BREAKING: Steven Sotloff beheaded

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Maybe if Israel is on a break from murdering Palestinian women and children they could conduct some operations against ISIS, afterall,

it's in their backyard, they have the military capability, and - so I've been told - they're our allies.

So, you see the solution to savagery by the Muzzie Beasts is murdering JOOOOOOZZZZ

Yep, you're a democrat.
I'd like to think that if Christians beheaded a journalist in the name of Christ there would be outrage by the good Christians,I know I'd denounce it. You don't see any "good Muslims" denouncing this crap do you? Nope dead silence. Then you have to ask yourself why the silence. If a Koran was being burned they sure as hell would scream, but an Infidel journalist gets beheaded and you can hear a pin drop. I live on the east coast in a city with a large Muslim population and I got crickets here. The "good Muslims" are very much like the Germans in Nazi Germany. The see the atrocity their people are doing, but turn a blind eye. It's no different than Germans letting Jews go to the gas chambers and ovens.

The answer to why the silence is simple. While they may not agree with the method used, they agree with the result of furthering Islam. In their minds like all fundamentalists, everyone should follow their way of life because it's the correct way of life. So called moderate Muslims are still fundamentalists in the western sense. For them there is no separation of church and state because Islam is a theocracy with it's own laws AKA Sharia laws. Allah's way is the only way for all Muslims and allah's theocracy must rule.

The PC MSM is feeding you cow pies about Islam. Islam is a flawed totalitarian cult created by a egomaniac pedophile war lord to exploit people into doing what he wanted and if that didn't work they die. Read the history about Mohammad, there is nothing holy about him. Today he'd be on the same level as Jim Jones,David Koresh and Charles Manson. Just because somethings been around for 1400 years doesn't make it a legit religion.

leaving Islam is punishable by death. Sound like a nice belief system to you?

In all fairness, the Caliphate American Infidel Relations group (CAIR) has "condemned violence in achieving the worthy goals of ISIS."

CAIR Reiterates Condemnation of ISIS Violence Religious Extremism - CAIR
I'd like to think that if Christians beheaded a journalist in the name of Christ there would be outrage by the good Christians,I know I'd denounce it. You don't see any "good Muslims" denouncing this crap do you? Nope dead silence. Then you have to ask yourself why the silence. If a Koran was being burned they sure as hell would scream, but an Infidel journalist gets beheaded and you can hear a pin drop. I live on the east coast in a city with a large Muslim population and I got crickets here. The "good Muslims" are very much like the Germans in Nazi Germany. The see the atrocity their people are doing, but turn a blind eye. It's no different than Germans letting Jews go to the gas chambers and ovens.

The answer to why the silence is simple. While they may not agree with the method used, they agree with the result of furthering Islam. In their minds like all fundamentalists, everyone should follow their way of life because it's the correct way of life. So called moderate Muslims are still fundamentalists in the western sense. For them there is no separation of church and state because Islam is a theocracy with it's own laws AKA Sharia laws. Allah's way is the only way for all Muslims and allah's theocracy must rule.

The PC MSM is feeding you cow pies about Islam. Islam is a flawed totalitarian cult created by a egomaniac pedophile war lord to exploit people into doing what he wanted and if that didn't work they die. Read the history about Mohammad, there is nothing holy about him. Today he'd be on the same level as Jim Jones,David Koresh and Charles Manson. Just because somethings been around for 1400 years doesn't make it a legit religion.

leaving Islam is punishable by death. Sound like a nice belief system to you?

In all fairness, the Caliphate American Infidel Relations group (CAIR) has "condemned violence in achieving the worthy goals of ISIS."

CAIR Reiterates Condemnation of ISIS Violence Religious Extremism - CAIR

"condemned violence in achieving the worthy goals of ISIS."

That's perfect and proves my point about moderates. They don't agree with the method used but agree with the outcome of that method. It's lip service for those muslims who don't want to get their hands dirty converting the world to Islam.
You don't see other Muslims standing up to ISIS in any way?
Do you?
Name them.
Where do they live?
How many of them are left handed?
What are their astrological signs?
Define "Muslim"
Define "standing up to"..

The Syrian government forces are Muslim, and so is the pro-western Syrian National Council Syrian National Council - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They don't control a lot of territory though. On this map they are listed as 'Other' rebel groups. Red = Syrian government, gray the ISIL or Caliphate, yellow is Kurdish (lol, Turks did a 180 on that one) and green is 'other rebel groups'.
Syrian opposition - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Thanks.... I guess...

I was just turning the tables on him..He likes playing that exact same game when he gets cornered trying to defend the indefensible..... he want's to make you define every term and asks ridiculous "questions" to run people around in circles...

