BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

It's still a lie. The GOP has never passed or submitted a budget during Obama's presidency.

Muddy should stop digging.
Not the GOP as a whole.....because this is the first opportunity for this GOP led congress......but you knew that. They took over the Senate in January........of this year.

.....strange how facts keep getting in the way of your bullshit....hmmmmmmm?
it's obviously not about planned parenthood. if it was, the republicans could easily pass some laws that would curtail them. they could pass, with bipartisan support, a law requiring express, plain language consent from any women undergoing abortions for that fetal tissue to be sold or used in research. they could require that any organization receiving money for fetal tissue document and publish the amount of money raised from those transactions. and they could get their investigation into planned parenthood with bipartisan support if they would just agree to fund them for another year.
then, armed with the facts of an actual investigation, they could make their case without having a few edited videos as the sole source of information.

but that would require compromise, thoughtfulness, and patience. the gop doesn't have that right now. instead they have found what they believe to be a valid excuse to shut down the government.

What makes you think the Democrats would support any of that or that PP would actually comply with the law under a Democrat president?
mostly because i'm a democrat and would support it. why wouldn't they support it?
why would anyone be against expressed, plain language, consent? the publishing of fund raising could be difficult, but i think you'd easily get enough support for it to make it happen and i don't think the president would veto it. and i don't think anyone would object to a reasonable investigation.
but that's the thing, republicans don't want to wait for the facts to come in, or to actually do something that could make a difference. they want to fight a battle they can't win and accomplish nothing in doing so.

The bottom line is that PP has already broken the law, and we have a law that prohibits the government from funding abortions. If they aren't obeying current law, why should anyone believe they will comply with a new bunch of laws?
PP hasn't broken any laws, all investigations turn up nothing, abortion is legal, stem cell research is Legal and benefits countless people, the government does not fund abortions. Sorry.

Selling body parts is not legal, and funding abortion with federal money is also not legal.
The federal government doesn't fund abortion.
What planned parenthood has done skirts the line, but does it cross it? An actual investigation would tell us but republicans want to skip that part and just pronounce them guilty
What makes you think the Democrats would support any of that or that PP would actually comply with the law under a Democrat president?
mostly because i'm a democrat and would support it. why wouldn't they support it?
why would anyone be against expressed, plain language, consent? the publishing of fund raising could be difficult, but i think you'd easily get enough support for it to make it happen and i don't think the president would veto it. and i don't think anyone would object to a reasonable investigation.
but that's the thing, republicans don't want to wait for the facts to come in, or to actually do something that could make a difference. they want to fight a battle they can't win and accomplish nothing in doing so.

The bottom line is that PP has already broken the law, and we have a law that prohibits the government from funding abortions. If they aren't obeying current law, why should anyone believe they will comply with a new bunch of laws?
PP hasn't broken any laws, all investigations turn up nothing, abortion is legal, stem cell research is Legal and benefits countless people, the government does not fund abortions. Sorry.

Selling body parts is not legal, and funding abortion with federal money is also not legal.
The federal government doesn't fund abortion.
What planned parenthood has done skirts the line, but does it cross it? An actual investigation would tell us but republicans want to skip that part and just pronounce them guilty

If it gives money to any organization that performs abortions, then it's funding abortions. Money is fungible.
What makes you think the Democrats would support any of that or that PP would actually comply with the law under a Democrat president?
mostly because i'm a democrat and would support it. why wouldn't they support it?
why would anyone be against expressed, plain language, consent? the publishing of fund raising could be difficult, but i think you'd easily get enough support for it to make it happen and i don't think the president would veto it. and i don't think anyone would object to a reasonable investigation.
but that's the thing, republicans don't want to wait for the facts to come in, or to actually do something that could make a difference. they want to fight a battle they can't win and accomplish nothing in doing so.

The bottom line is that PP has already broken the law, and we have a law that prohibits the government from funding abortions. If they aren't obeying current law, why should anyone believe they will comply with a new bunch of laws?
PP hasn't broken any laws, all investigations turn up nothing, abortion is legal, stem cell research is Legal and benefits countless people, the government does not fund abortions. Sorry.

