BREAKING: Special Counsel @RobertMueIIer Worked With Law Firm Representing Big Democrat Group

You deplorables are scared shitless of Bob Mueller. He's a man of great integrity, honesty and nonpartisan to the core. Those qualities scare you. He's the antiTrump..
You libtards talk shit every time you talk. You can't even talk without lying. You project your own fear and hate and think it will sell. Every post proves what a stupid liar you are.

Liberals become liberals out of feelings of inadequacy. They know there is something wrong with themselves but rather than face it, they project their inner hatred onto others, calling them deplorable or some other name, always trying to inflict pain through words if not outright physical violence like shooting you in a ball field. It makes them feel better about themselves because they can't get gratification any other way and it helps to tell themselves their problem was "inflicted" on them by some other group--- like conservatives. If they are successful enough, they eventually get a job in the media where they can attack the Right en masse.

As to Mueller, at one time I might have agreed about his integrity, but anymore, I have my doubts about everyone in Washington! Right now he has more power than the President and that is a little scary. One should not appoint a special counsel very lightly, but the Dems pressed for it and the GOP acquiesced. I just wonder how much integrity the Left will still think he has if he finds all parties in the White House completely free of crimes?
As to Mueller, at one time I might have agreed about his integrity, but anymore, I have my doubts about everyone in Washington! Right now he has more power than the President and that is a little scary. One should not appoint a special counsel very lightly, but the Dems pressed for it and the GOP acquiesced. I just wonder how much integrity the Left will still think he has if he finds all parties in the White House completely free of crimes?

He won't. If there was a possibility of that, Trump wouldn't be panicking.

I should point out that we've appointed Special Prosecutors and Independent Counsels for MUCH more petty reasons than this. Failed land deals, payments to mistresses, whackadoodle conspiracy theories.

Now a whackadoodle conspiracy theory is the guy who claimed Reagan and Bush colluded with the Iranians to hold on to the hostages in 1980. They appointed an Independent counsel. This person immediately determined that the weekend where Bush was supposedly meeting with the Iranians in Paris, he was in Maine and his Secret Service Detail documented it. Case closed, problem solved.

If there really is nothing to this, there won't be much of an investigation. The thing is, we KNOW that Flynn, Mantofort, Cohen, and others were dealing with the Russians. We know that there's a shitload of shady business dealings that Trump is hiding.
Do you suppose any Dims will give a rat's ass about this obvious conflict of interest?
Mewler is obviously nothing more than a leftwing hack who has been given a license to run a witch hunt against the President.

BREAKING: Special Counsel @RobertMueIIer Worked With Law Firm Representing Big Democrat Group - GotNews

Eric Schmidt, billionaire chair of Alphabet, Inc. the parent company of Google, led a massive fundraising drive in December for leftist analytics firm Civis Analytics, represented by a law firm that partnered with Justice Department special prosecutor Robert Mueller—raising questions about Mueller’s impartiality in his so-called “Russia probe” into President Donald J. Trump’s campaign.

In March 2014, WilmerHale announced Mueller would join its firm as a partner. Mueller left his position in May after the DOJ appointed him as a special prosecutor to look into alleged “ties” between President Trump’s campaign and Russia.

WilmerHale represented Civis Analytics during a $22 million fundraising drive Schmidt in part led.

No one here is surprised that you have no clue as to what a conflict of interest entails.
The thing is, we KNOW that Flynn, Mantofort, Cohen, and others were dealing with the Russians. We know that there's a shitload of shady business dealings that Trump is hiding.

"We" don't know that! We know that these people like many others HAD dealings with Russia. So do a lot of people. The question is whether any of it rose to the level of conspiracy to collaborate with Russians to interfere with an election or to conceal other crimes. So far every authority close to the investigation has said absolutely Nyet.

