BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

Obama has vetoed four bills.

Not since Chester A. Arthur has a President vetoed that little.

None of the four vetoes was for a GOP budget.

One was for a CR.

The Right whined and whined and whined about Democrats never submitting a budget, so where is the GOP Congress's budget?

Nowhere to be found.
Yeah....right.....sure.....uh-huh.....Dingy Harry isn't running the Senate anymore.
Muddy, we're talking about a 'CONTINUING RESOLUTION." I realize the knuckle draggers like the human stain and fake rabbi cannot stay focused.
A CR is what we've been funding the government with since big-ears took office. Big-ears submits a budget and everyone laughs their asses off and it loses 98 to nothing. The GOP submits a budget and Obama either vetoes it or Dingy Harry shelves it. So a CR is all we've got.
Show us the Obama budget veto.

Good luck with that.

You have to submit an actual budget for it to be vetoed. The Republicans have not ever submitted one.
You're lying of course.......but what else is new.

Show us the GOP budget that was vetoed by Obama, liar. You've done gone and stepped in it now.
Threatened vetoes, numbnuts. Obama issued threats for everything that didn't give him exactly what he wanted. He doesn't believe in compromise.

All Boner needed was a threat to drop it.

Bendog is are the fucking Moron you IDIOT. The link you pasted was for the SENATE budget plan passed last May. HOWEVER, all appropriation bills must start in the House, fool, and the House does not have a proposed budget. A CR is the probable outcome for the next rendition of the Tea Party dance around the Fire!

Your yarmulke is a tad crooked. OK, what will your dance be this time to deflect from admitting your errors?
omg! You are a fucking retard. Total moron. DIdnt bother reading the article, did you?
Congressional Republicans scored a major legislative victory on Tuesday as the Senate adopted the first bicameral GOP budget agreement in a decade.

The 51-48 vote capped weeks of work by Republican leaders in the House and Senate, who shepherded the blueprint through a messy debate over defense spending that at times threatened to split their conferences.

The blueprint passed the House last week, and will not require a signature from President Obama.

If the House has a budget bill, go to the Thomas Register, locate the Bill number so I can see which committee it's in and it's progress to date. Failing that...YOU FAIL MORON! A "blueprint" is NOT a fucking Bill, IDIOT! I knew you would dance...:dance::dance::dance::dance:...and deflect to avoid admitting your errors!
The GOP Congress does not want to be caught in the embarrassing position of passing a budget which spends more than they take in. And so the pass CR after CR and hope the rubes don't notice that CR's are also deficit spending.

Muddy, we're talking about a 'CONTINUING RESOLUTION." I realize the knuckle draggers like the human stain and fake rabbi cannot stay focused.
A CR is what we've been funding the government with since big-ears took office. Big-ears submits a budget and everyone laughs their asses off and it loses 98 to nothing. The GOP submits a budget and Obama either vetoes it or Dingy Harry shelves it. So a CR is all we've got.
Show us the Obama budget veto.

Good luck with that.

You have to submit an actual budget for it to be vetoed. The Republicans have not ever submitted one.
You're lying of course.......but what else is new.

Show us the GOP budget that was vetoed by Obama, liar. You've done gone and stepped in it now.
Threatened vetoes, numbnuts.

So you admit you lied. Thanks.

I don't recall a threatened veto stopping the GOP from passing more than 50 ObamaCare repeals, numbnuts.

I don't recall a threatened veto stopping the GOP from passing a bill defunding Planned Parenthood, numbnuts.


It's like I said. They don't want to be caught in the embarrassing position of passing a budget that has a big deficit.
Obama has vetoed four bills.

Not since Chester A. Arthur has a President vetoed that little.

None of the four vetoes was for a GOP budget.

One was for a CR.

The Right whined and whined and whined about Democrats never submitting a budget, so where is the GOP Congress's budget?

Nowhere to be found.
It had to make it past Dingy Harry to get to Obama.

