BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

He's probably resigning because he can't get his party to pull together and actually do their job. I'm betting with him gone we will see no real legislation because they are incapable of anything beyond making ideological stands that go nowhere. Without the ability to compromise and work with the opposition - legislation will go nowhere.
Yeah, the Republican Party is all over the place, they have no real plans except ABORTION BENGHAZI REPEAL OBAMACARE STOP GAYS..
Given the GOP's target audience (white males over 60 who attend church once a week, and don't have college degrees) it's a perfect strategy

From what I hear from democrats republicans are all greedy rich people.
You might want to step back and continue to toe the party line before you get demerits.
The Democrats I know, and for the record I'm not a Democrat...don't say Republicans are all rich greedy people.

Many of the Democrats I know think Republicans have been duped into carrying greedy rich people's water.

I personaly don't think Republicans, IN GENERAL, are rich, greedy, or racists.

I also personally don't think Democrats want big government, weak national security, or higher taxes.

Being pro 2nd amendment and pro gay marriage...I've not been guilty much lately for toeing the party line.

One way Republicans toe the party line that I find annoying, is unconditional dissapproval and hatred for Obama. I hated that from Democrats when Bush was in office.
So much for shutting down the government!

Boehner isn't going to do it as his last act as Speaker.

McCarthy isn't going to do it as his first act as Speaker.

Ted Cruz loses
Tea Party loses
Huckaminajad loses
Ben Carson loses
Carl Fiorina loses
Havana Marco loses
Trump loses

Planned Parenthood WINS
President Obama (praise be unto Him!) WINS
You're sick.
Why is that?

Is the truth a disease to you conservatives?
Praise be to him! He is the worst president, now beating Carter.

Also, your posts are always a competition between you and another poster. You have to win and belittle your opponent all the time. Why can't you have a civil discussion?
Too late. The awful damage is done. Obama got his entire agenda passed on Boehner and McConnell's watch. Republicans should have dumped them both a long time ago.
Boehner was supposed to have a press conference. He too the back door out instead. Probably his emotions were out of control again. He was a terrible speaker and needed to resign. He did nothing for the party.
Praise be to him! He is the worst president, now beating Carter.

Also, your posts are always a competition between you and another poster. You have to win and belittle your opponent all the time. Why can't you have a civil discussion?
"soundbite" addiction has ruined the ability of many to distinguish between critical thought and some pathological dart-throwing of brevity-induced thoughtlessness, hasn't it? It really does have almost a musical quality to it....Marcel Marceu would be impressed.

Actually it's not entirely off topic---I credit/blame Newt Gingrich for metronome to the OP's afflicted neurosis.
Also, your posts are always a competition between you and another poster. You have to win and belittle your opponent all the time. Why can't you have a civil discussion?
When a poster like Rabbi blatantly lies, then is proven wrong, and won't be a man and admit it?

Yeah, I'm going to keep pointing it out.

Direct your condemnation toward him, and tell him to be a man.
Watch as the drunk shits all over the R party on his way out the door....for not being progressive enough for his liking, and the MSM will love it. Of course, he will say its those darn conservatives...and libs and progs will suddenly find him respectable.
Also, your posts are always a competition between you and another poster. You have to win and belittle your opponent all the time. Why can't you have a civil discussion?
When a poster like Rabbi blatantly lies, then is proven wrong, and won't be a man and admit it?

Yeah, I'm going to keep pointing it out.

Direct your condemnation toward him, and tell him to be a man.
It's not about being a "man." Just post a link to prove your point and let it go.
Rangel: Disciplined for tax fraud
Frank: Disciplined for running gay whorehouse
Jesse Jackson Jr: Indicted
Gary Condon: Resigned ahead of suspicion of murdering intern
etc etc.
Democrats are filthy scum.
None of them were Speaker of the House, you fucking coward.
Goddamn, you're a moron!
Gingricjh wasnt fired.
Livingston was never Speaker
Hastert wasnt indicted as Speaker
Boehner is resigning from Congress,
If you didnt lie you'd have nothing to say.
Just like Eric Cantor never resigned before the end of his term, you fucking coward?

Was Eric Cantor defeated in election? Yes he was.
End of story, libtard
You said he didn't quit before the end of his term. I proved that he did.

You're not man enough to admit it, you fucking coward.
I said no such thing. You are a retard who cannot read.
Boner quitting is good news for the country. .. now if mconell and Obama and we'll all democrats would do the same we would be in really good shape

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Wow. Obama finally called Boehner!
Wonder who Kasich will appoint to replace him?
^^^ Another political moron.

Speakers aren't appointed, dumbass, they are elected by House members, which will take place while our great president is still in office.

I was referring to his House seat, dumbass

Didn't you wonder why I asked who Kasich would appoint to replace him?

Or did that go in one ear and out the other.

(due to lack of any obstructions)
He'll appoint another Republican, of course, only this one will have no seniority, no pull, no influence.
Happy days!

Right, except he'll be part of the MAJORITY.
Okay, now we need a leader. Trey Gowdy?
Nancy Pelosi! :)
You really do like failure? Don't you?

Pelosi actually had a long list of accomplishments as Speaker

Boehner was a blank page
Yeah, we need to pass it so we can find out what's in it. Lol

Pelosi actually passed things and made a difference

Boehner couldn't even get anything through the Republicans

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