But it is much easier to sully a person's reputation than to vindicate it! If they cannot get a conviction, the democrats may have done enough harm just by sullying the president's public image. This isn't about lawful legitimate investigation, it is about trying to overthrow a democratic election because it didn't turn out as they wanted, ironically, the very thing Trump is accused of! If it were about legitimate investigation, then there would be investigations into Comey, Lynch, Hillary and possibly others.
Do you suppose any Dims will give a rat's ass about this obvious conflict of interest?
Mewler is obviously nothing more than a leftwing hack who has been given a license to run a witch hunt against the President.

BREAKING: Special Counsel @RobertMueIIer Worked With Law Firm Representing Big Democrat Group - GotNews

Eric Schmidt, billionaire chair of Alphabet, Inc. the parent company of Google, led a massive fundraising drive in December for leftist analytics firm Civis Analytics, represented by a law firm that partnered with Justice Department special prosecutor Robert Mueller—raising questions about Mueller’s impartiality in his so-called “Russia probe” into President Donald J. Trump’s campaign.

In March 2014, WilmerHale announced Mueller would join its firm as a partner. Mueller left his position in May after the DOJ appointed him as a special prosecutor to look into alleged “ties” between President Trump’s campaign and Russia.

WilmerHale represented Civis Analytics during a $22 million fundraising drive Schmidt in part led.
It may be an issue:

“Civis… promises a paradigm that could rescue American politics from confusion. The startup—which works closely with the Democratic Party—didn’t play much of a role during the primaries, but now it intends to help the Democrats wage the most data-intensive campaign in history,” according to a June 2016 Wired article.

Do we need a "blue ribbon panel"?
Lou Dobbs explains the situation perfectly. The Swamp Rats Mueller and Rosenstein need to go, NOW!

How can you possibly know that? Waco, delay in taking action in Bosnia, the first world trade bombing....etc. How can you know which happened because Billy boy was distracted, either with that woman, Monica Lewinski or in the cover up?

Well, first Monica was in college when m ost of those things happened.

Second, Waco was a good thing. We rid the world of a bunch of child molesting cultists. That's kind of awesome, we should do that more often.
Yeah, we had to incinerate those 18 children to save them from being molested.

You just proved you're a programed moron.
Schiff has no pull with Republicans. End of story.

There are hundreds of people who are qualified to do the job who aren't obvious political hacks like Mewler.

But they all have the same problem. Trump is obviously guilty of collusion and obstruction, and they can't ignore that if he keeps doubling down.

Again, it's like you guys don't learn anything. Did firing Archibald Cox end Nixon's problems? Nope.

What is "obvious" to you is laughed at by rational intelligent people. If anything is "obvious," it's the fact that there is no "there" there. There isn't a shred of evidence that Trump or anyone in his administration has done anything illegal. The vermin on your side of the isle have admitted that numerous times.
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I thought you guys said we were screwed in 2016, what's up with that?

You mean other than you stole the election? Yes, you were screwed, so you screwed the country.

But I agree the worm will turn and the coin will flip over to the democrats, just not yet. Since they are all pretty much the same thing I see little difference.

that's because you are slightly retarded.
And it was stolen how? By all the reports that the Russians didn't change one vote? That even if some Russian hackers tried to infiltrate elections they were not very successful and Norton's is always trying to sell me software because the world is full of hackers.

I am not saying you are lying because I really think you believe it. But just saying things because that is what you want to believe is definitely a thing of mental illness.
Joe does believe what he posts, but that's only because his stupidity is breathtaking.
And it was stolen how? By all the reports that the Russians didn't change one vote? That even if some Russian hackers tried to infiltrate elections they were not very successful and Norton's is always trying to sell me software because the world is full of hackers.

Well, when the NSA is throwing people in jail for leaking how extensive the hacking was, we really don't know how much they influenced the election.

What I do know is that every poll had Hillary winning, and then all these votes for Trump showed up in three states, one of which doesn't even use paper ballots, everything is computerized.

So the Russians spend millions of dollars trying to fix our elections, and you are really claiming the guy who benefited knew nothing about it?
ROFL! So if the polls differ from the election results, that proves the election results are wrong?

