BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

Oh, please.
I didn't know Jews were known for mass murders. Please.
There is a difference between Islam and extremism - it doesn't take a Muslim to note it.

but many don't make the distinction. They see muslim violence and not enough moderate muslims standing up against them, but standing on the sidelines holding their tongue. The majority of muslims need to stand up and say no.

Why are so many letting the non-muslims carry the burden to end the radicals and extremists speaking hate against the west? Why should the west open their doors to "refugees" they know nothing about and it is know many of them are ISIS infiltrator and not genuine refugees. There is almost a million refugees trying to enter europe and a third are ISIS or extremist. People should not be scared? They shouldn't care? They should let them all it even with the threat of terrorism?

How many more Paris like attacks should europe suffer for the sake of "refugees"?

Sweden want their muslims out and refuse refugees. Even Germany can't take them all. They did not expect hundreds of thousand, but thought a few thousand only would try to enter.

Refugees expect and are even suing for welfare and benefits like citizens are allowed. They want to free ride, but europe should not be concerned? Refugees except special treatment because of their faith at the cost of the majority of christians or other religions already there. They want special laws and not conformity to the state laws.

How is this supposed to make the citizens of those countries feel? Warm and fuzzy for the muslims?

Sympathy is one thing, invasion and conquest totally another.

Terrorism is an invasion. France suffered from an invasion and attempted conquest of their people by outsiders. Thousands of muslims cheer the attacks and europe is supposed to welcome unconditionally more muslims into their countries?

It is one thing to know not all muslims are like that, and other to not care what kind of muslims are entering their neighborhoods.

You know, some of this is not so different than what they used to say about Jewish refugees in WW2, when the concern then was Anarchist Terrorism.

The anarchist movement was the terrorist organization of it's time and responsible for bombings that killed people.

Learn some history.
Look at the posts West. How many are "real concern" and how many are simply a vehicle for hate? Seriously...maybe I'm jaded but I'm not seeing a lot of distinction here.
You are seeing what you are predisposed to see, dude.

I think after dozens of terrorist attacks in the USA and hundreds in Europe and the ME, we have complete justification in indiscriminately hating every one of their worthless asses. Most of them hated us decades ago and we had done nothing to them to earn it other than being 'Franks'.

We haven't had "dozens of terrorist attacks" from them - most of our terrorist attacks have been home grown American loonies.

Simply not true, most of the Muslim attacks have been by immigrants, like the nuitcase at Fort Hood that you libtards insist was just 'work place violence', lol.

You ave not been following all the attacks, attempted attacks or the news reports on terrorism. Sorry on this point you are wrong. Even those who were americans are being influenced by those from outside and convinced they should serve the others and not their country, america. They become foreign agents infiltrating our country. Traitors.

Even a few bad one can taint the way we see all muslims for fear of more attacks. It is normal to be suspicious of those who do not integrate into society but show more loyalty to other faiths and other countries instead. Groups that call for the death of americans or those from the west in general

The vast majority of muslims have not exactly made the country feel loving to them or their ways. It takes time and each act of terrorism around the world and each new report make that time even longer.

The VAST majority of Muslims in the US have done nothing wrong - nothing to earn your criticism. They've been good American citizens. Why the hate?

Most victims of terrorism didn't do any thing wrong. Most americans didn't do nothing wrong but there are calls for american blood to be spilled. Hundreds of thousands chant death to america.

We have a right to be suspicious and on guard. We have a right to protect our country by rejecting those who might have terrorist ties and not invite untold number of muslims to come here.

Not about hate of muslims but careful of who we let in. It is about self preservation not just sympathy of the suffering around the world. If we don't remain strong and safe at home we can't help other around the world if we can't help ourselves.

The world has good reason to suspect all muslims trying to enter their countries, even places like jordan, lebanon and turkey. They understand terrorist, more than most of the west. They have opened their country to refugees and suffered terrorism for their generosity. They have avoid a high price. Why should the western country suffer the same fate? Shouldn't they learn from those mistakes of the middle east nations?

