BREAKING: Steven Sotloff beheaded

You guys know that Sotloff was an Israeli spy, right?

You have a problem with that?


you have a problem with him being Israeli?
I am not privy to the inner workings of US Israeli interactions. But, I don't like my news reporters to be spies. We already know Anderson Cooper's CIA ties have ruined him as anthing close to reputable. Also, Skye, I bet Israel is saying to or just ordering the United States to refrain from becoming an ally of Iran or Syria regarding ISIS. I know this because Netanyahu said the evils of Iran were more problematic than ISIS. And of course, we know that Yinon Zionism, revealed to the USA in 1982, and still the policy of neocons and Israelis, assumed the breakup of Iraq into weakened tribal warring parties. That is, after all, Skye, the goal of Yinon regime change. You really should read it online sometime so you will know why all the death and destruction of women and children and dislocation of millions of people. It is Zionism, Skye.

World Zionism is multiracial, but the goal of Zionism is world domination including over the USA. I would say they are getting close as a worldwide movement. When Dick Cheney, a leading Zionist, can say that the world is under nuclear threat, when he was responsible for 9/11, and he can say there could be a government in waiting, that is a direct threat to the government of the United States. But most Americans are too stupid to understand.

Obama is a Zionist as well. But he is a reluctant Zionist, more interested in the Baker Doctrine than in continual war.
^^^^ I don't have anything to say to you....


from this ...:cuckoo::cuckoo:
You guys know that Sotloff was an Israeli spy, right?

he was no spy

your hatred and antisemitism is disgusting!
Oh, sorry, he was an Israeli intelligence asset who made Ayilah in 2005. See, I don't believe a single Zionist will see the new Zion, established by the Messiah, not by a bunch of atheists. There is nothing antisemitic about it. If God gives you faith in the Messiah, you will be saved, Jew or Gentile. But you will hold Zionism as a political movement worldwide in contempt for its rejection of God.
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

The only ones I saw dancing in the streets were you Muslims.

That is the big lie and you are a liar about me being Muslim. You will rot in hell. This is the real story: 9-11 Attacks The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Those who behead people now are not Israelis, and those who spread fanatic religious insanity across Europe and the MidEast are not Israelis.

Steven Sotloff HY"D was not the first and won't be the last to die under the Da'esh sword. Question is, are Americans ready to just "be disgusted" or actually do something before this virus consumes us all?

Correct, but Israel wanted Assad done in according to the Yinon Zionist plan revealed in 1982. So, we armed ISISI and are now killing them in our tanks.

Assad hadn't attacked Israel in 40 years. The Syrian border was the most silent one in the past decades. Israel is now more threatened by Al-Quaeda than by Assad.

Fact that you armed ISIS is direct result of arming Al-quaeda. Some of you forgot that the same people you armed where the ones who helped killing 3,000 of your innocent brothers and sisters, back in 2001?
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

The only ones I saw dancing in the streets were you Muslims.

That is the big lie and you are a liar about me being Muslim. You will rot in hell. This is the real story: 9-11 Attacks The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Those who behead people now are not Israelis, and those who spread fanatic religious insanity across Europe and the MidEast are not Israelis.

Steven Sotloff HY"D was not the first and won't be the last to die under the Da'esh sword. Question is, are Americans ready to just "be disgusted" or actually do something before this virus consumes us all?

The solution:

Abolish Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and IRS. Then move to a humble balanced Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy, while securing our Border.

It's the only way we'll have true peace, sovereignty, prosperity, and freedom.
It's time to end this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. We don't have to be enslaved pawns in their game.


What about radical Islamists?

Or you think they'll start loving you all of a sudden, even if the last American leaves the MidEast?

You guys cannot be that naive.

We're everywhere bombing & killing around the world. It's not the solution. Intervention & War only begets more Intervention & War. We have to end this endless war.

You're evading my question.

I got what you said, and I ask, again, what are you planning to do with the radical Islamists? Say you "stop bombing" and take all your guys out, will the Dae'sh people no longer "wave the flag of Allah over the white house"?

