BREAKING: Steven Sotloff beheaded

That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?

When Sotloff was brutally murdered by Muzzie Beasts, did you dance in the streets and scream "Allahu Akbar?"

Of course you did.
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.
We made ourselves the enemy of the extremists in the Middle East. By meddling.

One of the great lies of you Islamofascists is that ISIS is "extremist."

They're just Muslims, putting into practice what every Mosque in Detroit teaches every day, and no doubt what your Mosque preaches..

I guess then a genocide of all Muslims is the only appropriate action, as far a you're concerned. I'm in upstate NY if you want to try to kill me, fatso.

:Boom2: :alirulz:


Lol, true, as favorite tack of the libtards, but there are some good liberal posters who really just want clarification.

Define libtard.
How many are there?
Name them.
Define "good".
List the bad liberal posters.


Pretty sure you're joking, but the Aspie in me forces me to answer anyway.

libtard = 'A liberal so committed to his ideology that it trumps his common sense, his sense of honesty and integrity, and he forces Reality to fit his ideological pigeon holes."

Too many.

Good God, OK, I know you are joking here for sure. :D

Good is that which is normally beneficial to a person to do. Exercise is good, over eating is bad. etc

Again, too many and so many socks!

You can stop now.
I was joking... :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
I wasn't. There are less than 20,000 of these guys with no planes. Are you kidding me?

Well, actually they have planes;

Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9 11 Washington Free Beacon
but that's not the point...

I was joking around with JimBowie about something else. I shouldn't have derailed the thread. My mistake.
We have no business anywhere in the M.E. Time to pull up the stakes, take down the tents and leave Israel to stand or fall on their own.

How many tens of thousands more American dead and maimed before we learn? How many more trillions of dollars pumped into military, oil, and corrupt regimes before we wise the fuck up?

We need to have a presence their, just a lighter one than we once had. There is nothing about this situation that a brigade of elite troops couldn't handle with adequate air support.
That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?

That's what they get paid to do. American Media is a Government/Media Complex at this point. They get paid to scare the People into doing anything Big Brother wants.

They have to toe the Big Brother-line...'Government is taking your rights away in order to preserve them. And Perpetual War = Perpetual Peace. So just back and let Big Brother take care of you. He knows what's best for ya.'
We have no business anywhere in the M.E. Time to pull up the stakes, take down the tents and leave Israel to stand or fall on their own.

How many tens of thousands more American dead and maimed before we learn? How many more trillions of dollars pumped into military, oil, and corrupt regimes before we wise the fuck up?

We need to have a presence their, just a lighter one than we once had. There is nothing about this situation that a brigade of elite troops couldn't handle with adequate air support.
That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?

That's what they get paid to do. American Media is a Government/Media Complex at this point. They get paid to scare the People into doing anything Big Brother wants.

They have to toe the Big Brother-line...'Government is taking your rights away in order to preserve them. And Perpetual War = Perpetual Peace. So just back and let Big Brother take care of you. He knows what's best for ya."
I understand that, but what is the imminent reward for all this propaganda?
We have no business anywhere in the M.E. Time to pull up the stakes, take down the tents and leave Israel to stand or fall on their own.

How many tens of thousands more American dead and maimed before we learn? How many more trillions of dollars pumped into military, oil, and corrupt regimes before we wise the fuck up?

We need to have a presence their, just a lighter one than we once had. There is nothing about this situation that a brigade of elite troops couldn't handle with adequate air support.
That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?

That's what they get paid to do. American Media is a Government/Media Complex at this point. They get paid to scare the People into doing anything Big Brother wants.

They have to toe the Big Brother-line...'Government is taking your rights away in order to preserve them. And Perpetual War = Perpetual Peace. So just back and let Big Brother take care of you. He knows what's best for ya."
I understand that, but what is the imminent reward for all this propaganda?

The Globalist Elites seize more control of the frightened Sheeple, and make more cash. Just look at Ukraine for example. VP Joe Biden's little brat son is over there making the big bucks now. When it comes to the NWO Globalist Elites, always remember, out of chaos comes order... A New World Order.
We have no business anywhere in the M.E. Time to pull up the stakes, take down the tents and leave Israel to stand or fall on their own.

How many tens of thousands more American dead and maimed before we learn? How many more trillions of dollars pumped into military, oil, and corrupt regimes before we wise the fuck up?

