BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

PP has not broken any laws. What they do is incredibly repulsive, but they have not broken any laws.

Submit a budget. Stop putting on theater for the rubes. Submit a budget.

Work on PP later. PP does not do mammograms, but they do abortions. So...give the PP money to a women's health organization that does not do abortions and does do mammograms.


But do that later.

Submit a budget.
Obama has vetoed four bills.

Not since Chester A. Arthur has a President vetoed that little.

None of the four vetoes was for a GOP budget.

One was for a CR.

The Right whined and whined and whined about Democrats never submitting a budget, so where is the GOP Congress's budget?

Nowhere to be found.

What this poster says is 100% true, up to his link, lol.

This is exactly why Johnny B had to go. You can't be the loyal opposition party, then not put the President on the spot for Americans to decide which position they support. This PP question is a winner, just like illegal immigration is, at least if you read the polls.

A politician who has extreme power who does NOT have a vision besides capitulation, should just give up his power, and turn it over to someone who will use it!

Bendog is are the fucking Moron you IDIOT. The link you pasted was for the SENATE budget plan passed last May. HOWEVER, all appropriation bills must start in the House, fool, and the House does not have a proposed budget. A CR is the probable outcome for the next rendition of the Tea Party dance around the Fire!

Your yarmulke is a tad crooked. OK, what will your dance be this time to deflect from admitting your errors?
omg! You are a fucking retard. Total moron. DIdnt bother reading the article, did you?
Congressional Republicans scored a major legislative victory on Tuesday as the Senate adopted the first bicameral GOP budget agreement in a decade.

The 51-48 vote capped weeks of work by Republican leaders in the House and Senate, who shepherded the blueprint through a messy debate over defense spending that at times threatened to split their conferences.

The blueprint passed the House last week, and will not require a signature from President Obama.

If the House has a budget bill, go to the Thomas Register, locate the Bill number so I can see which committee it's in and it's progress to date. Failing that...YOU FAIL MORON! A "blueprint" is NOT a fucking Bill, IDIOT! I knew you would dance...:dance::dance::dance::dance:...and deflect to avoid admitting your errors!
Its in my sig line, moron.
The GOP passed a budged. The Democrats failed to pass one in the 9 years they controlled Congress.
Every fiscal year of Clinton's Administration, the deficit dropped.

During Bush's Administration, the deficit skyrocketed and hit the highest level in the history of the Universe.

During every fiscal year of Obama's Administration, the deficit has dropped.

Just how retarded do you have to be to continue to think Democrats are the only party of big spenders?


And before another retard revises history to say Bush was a progressive, he was an evangelical with a GOP Congress helping him spend and spend and spend and spend.,
That's what happens when you combine a pragmatic president with GOP led congress.

But Obama established a high baseline his first year ($1.3 trillion deficit) so if the GOP put the brakes on his spending....the deficit would go down automatically. He raised a bunch of taxes, excise, plenty of tax- increases in Obamacare. That's what it is. A massive tax- increase. He got Boner to agree to a $600 billion tax increase as well. So, the deficit is going down because revenue increased tremendously.

Obamas first year in office was 9 months on Bush's FY 2009 budget and the bulk of that deficit was Bush's! Obama's FIRST budget began Oct.1, 2009. From his inauguration until Sept 30, 2009 Obama was on Bush's last budget, which Bush & Co. are entirely responsible for!!!! There ain't no wiggle room to place Obama responsible for more that EIGHT BUDGETS, FOOL!
Obama has vetoed four bills.

Not since Chester A. Arthur has a President vetoed that little.

None of the four vetoes was for a GOP budget.

One was for a CR.

The Right whined and whined and whined about Democrats never submitting a budget, so where is the GOP Congress's budget?

Nowhere to be found.

What this poster says is 100% true, up to his link, lol.

This is exactly why Johnny B had to go. You can't be the loyal opposition party, then not put the President on the spot for Americans to decide which position they support. This PP question is a winner, just like illegal immigration is, at least if you read the polls.

A politician who has extreme power who does NOT have a vision besides capitulation, should just give up his power, and turn it over to someone who will use it!
What polls are you referring to?
Every fiscal year of Clinton's Administration, the deficit dropped.

During Bush's Administration, the deficit skyrocketed and hit the highest level in the history of the Universe.

During every fiscal year of Obama's Administration, the deficit has dropped.

Just how retarded do you have to be to continue to think Democrats are the only party of big spenders?


And before another retard revises history to say Bush was a progressive, he was an evangelical with a GOP Congress helping him spend and spend and spend and spend.,
That's what happens when you combine a pragmatic president with GOP led congress.

