BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

Speculation is that now Boehner is free to bring up a clean cont' resolution w/o any reference to PP, and with Dem support it will pass. My guess is the Pope's admonition to work together struck a cord that Boehner's been struggling with. So he'll fund the govt through Dec. And then it'll be McCarthy's problem to either diffuse the PP issue or find a way to work around it. But, really, it's not PP. The TP members will just find something else to have a fit over.
So much for shutting the government down, wingers!

No way he's gonna let that be his legacy. If they end up doing it, they'll have to wait until December, at least.

The only one who will shut the government down is Obama. The Congress is under no obligation to present the President with a budget he likes. The Congress is only required to present the President with a budget. If the President chooses to veto said budget, so be it. He shuts down the government. Just because the President might wish for there to be money in the budget to support building some bridge somewhere, does not mean Congress is required to put money in the budget to fund the President's bridge to nowhere.
the gop has no budget.
You're a fucking moron
Republicans pass a budget, flexing power of majority
So much for shutting the government down, wingers!

No way he's gonna let that be his legacy. If they end up doing it, they'll have to wait until December, at least.

The only one who will shut the government down is Obama. The Congress is under no obligation to present the President with a budget he likes. The Congress is only required to present the President with a budget. If the President chooses to veto said budget, so be it. He shuts down the government. Just because the President might wish for there to be money in the budget to support building some bridge somewhere, does not mean Congress is required to put money in the budget to fund the President's bridge to nowhere.
the gop has no budget.
You're a fucking moron
Republicans pass a budget, flexing power of majority
and you're a fucking fake rabbi, asshole
John Boehner is one of the chief architects of the destruction of the GOP brand.

I don't know that I agree with that. He certainly gets some blame for the mess that the party currently is. But that's due to his allowing himself to get steam rolled by the loons. The real culprits are the loudmouthed Bachmanns, Cruzs, Palins, etc.
Jeb Bush is what happened to the GOP brand. Democrat-lite
So much for shutting the government down, wingers!

No way he's gonna let that be his legacy. If they end up doing it, they'll have to wait until December, at least.

The only one who will shut the government down is Obama. The Congress is under no obligation to present the President with a budget he likes. The Congress is only required to present the President with a budget. If the President chooses to veto said budget, so be it. He shuts down the government. Just because the President might wish for there to be money in the budget to support building some bridge somewhere, does not mean Congress is required to put money in the budget to fund the President's bridge to nowhere.
the gop has no budget.
You're a fucking moron
Republicans pass a budget, flexing power of majority
and you're a fucking fake rabbi, asshole
LOL. You lie, I call you on it, and somehow I'm the fake.
Get back in the closet where you belong, boy.
Speculation is that now Boehner is free to bring up a clean cont' resolution w/o any reference to PP, and with Dem support it will pass. My guess is the Pope's admonition to work together struck a cord that Boehner's been struggling with. So he'll fund the govt through Dec. And then it'll be McCarthy's problem to either diffuse the PP issue or find a way to work around it. But, really, it's not PP. The TP members will just find something else to have a fit over.
Boner was already going to sell us out.
Now he's sending a clean bill that continues to pay for pp's felonies.
So much for shutting the government down, wingers!

No way he's gonna let that be his legacy. If they end up doing it, they'll have to wait until December, at least.

The only one who will shut the government down is Obama. The Congress is under no obligation to present the President with a budget he likes. The Congress is only required to present the President with a budget. If the President chooses to veto said budget, so be it. He shuts down the government. Just because the President might wish for there to be money in the budget to support building some bridge somewhere, does not mean Congress is required to put money in the budget to fund the President's bridge to nowhere.
the gop has no budget.

Yeah....right.....sure.....uh-huh.....Dingy Harry isn't running the Senate anymore.
So much for shutting the government down, wingers!

No way he's gonna let that be his legacy. If they end up doing it, they'll have to wait until December, at least.

The only one who will shut the government down is Obama. The Congress is under no obligation to present the President with a budget he likes. The Congress is only required to present the President with a budget. If the President chooses to veto said budget, so be it. He shuts down the government. Just because the President might wish for there to be money in the budget to support building some bridge somewhere, does not mean Congress is required to put money in the budget to fund the President's bridge to nowhere.
the gop has no budget.

Yeah....right.....sure.....uh-huh.....Dingy Harry isn't running the Senate anymore.
Muddy, we're talking about a 'CONTINUING RESOLUTION." I realize the knuckle draggers like the human stain and fake rabbi cannot stay focused.
Speculation is that now Boehner is free to bring up a clean cont' resolution w/o any reference to PP, and with Dem support it will pass. My guess is the Pope's admonition to work together struck a cord that Boehner's been struggling with. So he'll fund the govt through Dec. And then it'll be McCarthy's problem to either diffuse the PP issue or find a way to work around it. But, really, it's not PP. The TP members will just find something else to have a fit over.
Boner was already going to sell us out.
Now he's sending a clean bill that continues to pay for pp's felonies.
Very good you see the issue. I'm not sure Boehner would have brought a clean continuing resolution .... at least right away. He might have let the Tea Party members have their shut down, at least temporarily. When that happened in the past, public opinion forced a clean resolution, and the Tea Party members were left to grumble while the Sunday talk shows laughed at them.

