BREAKING: Steven Sotloff beheaded

We armed them because Israel wanted Syria pulverized into a nation of tribes. Yinon Plan fortold this decades ago. I am sorry for the family who must be undone. But America had something to do with all this regime change and the beheadings in Iraq as well, as regime change was at work there too. America is responsible for most of the wars in the world and we broke Iraq and Syria. We are responsible for the death and destruction.

Come on people....7 disagrees? Much of what hes saying is true. Look at Iraq, took out Saddam=country in turmoil=ISIS. We arm them (so-called freedom fighters) as well...with "good intention" and than look at result. They use it against us. They, meaning any radical Muslim....and that's all I will say about that.
We need to close our damn borders, strengthen our military back up and worry about protecting whats left of our country.
We really need a new leader.

The militants already announced their "third" beheading", a Brit....and it will happen
Make that 8, Mustang.

Seriously, you did nothing to back his claim up. Bush warned that taking troops out prematurely out of Iraq would lead to this kind of situation, lo and behold, Obama pulls them out in 2011 and by Summers dawn this year, you have barbarians rampaging all over the Levant beheading the opposition and innocent Americans. Just like your guy in the White House, you have zero strategy to deal with the problem.

"We" don't arm anyone. Obama arms these idiots by arming countries who are sympathetic to radical Islamist causes. Perhaps you didn't get the memo.

I thought that is what I said...
"We arm them"....ok....meaning obama, our leader. I did not vote for him.
I have a stragedy, pull out and start dropping the big ones
We armed them because Israel wanted Syria pulverized into a nation of tribes. Yinon Plan fortold this decades ago. I am sorry for the family who must be undone. But America had something to do with all this regime change and the beheadings in Iraq as well, as regime change was at work there too. America is responsible for most of the wars in the world and we broke Iraq and Syria. We are responsible for the death and destruction.

Come on people....7 disagrees? Much of what hes saying is true. Look at Iraq, took out Saddam=country in turmoil=ISIS. We arm them (so-called freedom fighters) as well...with "good intention" and than look at result. They use it against us. They, meaning any radical Muslim....and that's all I will say about that.
We need to close our damn borders, strengthen our military back up and worry about protecting whats left of our country.
We really need a new leader.

The militants already announced their "third" beheading", a Brit....and it will happen
Make that 8, Mustang.

Seriously, you did nothing to back his claim up. Bush warned that taking troops out prematurely out of Iraq would lead to this kind of situation, lo and behold, Obama pulls them out in 2011 and by Summers dawn this year, you have barbarians rampaging all over the Levant beheading the opposition and innocent Americans. Just like your guy in the White House, you have zero strategy to deal with the problem.

"We" don't arm anyone. Obama arms these idiots by arming countries who are sympathetic to radical Islamist causes. Perhaps you didn't get the memo.

I thought that is what I said...
"We arm them"....ok....meaning obama, our leader. I did not vote for him.
The poster talked about how we seek "regime change" in other countries. Need a list or how many countries we stuck our nose in and are now overrun by ISIS?
Lets not forget Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood. REALLY OBAMA???

I have a stragedy, pull out and start dropping the big ones
These people will pay for their crimes, my prayers are with the family for their loss...

3 threads so far and counting without one RWer giving any condolences to the family...only scorn and ADS....

How childishly pedantic of you.

It went without saying you internet metrosexual.
These people will pay for their crimes, my prayers are with the family for their loss...

3 threads so far and counting without one RWer giving any condolences to the family...only scorn and ADS....

How childishly pedantic of you.

It went without saying you internet metrosexual.

Let's hope by the time the next beheading happens, the young British girl of 26, we aren't desensitized by these horrendous acts. I haven't watched any of the videos but maybe that is what it takes for us to wake up and take action. Maybe we should be writing the WH, our representatives and tell them "it's time!"
His poor family....
Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

Islam does not equal bad any more than Christianity equals bad.
So Christians are beheading journalists? Ramming planes into buildings? Stoning women and hanging gays?
Maybe if Israel is on a break from murdering Palestinian women and children they could conduct some operations against ISIS, afterall,

it's in their backyard, they have the military capability, and - so I've been told - they're our allies.

You'd think they've forgotten about the harsh scolding's they've received from Obama?
These people will pay for their crimes, my prayers are with the family for their loss...

3 threads so far and counting without one RWer giving any condolences to the family...only scorn and ADS....

How childishly pedantic of you.

It went without saying you internet metrosexual.

