BREAKING: Special Counsel @RobertMueIIer Worked With Law Firm Representing Big Democrat Group

All I can say is where is the new FBI Director? I thought Trump had him weeks ago?

Trump's fucking up! His timing on firing Comey, his comments, are all badly played.

He picked Rosenstein and Rosenstein picked Mueller. Now, only Rosenstein can fire him.

Shut up Donald and just let the thing work out.

I'm sure by now they all realize that no one actually co-opting with the Russians or trying to obstruct justice is up at 4AM tweeting all over about it!

Trump is finding out that most of the people in DC WANTED to be resting comfortably in the swamp!
There is no question about his impartiality. Trump's Justice Department determined that he had no conflicts of interest. Take your whiny little ass and quit lying.
There is no question that he's a hack.
There is no question about his impartiality. Trump's Justice Department determined that he had no conflicts of interest. Take your whiny little ass and quit lying.
There is no question that he's a hack.

There is no question you are a hack. A majority of voters believe Trump tried to stop the Russia investigation by firing Comey.
Typical leftist terd. Quotes manufactured polling numbers in place of facts. The DC system is corrupt and they're fighting hard to keep it that way.
You deplorables are scared shitless of Bob Mueller. He's a man of great integrity, honesty and nonpartisan to the core. Those qualities scare you. He's the antiTrump..
You libtards talk shit every time you talk. You can't even talk without lying. You project your own fear and hate and think it will sell. Every post proves what a stupid liar you are.
The "guy," is supposed to work while IN THE OVAL OFFICE, not DIDDLE some little TROLLOP. What part about that is so HARD for you to grasp? Had the PIG took the little PIG to some flea bag no tell motel, like he did all while Gov of the chicken state, I probably wouldn't have given a crap.

Of course you would have. You guys were obsessed with his sex life from the minute he got into office.

If you couldn't find liars who claimed to have banged him, you just made them up out of women who had nothing to do with him.

And buddy, you people have LOST over a THOUSAND SEATS OF POWER since 2010, and there's NO sign it's going to change. In fact, when a republican tunes up a snowflake that's in his face in MT, that just ASSURES he gets elected.

Actually, you guys lost the popular vote by 3 million in 2016 and you lost seats in the house and senate. and it's going to be a lot worse for you in 2018. IN the meantime, enjoy losing Newt's old seat to a Democrat. H eh, heh, heh...

So you thinking that just MAGICALLY you people are going to WIN a bunch of seats of power back is just a JOKE. At this point, all indications are that you will continue to LOSE.

Really? Then why are all these Republicans crying in their beer?

You guys are sooooo screwed next year.
How can you possibly know that? Waco, delay in taking action in Bosnia, the first world trade bombing....etc. How can you know which happened because Billy boy was distracted, either with that woman, Monica Lewinski or in the cover up?

Well, first Monica was in college when m ost of those things happened.

Second, Waco was a good thing. We rid the world of a bunch of child molesting cultists. That's kind of awesome, we should do that more often.
An aide at the White House said today every time Trump is watching TV and the Russian probe comes on TV he starts yelling at the TV.

Makes me smile..
It would seeing as how it's bullshit. You LOVE the smell, the taste, texture. There's nothing about bullshit you don't adore with every fiber of your being.
Nothing there no matter how much you keep digging.........the democrats wanted comey fired.....then he fired him...and then have been milking that ever since....

Well, the fact Mueller is investigating the Orange Shitgibbon for obstruction and he's upset about it tells me there is something there.

You really think Mantafort or Flynn are going to jail for the Orange Shitgibbon, you are deluded.
The "guy," is supposed to work while IN THE OVAL OFFICE, not DIDDLE some little TROLLOP. What part about that is so HARD for you to grasp? Had the PIG took the little PIG to some flea bag no tell motel, like he did all while Gov of the chicken state, I probably wouldn't have given a crap.

