BREAKING: Steven Sotloff beheaded

Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

What a terrific post!

You nailed it!

In my humble opinion this difference in how we, both sides of the American political fence, perceived Islam marks when and where relations between Rw'ers vs Lw'ers really went sour in this country.

ISIS deadly bloody progress and the beheadings of the American journalists may end up being a blessing in disguise, I think.

It helped open the eyes of those on the Left we've been trying to convince for ten + years!

Great post, Marianne!

The issue is that not all Muslims are ISIS. On the other hand, we do not see those other Muslims standing up to ISIS in any way. I have no problem with us retaliating in a big way. Just don't send troops. Bomb the fuckers to Hell. Let them me their Allah down under if that is what they believe. And screw collateral damage.


Because we have no way of determining who the bad guys are and we know they appear wherever Muslim populations grow large enough to hide and support these terrorists, all we can do is to try to limit the numbers of Muslims there are which the bad guys can gain support and concealment from.

Limit Muslim populations in the US to NMT 2% of our own population totals.

And STOP building Mosques in America!

This represents the level where Muslims just begin to exhibit jihadi behaviors.

These behaviors and other data are found in an American Thinker article, "The Five Stages of Islam." Google it.

In the meantime these following words of advice are like GOLD!

Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

What a terrific post!

You nailed it!

In my humble opinion this difference in how we, both sides of the American political fence, perceived Islam marks when and where relations between Rw'ers vs Lw'ers really went sour in this country.

ISIS deadly bloody progress and the beheadings of the American journalists may end up being a blessing in disguise, I think.

It helped open the eyes of those on the Left we've been trying to convince for ten + years!

Great post, Marianne!

The issue is that not all Muslims are ISIS. On the other hand, we do not see those other Muslims standing up to ISIS in any way. I have no problem with us retaliating in a big way. Just don't send troops. Bomb the fuckers to Hell. Let them me their Allah down under if that is what they believe. And screw collateral damage.

One more thing.

There are a great many millions of Muslims, primarily Shiites, who want nothing more than a world wide thermo-nuclear catastrophe.

Jihadists, certainly OBL and maybe others, have received "official" religious permission to use nukes on us and he was 'allowed' to kill 4,000,000 American Men, Women and Children.

There are also a lot of people who think that winning a war against the Islamo-nazis is what we should take heart in because we have the most fire power.

But the kind of violence we see on TV from Ukraine and Syria and Gaza is THE LAST THING WE SHOULD EVER WANT HERE IN THE STREETS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!

We may win such a war but we would all suffer and be losers if we ever allowed that kind of violence erupt in America.

The idea is to PREVENT civil insurrection or worse!

Prevent the Muslim brotherhood from getting what they want.

A devastated and divided and demoralized America they can use their wiles and their wits and their knowledge of us they've gained over the years studying us on the internet at sites like this.

What they want is a greater foothold a greater presence in America and a way to divide us and keep us at each other's throats so they can have us fighting each other as they do online.
Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

"We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA." Thats the point I was making yesterday. It does not matter the groups name, al qaeda, Isis whoever. They believe in ONE thing that is driving them...the KORAN.
Kill the infidels....the non believers!
Listening to NPR right now, the host just finished interviewing a journalist from the BBC, and the journalist was just saying he fears there will be many more journalists beheaded. Says they have captured a # of journalists.

When Obama exchanged 5 or 6 top Al Qaeda guys from Gitmo in exchange for Bo Bergdahl that sent the word out via the terrorist grapevine there's a big new buyer in the market!

Every hostage that ISIS kills has Obama to thank.

The Israeli's longstanding principle against negotiating ransoms and exchanges with hostage takers should have been heeded. Rewarding kidnappers only encourages more kidnappings and always costs more lives in the long run.
Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

"We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA." Thats the point I was making yesterday. It does not matter the groups name, al qaeda, Isis whoever. They believe in ONE thing that is driving them...the KORAN.
Kill the infidels....the non believers!

Why welcome, Mustang. It seems not too long ago you were against everything good.

How do you explain the sudden conversion?
Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

Islam does not equal bad any more than Christianity equals bad.

Sorry, but around the world today Islam indeed is equaling "bad" much more of the time than Christianity.