Let's hope by the time the next beheading happens, the young British girl of 26, we aren't desensitized by these horrendous acts. I haven't watched any of the videos but maybe that is what it takes for us to wake up and take action. Maybe we should be writing the WH, our representatives and tell them "it's time!"
Isn't she American ?
Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

Islam does not equal bad any more than Christianity equals bad.

Sorry, but around the world today Islam indeed is equaling "bad" much more of the time than Christianity.

It's too bad you stupid mother fucking goddamned idiot liberals couldn't one mother fucking time see the fucking difference !!!!!!!!!!!!!7

I know that you want everything to be simple. It is in your DNA. But it isn't. There are good and bad Muslims. Just like there are good and bad Christians. You idiot simpleton.

I'd like to think that if Christians beheaded a journalist in the name of Christ there would be outrage by the good Christians,I know I'd denounce it. You don't see any "good Muslims" denouncing this crap do you? Nope dead silence. Then you have to ask yourself why the silence. If a Koran was being burned they sure as hell would scream, but an Infidel journalist gets beheaded and you can hear a pin drop. I live on the east coast in a city with a large Muslim population and I got crickets here. The "good Muslims" are very much like the Germans in Nazi Germany. The see the atrocity their people are doing, but turn a blind eye. It's no different than Germans letting Jews go to the gas chambers and ovens.

The answer to why the silence is simple. While they may not agree with the method used, they agree with the result of furthering Islam. In their minds like all fundamentalists, everyone should follow their way of life because it's the correct way of life. So called moderate Muslims are still fundamentalists in the western sense. For them there is no separation of church and state because Islam is a theocracy with it's own laws AKA Sharia laws. Allah's way is the only way for all Muslims and allah's theocracy must rule.

The PC MSM is feeding you cow pies about Islam. Islam is a flawed totalitarian cult created by a egomaniac pedophile war lord to exploit people into doing what he wanted and if that didn't work they die. Read the history about Mohammad, there is nothing holy about him. Today he'd be on the same level as Jim Jones,David Koresh and Charles Manson. Just because somethings been around for 1400 years doesn't make it a legit religion.

leaving Islam is punishable by death. Sound like a nice belief system to you?
This isn't a American problem it's a world problem. That said I agree with you Katz. ISIS is doing what Putin is doing. They know America, who has taken the unfortunate position of being world police, has a weak leader. They are simply promoting their agenda and taking advantage of the situation. It's like what happened with Jimmy Carter all over again.

That was, of course, stupid and shows you know nothing of the fucking history of how that all went down. But somehow, that doesn't surprise me.

Really dumbass? let me refresh your memory.

The Iran hostage crisis, referred to within Iran in Persian as تسخیر لانه جاسوسی امریکا (literally "Conquest of the American Spy Den,"), was a diplomatic crisis between Iran and the United States. Fifty-two American diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days (November 4, 1979, to January 20, 1981), after a group of Iranian students, belonging to the Muslim Student Followers of the Imam's Line, who were supporting the Iranian Revolution, took over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.[1] President Jimmy Carter called the hostages "victims of terrorism and anarchy," adding that "the United States will not yield to blackmail."[2]

Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You will note the dates. It started in 1979 and ended in January 20,1981.

The United States presidency of Ronald Reagan, also known as the Reagan administration, was a Republican administration headed by Ronald Reagan from January 20, 1981, to January 20, 1989.

Carter was such a weak leader that the people holding the hostages weren't afraid of him or what he's do. However Reagan made it very clear that there would be Action taken against Iran if when he became President, they continued to hold American citizens hostage. Hence the date Reagan was sworn in the hostages were released and sent home.

Obama is a weak leader. Putin and ISIS don't fear him, so they will do as they please just like the Iranian students did In 79. What's Obama gonna do, Sanction Putin to death? Obama was the one who pulled our troops back so they know he will be reluctant to put boots back on the ground. ISIS may be crazy but they aren't dumb.
This isn't a American problem it's a world problem. That said I agree with you Katz. ISIS is doing what Putin is doing. They know America, who has taken the unfortunate position of being world police, has a weak leader. They are simply promoting their agenda and taking advantage of the situation. It's like what happened with Jimmy Carter all over again.

That was, of course, stupid and shows you know nothing of the fucking history of how that all went down. But somehow, that doesn't surprise me.

You don't recall that Jimmy Carter was beheaded?
Geez I knew Scat was dumb but I really thought you had a brain in your head Samson.
Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

Islam does not equal bad any more than Christianity equals bad.