Selling body parts is not legal, and funding abortion with federal money is also not legal.
The federal government doesn't fund abortion.
What planned parenthood has done skirts the line, but does it cross it? An actual investigation would tell us but republicans want to skip that part and just pronounce them guilty
Money is fungible. Any federal money going to PP is funding abortions.

However, the GOP needs to stop fucking around with a losing proposition and get back to work writing a budget.
It's still a lie. The GOP has never passed or submitted a budget during Obama's presidency.

Muddy should stop digging.
Not the GOP as a whole.....because this is the first opportunity for this GOP led congress......but you knew that. They took over the Senate in January........of this year.

.....strange how facts keep getting in the way of your bullshit....hmmmmmmm?

Shit, ten months and they can't even shut down PP, so I'd have to agree with you, a budget is probably asking too much of Mitch.
If the GOP stopped fucking around with this Planned Parenthood shit, we'd probably have a budget right now.
Well, since the PP shit is criminal, and GOP seems to still have members with values and a conscience. ....I can see where the problem is.
It's still a lie. The GOP has never passed or submitted a budget during Obama's presidency.

Muddy should stop digging.
Not the GOP as a whole.....because this is the first opportunity for this GOP led congress......but you knew that. They took over the Senate in January........of this year.

.....strange how facts keep getting in the way of your bullshit....hmmmmmmm?

Shit, ten months and they can't even shut down PP, so I'd have to agree with you, a budget is probably asking too much of Mitch.
It still has to go through Obama.

He won't allow it. PP helps him out too much.

Besides......Obama loves killing the unborn. It's cash in the bank.
mostly because i'm a democrat and would support it. why wouldn't they support it?
why would anyone be against expressed, plain language, consent? the publishing of fund raising could be difficult, but i think you'd easily get enough support for it to make it happen and i don't think the president would veto it. and i don't think anyone would object to a reasonable investigation.
but that's the thing, republicans don't want to wait for the facts to come in, or to actually do something that could make a difference. they want to fight a battle they can't win and accomplish nothing in doing so.

The bottom line is that PP has already broken the law, and we have a law that prohibits the government from funding abortions. If they aren't obeying current law, why should anyone believe they will comply with a new bunch of laws?
PP hasn't broken any laws, all investigations turn up nothing, abortion is legal, stem cell research is Legal and benefits countless people, the government does not fund abortions. Sorry.

Selling body parts is not legal, and funding abortion with federal money is also not legal.
The federal government doesn't fund abortion.
What planned parenthood has done skirts the line, but does it cross it? An actual investigation would tell us but republicans want to skip that part and just pronounce them guilty
Money is fungible. Any federal money going to PP is funding abortions.

However, the GOP needs to stop fucking around with a losing proposition and get back to work writing a budget.
Yes and no. Some PP subsidized abortions don't occur in its brick buildings, but are handled by docs not employed by PP. So, couldn't we condition that for PP to get public money for healthcare services, it get out of the abortion biz except to the extent they keep private donations and trust money subsidizing abortions by priv providers in totally separate corp accouts.?
It's still a lie. The GOP has never passed or submitted a budget during Obama's presidency.

Muddy should stop digging.
Not the GOP as a whole.....because this is the first opportunity for this GOP led congress......but you knew that. They took over the Senate in January........of this year.

.....strange how facts keep getting in the way of your bullshit....hmmmmmmm?

Shit, ten months and they can't even shut down PP, so I'd have to agree with you, a budget is probably asking too much of Mitch.
It still has to go through Obama.

He won't allow it. PP helps him out too much.

Besides......Obama loves killing the unborn. It's cash in the bank.
Tried to help u out, dude. Sad.
mostly because i'm a democrat and would support it. why wouldn't they support it?
why would anyone be against expressed, plain language, consent? the publishing of fund raising could be difficult, but i think you'd easily get enough support for it to make it happen and i don't think the president would veto it. and i don't think anyone would object to a reasonable investigation.
but that's the thing, republicans don't want to wait for the facts to come in, or to actually do something that could make a difference. they want to fight a battle they can't win and accomplish nothing in doing so.