I have news for you guys. Israel won't permit the USA to ally with Iran and Syria to stop ISIS. Our Eagle is being led around by the beak. You watch.

"Israel won't permit?" Am I missing something?

Allying with Iran is stupid by itself, the Iranian regime could not be trusted, but America should find the line where it doesn't need Iran to do the things that should be done.
You guys know that Sotloff was an Israeli spy, right?

he was no spy

your hatred and antisemitism is disgusting!
Oh, sorry, he was an Israeli intelligence asset who made Ayilah in 2005. See, I don't believe a single Zionist will see the new Zion, established by the Messiah, not by a bunch of atheists. There is nothing antisemitic about it. If God gives you faith in the Messiah, you will be saved, Jew or Gentile. But you will hold Zionism as a political movement worldwide in contempt for its rejection of God.

That doesn't make any sense. But that's not the argument.

Normal people who spy won't be normal journalists asking questions. That's just silly, don't you think
You guys know that Sotloff was an Israeli spy, right?
If you are not currently seeing someone for mental therapy, please make an appointment. None of us here want to see you on the news as the next mass murderer. So for the love of God, see a psychiatrist, you seriously need some help.
You guys know that Sotloff was an Israeli spy, right?

You have a problem with that?


you have a problem with him being Israeli?
I am not privy to the inner workings of US Israeli interactions. But, I don't like my news reporters to be spies. We already know Anderson Cooper's CIA ties have ruined him as anthing close to reputable. Also, Skye, I bet Israel is saying to or just ordering the United States to refrain from becoming an ally of Iran or Syria regarding ISIS. I know this because Netanyahu said the evils of Iran were more problematic than ISIS. And of course, we know that Yinon Zionism, revealed to the USA in 1982, and still the policy of neocons and Israelis, assumed the breakup of Iraq into weakened tribal warring parties. That is, after all, Skye, the goal of Yinon regime change. You really should read it online sometime so you will know why all the death and destruction of women and children and dislocation of millions of people. It is Zionism, Skye.

World Zionism is multiracial, but the goal of Zionism is world domination including over the USA. I would say they are getting close as a worldwide movement. When Dick Cheney, a leading Zionist, can say that the world is under nuclear threat, when he was responsible for 9/11, and he can say there could be a government in waiting, that is a direct threat to the government of the United States. But most Americans are too stupid to understand.

Obama is a Zionist as well. But he is a reluctant Zionist, more interested in the Baker Doctrine than in continual war.
Yep, it's official, you nuttier than the planter's peanut warehouse. Get some professional help, before you make the news!
Yes i agree. Most Americans are naive and gullible.

Most of the people I know that repeat that silly notion are people who have bought some fringe ideology, cult, or wacko religion. I have read your posts for some time now and I am surprised to see you say that.

Americans are some of the most creative, successful and freedom loving people in the world; how do you fit 'naïve and gullible' into that, unless you are talking about people with IQs lower than room temperature like ....well, nm, don't see a point to starting any crap on this thread. lol

They truly believe their Government can be all around the world killing, and there will be no consequences.

Kind of like we did in World War 2?

Americans need to keep in mind, the more people their Government kills, the more other people around the world will want to kill them.

Not necessarily true at all; it depends on how the government does it. If the government would use exact, single target weapons instead of 'bomb the whole city block' Hellfire missiles that kill lots of innocent by standers as well, maybe this wouldn't be causing so many haters. But that sucks, sorry to say. If your cousins go bomb an American facility, don't be shocked if you catch some blow back.

What is really naïve and gullible is to propose that we can talk nice to Jihadi fanatics like ISIS and think they would just start playing nice too all of a sudden. They have made it quite plain that they don't WANT to play nice; they want to kill us. Who started it now doesn't matter as we simply have to kill them before they kill us. IT is called survival, another thing us gullible and naive Americans are good at, funny enough.

There's a heavy price to pay for endless Intervention & War.

I agree there. We should declare war on ISIS and al Qaeda and go after them, as Biden said, to the Gates of Hell. But one thing I do know without a doubt, it wont be with *this* President leading the way.