In the universe of idiots, you are a supernova.
For lying to a federal grand jury and receiving bj's in the white house. Yeah, he should have and was.

First, he didn't lie to a federal grand jury. IN front of the grand jury, he admitted he had a relationship with Lewinsky.

Wrong, moron. He denies he had a sexual relationship with Lewinski.

Second, and here's the key part- the case he lied in was thrown out as having no merit. He wasn't Paula Jones' boss, so even if what she openly lied about actually happened, it wasn't sexual harassment under the law.

As usual, you're explanation of the verdict is dead wrong.
Do you suppose any Dims will give a rat's ass about this obvious conflict of interest?
Mewler is obviously nothing more than a leftwing hack who has been given a license to run a witch hunt against the President.

BREAKING: Special Counsel @RobertMueIIer Worked With Law Firm Representing Big Democrat Group - GotNews

Eric Schmidt, billionaire chair of Alphabet, Inc. the parent company of Google, led a massive fundraising drive in December for leftist analytics firm Civis Analytics, represented by a law firm that partnered with Justice Department special prosecutor Robert Mueller—raising questions about Mueller’s impartiality in his so-called “Russia probe” into President Donald J. Trump’s campaign.

In March 2014, WilmerHale announced Mueller would join its firm as a partner. Mueller left his position in May after the DOJ appointed him as a special prosecutor to look into alleged “ties” between President Trump’s campaign and Russia.

WilmerHale represented Civis Analytics during a $22 million fundraising drive Schmidt in part led.

No one here is surprised that you have no clue as to what a conflict of interest entails.
Refusing to investigate your BFF when he has obviously committed crimes is a classic conflict of interest. Also, refusing to investigate members of the party that you once worked for is also a conflict of interest.
He is obviously guilty of collusion even though the new hero of the left wing Comey said otherwise and there is no evidence of collusion? Whow. Obstruction? Did Trump actually stop the investigation or just fire Comey?

You can try to pretend all day, but the fact is, innocent people don't engage in coverups...

Yep, just as I said in another thread, evil isn't the problem good is. Clinton LIED UNDER OATH, that is what he was guilty of. YOU don't care because you fully know that evil isn't the problem, good is. So good must be destroyed.

Here's the problem with that. Clinton lied because he didn't want to put his family through pain and misery. Evil is spending 70 million dollars trying to disgrace an otherwise decent guy because you don't like his politics but you can't win elections without stealing them.
And neither has there been a cover up, just another case of saying as fact what you want to believe, not reality.
For lying to a federal grand jury and receiving bj's in the white house. Yeah, he should have and was.

First, he didn't lie to a federal grand jury. IN front of the grand jury, he admitted he had a relationship with Lewinsky.

Wrong, moron. He denies he had a sexual relationship with Lewinski.

Second, and here's the key part- the case he lied in was thrown out as having no merit. He wasn't Paula Jones' boss, so even if what she openly lied about actually happened, it wasn't sexual harassment under the law.

As usual, you're explanation of the verdict is dead wrong.
Joe needs to read this:
How can you possibly know that? Waco, delay in taking action in Bosnia, the first world trade bombing....etc. How can you know which happened because Billy boy was distracted, either with that woman, Monica Lewinski or in the cover up?

Well, first Monica was in college when m ost of those things happened.

Second, Waco was a good thing. We rid the world of a bunch of child molesting cultists. That's kind of awesome, we should do that more often.
Yeah, we had to incinerate those 18 children to save them from being molested.

You just proved you're a programed moron.
Actually they were trying to save the children when they launched a para-military raid and went in guns ablaze. After that it was to hell with the children.

Real reality is they invented the "protecting the children story" long after the children were dead.
How can you possibly know that? Waco, delay in taking action in Bosnia, the first world trade bombing....etc. How can you know which happened because Billy boy was distracted, either with that woman, Monica Lewinski or in the cover up?

Well, first Monica was in college when m ost of those things happened.