The bottom line is that PP has already broken the law, and we have a law that prohibits the government from funding abortions. If they aren't obeying current law, why should anyone believe they will comply with a new bunch of laws?
PP hasn't broken any laws, all investigations turn up nothing, abortion is legal, stem cell research is Legal and benefits countless people, the government does not fund abortions. Sorry.

Selling body parts is not legal, and funding abortion with federal money is also not legal.
The federal government doesn't fund abortion.
What planned parenthood has done skirts the line, but does it cross it? An actual investigation would tell us but republicans want to skip that part and just pronounce them guilty
Money is fungible. Any federal money going to PP is funding abortions.

However, the GOP needs to stop fucking around with a losing proposition and get back to work writing a budget.
Money can be rendered unfungible.....if they had a decent president to work with. He wants t o regulate ever part of our lives, but he can't seem to control where the money goes, nor does he want to, unless is it's in defense.
It's still a lie. The GOP has never passed or submitted a budget during Obama's presidency.

Muddy should stop digging.
Not the GOP as a whole.....because this is the first opportunity for this GOP led congress......but you knew that. They took over the Senate in January........of this year.

.....strange how facts keep getting in the way of your bullshit....hmmmmmmm?

Shit, ten months and they can't even shut down PP, so I'd have to agree with you, a budget is probably asking too much of Mitch.
It still has to go through Obama.

He won't allow it. PP helps him out too much.

Besides......Obama loves killing the unborn. It's cash in the bank.
Tried to help u out, dude. Sad.
I don't need your help.

Fucken lowlife.
It's still a lie. The GOP has never passed or submitted a budget during Obama's presidency.

Muddy should stop digging.
Not the GOP as a whole.....because this is the first opportunity for this GOP led congress......but you knew that. They took over the Senate in January........of this year.

.....strange how facts keep getting in the way of your bullshit....hmmmmmmm?

Shit, ten months and they can't even shut down PP, so I'd have to agree with you, a budget is probably asking too much of Mitch.
It still has to go through Obama.

He won't allow it. PP helps him out too much.

Besides......Obama loves killing the unborn. It's cash in the bank.
Tried to help u out, dude. Sad.

ODS has no cure, bendog
Muddy should stop digging.
Not the GOP as a whole.....because this is the first opportunity for this GOP led congress......but you knew that. They took over the Senate in January........of this year.

.....strange how facts keep getting in the way of your bullshit....hmmmmmmm?

Shit, ten months and they can't even shut down PP, so I'd have to agree with you, a budget is probably asking too much of Mitch.
It still has to go through Obama.

He won't allow it. PP helps him out too much.

Besides......Obama loves killing the unborn. It's cash in the bank.
Tried to help u out, dude. Sad.
I don't need your help.

Fucken lowlife.
lying and objectionable LOL muddy you are indeed.
Record number of alerts for only one of my posts.

Liberals are damn near suicidal. Good.

They're either gonna wake up or kill themselves. I don't care which.
Record number of alerts for only one of my posts.

Liberals are damn near suicidal. Good.

They're either gonna wake up or kill themselves. I don't care which.
I think they'll be a laughing their asses off when the tea party house members go nuts when Boehner brings up a clean CR and flips them a bird, and be eagerly awaiting Dec when we do this all over again, only just in time to set off the primary voting.
If the GOP stopped fucking around with this Planned Parenthood shit, we'd probably have a budget right now.
Yeah no one should care about the Nazis at PP selling murdered baby parts...I mean really!!!
Just announced. He will retire in October.

I'm very very glad Bonehead Boehner is on the way out.

I hope they manage a replacement for that shithead that has a sense of decency and maybe a spark of some fight in him.

Mitch ought to be next to go. Or get shoved out.
Obama has vetoed four bills.

Not since Chester A. Arthur has a President vetoed that little.

None of the four vetoes was for a GOP budget.

One was for a CR.

The Right whined and whined and whined about Democrats never submitting a budget, so where is the GOP Congress's budget?

Nowhere to be found.
But we pass fifty ACA defunding bills.

It had to make it past Dingy Harry to get to Obama.

That's why they are nowhere to be found. This is the first budget both houses are GOP under Obama.
But we pass fifty ACA defunding bills.

Politics, little buddy.

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