Lol, true, as favorite tack of the libtards, but there are some good liberal posters who really just want clarification.
Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

"We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA." Thats the point I was making yesterday. It does not matter the groups name, al qaeda, Isis whoever. They believe in ONE thing that is driving them...the KORAN.
Kill the infidels....the non believers!

Why welcome, Mustang. It seems not too long ago you were against everything good.

How do you explain the sudden conversion?

before you start thinking there is a convert

it is a new poster

So it would appear. That's for sure!

I guess, ultimately, we can only trust the board's Mod Squad, IT folks and Admin to watch for phantom accounts and such nonsense. LOL

But that avi of the black horse looks so similar to the other's that it seemed too close to be a coincidence.

"But that avi of the black horse looks so similar"

They are very much different, just like the spelling of our names. I keep saying my horse is MUCH better looking.
Nothing like making a splash when being the new guy.
Lol, true, as favorite tack of the libtards, but there are some good liberal posters who really just want clarification.

Define libtard.
How many are there?
Name them.
Define "good".
List the bad liberal posters.


Pretty sure you're joking, but the Aspie in me forces me to answer anyway.

libtard = 'A liberal so committed to his ideology that it trumps his common sense, his sense of honesty and integrity, and he forces Reality to fit his ideological pigeon holes."

Too many.

Good God, OK, I know you are joking here for sure. :D

Good is that which is normally beneficial to a person to do. Exercise is good, over eating is bad. etc

Again, too many and so many socks!
We have no business anywhere in the M.E. Time to pull up the stakes, take down the tents and leave Israel to stand or fall on their own.

How many tens of thousands more American dead and maimed before we learn? How many more trillions of dollars pumped into military, oil, and corrupt regimes before we wise the fuck up?

We need to have a presence their, just a lighter one than we once had. There is nothing about this situation that a brigade of elite troops couldn't handle with adequate air support.
That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?
Lol, true, as favorite tack of the libtards, but there are some good liberal posters who really just want clarification.

Define libtard.
How many are there?
Name them.
Define "good".
List the bad liberal posters.


Pretty sure you're joking, but the Aspie in me forces me to answer anyway.

libtard = 'A liberal so committed to his ideology that it trumps his common sense, his sense of honesty and integrity, and he forces Reality to fit his ideological pigeon holes."

Too many.

Good God, OK, I know you are joking here for sure. :D

Good is that which is normally beneficial to a person to do. Exercise is good, over eating is bad. etc

Again, too many and so many socks!

You can stop now.
I was joking... :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?

When Sotloff was brutally murdered by Muzzie Beasts, did you dance in the streets and scream "Allahu Akbar?"

Of course you did.
A Congressional Subcommitee will hold a hearing on ISIS and......passports on ...........................September 10.........................

Subcommittee Hearing One Flight Away An Examination of the Threat posed by ISIS Terrorists with Western Passports The House Committee on Homeland Security

Guess this is not an issue in the House....

If you expect courage, don't expect it from Speaker Boner. He wont act until he has polled it thirty times.
Actually it isa House hearing. Reid is doing nothing.
We made ourselves the enemy of the extremists in the Middle East. By meddling.

One of the great lies of you Islamofascists is that ISIS is "extremist."

They're just Muslims, putting into practice what every Mosque in Detroit teaches every day, and no doubt what your Mosque preaches..

I guess then a genocide of all Muslims is the only appropriate action, as far a you're concerned. I'm in upstate NY if you want to try to kill me, fatso.
I guess then a genocide of all Muslims is the only appropriate action, as far a you're concerned. I'm in upstate NY if you want to try to kill me, fatso.

The only ones calling for genocide are you Islamofascists,.

I've made clear what the answer to this war is. You lack the wits, courage, and integrity to deal with what I actually wrote, but that doesn't alter what my positions actually are.
Lol, true, as favorite tack of the libtards, but there are some good liberal posters who really just want clarification.

Define libtard.
How many are there?
Name them.
Define "good".
List the bad liberal posters.


Pretty sure you're joking, but the Aspie in me forces me to answer anyway.

libtard = 'A liberal so committed to his ideology that it trumps his common sense, his sense of honesty and integrity, and he forces Reality to fit his ideological pigeon holes."

Too many.

Good God, OK, I know you are joking here for sure. :D

Good is that which is normally beneficial to a person to do. Exercise is good, over eating is bad. etc

Again, too many and so many socks!

You can stop now.
I was joking... :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
I wasn't. There are less than 20,000 of these guys with no planes. Are you kidding me?

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