Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

Kid seems to have been a lone nut. Bullied at school, had a pic of Anders Brevik as his whatsapp profile photo and no links to IS.

Lots of racists who screamed about deportations, decried doom and talked bullshit about "no go areas" and enclaves all look to have been wrong. Again.
Without skipping a step they now simply shift to the conspiracy theory that the media, the police and everyone else is lying, and that this was actually an ISIS attack.
Kid seems to have been a lone nut. Bullied at school, had a pic of Anders Brevik as his whatsapp profile photo and no links to IS.

Lots of racists who screamed about deportations, decried doom and talked bullshit about "no go areas" and enclaves all look to have been wrong. Again.

This incident is just another example of the 'Lone Wolf Syndrome' whom ISIS leaders have zeroed in with their constant propaganda and urges for the muslims of europe and America to take these kinds of actions.

The kid had a connection with his mindset...these kinds of people aka muslims with personal problems are a tragedy waiting to happen...steeped in the belief they will go to paradise if they comitt these sorts of actions against western infidels(aka you and me)

Thus when their life gets difficult, they see themselves as losers and failures.....they come to the conclusion they can redeem themselves and make their miserable little lives somehow noteworthy by engaging in jihad....not rocket science...just something our current leaders will not face up to because it goes against their liberal narrative.
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Kid seems to have been a lone nut. Bullied at school, had a pic of Anders Brevik as his whatsapp profile photo and no links to IS.

Lots of racists who screamed about deportations, decried doom and talked bullshit about "no go areas" and enclaves all look to have been wrong. Again.
Without skipping a step they now simply shift to the conspiracy theory that the media, the police and everyone else is lying, and that this was actually an ISIS attack.

It was an ISIS inspired attack...hence their celebrations. You lack the cognitive ability to get a grip on what is actually happening...this case is not the first and will not be the last.

With millions and millions of muslim in and in the process of coming to Europe and America....this sort of thing is going to become very,very common.

Until our leaders wake up to the actual truth of the action will be taken to stop this from happening over and over....if the people want to live with this...then keep supporting the status quo and the secretary of the status quo....aka hillary clinton.

People get the kind of leaders they deserve...what does that tell you?
Kid seems to have been a lone nut. Bullied at school, had a pic of Anders Brevik as his whatsapp profile photo and no links to IS.

Lots of racists who screamed about deportations, decried doom and talked bullshit about "no go areas" and enclaves all look to have been wrong. Again.

This incident is just another example of the 'Lone Wolf Syndrome' whom ISIS leaders have zeroed in with their constant propagand and urges for the muslims of europe and America to take these kinds of actions.

The kid had a connection with his mindset...these kinds of people aka muslims with personal problems are a tragedy waiting to happen...steeped in the belief they will go to paradise if they comitt these sorts of actions against western infidels(aka you and me)

Thus when their life gets difficult, they see themselves as losers and failures.....they come to the conclusion they can redeem themselves and make their miserable little lives somehow noteworthy by engaging in jihad....not rocket science...just something our current leaders will not face up to because it goes against their liberal narrative.

There is more than one mass shooting a day in the US. ONE. A. DAY. By your thinking these all share ISIS style thinking so they are responsible for all of them?

Or you seek to link an attack with no evidence by using the word mentality, and yet have the gaul to accuse others of trying to spin a narrative.

It looks like this kid was a lone nut, there's no last word yet. That everyone right of centre screamed ISIS before the cases hit the floor says everything about them, and nothing about the attack.
Kid seems to have been a lone nut. Bullied at school, had a pic of Anders Brevik as his whatsapp profile photo and no links to IS.

Lots of racists who screamed about deportations, decried doom and talked bullshit about "no go areas" and enclaves all look to have been wrong. Again.

It is mindless morons like you that enable this sort of have blood on your hands along with the media, merkel, hillary and obama...just to mention a few.
Kid seems to have been a lone nut. Bullied at school, had a pic of Anders Brevik as his whatsapp profile photo and no links to IS.

Lots of racists who screamed about deportations, decried doom and talked bullshit about "no go areas" and enclaves all look to have been wrong. Again.
Without skipping a step they now simply shift to the conspiracy theory that the media, the police and everyone else is lying, and that this was actually an ISIS attack.
Well it is probably embarrassing when ordinary locals go on shooting sprees.