But Obama established a high baseline his first year ($1.3 trillion deficit) so if the GOP put the brakes on his spending....the deficit would go down automatically. He raised a bunch of taxes, excise, plenty of tax- increases in Obamacare. That's what it is. A massive tax- increase. He got Boner to agree to a $600 billion tax increase as well. So, the deficit is going down because revenue increased tremendously.

Obamas first year in office was 9 months on Bush's FY 2009 budget and the bulk of that deficit was Bush's! Obama's FIRST budget began Oct.1, 2009. From his inauguration until Sept 30, 2009 Obama was on Bush's last budget, which Bush & Co. are entirely responsible for!!!! There ain't no wiggle room to place Obama responsible for more that EIGHT BUDGETS, FOOL!
blahblahblah Bush did it all. Obama was never even president.
Eighteen trillion dollars, asshole. That's our debt thanks to Obozo and his shitty policies.
Every fiscal year of Clinton's Administration, the deficit dropped.

During Bush's Administration, the deficit skyrocketed and hit the highest level in the history of the Universe.

During every fiscal year of Obama's Administration, the deficit has dropped.

Just how retarded do you have to be to continue to think Democrats are the only party of big spenders?


And before another retard revises history to say Bush was a progressive, he was an evangelical with a GOP Congress helping him spend and spend and spend and spend.,
That's what happens when you combine a pragmatic president with GOP led congress.

But Obama established a high baseline his first year ($1.3 trillion deficit) so if the GOP put the brakes on his spending....the deficit would go down automatically. He raised a bunch of taxes, excise, plenty of tax- increases in Obamacare. That's what it is. A massive tax- increase. He got Boner to agree to a $600 billion tax increase as well. So, the deficit is going down because revenue increased tremendously.

Obamas first year in office was 9 months on Bush's FY 2009 budget and the bulk of that deficit was Bush's! Obama's FIRST budget began Oct.1, 2009. From his inauguration until Sept 30, 2009 Obama was on Bush's last budget, which Bush & Co. are entirely responsible for!!!! There ain't no wiggle room to place Obama responsible for more that EIGHT BUDGETS, FOOL!
blahblahblah Bush did it all. Obama was never even president.
Eighteen trillion dollars, asshole. That's our debt thanks to Obozo and his shitty policies.
right. had absolutely nothing to do with some poorly thought out tax cuts or an economy that went to shit prior to his presidency. it's all obama's fault revenues dropped.

Bendog is are the fucking Moron you IDIOT. The link you pasted was for the SENATE budget plan passed last May. HOWEVER, all appropriation bills must start in the House, fool, and the House does not have a proposed budget. A CR is the probable outcome for the next rendition of the Tea Party dance around the Fire!

Your yarmulke is a tad crooked. OK, what will your dance be this time to deflect from admitting your errors?
omg! You are a fucking retard. Total moron. DIdnt bother reading the article, did you?
Congressional Republicans scored a major legislative victory on Tuesday as the Senate adopted the first bicameral GOP budget agreement in a decade.

The 51-48 vote capped weeks of work by Republican leaders in the House and Senate, who shepherded the blueprint through a messy debate over defense spending that at times threatened to split their conferences.

The blueprint passed the House last week, and will not require a signature from President Obama.

If the House has a budget bill, go to the Thomas Register, locate the Bill number so I can see which committee it's in and it's progress to date. Failing that...YOU FAIL MORON! A "blueprint" is NOT a fucking Bill, IDIOT! I knew you would dance...:dance::dance::dance::dance:...and deflect to avoid admitting your errors!
Its in my sig line, moron.
The GOP passed a budged. The Democrats failed to pass one in the 9 years they controlled Congress.
Shove your sig line where the sun don't shine, dipstick!
YOU FIND IT! It's your assertion that you have to prove...which you can't so, again YOU FAIL and your...:dance::dance::dance::dance:...won't help you out of the hole you put yourself in! Find the Budget Bill number in the Thomas Register you claim the House GOP cobbled together!

That's what happens when you let your mouth overload your ass, dipstick!
Obama has vetoed four bills.

Not since Chester A. Arthur has a President vetoed that little.

None of the four vetoes was for a GOP budget.

One was for a CR.

The Right whined and whined and whined about Democrats never submitting a budget, so where is the GOP Congress's budget?

Nowhere to be found.

What this poster says is 100% true, up to his link, lol.

This is exactly why Johnny B had to go. You can't be the loyal opposition party, then not put the President on the spot for Americans to decide which position they support. This PP question is a winner, just like illegal immigration is, at least if you read the polls.

A politician who has extreme power who does NOT have a vision besides capitulation, should just give up his power, and turn it over to someone who will use it!
What polls are you referring to?

Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals

Abortion, Immigration Take Front Seat in New Poll
Every fiscal year of Clinton's Administration, the deficit dropped.

During Bush's Administration, the deficit skyrocketed and hit the highest level in the history of the Universe.

During every fiscal year of Obama's Administration, the deficit has dropped.

Just how retarded do you have to be to continue to think Democrats are the only party of big spenders?


And before another retard revises history to say Bush was a progressive, he was an evangelical with a GOP Congress helping him spend and spend and spend and spend.,
That's what happens when you combine a pragmatic president with GOP led congress.

But Obama established a high baseline his first year ($1.3 trillion deficit) so if the GOP put the brakes on his spending....the deficit would go down automatically. He raised a bunch of taxes, excise, plenty of tax- increases in Obamacare. That's what it is. A massive tax- increase. He got Boner to agree to a $600 billion tax increase as well. So, the deficit is going down because revenue increased tremendously.

Obamas first year in office was 9 months on Bush's FY 2009 budget and the bulk of that deficit was Bush's! Obama's FIRST budget began Oct.1, 2009. From his inauguration until Sept 30, 2009 Obama was on Bush's last budget, which Bush & Co. are entirely responsible for!!!! There ain't no wiggle room to place Obama responsible for more that EIGHT BUDGETS, FOOL!
blahblahblah Bush did it all. Obama was never even president.
Eighteen trillion dollars, asshole. That's our debt thanks to Obozo and his shitty policies.
And that has what to do with my exchange with Mudtittle? Get some help Rabbi...go to confession and ask for absolution!!!!

Bendog is are the fucking Moron you IDIOT. The link you pasted was for the SENATE budget plan passed last May. HOWEVER, all appropriation bills must start in the House, fool, and the House does not have a proposed budget. A CR is the probable outcome for the next rendition of the Tea Party dance around the Fire!

Your yarmulke is a tad crooked. OK, what will your dance be this time to deflect from admitting your errors?
omg! You are a fucking retard. Total moron. DIdnt bother reading the article, did you?
Congressional Republicans scored a major legislative victory on Tuesday as the Senate adopted the first bicameral GOP budget agreement in a decade.

The 51-48 vote capped weeks of work by Republican leaders in the House and Senate, who shepherded the blueprint through a messy debate over defense spending that at times threatened to split their conferences.

The blueprint passed the House last week, and will not require a signature from President Obama.

If the House has a budget bill, go to the Thomas Register, locate the Bill number so I can see which committee it's in and it's progress to date. Failing that...YOU FAIL MORON! A "blueprint" is NOT a fucking Bill, IDIOT! I knew you would dance...:dance::dance::dance::dance:...and deflect to avoid admitting your errors!
Its in my sig line, moron.
The GOP passed a budged. The Democrats failed to pass one in the 9 years they controlled Congress.
Shove your sig line where the sun don't shine, dipstick!
YOU FIND IT! It's your assertion that you have to prove...which you can't so, again YOU FAIL and your...:dance::dance::dance::dance:...won't help you out of the hole you put yourself in! Find the Budget Bill number in the Thomas Register you claim the House GOP cobbled together!

That's what happens when you let your mouth overload your ass, dipstick!
Typical progressive: angry and too lazy to do his own work.
Bendog is are the fucking Moron you IDIOT. The link you pasted was for the SENATE budget plan passed last May. HOWEVER, all appropriation bills must start in the House, fool, and the House does not have a proposed budget. A CR is the probable outcome for the next rendition of the Tea Party dance around the Fire!

Your yarmulke is a tad crooked. OK, what will your dance be this time to deflect from admitting your errors?
omg! You are a fucking retard. Total moron. DIdnt bother reading the article, did you?
Congressional Republicans scored a major legislative victory on Tuesday as the Senate adopted the first bicameral GOP budget agreement in a decade.

The 51-48 vote capped weeks of work by Republican leaders in the House and Senate, who shepherded the blueprint through a messy debate over defense spending that at times threatened to split their conferences.

The blueprint passed the House last week, and will not require a signature from President Obama.

If the House has a budget bill, go to the Thomas Register, locate the Bill number so I can see which committee it's in and it's progress to date. Failing that...YOU FAIL MORON! A "blueprint" is NOT a fucking Bill, IDIOT! I knew you would dance...:dance::dance::dance::dance:...and deflect to avoid admitting your errors!
Its in my sig line, moron.
The GOP passed a budged. The Democrats failed to pass one in the 9 years they controlled Congress.
Shove your sig line where the sun don't shine, dipstick!
YOU FIND IT! It's your assertion that you have to prove...which you can't so, again YOU FAIL and your...:dance::dance::dance::dance:...won't help you out of the hole you put yourself in! Find the Budget Bill number in the Thomas Register you claim the House GOP cobbled together!

