BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

You're lying of course.......but what else is new.

Show us the GOP budget that was vetoed by Obama, liar. You've done gone and stepped in it now.
Threatened vetoes, numbnuts.

So you admit you lied. Thanks.

I don't recall a threatened veto stopping the GOP from passing more than 50 ObamaCare repeals, numbnuts.

I don't recall a threatened veto stopping the GOP from passing a bill defunding Planned Parenthood, numbnuts.

You know exactly where they went.

The problem has been Boner refusing to fight......and this PP deal is new, dipstick. This is the first opportunity.

Lying POS.
It has nothing to do with fetal tissue. It's fueled by questionable video from people stridently opposed to any abortion. IF it were really about fetal tissue and medical research, it'd be resolved with a bill that passed both houses and was signed into law. ALL this is about is "shut er down."

The bedrock of liberalism, denial.
You're lying of course.......but what else is new.

Show us the GOP budget that was vetoed by Obama, liar. You've done gone and stepped in it now.
Threatened vetoes, numbnuts.

So you admit you lied. Thanks.

I don't recall a threatened veto stopping the GOP from passing more than 50 ObamaCare repeals, numbnuts.

I don't recall a threatened veto stopping the GOP from passing a bill defunding Planned Parenthood, numbnuts.

You know exactly where they went.

The problem has been Boner refusing to fight......and this PP deal is new, dipstick. This is the first opportunity.

Lying POS.
It has nothing to do with fetal tissue. It's fueled by questionable video from people stridently opposed to any abortion. IF it were really about fetal tissue and medical research, it'd be resolved with a bill that passed both houses and was signed into law. ALL this is about is "shut er down."
exactly. if it were about fetal tissue there are a lot of things they could do with bipartisan support. i've given some examples. but that isn't the goal - the fetal tissue is just an excuse to defund planned parenthood and shutdown the government.
Gee, if you are passing one CR after another, how do you keep hitting the debt ceiling?

Because you are deficit spending. That's how.

The rubes never catch on: It doesn't matter who controls the purse strings.
John Boehner is one of the chief architects of the destruction of the GOP brand.

I don't know that I agree with that. He certainly gets some blame for the mess that the party currently is. But that's due to his allowing himself to get steam rolled by the loons. The real culprits are the loudmouthed Bachmanns, Cruzs, Palins, etc.
Jeb Bush is what happened to the GOP brand. Democrat-lite

No, Donald Trump is what happened to the GOP brand. A fucking shit show.
Nope....Jeb is the anointed establishment empty-suit.
We're about to hit the debt ceiling again. Anyone want to lay odds the GOP Congress will pass a debt ceiling hike while pretending to be doing it against their will?

"The Devil made me do it. Shoulda had Francis do an exorcism while he was here."
It's like an Ole Miss sorority girl at the party after on Sat night when she gave in .
"Sue, don't you remember me?"

"Ah had a drink, and the next thing I remember was being at Church on Sunday."
Every fiscal year of Clinton's Administration, the deficit dropped.

During Bush's Administration, the deficit skyrocketed and hit the highest level in the history of the Universe.

During every fiscal year of Obama's Administration, the deficit has dropped.

Just how retarded do you have to be to continue to think Democrats are the only party of big spenders?


And before another retard revises history to say Bush was a progressive, he was an evangelical with a GOP Congress helping him spend and spend and spend and spend.,

Show us the GOP budget that was vetoed by Obama, liar. You've done gone and stepped in it now.
Threatened vetoes, numbnuts.

So you admit you lied. Thanks.

I don't recall a threatened veto stopping the GOP from passing more than 50 ObamaCare repeals, numbnuts.

I don't recall a threatened veto stopping the GOP from passing a bill defunding Planned Parenthood, numbnuts.

You know exactly where they went.

The problem has been Boner refusing to fight......and this PP deal is new, dipstick. This is the first opportunity.

Lying POS.
It has nothing to do with fetal tissue. It's fueled by questionable video from people stridently opposed to any abortion. IF it were really about fetal tissue and medical research, it'd be resolved with a bill that passed both houses and was signed into law. ALL this is about is "shut er down."
exactly. if it were about fetal tissue there are a lot of things they could do with bipartisan support. i've given some examples. but that isn't the goal - the fetal tissue is just an excuse to defund planned parenthood and shutdown the government.
Defunding planned parenthood is really just to be seen doing something about abortion. And, the reality is nice white girls with parents who have health insurance and regular gynecological care will not be affected.
Gee, if you are passing one CR after another, how do you keep hitting the debt ceiling?

Because you are deficit spending. That's how.

The rubes never catch on: It doesn't matter who controls the purse strings.
No shit.