Especially in a country where it is hard as hell to get a gun.
Kid seems to have been a lone nut. Bullied at school, had a pic of Anders Brevik as his whatsapp profile photo and no links to IS.

Lots of racists who screamed about deportations, decried doom and talked bullshit about "no go areas" and enclaves all look to have been wrong. Again.

This incident is just another example of the 'Lone Wolf Syndrome' whom ISIS leaders have zeroed in with their constant propagand and urges for the muslims of europe and America to take these kinds of actions.

The kid had a connection with his mindset...these kinds of people aka muslims with personal problems are a tragedy waiting to happen...steeped in the belief they will go to paradise if they comitt these sorts of actions against western infidels(aka you and me)

Thus when their life gets difficult, they see themselves as losers and failures.....they come to the conclusion they can redeem themselves and make their miserable little lives somehow noteworthy by engaging in jihad....not rocket science...just something our current leaders will not face up to because it goes against their liberal narrative.

There is more than one mass shooting a day in the US. ONE. A. DAY. By your thinking these all share ISIS style thinking so they are responsible for all of them?

Or you seek to link an attack with no evidence by using the word mentality, and yet have the gaul to accuse others of trying to spin a narrative.

It looks like this kid was a lone nut, there's no last word yet. That everyone right of centre screamed ISIS before the cases hit the floor says everything about them, and nothing about the attack.
I just put him on my ignore list. You're right he does not document anything.
Kid seems to have been a lone nut. Bullied at school, had a pic of Anders Brevik as his whatsapp profile photo and no links to IS.

Lots of racists who screamed about deportations, decried doom and talked bullshit about "no go areas" and enclaves all look to have been wrong. Again.

It is mindless morons like you that enable this sort of have blood on your hands along with the media, merkel, hillary and obama...just to mention a few.

You are a sad little man throwing insults about because you wanted your racist rehtoric to be backed up and you've been left looking the idiot that you are. A lone kid with a mental problem appears to have gone off the deep end and it just fucking kills you that you can't blame Muslims for it. You are scum.
Kid seems to have been a lone nut. Bullied at school, had a pic of Anders Brevik as his whatsapp profile photo and no links to IS.

Lots of racists who screamed about deportations, decried doom and talked bullshit about "no go areas" and enclaves all look to have been wrong. Again.

This incident is just another example of the 'Lone Wolf Syndrome' whom ISIS leaders have zeroed in with their constant propagand and urges for the muslims of europe and America to take these kinds of actions.

The kid had a connection with his mindset...these kinds of people aka muslims with personal problems are a tragedy waiting to happen...steeped in the belief they will go to paradise if they comitt these sorts of actions against western infidels(aka you and me)

Thus when their life gets difficult, they see themselves as losers and failures.....they come to the conclusion they can redeem themselves and make their miserable little lives somehow noteworthy by engaging in jihad....not rocket science...just something our current leaders will not face up to because it goes against their liberal narrative.

There is more than one mass shooting a day in the US. ONE. A. DAY. By your thinking these all share ISIS style thinking so they are responsible for all of them?

Or you seek to link an attack with no evidence by using the word mentality, and yet have the gaul to accuse others of trying to spin a narrative.

It looks like this kid was a lone nut, there's no last word yet. That everyone right of centre screamed ISIS before the cases hit the floor says everything about them, and nothing about the attack.
I just put him on my ignore list. You're right he does not document anything.

I would but that just leaves him a little freer to spread his venom without hinderance
So once again... If Euro cucks banned guns, then how come all those people got shot?
Firearms are not banned in Germany. Or in France for that matter.

True, they're restricted to anyone but trustworthy and adequate people. Does shooter fits into those categories?

No he doesn't. But then they can always be stolen from those people. You don't tend to get mass shootings in the UK like this, they have banned guns all togther. Gee, you think there might be a link?
So once again... If Euro cucks banned guns, then how come all those people got shot?
Firearms are not banned in Germany. Or in France for that matter.

True, they're restricted to anyone but trustworthy and adequate people. Does shooter fits into those categories?