It's too bad you stupid mother fucking goddamned idiot liberals couldn't one mother fucking time see the fucking difference !!!!!!!!!!!!!7

I know that you want everything to be simple. It is in your DNA. But it isn't. There are good and bad Muslims. Just like there are good and bad Christians. You idiot simpleton.

Of course there are good and bad in all religions, but the Crusades were not yesterday. When will one of you simpleton liberals acknowledge that around the world today there are many times over much more of a problem with the followers of Islam ?
Why is it that not one of you mentally challenged liberals concede this point ?
Why is it you're all fucking robots, and all come rushing in to breathlessly tell us when another Islamic terror incident occurs, that Christianity and Christians are just as bad ?
Well guess what skippy, today Islam is worse !! PERIOD !!!!

Sorry dickhead. I won't allow some idiot to say "Islam=bad" and not address it.

Muslim extremists are bad. They represent a small fraction of Muslims.

Be accurate in the way you speak and you won't be called a simpleton.

Oh, so you don't like or approve of equality between the sexes?

And do you think Jews are descended from apes and pigs?

Genital mutilation?

Forced conversions to Islam of those in fear of their lives.

What in the world kind of value system does Islam have if you're a Muslim and you don't think all this stuff I mentioned (and more!) qualifies as bad???

That's why you have no future in the United States.
Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

"We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA." Thats the point I was making yesterday. It does not matter the groups name, al qaeda, Isis whoever. They believe in ONE thing that is driving them...the KORAN.
Kill the infidels....the non believers!

Why welcome, Mustang. It seems not too long ago you were against everything good.

How do you explain the sudden conversion?

Say what??? I have no explanation as to how you interpret posts that you read.
Please, don't misspell my id, they will bite my head off. Mine is Mustng....actually misspelled by choice, a long time ago :wink:
Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

"We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA." Thats the point I was making yesterday. It does not matter the groups name, al qaeda, Isis whoever. They believe in ONE thing that is driving them...the KORAN.
Kill the infidels....the non believers!

Why welcome, Mustang. It seems not too long ago you were against everything good.

How do you explain the sudden conversion?

before you start thinking there is a convert

it is a new poster
This isn't a American problem it's a world problem. That said I agree with you Katz. ISIS is doing what Putin is doing. They know America, who has taken the unfortunate position of being world police, has a weak leader. They are simply promoting their agenda and taking advantage of the situation. It's like what happened with Jimmy Carter all over again.

That was, of course, stupid and shows you know nothing of the fucking history of how that all went down. But somehow, that doesn't surprise me.

All on the Right who use racist language you should know that by doing so you alienate those who might want to support your posts.

By the way, I'm Black. And you don't want to give the Jihadi assholes an opening to use race as a wedge issue to further their goals in America.
Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

"We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA." Thats the point I was making yesterday. It does not matter the groups name, al qaeda, Isis whoever. They believe in ONE thing that is driving them...the KORAN.
Kill the infidels....the non believers!

Why welcome, Mustang. It seems not too long ago you were against everything good.

How do you explain the sudden conversion?

before you start thinking there is a convert

it is a new poster

So it would appear. That's for sure!

I guess, ultimately, we can only trust the board's Mod Squad, IT folks and Admin to watch for phantom accounts and such nonsense. LOL

But that avi of the black horse looks so similar to the other's that it seemed too close to be a coincidence.
Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

"We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA." Thats the point I was making yesterday. It does not matter the groups name, al qaeda, Isis whoever. They believe in ONE thing that is driving them...the KORAN.
Kill the infidels....the non believers!

Why welcome, Mustang. It seems not too long ago you were against everything good.

How do you explain the sudden conversion?

before you start thinking there is a convert

it is a new poster

So it would appear. That's for sure!

I guess, ultimately, we can only trust the board's Mod Squad, IT folks and Admin to watch for phantom accounts and such nonsense. LOL

But that avi of the black horse looks so similar to the other's that it seemed too close to be a coincidence.

it caught me off guard as well
This act occurred the day after PM Cameron gave a very tough talking speech on the matter.

But Sotloff was American, silly!

yes it seems the terrorists said they would do this guy

if we did not meet their demands

the penalty for beheading one of our own should be steep

and it should be violent and decisive

for this is the only language they understand
We've been fighting the same weirdos since mohommed created the religion. It isn't a new thing, they aren't a new enemy. They've been our enemies since they started creeping across the middle east and encroaching upon Europe.