That's why they are nowhere to be found. This is the first budget both houses are GOP under Obama.
Obama has vetoed four bills.

Not since Chester A. Arthur has a President vetoed that little.

None of the four vetoes was for a GOP budget.

One was for a CR.

The Right whined and whined and whined about Democrats never submitting a budget, so where is the GOP Congress's budget?

Nowhere to be found.
Wow, a Chester Arthur reference. Wayyyy cool.
Speculation is that now Boehner is free to bring up a clean cont' resolution w/o any reference to PP, and with Dem support it will pass. My guess is the Pope's admonition to work together struck a cord that Boehner's been struggling with. So he'll fund the govt through Dec. And then it'll be McCarthy's problem to either diffuse the PP issue or find a way to work around it. But, really, it's not PP. The TP members will just find something else to have a fit over.
Boner was already going to sell us out.
Now he's sending a clean bill that continues to pay for pp's felonies.
Very good you see the issue. I'm not sure Boehner would have brought a clean continuing resolution .... at least right away. He might have let the Tea Party members have their shut down, at least temporarily. When that happened in the past, public opinion forced a clean resolution, and the Tea Party members were left to grumble while the Sunday talk shows laughed at them.

But again, it's not really about PP. It's about a belief that govt is an enemy. It'll just be something else down the line.

If it's not about PP, then why won't Obama sign the bill?

BTW, government is the enemy to anyone who values freedom.
it's obviously not about planned parenthood. if it was, the republicans could easily pass some laws that would curtail them. they could pass, with bipartisan support, a law requiring express, plain language consent from any women undergoing abortions for that fetal tissue to be sold or used in research. they could require that any organization receiving money for fetal tissue document and publish the amount of money raised from those transactions. and they could get their investigation into planned parenthood with bipartisan support if they would just agree to fund them for another year.
then, armed with the facts of an actual investigation, they could make their case without having a few edited videos as the sole source of information.

but that would require compromise, thoughtfulness, and patience. the gop doesn't have that right now. instead they have found what they believe to be a valid excuse to shut down the government.

What makes you think the Democrats would support any of that or that PP would actually comply with the law under a Democrat president?
mostly because i'm a democrat and would support it. why wouldn't they support it?
why would anyone be against expressed, plain language, consent? the publishing of fund raising could be difficult, but i think you'd easily get enough support for it to make it happen and i don't think the president would veto it. and i don't think anyone would object to a reasonable investigation.
but that's the thing, republicans don't want to wait for the facts to come in, or to actually do something that could make a difference. they want to fight a battle they can't win and accomplish nothing in doing so.
The mudwhistle method: Lie, and then when called on it, call the person who caught you a liar.
A CR is what we've been funding the government with since big-ears took office. Big-ears submits a budget and everyone laughs their asses off and it loses 98 to nothing. The GOP submits a budget and Obama either vetoes it or Dingy Harry shelves it. So a CR is all we've got.
Show us the Obama budget veto.

Good luck with that.

You have to submit an actual budget for it to be vetoed. The Republicans have not ever submitted one.
You're lying of course.......but what else is new.

Show us the GOP budget that was vetoed by Obama, liar. You've done gone and stepped in it now.
Threatened vetoes, numbnuts.

So you admit you lied. Thanks.

I don't recall a threatened veto stopping the GOP from passing more than 50 ObamaCare repeals, numbnuts.

I don't recall a threatened veto stopping the GOP from passing a bill defunding Planned Parenthood, numbnuts.

You know exactly where they went.

The problem has been Boner refusing to fight......and this PP deal is new, dipstick. This is the first opportunity.