But again, it's not really about PP. It's about a belief that govt is an enemy. It'll just be something else down the line.
Since the uncivil war broke out, the former GOP has circled the wagons, and notwithstanding the few shots fired at HRC and The President, the vast majority of projectiles have been sent at each other.

The first round was fired by the first conservative to call his fellow Republicans RINO's; soon it was followed by a volley of words demeaning anyone who disagreed with their extreme ideas; With the election of President Obama their rhetoric degraded even more, as anyone who disagreed with them found themselves labeled as Commies, Socialists, Marxists, Statists, faggots and gun grabbers.

Today they have new targets to sight, Pope Francis and Donald Trump. The Party of "No!" must open their eyes, kick the callous conservatives, Neo Conservatives and NRA to the curb, and figure out who they want to follow, the party of Lincoln, TR and IKE or which member of the clown car who has ideas and is capable of putting the party back together.
John Boehner is one of the chief architects of the destruction of the GOP brand.

I don't know that I agree with that. He certainly gets some blame for the mess that the party currently is. But that's due to his allowing himself to get steam rolled by the loons. The real culprits are the loudmouthed Bachmanns, Cruzs, Palins, etc.

I agree. Boehner looked like he was doing triage most of his term as speaker. Trying to hold together a clearly wounded and hemorrhaging party.

What Boehnor as doing was selling out his party to the Democrats. He only cared what his big donors wanted, not what rank and file Republicans wanted. Ergo, he's history.
Speculation is that now Boehner is free to bring up a clean cont' resolution w/o any reference to PP, and with Dem support it will pass. My guess is the Pope's admonition to work together struck a cord that Boehner's been struggling with. So he'll fund the govt through Dec. And then it'll be McCarthy's problem to either diffuse the PP issue or find a way to work around it. But, really, it's not PP. The TP members will just find something else to have a fit over.
Boner was already going to sell us out.
Now he's sending a clean bill that continues to pay for pp's felonies.
Very good you see the issue. I'm not sure Boehner would have brought a clean continuing resolution .... at least right away. He might have let the Tea Party members have their shut down, at least temporarily. When that happened in the past, public opinion forced a clean resolution, and the Tea Party members were left to grumble while the Sunday talk shows laughed at them.

But again, it's not really about PP. It's about a belief that govt is an enemy. It'll just be something else down the line.

If it's not about PP, then why won't Obama sign the bill?

BTW, government is the enemy to anyone who values freedom.
John Boehner is one of the chief architects of the destruction of the GOP brand.

I don't know that I agree with that. He certainly gets some blame for the mess that the party currently is. But that's due to his allowing himself to get steam rolled by the loons. The real culprits are the loudmouthed Bachmanns, Cruzs, Palins, etc.

I agree. Boehner looked like he was doing triage most of his term as speaker. Trying to hold together a clearly wounded and hemorrhaging party.

What Boehnor as doing was selling out his party to the Democrats. He only cared what his big donors wanted, not what rank and file Republicans wanted. Ergo, he's history.

Did Rank and File republicans just figure that out this week? Or was Boehner rewarded for 'selling out to democrats' with 4 years as speaker?
John Boehner is one of the chief architects of the destruction of the GOP brand.

I don't know that I agree with that. He certainly gets some blame for the mess that the party currently is. But that's due to his allowing himself to get steam rolled by the loons. The real culprits are the loudmouthed Bachmanns, Cruzs, Palins, etc.

I agree. Boehner looked like he was doing triage most of his term as speaker. Trying to hold together a clearly wounded and hemorrhaging party.

What Boehnor as doing was selling out his party to the Democrats. He only cared what his big donors wanted, not what rank and file Republicans wanted. Ergo, he's history.
But he gave us nothing.

Bendog is are the fucking Moron you IDIOT. The link you pasted was for the SENATE budget plan passed last May. HOWEVER, all appropriation bills must start in the House, fool, and the House does not have a proposed budget. A CR is the probable outcome for the next rendition of the Tea Party dance around the Fire!

Your yarmulke is a tad crooked. OK, what will your dance be this time to deflect from admitting your errors?
So much for shutting the government down, wingers!

No way he's gonna let that be his legacy. If they end up doing it, they'll have to wait until December, at least.

The only one who will shut the government down is Obama. The Congress is under no obligation to present the President with a budget he likes. The Congress is only required to present the President with a budget. If the President chooses to veto said budget, so be it. He shuts down the government. Just because the President might wish for there to be money in the budget to support building some bridge somewhere, does not mean Congress is required to put money in the budget to fund the President's bridge to nowhere.
the gop has no budget.

Yeah....right.....sure.....uh-huh.....Dingy Harry isn't running the Senate anymore.
Muddy, we're talking about a 'CONTINUING RESOLUTION." I realize the knuckle draggers like the human stain and fake rabbi cannot stay focused.
A CR is what we've been funding the government with since big-ears took office. Big-ears submits a budget and everyone laughs their asses off and it loses 98 to nothing. The GOP submits a budget and Obama either (threatens) vetoes or Dingy Harry shelves it. So a CR is all we've got.
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