No he doesn't. But then they can always be stolen from those people. You don't tend to get mass shootings in the UK like this, they have banned guns all togther. Gee, you think there might be a link?

That would be incorrect. Civilian ownership of auto, and semi auto guns is not allowed without license, rifles and shotguns are allowed.
So once again... If Euro cucks banned guns, then how come all those people got shot?
Firearms are not banned in Germany. Or in France for that matter.

True, they're restricted to anyone but trustworthy and adequate people. Does shooter fits into those categories?

No he doesn't. But then they can always be stolen from those people. You don't tend to get mass shootings in the UK like this, they have banned guns all togther. Gee, you think there might be a link?

Do you know how many people have been killed in England by islamic terrorists? I didnt think so.

You are just another ignorant son of a bitch spreading the sort of propaganda that enables the islamic terror....................List of terrorist incidents in Great Britain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Breaking: Hillary announcing her VP choice.

What's ten dead Germans in the run of things, anyhow.
CBSN - Live Streaming Video News Channel - CBS News

Looks like Senator Tim Kaine

Tim Kaine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This should give Hillary the State Of Virginia -- a swing state.
You goddamned right I do especially when Muslims are killing people left and right.

I'm sure the dead in Paris, Nice and San Bernardino would agree.

There are billions of Muslims out there and those doing the killing are a small minority. One has to wonder why the billions of others do nothing about that minority.

My politics are get rid of the Muslims and stop the killing. Apparently that's a little to simple for an idiot like you. An idiot who can't see the forest for the trees.

You are a laughable idiot. You support genocide at the drop of a hat because you're petrified of a few terrorist attacks on another continent.
No one is advocating genocide other than radical Muslims. You may remember your Liberal hero, Jimmy Carter. Do you remember him halting Muslim immigration and deporting Islamic students in 1979. How many liberal piss ants bitched about that?

Probably because he only halted Iranian immigration and deported Iranian students - a bit more narrowly and specifically targeted.
So we can ban or deport anyone from a country with ISIS in their midst? Any nation who has committed a terrorist act? How about you answer the question instead of deflecting for once, OK?
One is well defined, the issue with Iran, the others very poorly defined. Get the difference? Now stop making stupid comparisons between deporting Iranian nationals and the wholesale deportation of Muslims that the poster was trying to justify.
So, it's fine for a President Carter (D) to ban immigrants from a country where terrorists living within its borders take Americans as hostages but it is not OK for a President Trump (R) to ban immigration from a country that has terrorists living within its borders that are queued up to come here as "refugees" so they can carry out terrorist acts in this country as they have been all over Europe? Gotcha! IDIOT!
So once again... If Euro cucks banned guns, then how come all those people got shot?
Firearms are not banned in Germany. Or in France for that matter.

True, they're restricted to anyone but trustworthy and adequate people. Does shooter fits into those categories?

No he doesn't. But then they can always be stolen from those people. You don't tend to get mass shootings in the UK like this, they have banned guns all togther. Gee, you think there might be a link?

That would be incorrect. Civilian ownership of auto, and semi auto guns is not allowed without license, rifles and shotguns are allowed.

All of this sort of endless rhetoric about guns .......and you see it after every terrorist incident....just adds to the coinfusion and help insure the real problem will be ignored.....we need a little clarity and some common sense.
So once again... If Euro cucks banned guns, then how come all those people got shot?
Firearms are not banned in Germany. Or in France for that matter.

True, they're restricted to anyone but trustworthy and adequate people. Does shooter fits into those categories?

No he doesn't. But then they can always be stolen from those people. You don't tend to get mass shootings in the UK like this, they have banned guns all togther. Gee, you think there might be a link?

Do you know how many people have been killed in England by islamic terrorists? I didnt think so.

You are just another ignorant son of a bitch spreading the sort of propaganda that enables the islamic terror....................List of terrorist incidents in Great Britain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am very much in touch with the terrorist incidents that happen in the UK. The UK is actually pretty good at stoping terrorism on the whole, that is thanks in a large part to the good people of the USA. They funded the IRA from many years keeping us sharp. Til terrorism suddenly became bad in 2001

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