Obama won't allow cuts. He keeps asking for more spending. He only wants tax increases.....and the GOP never gives him enough of them. Currently the deficit is not bad, but as long as you have a deficit you're going to continue to increase the debt....and thus bump the debt-ceiling......but not as often. I don't think Obama even wants a debt-ceiling anyway....because it gets in the way of his redistribution plans.
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mudwhistle has gone back and edited post 340.

Too bad for you, your original post has been quoted and captured in several subsequent posts, muddy.

Original: "The GOP submits a budget and Obama either vetoes it...:"

Revised: "The GOP submits a budget and Obama either (threatens) vetoes it..."

Busted, liar.
Boner was already going to sell us out.
Now he's sending a clean bill that continues to pay for pp's felonies.
Very good you see the issue. I'm not sure Boehner would have brought a clean continuing resolution .... at least right away. He might have let the Tea Party members have their shut down, at least temporarily. When that happened in the past, public opinion forced a clean resolution, and the Tea Party members were left to grumble while the Sunday talk shows laughed at them.

But again, it's not really about PP. It's about a belief that govt is an enemy. It'll just be something else down the line.

If it's not about PP, then why won't Obama sign the bill?

BTW, government is the enemy to anyone who values freedom.
it's obviously not about planned parenthood. if it was, the republicans could easily pass some laws that would curtail them. they could pass, with bipartisan support, a law requiring express, plain language consent from any women undergoing abortions for that fetal tissue to be sold or used in research. they could require that any organization receiving money for fetal tissue document and publish the amount of money raised from those transactions. and they could get their investigation into planned parenthood with bipartisan support if they would just agree to fund them for another year.
then, armed with the facts of an actual investigation, they could make their case without having a few edited videos as the sole source of information.

but that would require compromise, thoughtfulness, and patience. the gop doesn't have that right now. instead they have found what they believe to be a valid excuse to shut down the government.

What makes you think the Democrats would support any of that or that PP would actually comply with the law under a Democrat president?
mostly because i'm a democrat and would support it. why wouldn't they support it?
why would anyone be against expressed, plain language, consent? the publishing of fund raising could be difficult, but i think you'd easily get enough support for it to make it happen and i don't think the president would veto it. and i don't think anyone would object to a reasonable investigation.
but that's the thing, republicans don't want to wait for the facts to come in, or to actually do something that could make a difference. they want to fight a battle they can't win and accomplish nothing in doing so.

The bottom line is that PP has already broken the law, and we have a law that prohibits the government from funding abortions. If they aren't obeying current law, why should anyone believe they will comply with a new bunch of laws?

mudwhistle has gone back and edited post 340.

Too bad for you, your original post has been quoted and captured in several subsequent posts, muddy.

Original: "The GOP submits a budget and Obama either vetoes it...:"

Revised: "The GOP submits a budget and Obama either (threatens) vetoes it..."

Busted, liar.
Very good you see the issue. I'm not sure Boehner would have brought a clean continuing resolution .... at least right away. He might have let the Tea Party members have their shut down, at least temporarily. When that happened in the past, public opinion forced a clean resolution, and the Tea Party members were left to grumble while the Sunday talk shows laughed at them.

But again, it's not really about PP. It's about a belief that govt is an enemy. It'll just be something else down the line.

If it's not about PP, then why won't Obama sign the bill?

BTW, government is the enemy to anyone who values freedom.
it's obviously not about planned parenthood. if it was, the republicans could easily pass some laws that would curtail them. they could pass, with bipartisan support, a law requiring express, plain language consent from any women undergoing abortions for that fetal tissue to be sold or used in research. they could require that any organization receiving money for fetal tissue document and publish the amount of money raised from those transactions. and they could get their investigation into planned parenthood with bipartisan support if they would just agree to fund them for another year.
then, armed with the facts of an actual investigation, they could make their case without having a few edited videos as the sole source of information.

but that would require compromise, thoughtfulness, and patience. the gop doesn't have that right now. instead they have found what they believe to be a valid excuse to shut down the government.

What makes you think the Democrats would support any of that or that PP would actually comply with the law under a Democrat president?
mostly because i'm a democrat and would support it. why wouldn't they support it?
why would anyone be against expressed, plain language, consent? the publishing of fund raising could be difficult, but i think you'd easily get enough support for it to make it happen and i don't think the president would veto it. and i don't think anyone would object to a reasonable investigation.
but that's the thing, republicans don't want to wait for the facts to come in, or to actually do something that could make a difference. they want to fight a battle they can't win and accomplish nothing in doing so.

The bottom line is that PP has already broken the law, and we have a law that prohibits the government from funding abortions. If they aren't obeying current law, why should anyone believe they will comply with a new bunch of laws?
PP hasn't broken any laws, all investigations turn up nothing, abortion is legal, stem cell research is Legal and benefits countless people, the government does not fund abortions. Sorry.
So much for shutting the government down, wingers!