This is very true, but it's also true that the reason we meddle in the M.E. is because of Israel. Bin Laden himself said why they hit us on 9/11.

Is it really worth the American blood shed to defend a country simply because some people believe it is biblical prophecy? Ask yourself this KG- why do we need an ally in the M.E.? We don't need the oil, we have our own energy.
If only it were that simple. Do you not realize, that was lies, to try to justify it to the moderates- nothing else. They want to fulfill their mohammed driven mission of either converting the world, or killing all that resist. If you read the koran, it says nothing of just converting the middle east.

Great post!

I absolutely concur!
This act occurred the day after PM Cameron gave a very tough talking speech on the matter.

You probably missed this, so I repeat it, (Besides, it's good - even for me...)

Up until the Korean War, the United States had a VERY different view of what war is. War is terrible, brutal, people die. In World War I, 9 million soldiers died - 17 million civilians died. War was not a game, it was brutal. The goal was not to arrest the infantry and try them in court for following the orders of their superiors, as the fucking moron Obama seeks, war was waged to end the DESIRE of the enemy to fight. It was not limited, and collateral damage was an intended consequence of war. Basically the USA took the position that if you fuck with us, we will kill you, and kill your families. War was not intended to be nice.

IF we wish to win the war we are in now, we need to do several things,

  1. Acknowledge that we are in a war
  2. Recognize who are enemy is
  3. Be willing to do what is needed to win
  4. Draw a clear line between war and peace

Americans don't want war, and there is a delusion that if we pretend there is no war, it will go away. But whether we acknowledge reality or not, Islam is at war with us. Not "radical Islam," or some other bullshit modifier, just Islam. Islam and civilization are not compatible. Either Islam must change to accommodate civilization, as both Christianity and Judaism have, or it must fight the civilized world, For years, Turkey stood as testament that Islam could change, could evolve into a religion that exist among decent people. But that was the past, even Turkey is now being pulled into the cesspool that is Islam.

The United States has the power to win this war. Our weapons are great and terrible, our fighting men the best trained and equipped in the history of the world. What we lack is will.

To win, we must make the price of engaging us too great for the Muslims to be willing to pay - we must break their will - just as we did with the Axis, just as we did with the Triple Alliance. This means exacting a toll on Muslims that will create fear in their hearts. Strategic bombing of ISIS with robot drones does nothing to break the will on the enemy, in fact it strengthens their will by creating martyrs to be cherished by their sick and primitive religion. To break their will means utterly annihilating them. Unleashing the full wrath of America, leaving every inch of territory held by ISIS in a condition the Dresden never dreamed of in the worst nightmare of PTSD victims that somehow crawled out of that rubble. Civilians will die - many of them, just as they did in Dresden, and Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.I mean that we carpet bomb with MOAB's so that the thought of harboring or supporting ISIS and the other Muslims will create a fear in the hearts of people from Damascus to Tehran. That the price of engaging America will be one that Islam is unwilling to pay.

No boots on the ground, no nation building, no help with the aftermath. Just a flurry of death for those who fail to grasp that America is not to be fucked with.

This leads to my final point - we live in a state of limbo, neither war nor peace. We must return to the sanity that war and peace are mutually exclusive.

We made ourselves the enemy of the extremists in the Middle East. By meddling.

The only people who say things like that are either ignorant or Jihadi.
Just because someone can kill a journalist that makes them some sort of 'varsity' player?

What about those two rightwingers out west who killed the two cops? Did they make the rightwing Sovereign Citizens a varsity terrorist movement?

It makes them evil, but it won't stop you leftists from sucking their cocks.

9/11 made Islam the eternal beloved of the left.

What you wrote is just about as batshit crazy as it gets.

What in the fuck is this RW obsession with gay oral sex?
Fucking Islamic animals !

Islamic State claims to have executed US journalist Steven Sotloff

Islamic State claims to have executed US journalist Steven Sotloff - Chicago Sun-Times

Travel into a war zone and start talking shit this is what happens. You're not an innocent bystander once you pick a side and start trash-talking the opposition. We went after enemy propagandists in WWII as well, William Joyce (executed for it) et al. I don't see this as being out-of-bounds when we did the very same things if not as publicly. Instead of a knife we used a noose or firing squad.

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