We need to have a presence their, just a lighter one than we once had. There is nothing about this situation that a brigade of elite troops couldn't handle with adequate air support.
That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?

That's what they get paid to do. American Media is a Government/Media Complex at this point. They get paid to scare the People into doing anything Big Brother wants.

They have to toe the Big Brother-line...'Government is taking your rights away in order to preserve them. And Perpetual War = Perpetual Peace. So just back and let Big Brother take care of you. He knows what's best for ya."
I understand that, but what is the imminent reward for all this propaganda?

Power....access to power....enacting their ideologies....becoming a "celebrity".....making money...attention..."making history"..

Come on, man....don't pretend you don't know how humans operate.
I was thinking on the lines of a false flag or some concrete reason for playing the fear card. Obviously some want boots on the ground.
Most Americans refuse to accept that the West, including the U.S., and some Sunni Muslim Nations in the region created ISIS to 'Regime Change' Assad. Now we're being told they're 'Worse than the Nazis', and we must have more war. And if you disagree, you obviously hate America, freedom, puppy dogs, children, Grandmas, apple pie, Rock & Roll, etc etc...

The People should be more angry with the fact their Government routinely creates vicious murderous thugs like ISIS. Where do people think they get all their money & weapons? It all doesn't just magically appear. It's provided to them. Anyway, gotta keep the Sheeple in fear i guess. That's the name of the game. Next, Homeland Security (Gestapo) will probably be demanding you and your children strip down naked at the airport. But hey, it's for your own good, right? Enjoy. ;)
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I was thinking on the lines of a false flag or some concrete reason for playing the fear card. Obviously some want boots on the ground.

The Globalist Elites in the West have wanted war with Syria for years. But their Assad chemical weapons attack scam failed to convince the People to support it. And now suddenly, we get ISIS. Another way into the war in Syria. Pretty convenient, no?
I was thinking on the lines of a false flag or some concrete reason for playing the fear card. Obviously some want boots on the ground.

You don't have much experience watching how the u.s. gvmt..(and all others) operate?
Come on aren't that naive.
Surely, (don't call me shirley...I know...) you don't actually believe the things they tell you and the reasons they give?

Pay no attention whatsoever to the things they say. Watch the things they do and the results of those things.
I was thinking on the lines of a false flag or some concrete reason for playing the fear card. Obviously some want boots on the ground.
Mr Sotloff studied at Tel Aviv’s Interdisciplinary Center at Herzliya (IDC) before beginning his career. Located on the same campus at the core of of IDCs philosophy is the International Institute for Counter Terrorism (IICT). Its links to Mossad are far from covert.
That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?

When Sotloff was brutally murdered by Muzzie Beasts, did you dance in the streets and scream "Allahu Akbar?"
So you never answered. Are you one of those kooks that believe explosives brought down the WTC's and a missile was fired into the Pentagon ?
Of course you did.
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.
That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?

When Sotloff was brutally murdered by Muzzie Beasts, did you dance in the streets and scream "Allahu Akbar?"

Of course you did.
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

So you never answered. Are you one of those that believe explosives brought down the WTC's, and a missile was fired into the Pentagon ?
I was thinking on the lines of a false flag or some concrete reason for playing the fear card. Obviously some want boots on the ground.
Mr Sotloff studied at Tel Aviv’s Interdisciplinary Center at Herzliya (IDC) before beginning his career. Located on the same campus at the core of of IDCs philosophy is the International Institute for Counter Terrorism (IICT). Its links to Mossad are far from covert.
Ah, he is one of Israel's men. So, that is why this frenzy. Thanks. I knew it had to be something concrete. I understand 9/11 and all the false flags or at least most of them. But now this makes sense. Israel wants us to destroy ISIS.
That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?

When Sotloff was brutally murdered by Muzzie Beasts, did you dance in the streets and scream "Allahu Akbar?"
So you never answered. Are you one of those kooks that believe explosives brought down the WTC's and a missile was fired into the Pentagon ?
Of course you did.
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.
That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?

When Sotloff was brutally murdered by Muzzie Beasts, did you dance in the streets and scream "Allahu Akbar?"

Of course you did.
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

So you never answered. Are you one of those that believe explosives brought down the WTC's, and a missile was fired into the Pentagon ?
Of course. I wrote an ebook False Flag Murdering Neocon Crazies. i won't link to it for spam, but I know a lot about the motives of Cheney.

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