Of course you would have. You guys were obsessed with his sex life from the minute he got into office.

If you couldn't find liars who claimed to have banged him, you just made them up out of women who had nothing to do with him.

And buddy, you people have LOST over a THOUSAND SEATS OF POWER since 2010, and there's NO sign it's going to change. In fact, when a republican tunes up a snowflake that's in his face in MT, that just ASSURES he gets elected.

Actually, you guys lost the popular vote by 3 million in 2016 and you lost seats in the house and senate. and it's going to be a lot worse for you in 2018. IN the meantime, enjoy losing Newt's old seat to a Democrat. H eh, heh, heh...

So you thinking that just MAGICALLY you people are going to WIN a bunch of seats of power back is just a JOKE. At this point, all indications are that you will continue to LOSE.

Really? Then why are all these Republicans crying in their beer?

You guys are sooooo screwed next year.

Wild bill was the one obsessed with bj's in the white house. Had he not lied to a federal grand jury, he would not have been impeached.
Schiff has no pull with Republicans. End of story.

There are hundreds of people who are qualified to do the job who aren't obvious political hacks like Mewler.

But they all have the same problem. Trump is obviously guilty of collusion and obstruction, and they can't ignore that if he keeps doubling down.

Again, it's like you guys don't learn anything. Did firing Archibald Cox end Nixon's problems? Nope.
The "guy," is supposed to work while IN THE OVAL OFFICE, not DIDDLE some little TROLLOP. What part about that is so HARD for you to grasp? Had the PIG took the little PIG to some flea bag no tell motel, like he did all while Gov of the chicken state, I probably wouldn't have given a crap.

Of course you would have. You guys were obsessed with his sex life from the minute he got into office.

If you couldn't find liars who claimed to have banged him, you just made them up out of women who had nothing to do with him.

And buddy, you people have LOST over a THOUSAND SEATS OF POWER since 2010, and there's NO sign it's going to change. In fact, when a republican tunes up a snowflake that's in his face in MT, that just ASSURES he gets elected.

Actually, you guys lost the popular vote by 3 million in 2016 and you lost seats in the house and senate. and it's going to be a lot worse for you in 2018. IN the meantime, enjoy losing Newt's old seat to a Democrat. H eh, heh, heh...

So you thinking that just MAGICALLY you people are going to WIN a bunch of seats of power back is just a JOKE. At this point, all indications are that you will continue to LOSE.

Really? Then why are all these Republicans crying in their beer?

You guys are sooooo screwed next year.
I thought you guys said we were screwed in 2016, what's up with that?

But I agree the worm will turn and the coin will flip over to the democrats, just not yet. Since they are all pretty much the same thing I see little difference.
I thought you guys said we were screwed in 2016, what's up with that?

You mean other than you stole the election? Yes, you were screwed, so you screwed the country.

But I agree the worm will turn and the coin will flip over to the democrats, just not yet. Since they are all pretty much the same thing I see little difference.

that's because you are slightly retarded.
Schiff has no pull with Republicans. End of story.

There are hundreds of people who are qualified to do the job who aren't obvious political hacks like Mewler.

But they all have the same problem. Trump is obviously guilty of collusion and obstruction, and they can't ignore that if he keeps doubling down.

Again, it's like you guys don't learn anything. Did firing Archibald Cox end Nixon's problems? Nope.
He is obviously guilty of collusion even though the new hero of the left wing Comey said otherwise and there is no evidence of collusion? Whow. Obstruction? Did Trump actually stop the investigation or just fire Comey?
I thought you guys said we were screwed in 2016, what's up with that?

You mean other than you stole the election? Yes, you were screwed, so you screwed the country.

But I agree the worm will turn and the coin will flip over to the democrats, just not yet. Since they are all pretty much the same thing I see little difference.

that's because you are slightly retarded.
And it was stolen how? By all the reports that the Russians didn't change one vote? That even if some Russian hackers tried to infiltrate elections they were not very successful and Norton's is always trying to sell me software because the world is full of hackers.