Second, Waco was a good thing. We rid the world of a bunch of child molesting cultists. That's kind of awesome, we should do that more often.
Yeah, we had to incinerate those 18 children to save them from being molested.

You just proved you're a programed moron.
Actually they were trying to save the children when they launched a para-military raid and went in guns ablaze. After that it was to hell with the children.

Real reality is they invented the "protecting the children story" long after the children were dead.

They weren't trying to save the children from anything. You don't save people by filling the building they are in with highly flammable CS gas and then ramming it with tanks.

I've debated this issue many times, and the people who defend the FBI always know almost nothing about what actually happened.
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Do you suppose any Dims will give a rat's ass about this obvious conflict of interest?
Mewler is obviously nothing more than a leftwing hack who has been given a license to run a witch hunt against the President.

BREAKING: Special Counsel @RobertMueIIer Worked With Law Firm Representing Big Democrat Group - GotNews

Eric Schmidt, billionaire chair of Alphabet, Inc. the parent company of Google, led a massive fundraising drive in December for leftist analytics firm Civis Analytics, represented by a law firm that partnered with Justice Department special prosecutor Robert Mueller—raising questions about Mueller’s impartiality in his so-called “Russia probe” into President Donald J. Trump’s campaign.

In March 2014, WilmerHale announced Mueller would join its firm as a partner. Mueller left his position in May after the DOJ appointed him as a special prosecutor to look into alleged “ties” between President Trump’s campaign and Russia.

WilmerHale represented Civis Analytics during a $22 million fundraising drive Schmidt in part led.
Breaking: Deputy Assistant Attorney General has recused himself from the Trump investigation due to malfeasance.

I have found that democrats are masters in deception and projection. They can be as dirty as hell but they some how manage to project their criminality on others while hiding themselves from taking responsibility for their actions.

Every single so called "revelation" by the left is pure propaganda and serves no purpose but to convict Trump outside of a court. Without basis in fact.

As I said before every single item they are "leaking" is a known point that the special counsel was going to look at. Making the assumption that Trump is now under criminal investigation is wrong and based on zero facts. Even the Deputy Attorney Generals letter states this. Now that the Deputy Assistant has recused himself, due to the inept choosing of Mueller (because of his failure to find his close ties to Comey), there is no credibility left in this investigation. His choice to recuse rather than let Mueller go should speak volumes about the biases in this investigation, leaving the problems in place, should set off alarm bells that none of this is credible.

The swamp is dam deep now...
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How can you possibly know that? Waco, delay in taking action in Bosnia, the first world trade bombing....etc. How can you know which happened because Billy boy was distracted, either with that woman, Monica Lewinski or in the cover up?

Well, first Monica was in college when m ost of those things happened.

Second, Waco was a good thing. We rid the world of a bunch of child molesting cultists. That's kind of awesome, we should do that more often.
Yeah, we had to incinerate those 18 children to save them from being molested.

You just proved you're a programed moron.
Actually they were trying to save the children when they launched a para-military raid and went in guns ablaze. After that it was to hell with the children.

Real reality is they invented the "protecting the children story" long after the children were dead.

They weren't trying to save the children from anything. You don't save people by filling the building they are in with highly flammable CS gas and then ramming it with tanks.

I've debated this issue many times, and the people who defend the FBI always almost nothing about what actually happened.
i am in agreement. If they were truly concerned for the children they would have called off the "raid" when they knew their cover was blown. But what they really wanted was to be on "tough cops" and show the world how tough they were. I think we have all seen the video of the ATF agent on the roof indiscriminately firing into a window. WTF?

I saw a video of the event on the first day, I have never seen it again. I believe it would show who fired first, as if that mattered. I also wonder how the ATF/FBI gets away with taking the front door and never returning it.

Also the ATF/FBI murdered one the the Davidians that night as he tried to return to his family from work. They let his body lie for a day or two.

There was NO concern for the children or anyone else by Clinton, Reno or the ATF leadership. They sent their men into harms way and got off unscathed.

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