No way he's gonna let that be his legacy. If they end up doing it, they'll have to wait until December, at least.

The only one who will shut the government down is Obama. The Congress is under no obligation to present the President with a budget he likes. The Congress is only required to present the President with a budget. If the President chooses to veto said budget, so be it. He shuts down the government. Just because the President might wish for there to be money in the budget to support building some bridge somewhere, does not mean Congress is required to put money in the budget to fund the President's bridge to nowhere.
the gop has no budget.
You're a fucking moron
Republicans pass a budget, flexing power of majority
That was a non-binding resolution that was never submitted by Congress.
Every fiscal year of Clinton's Administration, the deficit dropped.

During Bush's Administration, the deficit skyrocketed and hit the highest level in the history of the Universe.

During every fiscal year of Obama's Administration, the deficit has dropped.

Just how retarded do you have to be to continue to think Democrats are the only party of big spenders?


And before another retard revises history to say Bush was a progressive, he was an evangelical with a GOP Congress helping him spend and spend and spend and spend.,
That's what happens when you combine a pragmatic president with GOP led congress.

But Obama established a high baseline his first year ($1.3 trillion deficit) so if the GOP put the brakes on his spending....the deficit would go down automatically. He raised a bunch of taxes, excise, plenty of tax- increases in Obamacare. That's what it is. A massive tax- increase. He got Boner to agree to a $600 billion tax increase as well. So, the deficit is going down because revenue increased tremendously.
If it's not about PP, then why won't Obama sign the bill?

BTW, government is the enemy to anyone who values freedom.
it's obviously not about planned parenthood. if it was, the republicans could easily pass some laws that would curtail them. they could pass, with bipartisan support, a law requiring express, plain language consent from any women undergoing abortions for that fetal tissue to be sold or used in research. they could require that any organization receiving money for fetal tissue document and publish the amount of money raised from those transactions. and they could get their investigation into planned parenthood with bipartisan support if they would just agree to fund them for another year.
then, armed with the facts of an actual investigation, they could make their case without having a few edited videos as the sole source of information.

but that would require compromise, thoughtfulness, and patience. the gop doesn't have that right now. instead they have found what they believe to be a valid excuse to shut down the government.

What makes you think the Democrats would support any of that or that PP would actually comply with the law under a Democrat president?
mostly because i'm a democrat and would support it. why wouldn't they support it?
why would anyone be against expressed, plain language, consent? the publishing of fund raising could be difficult, but i think you'd easily get enough support for it to make it happen and i don't think the president would veto it. and i don't think anyone would object to a reasonable investigation.
but that's the thing, republicans don't want to wait for the facts to come in, or to actually do something that could make a difference. they want to fight a battle they can't win and accomplish nothing in doing so.

The bottom line is that PP has already broken the law, and we have a law that prohibits the government from funding abortions. If they aren't obeying current law, why should anyone believe they will comply with a new bunch of laws?
PP hasn't broken any laws, all investigations turn up nothing, abortion is legal, stem cell research is Legal and benefits countless people, the government does not fund abortions. Sorry.

Selling body parts is not legal, and funding abortion with federal money is also not legal.
Just announced. He will retire in October.

If nothing else, this is a clear indication that the GOP is in complete disarray, so much so, that they're turning on one another like one of those old Twilight Zone episodes when paranoia and fear grip a small town and the neighbor turn each other.

This couldn't come at a better time since the presidential primary is in full swing, and a nutcase like Trump is hijacking the party even as the rest of the party is engaged in an argument about the bonafides of each and every candidate and dismissing anyone who isn't an extremist.

Good times!
Just announced. He will retire in October.

Show us the GOP budget that was vetoed by Obama, liar. You've done gone and stepped in it now.
Threatened vetoes, numbnuts.

So you admit you lied. Thanks.

I don't recall a threatened veto stopping the GOP from passing more than 50 ObamaCare repeals, numbnuts.

I don't recall a threatened veto stopping the GOP from passing a bill defunding Planned Parenthood, numbnuts.

You know exactly where they went.

The problem has been Boner refusing to fight......and this PP deal is new, dipstick. This is the first opportunity.

Lying POS.
It has nothing to do with fetal tissue. It's fueled by questionable video from people stridently opposed to any abortion. IF it were really about fetal tissue and medical research, it'd be resolved with a bill that passed both houses and was signed into law. ALL this is about is "shut er down."
exactly. if it were about fetal tissue there are a lot of things they could do with bipartisan support. i've given some examples. but that isn't the goal - the fetal tissue is just an excuse to defund planned parenthood and shutdown the government.
Yep.....that it. An excuse.

PP is Dr Frankenstein......and you could care less.

Why does PP love giving abortions?

Cuz it makes them rich.....and they get to off a shit load of blacks and white trash in the process.

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