It is not a few hundred at a time but hundreds of thousands of muslims involved that are trying to spread across europe. They re not all scientists and teachers or engineers, but most with no credible skills and many who can't even speak another language or have more than a cursory knowledge of life in the west.

Many that had already been allowed to move to europe had not idea of the cold or conditions they would face or how different their lives would be, or how complex society would be.
That is ad hominem bullshit. The facts are presented, if you can refute them then do so, but you dont get off with some generic broad slam on those who present the facts to you, dude.

No, not for a libtard, not really, not at all.

'ad hominem' is not the same thing as 'name calling'. It is a logical fallacy where one dismisses facts or arguments by attacking the messenger as illegitimate, like when libtards say a story is not tue because it is from world net daily or a Kluxer said it so it must be false.


When they speak up, the likes of you ignore it.
Then surely you can find thousands of videos that show moderate Muslims celebrating American victories and deploring ISIS abuses, other than the King of Jordan, a truly stand up guy.

Google is your friend. Google "Muslims condemn extremis" or "violence" etc and you'll find plenty of examples. They've been asked for in multiple threads and duly ignored so I am not going to research them again.
Everyone they are ignored or blamed for being insincere or too little too late.

It is too little too late. Something really needs to be done about this problem, and it really shouldn't be OUR problem.

This is how we felt before the Nazis sunk the Lusitania. It became our problem. When September 11th happened, it became our problem, forever.
Look at the posts West. How many are "real concern" and how many are simply a vehicle for hate? Seriously...maybe I'm jaded but I'm not seeing a lot of distinction here.
You are seeing what you are predisposed to see, dude.

I think after dozens of terrorist attacks in the USA and hundreds in Europe and the ME, we have complete justification in indiscriminately hating every one of their worthless asses. Most of them hated us decades ago and we had done nothing to them to earn it other than being 'Franks'.

We haven't had "dozens of terrorist attacks" from them - most of our terrorist attacks have been home grown American loonies.

Simply not true, most of the Muslim attacks have been by immigrants, like the nuitcase at Fort Hood that you libtards insist was just 'work place violence', lol.

You ave not been following all the attacks, attempted attacks or the news reports on terrorism. Sorry on this point you are wrong. Even those who were americans are being influenced by those from outside and convinced they should serve the others and not their country, america. They become foreign agents infiltrating our country. Traitors.

Even a few bad one can taint the way we see all muslims for fear of more attacks. It is normal to be suspicious of those who do not integrate into society but show more loyalty to other faiths and other countries instead. Groups that call for the death of americans or those from the west in general

The vast majority of muslims have not exactly made the country feel loving to them or their ways. It takes time and each act of terrorism around the world and each new report make that time even longer.

The VAST majority of Muslims in the US have done nothing wrong - nothing to earn your criticism. They've been good American citizens. Why the hate?

Most victims of terrorism didn't do any thing wrong. Most americans didn't do nothing wrong but there are calls for american blood to be spilled. Hundreds of thousands chant death to america.

We have a right to be suspicious and on guard. We have a right to protect our country by rejecting those who might have terrorist ties and not invite untold number of muslims to come here.

Not about hate of muslims but careful of who we let in. It is about self preservation not just sympathy of the suffering around the world. If we don't remain strong and safe at home we can't help other around the world if we can't help ourselves.

The world has good reason to suspect all muslims trying to enter their countries, even places like jordan, lebanon and turkey. They understand terrorist, more than most of the west. They have opened their country to refugees and suffered terrorism for their generosity. They have avoid a high price. Why should the western country suffer the same fate? Shouldn't they learn from those mistakes of the middle east nations?

It is not a few hundred at a time but hundreds of thousands of muslims involved that are trying to spread across europe. They re not all scientists and teachers or engineers, but most with no credible skills and many who can't even speak another language or have more than a cursory knowledge of life in the west.

Many that had already been allowed to move to europe had not idea of the cold or conditions they would face or how different their lives would be, or how complex society would be.

