Breaking! The Former Poster Steve McGarrett Has Passed Away

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MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Not sure where to formally post this in the forum. Is there a obituary forum on the website?

As an admiror of his pro-Trump pro-White American stance on the issues. I will miss him. Steve was an inspiration and got me following this website. His true staunch threads were something to behold. He was an anti-racist pro-White civil rights advocate David Duke supporter. I was learned of his passing at another website political forum tonight. He was in his 70s what's being said.Let's say a prayer 🙏

Father, We so thank you that You have chosen to shine the light of your love on us, love that is boundless, changeless, full of grace and mercy, and forever.

We thank you that You are in ultimate control and that some day we know we are looking at a government that is pure, righteous and just.

Our country has been infested with evil throughout the government on all levels in almost all places. Criminals are handled with kid gloves while law abiding citizens are virtual prisoners in their own homes, even on the advice of the very politicians and LEOs whose job it is to protect us.

Please, Lord, restore righteousness and justice to our land and purge the unrighteous and unjust politicians and judges from their positions of power where they abuse it. This is not what we want for us and certainly don't approve of it or support it morally.

Please, divinely protect us from the criminal element that Satan would use to destroy us. Send Your angels to keep us safe.

For all those who are unjustly imprisoned in direct violation of our constitution, please, in Your great mercy, set them free. Thwart the attempts of those in power to silence or destroy us.

And we ask that You would return soon to establish this perfect world of righteousness and justice.

We especially pray for those unfortunate people who are being human trafficked mostly for sex slavery. Guide law enforcement to find them and literally set them free. Lead them to the traffickers so that they may be arrested and true justice be done.

We do thank You taht You ahve been for the last couple years been exposing all the evil and wrong in answer to our prayer. It is good and we appreciate it. Nevertheless, it is frustrating that nothing is being done to address it, so since mankind has not, we pray for YOUR intervention to accomplish what we as individuals, cannot do.

We ask all this in Jesus' Name. AMEN!
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How was he racist?

I'm not going to rejoice in anyone's passing.

But White Supremacy is vile and stupid. Yes, stupid. For so many reasons, but how about this one? How pro-American, are, say, lily white liberal women in the Northeast? I'd take a cross section of Hispanics over those harpies any day, all day.

In short

Get out of here with that garbage
Dying in your 70s seems young... my parents are in their 90s (mom shy by 1 year)and still live alone in their own home, drive themselves everywhere etc, though my older sister lives on the street to watch out for them and for any emergencies....and cooks dinner for them a few times a week. Again, dying in your 70s is young to me....especially when they are now only a mere decade away! :eek-52:

Hawaii Five O, rest in peace....
I'm not going to rejoice in anyone's passing.

But White Supremacy is vile and stupid. Yes, stupid. For so many reasons, but how about this one? How pro-American, are, say, lily white liberal women in the Northeast? I'd take a cross section of Hispanics over those harpies any day, all day.

In short

Get out of here with that garbage

Here's another reason White Supremacy is stupid.

Race is a genetic adaptation. Do you know why whites adapted with lighter skin and hair? Because we got caught living too far north in the Ice Age. That's right. While Africans were still doing pretty well in the plains, we were stuck out on icebergs trying to survive.

So everytime someone boasts about "White Pride" or some absolute garbage, all I hear is: "Yay us! We were too stupid to flee the icebergs and so adapted with light hair and skin that burns every summer!"

Humanity is just that stupid
Here's another reason White Supremacy is stupid.

Race is a genetic adaptation. Do you know why whites adapted with lighter skin and hair? Because we got caught living too far north in the Ice Age. That's right. While Africans were still doing pretty well in the plains, we were stuck out on icebergs trying to survive.

So everytime someone boasts about "White Pride" or some absolute garbage, all I hear is: "Yay us! We were too stupid to flee the icebergs and so adapted with light hair and skin that burns every summer!"

Humanity is just that stupid
White supremacists are very stupid.

Former Poster Steve McGarrett Has Passed Away​

Sorry to hear that. He was one of the better posters here and then he kinda disappeared, I assumed maybe he was moderated or perma-banned, or maybe come back under a new alias such as maybe you or a couple of other newer people.
Well that's a coincidence. I'm waiting for the chance to say "So there's one less commie walking the earth today", in your case.

Now do the world a favor and go become a "good commie."
But, JGalt... The only good commie, is a dead commie... Oh... I see what you did there...

Macho did show up right after the Russian invasion of Ukraine....with a distinctly anti-ukrainian view.

Now he's pushing the Kremlin as a primary source and calling for the arrest of the US President.

We're *way* past useful idiot.
Well he used to post as Steve McGarrett.

It’s stupid to feel superior about something you didn’t do. I figure it’s for people who have accomplished very little in life.
Yeah, yeah…there’s no reason to take pride in anything, after all, somebody in your lineage somehow, someway manifested whatever it is that you may accomplish in your life. Pride sucks!
I remember when America was exceptional, all Americans took pride in America, in their faith, in their roots/family, YES, and even in their skin color. You know, like you allow ALL dark people to do today.

Yeah, yeah…there’s no reason to take pride in anything, after all, somebody in your lineage somehow, someway manifested whatever it is that you may accomplish in your life. Pride sucks!
I remember when America was exceptional, all Americans took pride in America, in their faith, in their roots/family, YES, and even in their skin color. You know, like you allow ALL dark people to do today.

I'm not going to rejoice in anyone's passing.

But White Supremacy is vile and stupid. Yes, stupid. For so many reasons, but how about this one? How pro-American, are, say, lily white liberal women in the Northeast? I'd take a cross section of Hispanics over those harpies any day, all day.

In short

Get out of here with that garbage
I am truly saddened by the loss of Steve Mcgarrett. I hope his loved ones can find some comfort in the memories they have of him. That's not to say I am saddened by the loss of his racist homophobic rants he regularly posted here. I have to believe there was somehow more to him than that, and the loss of that unseen part is a loss for all of us.
Tell us…why do you cheer black pride, Latino pride and gay pride? Why can’t white people be proud to be white?
You can’t really logically explain can you?
The fact that you would rather make a racist rant in a thread about Mcgarrett's death is a tribute to the hateful things he posted. I'm sure he would be proud.
Dying in your 70s seems young... my parents are in their 90s (mom shy by 1 year)and still live alone in their own home, drive themselves everywhere etc, though my older sister lives on the street to watch out for them and for any emergencies....and cooks dinner for them a few times a week. Again, dying in your 70s is young to me....especially when they are now only a mere decade away! :eek-52:

Hawaii Five O, rest in peace....
Old folks don't seem as old as they once did.
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