BREAKING: Steven Sotloff beheaded

We have no business anywhere in the M.E. Time to pull up the stakes, take down the tents and leave Israel to stand or fall on their own.

How many tens of thousands more American dead and maimed before we learn? How many more trillions of dollars pumped into military, oil, and corrupt regimes before we wise the fuck up?

We need to have a presence their, just a lighter one than we once had. There is nothing about this situation that a brigade of elite troops couldn't handle with adequate air support.
That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?

You should really stop the satire thing. I don't think anyone else gets it.
We have no business anywhere in the M.E. Time to pull up the stakes, take down the tents and leave Israel to stand or fall on their own.

How many tens of thousands more American dead and maimed before we learn? How many more trillions of dollars pumped into military, oil, and corrupt regimes before we wise the fuck up?

We need to have a presence their, just a lighter one than we once had. There is nothing about this situation that a brigade of elite troops couldn't handle with adequate air support.
That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?

You should really stop the satire thing. I don't think anyone else gets it.
Stupid is stupid. What can you say?
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

The only ones I saw dancing in the streets were you Muslims.

That is the big lie and you are a liar about me being Muslim. You will rot in hell. This is the real story: 9-11 Attacks The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

:poop:you are full of it!

Yeah, we will see at the Last Day who is right. About a lot of things.
That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?

When Sotloff was brutally murdered by Muzzie Beasts, did you dance in the streets and scream "Allahu Akbar?"
So you never answered. Are you one of those kooks that believe explosives brought down the WTC's and a missile was fired into the Pentagon ?
Of course you did.
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.
That is why you wonder why CNN and other news outlets are making such a big deal about these guys. Makes you wonder. It becomes propaganda when it is exaggerated to the point of absurdity. Why is the fear card being played?

When Sotloff was brutally murdered by Muzzie Beasts, did you dance in the streets and scream "Allahu Akbar?"

Of course you did.
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

So you never answered. Are you one of those that believe explosives brought down the WTC's, and a missile was fired into the Pentagon ?
Of course. I wrote an ebook False Flag Murdering Neocon Crazies. i won't link to it for spam, but I know a lot about the motives of Cheney.

Great, you wrote a book. Conspiracy books always sell great. Marilyn Monroe was murdered, JFK and the grassy knoll, Michael Jackson and the alien baby.

So anyway, did planes hit the WTC's, or they were just window dressing for the explosives that actually did the real work ?
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

The only ones I saw dancing in the streets were you Muslims.

That is the big lie and you are a liar about me being Muslim. You will rot in hell. This is the real story: 9-11 Attacks The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Those who behead people now are not Israelis, and those who spread fanatic religious insanity across Europe and the MidEast are not Israelis.

Steven Sotloff HY"D was not the first and won't be the last to die under the Da'esh sword. Question is, are Americans ready to just "be disgusted" or actually do something before this virus consumes us all?
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

The only ones I saw dancing in the streets were you Muslims.

That is the big lie and you are a liar about me being Muslim. You will rot in hell. This is the real story: 9-11 Attacks The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Those who behead people now are not Israelis, and those who spread fanatic religious insanity across Europe and the MidEast are not Israelis.

Steven Sotloff HY"D was not the first and won't be the last to die under the Da'esh sword. Question is, are Americans ready to just "be disgusted" or actually do something before this virus consumes us all?

The solution:

Abolish Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and IRS. Then move to a humble balanced Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy, while securing our Border.

It's the only way we'll have true peace, sovereignty, prosperity, and freedom.
It's time to end this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. We don't have to be enslaved pawns in their game.
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

The only ones I saw dancing in the streets were you Muslims.

That is the big lie and you are a liar about me being Muslim. You will rot in hell. This is the real story: 9-11 Attacks The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Those who behead people now are not Israelis, and those who spread fanatic religious insanity across Europe and the MidEast are not Israelis.

Steven Sotloff HY"D was not the first and won't be the last to die under the Da'esh sword. Question is, are Americans ready to just "be disgusted" or actually do something before this virus consumes us all?

The solution:

Abolish Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and IRS. Then move to a humble balanced Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy, while securing our Border.

It's the only way we'll have true peace, sovereignty, prosperity, and freedom.
It's time to end this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. We don't have to be enslaved pawns in their game.


What about radical Islamists?

Or you think they'll start loving you all of a sudden, even if the last American leaves the MidEast?