You demonstrate the Muslim love of deception.


Islam DOES equal bad if you are a non-Muslim standing in their way and you don't wish to convert to Islam or pay a Jizya tax or be killed.

In that case, yes.

Islam is Bad.

Very Bad.

EDIT: Oh, and that's saying NOTHING about that nasty little cultural and religious peccadillo called anti-Semitism. But theirs is the most virulent form of it in all the world. Theirs is an everlasting, bloodthirsty, murderous hatred of Jews.

Worse racists than the KKK.

Yes, Islam IS Bad.

Oh, and did we mention that Islam still condones slavery?

Yeah, Islam is bad.

And there is no such thing as EQUALITY in Islam!
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Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

What a terrific post!

You nailed it!

In my humble opinion this difference in how we, both sides of the American political fence, perceived Islam marks when and where relations between Rw'ers vs Lw'ers really went sour in this country.

ISIS deadly bloody progress and the beheadings of the American journalists may end up being a blessing in disguise, I think.

It helped open the eyes of those on the Left we've been trying to convince for ten + years!

Great post, Marianne!
More intervention and war isn't the answer. It will only beget more intervention and war. It's time to break the Vicious Circle of war. These are not our wars. Just come home.

The use of violence has gotten a bad name recently.

Let no one doubt the power of violence to change the direction of world events and determine the lives and the reign of world leaders and millions of their peoples. It can stop injustice. End barbarity. Bring an end to violence.

When wrong doers see a clear road ahead to commit evil in pursuit of a global caliphate or to kill Jews or to bring down our iconic landmarks the ONLY thing that will stop them is violence.

I will not trust my life nor the lives of my loved ones to the mercies of these bastards.

If we don't stand up for our own interests and/or stand up for the sake of doing what's right for our allies' interests we are the ones who will lose.
Bomb the shit out of them.

I tend to agree Ravi. If we know their general location, kill everything and everyone around them. I have no problem with us killing 10,000 of them for every one of ours. Unfortunately, we are not dealing with human beings and other Muslims are not willing to stand against ISIS, so I have no qualms about completely wiping them out.
Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

Islam does not equal bad any more than Christianity equals bad.

Sorry, but around the world today Islam indeed is equaling "bad" much more of the time than Christianity.

It's too bad you stupid mother fucking goddamned idiot liberals couldn't one mother fucking time see the fucking difference !!!!!!!!!!!!!7

I know that you want everything to be simple. It is in your DNA. But it isn't. There are good and bad Muslims. Just like there are good and bad Christians. You idiot simpleton.

Brigitte Gabriel addressed PRECISELY that point the other night and got a standing ovation from the crowd.

Here's her comments:

Bomb the shit out of them.

I tend to agree Ravi. If we know their general location, kill everything and everyone around them. I have no problem with us killing 10,000 of them for every one of ours. Unfortunately, we are not dealing with human beings and other Muslims are not willing to stand against ISIS, so I have no qualms about completely wiping them out.


The rationale is understood. The act, however, would be no different than what Hitler did. And that was absolutely evil. If War is for the hearts and minds of the people we must show WE are the GOOD GUYS and WE are the ones who are the last best hope on Earth for Freedom and Capitalism.

There must be another way.
Of course RW's send their condolences. It's just very frustrating when you've been telling the libs Islam = bad for years and they don't listen because they have to be PC. And Guess what? We've allowed oodles of Koranimals in the USA. The beheading of these journalists is just the beginning. Anyone who doesn't think there is a terror cell living in every Islamic community in the USA is an idiot. Of course there is. The extremist groups may be crazy but they aren't dumb. My question is, How long is the left going to take to have the same epiphany about Islam that the RW's have? This crap will continue until we all either convert or fight for our way of life. There is no other option.

My condolences to the Sotloff family. His death will not be in vain.

What a terrific post!

You nailed it!

In my humble opinion this difference in how we, both sides of the American political fence, perceived Islam marks when and where relations between Rw'ers vs Lw'ers really went sour in this country.

ISIS deadly bloody progress and the beheadings of the American journalists may end up being a blessing in disguise, I think.

It helped open the eyes of those on the Left we've been trying to convince for ten + years!

Great post, Marianne!

The issue is that not all Muslims are ISIS. On the other hand, we do not see those other Muslims standing up to ISIS in any way. I have no problem with us retaliating in a big way. Just don't send troops. Bomb the fuckers to Hell. Let them me their Allah down under if that is what they believe. And screw collateral damage.

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