I'm not reading this whole thread, did the news ruin the back 9 for Obama?

lol, Smarty Ass Bear Strikes again.
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

The only ones I saw dancing in the streets were you Muslims.

That is the big lie and you are a liar about me being Muslim. You will rot in hell. This is the real story: 9-11 Attacks The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Those who behead people now are not Israelis, and those who spread fanatic religious insanity across Europe and the MidEast are not Israelis.

Steven Sotloff HY"D was not the first and won't be the last to die under the Da'esh sword. Question is, are Americans ready to just "be disgusted" or actually do something before this virus consumes us all?

Correct, but Israel wanted Assad done in according to the Yinon Zionist plan revealed in 1982. So, we armed ISISI and are now killing them in our tanks.

Assad hadn't attacked Israel in 40 years. The Syrian border was the most silent one in the past decades. Israel is now more threatened by Al-Quaeda than by Assad.

Fact that you armed ISIS is direct result of arming Al-quaeda. Some of you forgot that the same people you armed where the ones who helped killing 3,000 of your innocent brothers and sisters, back in 2001?

If you would bother reading up on Yinon Zionism,you would see that Iraq was the first target of Oded Yinon, and then Syria.
You guys know that Sotloff was an Israeli spy, right?

You have a problem with that?


you have a problem with him being Israeli?
I am not privy to the inner workings of US Israeli interactions. But, I don't like my news reporters to be spies. We already know Anderson Cooper's CIA ties have ruined him as anthing close to reputable. Also, Skye, I bet Israel is saying to or just ordering the United States to refrain from becoming an ally of Iran or Syria regarding ISIS. I know this because Netanyahu said the evils of Iran were more problematic than ISIS. And of course, we know that Yinon Zionism, revealed to the USA in 1982, and still the policy of neocons and Israelis, assumed the breakup of Iraq into weakened tribal warring parties. That is, after all, Skye, the goal of Yinon regime change. You really should read it online sometime so you will know why all the death and destruction of women and children and dislocation of millions of people. It is Zionism, Skye.

World Zionism is multiracial, but the goal of Zionism is world domination including over the USA. I would say they are getting close as a worldwide movement. When Dick Cheney, a leading Zionist, can say that the world is under nuclear threat, when he was responsible for 9/11, and he can say there could be a government in waiting, that is a direct threat to the government of the United States. But most Americans are too stupid to understand.

Obama is a Zionist as well. But he is a reluctant Zionist, more interested in the Baker Doctrine than in continual war.
Yep, it's official, you nuttier than the planter's peanut warehouse. Get some professional help, before you make the news!
Is that all you got? I thought so.
You guys know that Sotloff was an Israeli spy, right?

He had dual citizenship, but a spy ? Your latest conspiracy theory ?
Dual citizenship Israelis planned the Iraq War, adopted Yinon Zionism of regime change and sent US to do Israel's dirty work. Sotloff studied foreign relations at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya. And he passed Ayilah.
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

The only ones I saw dancing in the streets were you Muslims.

That is the big lie and you are a liar about me being Muslim. You will rot in hell. This is the real story: 9-11 Attacks The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Those who behead people now are not Israelis, and those who spread fanatic religious insanity across Europe and the MidEast are not Israelis.

Steven Sotloff HY"D was not the first and won't be the last to die under the Da'esh sword. Question is, are Americans ready to just "be disgusted" or actually do something before this virus consumes us all?

Correct, but Israel wanted Assad done in according to the Yinon Zionist plan revealed in 1982. So, we armed ISISI and are now killing them in our tanks.

Assad hadn't attacked Israel in 40 years. The Syrian border was the most silent one in the past decades. Israel is now more threatened by Al-Quaeda than by Assad.

Fact that you armed ISIS is direct result of arming Al-quaeda. Some of you forgot that the same people you armed where the ones who helped killing 3,000 of your innocent brothers and sisters, back in 2001?

You are so naive. The retired president of Italy said that the CIA and Mossad did 9/11. If you don't understand that, you don't understand the world at all.

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