That's what happens when you let your mouth overload your ass, dipstick!
Typical progressive: angry and too lazy to do his own work.

It was your's up to you to prove it . It sure as Hell isn't mine to prove, dipstick!

If the House has a budget bill AS YOU CLAIMED, go to the Thomas Register, locate the Bill number so I can see which committee it's in and it's progress to date. Failing that...YOU FAIL!

Or do some more...:dance::dance::dance::dance:...dipstick! Your choice, dummy!
Also, your posts are always a competition between you and another poster. You have to win and belittle your opponent all the time. Why can't you have a civil discussion?
When a poster like Rabbi blatantly lies, then is proven wrong, and won't be a man and admit it?

Yeah, I'm going to keep pointing it out.

Direct your condemnation toward him, and tell him to be a man.
It's not about being a "man." Just post a link to prove your point and let it go.
I did. And he continually denies the facts.

It is about being a man, and admitting when you are wrong.
Hopefully the moderates and democrats can come together to elect a rational speaker!!! A speaker that can fund infrastructure, science, r&d and education...A speaker that gives a damn about getting things done!
None of them were Speaker of the House, you fucking coward.
Goddamn, you're a moron!
Gingricjh wasnt fired.
Livingston was never Speaker
Hastert wasnt indicted as Speaker
Boehner is resigning from Congress,
If you didnt lie you'd have nothing to say.
Just like Eric Cantor never resigned before the end of his term, you fucking coward?

Was Eric Cantor defeated in election? Yes he was.
End of story, libtard
You said he didn't quit before the end of his term. I proved that he did.

You're not man enough to admit it, you fucking coward.
I said no such thing. You are a retard who cannot read.
OK, put it to rest right now: did Eric Cantor resign before the end of his term, like I said?

Yes or no?
Gingricjh wasnt fired.
Livingston was never Speaker
Hastert wasnt indicted as Speaker
Boehner is resigning from Congress,
If you didnt lie you'd have nothing to say.
Just like Eric Cantor never resigned before the end of his term, you fucking coward?

Was Eric Cantor defeated in election? Yes he was.
End of story, libtard
You said he didn't quit before the end of his term. I proved that he did.

You're not man enough to admit it, you fucking coward.
I said no such thing. You are a retard who cannot read.
OK, put it to rest right now: did Eric Cantor resign before the end of his term, like I said?

Yes or no?
It isnt what you said.
You didnt even know what you wrote, much less what I wrote.
You are a retard of galactic proportions. That anyone trusts you with a pointy object is mind blowing.
So much for shutting the government down, wingers!

No way he's gonna let that be his legacy. If they end up doing it, they'll have to wait until December, at least.

The only one who will shut the government down is Obama. The Congress is under no obligation to present the President with a budget he likes. The Congress is only required to present the President with a budget. If the President chooses to veto said budget, so be it. He shuts down the government. Just because the President might wish for there to be money in the budget to support building some bridge somewhere, does not mean Congress is required to put money in the budget to fund the President's bridge to nowhere.
Only Republicans fund bridges no nowhere.
So much for shutting the government down, wingers!

No way he's gonna let that be his legacy. If they end up doing it, they'll have to wait until December, at least.

The only one who will shut the government down is Obama. The Congress is under no obligation to present the President with a budget he likes. The Congress is only required to present the President with a budget. If the President chooses to veto said budget, so be it. He shuts down the government. Just because the President might wish for there to be money in the budget to support building some bridge somewhere, does not mean Congress is required to put money in the budget to fund the President's bridge to nowhere.
Only Republicans fund bridges no nowhere.
You're such a partisan fuck.
Alaska Gets a Harbor and an Airport to Nowhere | National Review Online
OK, put it to rest right now: did Eric Cantor resign before the end of his term, like I said?

Yes or no?
It isnt what you said.
You didnt even know what you wrote, much less what I wrote.
You are a retard of galactic proportions. That anyone trusts you with a pointy object is mind blowing.

You're a liar:

Why are Republicans such quitters? Sarah Palin, John Boehner, Larry Craig, Eric Cantor...

It's a long list of conservatives unwilling to respect the oath they took, with their hands on the bible.

Eric Cantor was voted out of office, dumbshit.

I replied:

Did he finish his term? No.

So who's the dumbshit?

When you tried to hide, this was the next exchange:

Where did The Rabbi run off to?

Did Eric Cantor finish his term or quit early?

Come on dumbshit - let's see what kind of a man you are.

He was voted out of office, numbnuts.

All your responses were an attempt to counter the fact that he quit his term early. You have failed, and are too much of a coward to admit it.

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