Muslims being killed by ISIS are mostly shiite, who were not the majority in syria. Shiites are considered heretics to many sunni. That is a muslims thing not an ISIS one. ISIS has nearly wiped out minority groups in syria and Iraq.
As the Body count keep rising and some of you keep the demented comments rolling all I can say is I am ashamed to be a human.

I do not write many threads, and try not to let my opinion of certain religions cloud my judgment but I am sick of the nonsense that is going on. Europe bring in refugees from Syria and Paris burns.


Simple, some retarded idiots that are stuck in the 13th century mindset believe countries like France are their enemy because they ( France ) help countries like the United States of America to carry on their proxy war in countries like Syria.

So how should the world answer to the savage attacks?

For me I would request the idiot in the oval office to stop his assault against Assad and put Assad back in power and let that evil bastard kill ISIL within his border. I would then ask this country to back the Kurds in Iraq to take over the country and allow them to genocide ISIL off the face of the Earth.

Do I read a little emotional?

Sure, seeing when I was a child the first language I spoke was French-Canadian, so yeah this is personal.

Before someone write something asinine about this what we get for electing Obama let me state I am not a fan of Obama. I am sick of some of the crap he has attempted within the Syrian border, and supporting regime change when he did not know what was attempting to replace Assad.

In the end the Paris attacks is bloods on the American hands because if it were not for our involvement, and getting allies like France involve in Syria and the middle - east region then tonight attacks may not have happen...

This is all I will write in this thread, and will not respond to any responses so flame away if you feel the need.


I hope that the World track down every ISIL member and send those bloody bastards to the depths of hell.... Hell is too good for them so send them to deepest part of the ocean with a minute of oxygen for them and may God reincarnate them into a parasite that feeds off whale shit.

Kindly explain what responsibility the President of the United States has to intervene in the sovereign nation of France. Provide an intelligent answer to that and we can proceed.
When they speak up, the likes of you ignore it.
Then surely you can find thousands of videos that show moderate Muslims celebrating American victories and deploring ISIS abuses, other than the King of Jordan, a truly stand up guy.

Google is your friend. Google "Muslims condemn extremis" or "violence" etc and you'll find plenty of examples. They've been asked for in multiple threads and duly ignored so I am not going to research them again.
Everyone they are ignored or blamed for being insincere or too little too late.

It is too little too late. Something really needs to be done about this problem, and it really shouldn't be OUR problem.

This is how we felt before the Nazis sunk the Lusitania. It became our problem. When September 11th happened, it became our problem, forever.
There were no Nazis when the Lusitania sank. America never should have got involved in World War 1. If we hadn't, maybe there never would have been any Nazis.

When you don't know history, you're doomed to repeat it.
I thought I had heard earlier a theory that this was related to the killing of Jihadi John?? Don't know how true that is, and I can't remember where I heard it either. I listened to and read a lot of news about this incident today.
Among those killed at the concert hall was one of the band members. The band is from California. The concert was sold out.
Exactly how do you propose to do that?
How the hell do you think.................Find as many as possible and kill them.................

Do you go out and say not all fire ants are bad in your yard win you put poison on them?

Your Pysc babble is humorous, as you still refuse to say what needs to be said................

You use PC to say they need to be destroyed, then bitch at me saying how when I say go in and kill them.


You are full of generalities and short of specifics - your the one that demanded solutions.

How will you find them? How will you kill them? Who will you send? Who will you work with?

They have strong holds there...............We know were they are at and are conducting limited air strikes on them now..............But we don't know where they are at.....................:lmao:.................I guess our military is just guessing..........:lmao:

You can kill them by various means..............bombs, bullets, mortars, cruise missiles................which do you prefer to use to Kill ..........oops that isn't politically correct for you.............destroy them with..................

Who will you work with........................................The other countries who are tired of this shit..............Maybe France? I think they are pissed right now............YA THINK...............

You are one Naive individual..............

I don't think I'm the one that is naive here.