I am not saying you are lying because I really think you believe it. But just saying things because that is what you want to believe is definitely a thing of mental illness.
Wild bill was the one obsessed with bj's in the white house. Had he not lied to a federal grand jury, he would not have been impeached.

He never should have been impeached to start with. That was utter bullshit and everyone saw through it.

For lying to a federal grand jury and receiving bj's in the white house. Yeah, he should have and was.
Wild bill was the one obsessed with bj's in the white house. Had he not lied to a federal grand jury, he would not have been impeached.

He never should have been impeached to start with. That was utter bullshit and everyone saw through it.
Yep, just as I said in another thread, evil isn't the problem good is. Clinton LIED UNDER OATH, that is what he was guilty of. YOU don't care because you fully know that evil isn't the problem, good is. So good must be destroyed.
There is no question about his impartiality. Trump's Justice Department determined that he had no conflicts of interest. Take your whiny little ass and quit lying.
The vile trumpbots are following their orders and demonizing Mueller, or at least attempting to. The scummy little cowards will attack and slander anyone who dares to challenge or appear to be a possible critic of the POS in the White House.

Mueller has done more than just earn the respect from all sides of the political spectrum and reputation as a man of the highest integrity and honesty. During the most violent and worst time of the Vietnam War, he enlisted in the USMC and became the leader of a rifle platoon where among other awards, earned a Purple Heart for a wound sustained while in combat.

Mueller has provern himself to be a man of the highest patriotism, love of country and duty, honor and integrity.
He is obviously guilty of collusion even though the new hero of the left wing Comey said otherwise and there is no evidence of collusion? Whow. Obstruction? Did Trump actually stop the investigation or just fire Comey?

You can try to pretend all day, but the fact is, innocent people don't engage in coverups...

Yep, just as I said in another thread, evil isn't the problem good is. Clinton LIED UNDER OATH, that is what he was guilty of. YOU don't care because you fully know that evil isn't the problem, good is. So good must be destroyed.

Here's the problem with that. Clinton lied because he didn't want to put his family through pain and misery. Evil is spending 70 million dollars trying to disgrace an otherwise decent guy because you don't like his politics but you can't win elections without stealing them.
For lying to a federal grand jury and receiving bj's in the white house. Yeah, he should have and was.

First, he didn't lie to a federal grand jury. IN front of the grand jury, he admitted he had a relationship with Lewinsky.

Second, and here's the key part- the case he lied in was thrown out as having no merit. He wasn't Paula Jones' boss, so even if what she openly lied about actually happened, it wasn't sexual harassment under the law.
And it was stolen how? By all the reports that the Russians didn't change one vote? That even if some Russian hackers tried to infiltrate elections they were not very successful and Norton's is always trying to sell me software because the world is full of hackers.

Well, when the NSA is throwing people in jail for leaking how extensive the hacking was, we really don't know how much they influenced the election.

What I do know is that every poll had Hillary winning, and then all these votes for Trump showed up in three states, one of which doesn't even use paper ballots, everything is computerized.

So the Russians spend millions of dollars trying to fix our elections, and you are really claiming the guy who benefited knew nothing about it?
And it was stolen how? By all the reports that the Russians didn't change one vote? That even if some Russian hackers tried to infiltrate elections they were not very successful and Norton's is always trying to sell me software because the world is full of hackers.

Well, when the NSA is throwing people in jail for leaking how extensive the hacking was, we really don't know how much they influenced the election.

What I do know is that every poll had Hillary winning, and then all these votes for Trump showed up in three states, one of which doesn't even use paper ballots, everything is computerized.

So the Russians spend millions of dollars trying to fix our elections, and you are really claiming the guy who benefited knew nothing about it?
No, what I am saying is, that as usual, you spew a lot of shyt without verification.

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