You guys cannot be that naive.
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

The only ones I saw dancing in the streets were you Muslims.

That is the big lie and you are a liar about me being Muslim. You will rot in hell. This is the real story: 9-11 Attacks The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Those who behead people now are not Israelis, and those who spread fanatic religious insanity across Europe and the MidEast are not Israelis.

Steven Sotloff HY"D was not the first and won't be the last to die under the Da'esh sword. Question is, are Americans ready to just "be disgusted" or actually do something before this virus consumes us all?

The solution:

Abolish Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and IRS. Then move to a humble balanced Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy, while securing our Border.

It's the only way we'll have true peace, sovereignty, prosperity, and freedom.
It's time to end this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. We don't have to be enslaved pawns in their game.


What about radical Islamists?

Or you think they'll start loving you all of a sudden, even if the last American leaves the MidEast?

You guys cannot be that naive.

We're everywhere bombing & killing around the world. It's not the solution. Intervention & War only begets more Intervention & War. We have to end this endless war.
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

The only ones I saw dancing in the streets were you Muslims.

That is the big lie and you are a liar about me being Muslim. You will rot in hell. This is the real story: 9-11 Attacks The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Those who behead people now are not Israelis, and those who spread fanatic religious insanity across Europe and the MidEast are not Israelis.

Steven Sotloff HY"D was not the first and won't be the last to die under the Da'esh sword. Question is, are Americans ready to just "be disgusted" or actually do something before this virus consumes us all?

The solution:

Abolish Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and IRS. Then move to a humble balanced Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy, while securing our Border.

It's the only way we'll have true peace, sovereignty, prosperity, and freedom.
It's time to end this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. We don't have to be enslaved pawns in their game.


What about radical Islamists?

Or you think they'll start loving you all of a sudden, even if the last American leaves the MidEast?

You guys cannot be that naive.

We're everywhere bombing & killing around the world. It's not the solution. Intervention & War only begets more Intervention & War. We have to end this endless war.

You're evading my question.

I got what you said, and I ask, again, what are you planning to do with the radical Islamists? Say you "stop bombing" and take all your guys out, will the Dae'sh people no longer "wave the flag of Allah over the white house"?
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

The only ones I saw dancing in the streets were you Muslims.

That is the big lie and you are a liar about me being Muslim. You will rot in hell. This is the real story: 9-11 Attacks The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Those who behead people now are not Israelis, and those who spread fanatic religious insanity across Europe and the MidEast are not Israelis.

Steven Sotloff HY"D was not the first and won't be the last to die under the Da'esh sword. Question is, are Americans ready to just "be disgusted" or actually do something before this virus consumes us all?

The solution:

Abolish Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and IRS. Then move to a humble balanced Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy, while securing our Border.

It's the only way we'll have true peace, sovereignty, prosperity, and freedom.
It's time to end this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. We don't have to be enslaved pawns in their game.


What about radical Islamists?

Or you think they'll start loving you all of a sudden, even if the last American leaves the MidEast?

You guys cannot be that naive.

You have no idea how naïve, or gullible most Americans are!
When 9/11 happened and the dancing Israelis were arrested, did you rejoice? Oh, they were let go and sent home, some being Mossad.

The only ones I saw dancing in the streets were you Muslims.

That is the big lie and you are a liar about me being Muslim. You will rot in hell. This is the real story: 9-11 Attacks The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Those who behead people now are not Israelis, and those who spread fanatic religious insanity across Europe and the MidEast are not Israelis.

Steven Sotloff HY"D was not the first and won't be the last to die under the Da'esh sword. Question is, are Americans ready to just "be disgusted" or actually do something before this virus consumes us all?

The solution:

Abolish Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and IRS. Then move to a humble balanced Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy, while securing our Border.

It's the only way we'll have true peace, sovereignty, prosperity, and freedom.
It's time to end this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. We don't have to be enslaved pawns in their game.


What about radical Islamists?

Or you think they'll start loving you all of a sudden, even if the last American leaves the MidEast?

You guys cannot be that naive.

We're everywhere bombing & killing around the world. It's not the solution. Intervention & War only begets more Intervention & War. We have to end this endless war.

Yes we do! We should tell Iraq and Syria, to clean up your house, or your house will be destroyed. Give them a month and if they don't fix it, then destroy both countries. Game over!

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