You have a conflict with multiple players - incompetent/corrupt governments, failed states, religious and ethnic divisions, hundreds of independent militias, tribal affiliations, foreign interventionists: Iran, Russia, U.S., Europe, a geography that is difficult to traverse and a lot of urban areas to hide in.

Ok, so let's say you are naive enough to think you will be able to just "kill" ISIS - what will fill the vacuum?









Al Qaeda is why we went after the Taliban.
As the Body count keep rising and some of you keep the demented comments rolling all I can say is I am ashamed to be a human.

I do not write many threads, and try not to let my opinion of certain religions cloud my judgment but I am sick of the nonsense that is going on. Europe bring in refugees from Syria and Paris burns.


Simple, some retarded idiots that are stuck in the 13th century mindset believe countries like France are their enemy because they ( France ) help countries like the United States of America to carry on their proxy war in countries like Syria.

So how should the world answer to the savage attacks?

For me I would request the idiot in the oval office to stop his assault against Assad and put Assad back in power and let that evil bastard kill ISIL within his border. I would then ask this country to back the Kurds in Iraq to take over the country and allow them to genocide ISIL off the face of the Earth.

Do I read a little emotional?

Sure, seeing when I was a child the first language I spoke was French-Canadian, so yeah this is personal.

Before someone write something asinine about this what we get for electing Obama let me state I am not a fan of Obama. I am sick of some of the crap he has attempted within the Syrian border, and supporting regime change when he did not know what was attempting to replace Assad.

In the end the Paris attacks is bloods on the American hands because if it were not for our involvement, and getting allies like France involve in Syria and the middle - east region then tonight attacks may not have happen...

This is all I will write in this thread, and will not respond to any responses so flame away if you feel the need.


I hope that the World track down every ISIL member and send those bloody bastards to the depths of hell.... Hell is too good for them so send them to deepest part of the ocean with a minute of oxygen for them and may God reincarnate them into a parasite that feeds off whale shit.


Bruce , my man . I concur.

I can not believe that the Islamofascists still adhere to this 13th Century mindset that if you kill my family then I will kill yours.

That is fucked up. What's up with this "stand my ground" bullshit?

I believe that the US , the UK, and France have the right to destroy Syria with impunity.

Long Live warmongering. Love Live Israel.


Among those killed at the concert hall was one of the band members. The band is from California. The concert was sold out.
Wow. There were probably several Americans killed in this attack. Eagles of Death Metal. I remember them being in a Microsoft or Comcast ad back in 2007. That's the last time I'd heard of them. RIP.
I thought I had heard earlier a theory that this was related to the killing of Jihadi John?? Don't know how true that is, and I can't remember where I heard it either. I listened to and read a lot of news about this incident today.
It had to have been planned well in advance of that. I'm not sure it even has anything to do with Syria. It's Muslim terrorists in North Africa that France has been harrassing. My bet is this came out of North Africa. Algeria, Mauritania, or Libya.
Kindly explain what responsibility the President of the United States has to intervene in the sovereign nation of France. Provide an intelligent answer to that and we can proceed.
Did you read his post dumbass? He CLEARLY stated he wasn't going to post anymore.

Unlike most of the cowards from the left his passion isn't tainted by ideology but rather a heartfelt sadness at the current state of affairs.

So go play with your yo-yo kid
When will the western world ever learn. Muslims do not integrate well into Western societies. Many of these French terrorists were native born to France. France accepted a lot of Muslims into their country with open arms decades ago. Apparently 1700 French citizens went to Syria to train with ISIL and 1200 have come back home. If I were the President of France I would round them all up tonight, put them on a plane, shred their passports and drop them off at 30 thousand feet--(parachute optional).

Our country should not let ANY in. If we need immigration--I'll take the illegal Mexicans any day of the week, over refugees from Syria or any other middle eastern country for that matter. We want to protect our borders we keep Muslims out.

Germany just let in 100's of thousands of Syrian refugees. Europe is going to be a war zone.

If we have American citizens wanting to go to Syria--shred their passports--they never come back to this country. They're gone forever.
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