

As has been pointed out before on here..........crazy people, messed up people, losers with pathetic lives are attracted big time to the propaganda issued by ISIS...they lap it up and store it away until the day they suddenly get the urge to become muslim martyrs and go to paradise.

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