Lying POS.
Speculation is that now Boehner is free to bring up a clean cont' resolution w/o any reference to PP, and with Dem support it will pass. My guess is the Pope's admonition to work together struck a cord that Boehner's been struggling with. So he'll fund the govt through Dec. And then it'll be McCarthy's problem to either diffuse the PP issue or find a way to work around it. But, really, it's not PP. The TP members will just find something else to have a fit over.
Boner was already going to sell us out.
Now he's sending a clean bill that continues to pay for pp's felonies.
Very good you see the issue. I'm not sure Boehner would have brought a clean continuing resolution .... at least right away. He might have let the Tea Party members have their shut down, at least temporarily. When that happened in the past, public opinion forced a clean resolution, and the Tea Party members were left to grumble while the Sunday talk shows laughed at them.

But again, it's not really about PP. It's about a belief that govt is an enemy. It'll just be something else down the line.

If it's not about PP, then why won't Obama sign the bill?

BTW, government is the enemy to anyone who values freedom.
it's obviously not about planned parenthood. if it was, the republicans could easily pass some laws that would curtail them. they could pass, with bipartisan support, a law requiring express, plain language consent from any women undergoing abortions for that fetal tissue to be sold or used in research. they could require that any organization receiving money for fetal tissue document and publish the amount of money raised from those transactions. and they could get their investigation into planned parenthood with bipartisan support if they would just agree to fund them for another year.
then, armed with the facts of an actual investigation, they could make their case without having a few edited videos as the sole source of information.

Doesn't matter.

Any new laws have to be enforced by the DoJ.

Figure the odds.
so you think it's more likely that the president would go back on his word and choose not to veto the CR than the doj to conduct an investigation and enforce laws that have bipartisan support?
Obama has vetoed four bills.

Not since Chester A. Arthur has a President vetoed that little.

None of the four vetoes was for a GOP budget.

One was for a CR.

The Right whined and whined and whined about Democrats never submitting a budget, so where is the GOP Congress's budget?

Nowhere to be found.
It had to make it past Dingy Harry to get to Obama.

That's why they are nowhere to be found. This is the first budget both houses are GOP under Obama.
What budget? There's no budget. Just another CR.
Show us the Obama budget veto.

Good luck with that.

You have to submit an actual budget for it to be vetoed. The Republicans have not ever submitted one.
You're lying of course.......but what else is new.

Show us the GOP budget that was vetoed by Obama, liar. You've done gone and stepped in it now.
Threatened vetoes, numbnuts.

So you admit you lied. Thanks.

I don't recall a threatened veto stopping the GOP from passing more than 50 ObamaCare repeals, numbnuts.

I don't recall a threatened veto stopping the GOP from passing a bill defunding Planned Parenthood, numbnuts.

You know exactly where they went.

The problem has been Boner refusing to fight......and this PP deal is new, dipstick. This is the first opportunity.

Lying POS.
It has nothing to do with fetal tissue. It's fueled by questionable video from people stridently opposed to any abortion. IF it were really about fetal tissue and medical research, it'd be resolved with a bill that passed both houses and was signed into law. ALL this is about is "shut er down."
We're about to hit the debt ceiling again. Anyone want to lay odds the GOP Congress will pass a debt ceiling hike while pretending to be doing it against their will?

"The Devil made me do it. Shoulda had Francis do an exorcism while he was here."
John Boehner is one of the chief architects of the destruction of the GOP brand.

I don't know that I agree with that. He certainly gets some blame for the mess that the party currently is. But that's due to his allowing himself to get steam rolled by the loons. The real culprits are the loudmouthed Bachmanns, Cruzs, Palins, etc.
Jeb Bush is what happened to the GOP brand. Democrat-lite

No, Donald Trump is what happened to the GOP brand. A fucking shit show.
The GOP Congress does not want to be caught in the embarrassing position of passing a budget which spends more than they take in. And so the pass CR after CR and hope the rubes don't notice that CR's are also deficit spending.

Nope......a CR is just kicking the can down the road. It establishes a baseline similar to the year before instead of implementing spending cuts......which we all know Obama will veto.

So basically, you a lying sack of shit.

Better give it up.

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