BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

Very classy in light of the terror

How would you react if France mocked 9-11
Clearly the "safe place" joke is about you leftists, and it went right over your head.

Wise up.
The degree of glee over the deaths of over 150 French is despicable

Hey, cool....lets mock the liberals

There has been no glee save by a few of your progressive buddies. The rest of the posts here have been very concerned about the victims of this horrible crime. Take your mock outrage and piss off.

I see a glee from those who are happy to find yet another reason hate Muslims and refugees...
I can assure you that 1.5 billion Muslims are not celebrating these deaths. Yet the haters will use this as another excuse to post their anti Muslim rants
I am in a Muslim country right now. No one is celebrating these deaths: quite the opposite.
There were no Nazis when the Lusitania sank.

No, but there was Germany. I meant to say Germany. The Nazis didn't come around until 1933. However, there were Americans on that ship. That's why it became our problem.
It shouldn't have become our problem. We should have stayed out of it. The worst war in history and the war with the worst outcome of any war in history. World War 2 happened because of World War 1. America should have stayed out. Sometimes people die. Doesn't mean you have to join a stupid war. World War 1 was the stupidest war in history.
There has been no glee save by a few of your progressive buddies. The rest of the posts here have been very concerned about the victims of this horrible crime. Take your mock outrage and piss off.

I see a glee from those who are happy to find yet another reason hate Muslims and refugees...

and the glee of muslims for the attacks on europe and calls for US blood. Or did you miss that?

I'm sure you didn't, since you are quite gleeful for attacks on Muslims.
Are you a muslim?

Because I don't quite get your disconnect of what just happened and your apparent defense of islam.
How is that a "defense of Islam"
Exactly. People need to be able to differentiate between terrorists and Muslims, Islam. It is not the same thing at all. Terrorists are sick people.

Thinking terrorists represent all of Islam is like thinking the Westboro Baptist Church represents all Christians.
A witness said the attackers spoke French. A French reporter said they likely were French born but had become converts.
These murderers are young men, motivated by sick brain washing. They are not typical Muslims. They are very, very sick people.
And the brain washers are literally more demons than human beings. Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is one of the most evil monsters of our time. A truly satanic creature. This man is a heartless, soulless individual who would have millions tortured to death for his sick entertainment.
Sometimes people die. Doesn't mean you have to join a stupid war. World War 1 was the stupidest war in history.

Right. So we don't have an obligation to avenge the senseless deaths of our citizens at the hands of a belligerent power or group... I get it.
No, we do not. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. I thought you were a Christian.

I am not a Christian, but I have to say that desire for revenge is truly one of the most senseless and idiotic traits of humanity.
One would think that a well organized military would have no problems at all just taking them out.

A can a bug spray doesn't get rid of ants in their nest only those outside that can be seen. A lot of cans of spray and only a few dozen or a hundred ants per can. Hundreds of thousands of not million ants can be in a nest hidden underground and never effected by the spray.

Just because we kill some terrorists or ISIS members does not mean the breeding nurseries for more terrorists is not full and growing. You have to hit at the mentality and centers of learning. You have to give them a reason to want to reject terrorism. Many see it as a path to heaven or an adventure in life. Gardens full of virgins and rivers of wine is hard to compete with. It does not matter that there is not proof there are such gardens in heaven or that terrorist and suicide bombers will actually be allowed in. They want to believe and don't care how many they kill to get there.

A bit like confessing your sins, no matter how many or how horrific, will wipe them away and allow you to enter heaven. Does not make sense and no proof but people choose to belief anyway. Forgive men before you die is not much contrition or accepting of how very wrong your deeds were and how many you might have made suffer. Only a Hindu or Buddhist would think he might not go to heaven for stepping on an ant.
One would think that a well organized military would have no problems at all just taking them out.

A can a bug spray doesn't get rid of ants in their nest only those outside that can be seen. A lot of cans of spray and only a few dozen or a hundred ants per can. Hundreds of thousands of not million ants can be in a nest hidden underground and never effected by the spray.

Just because we kill some terrorists or ISIS members does not mean the breeding nurseries for more terrorists is not full and growing. You have to hit at the mentality and centers of learning. You have to give them a reason to want to reject terrorism. Many see it as a path to heaven or an adventure in life. Gardens full of virgins and rivers of wine is hard to compete with. It does not matter that there is not proof there are such gardens in heaven or that terrorist and suicide bombers will actually be allowed in. They want to believe and don't care how many they kill to get there.

A bit like confessing your sins, no matter how many or how horrific, will wipe them away and allow you to enter heaven. Does not make sense and no proof but people choose to belief anyway. Forgive men before you die is not much contrition or accepting of how very wrong your deeds were and how many you might have made suffer. Only a Hindu or Buddhist would think he might not go to heaven for stepping on an ant.

See what you said makes no sense. Many of these Terrorists were born in France, they were raised in France, yet they chose to join ISIL, go to Syria to train and come back to their own country to slaughter innocents.

They were obviously raised under a religion called Islam, and they disregarded the freedom that they had lived a lifetime in--only to go with the Jihadist side of Islam. It's definitely not that they didn't know peace or learned tolerance of other religions, they must have, by growing up in France. They chose to ignore the Western free culture, and instead make war on it. A prime example of why Muslims should not be let into this country.
Cities around the world light up to support Paris after attacks

The Daily Dot

Patrick Howell O'Neill

Cities around the world are turning big buildings and major events red, white, and blue in tribute to Paris, which came under siege on Friday night from terror attacks that killed over 150 people.


Cities around the world light up to support Paris after attacks
You know, some of this is not so different than what they used to say about Jewish refugees in WW2, when the concern then was Anarchist Terrorism.

Jews were look for a safe place to Iive in peace and security where they could practice their faith.

Jews did not come as terrorist but builders and investors. They came to improve and modernize, to share their knowledge and skills. They were greeter by some with abuse and death.

Some even suspected them as german infiltrators and not as refugees.

Now muslim are seem as infiltrators because a large percentage of the refugees are infiltrators and not refugees. They need to be vetted and those willing to work and improve the countries can be given entry, but those who want to bleed the countries and cause harm should not be given open access.

It is not about being mean but being smart and careful.

Jews were seen as infiltrators then. Muslims are seen as infiltrators now. The perception and subsequent rhetoric is the same. The only difference is the name of the group. The language and fears are exactly the same.

Sorry...the behavior is completely different...muslims come into a country and refuse to assimilate...Jews become peaceful members of the society.

Most Muslims come in as peaceful members of society.

The only difference is perception.

Yesterday's anarchists are todays jihadists.

Do you really believe that? So, what has happened in France? This isn't the first problem they've had with the Muslims. I'm also remembering smaller problems not of the scope of this particular incident, of course. I believe that there are many who take advantage of certain situations to gain entrance into a country TO cause problems.

Street protest, riots, killings, crime waves, massacres............. over some imagined slight of someone long dead? Over some words? Over dress codes in public areas like schools? Over church bells on sunday? Over something that happened in another country by other people? Over spiting on the street?

How about something real like bombings in paris?

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