Breaking: Three Muslim Students Murdered at Chapel Hill

I thought the title to this thread was more accurate than the one that just mentioned 3 muslims being murdered...since had it been a right leaning conservative/tea party/ would have been in the title....and usually when it isn't one of those groups they are accused of it when the event first happens....

an atheist keeping up the tradition of atheist mass murder....the greatest mass murderers in history have been atheists.......

Catholic church?

Ever heard of 'em?

Love the way you spend all your time on this board posting "good guy with a gun" stories -- then the moment a bad guy with a gun pops up it's suddenly all about "religions"...


Look at the different BELIEFS:
1. Father:
“It was execution style, a bullet in every head,” the father told the newspaper Wednesday. “This was not a dispute over a parking space; this was a hate crime. This man had picked on my daughter and her husband a couple of times before, and he talked with them with his gun in his belt. And they were uncomfortable with him, but they did not know he would go this far.”

2. Wife:
On Wednesday afternoon, Karen Hicks told reporters that her husband didn’t act out of bigotry.

“I can say that it is my absolute belief that this incident had nothing up do with religion or the victims’ faith, but in fact was related to long-standing parking disputes my husband had with various neighbors regardless of their race, religion or creed,” Karen Hicks said.

NOTE: These people HONESTLY BELIEVE their viewpoint on what went into the killings.

So that is STILL a conflict of BELIEFS.
Whether low ball or high ball, the figures are unacceptable morally.

The war was illegal, and our military forces were badly used, nearly broken, and we had scores of thousands of dead and wounded ourselves.
The war was not illegal. Congress approved it which is all that is required. Further MOST of the deaths were the result of terror attacks or insurgency not US or coalition action.

There were no terror attacks in Iraq before we invaded, and no, most of the deaths were from U.S. air strikes and bombardment.

Of course you progressive idiots don't think that using chemical weapons to kill thousands of people you don't like to be a terrorist act. You people are low life scum.
There was no terror in Iraq before the Bushes.

That is, unless you were one of the tens of thousands that pissed off Saddam Hussein.
Saddam didn't allow al queda or isis in his country. Consider he may have been killing terrorists.

It's likely that he was. You can't look at that time through the prism of today. Especially if your intention is to try to blame Bush. Besides, this is all irrelevant to the thread.

Another sicko nutter with a gun kills three, apparently good people. Sad.

Not surprising though that some have an ignorant, knee-jerk reaction of hate. We see it here every single day.

As with everything else concerning Muslims, I'm sure there will a lot of lies from those haters about his shooting.
Same assholes who cheered zimmerman for killing trevon

Another sicko nutter with a gun kills three, apparently good people. Sad.

Not surprising though that some have an ignorant, knee-jerk reaction of hate. We see it here every single day.

As with everything else concerning Muslims, I'm sure there will a lot of lies from those haters about his shooting.

another subhuman white christian party member no doubt

Last month, he posted a photo that says, “Praying is pointless, useless, narcissistic, arrogant, and lazy; just like the imaginary god you pray to.”

No, hes apparently one of you.
This is what happens when blind bigotry starts to run amok.
These three kids pay the price for the crimes of ISIS and died at the hands of America's best known homegrown product: the bigoted white redneck with a gun.

3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill
3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill -

"""Police haven't said what may have compelled the accused, Craig Stephen Hicks, to allegedly carry out the attack Tuesday evening. He turned himself in to police later in the night.

But given the victims' religion and comments the alleged shooter apparently left on a Facebook page, many social media users wondered what role, if any, the victims' faith played.
The victims were Muslims: Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23; Yusor Mohammad, 21; and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19.""""

So assclown, you have no evidence that religion played any role, but you have to throw it out anyway - because you're a leftist assclown?

Another sicko nutter with a gun kills three, apparently good people. Sad.

Not surprising though that some have an ignorant, knee-jerk reaction of hate. We see it here every single day.

As with everything else concerning Muslims, I'm sure there will a lot of lies from those haters about his shooting.
Same assholes who cheered zimmerman for killing trevon

First of all moron, this guy is a liberal nut job, and 2nd, no one cheered Zimmerman. At least not until the truth came out, and even then there was only support.

You are truly a stupid shit.

Another sicko nutter with a gun kills three, apparently good people. Sad.

Not surprising though that some have an ignorant, knee-jerk reaction of hate. We see it here every single day.

As with everything else concerning Muslims, I'm sure there will a lot of lies from those haters about his shooting.

another subhuman white christian party member no doubt
If you had bothered to read the thread you would know he is liberal and an atheist.
The war was not illegal. Congress approved it which is all that is required. Further MOST of the deaths were the result of terror attacks or insurgency not US or coalition action.

There were no terror attacks in Iraq before we invaded, and no, most of the deaths were from U.S. air strikes and bombardment.

Of course you progressive idiots don't think that using chemical weapons to kill thousands of people you don't like to be a terrorist act. You people are low life scum.

We are talking about the terror attacks that have proliferated since 9-11. You said it yourself, gassing the Kurds was a "terrorist act," but I said, "terror attacks."

Ok, moving the goalposts but you're still wrong. That is the reason we went in. Chemical Weapons are WMDs.

Show us where the Bushies said they were invading because of chemical weapons.

Show us the inoperabe, degraded munitions found.

Show the HS chemistry labs.

You guys are so screwed when you make these arguments.

This is where it gets tragically interesting, JakeStarkey

There are people who will BELIEVE the Iraq War
WAS in response to 9/11 and those who say no it wasn't, it was justified by other UN nations
(not just Bush and the US) complaining of violations of this and that and the other, etc. etc.

Not unlike the people (we won't mention any names, ha ha)
arguing if the ACA mandates ARE based on and establishing the BELIEF that "health care is a right through govt"
or if these are a TAX and justified by law
or if these are UNCONSTITUTIONAL as going outside what the people agree are the limits and powers of govt.
People will argue that "Obama lied" and SAID it wasn't a tax so it would pass through Congress,
but then the only reason it passed through Courts is it was argued AS A TAX, where it would never have
GOTTEN to that point had it been explained as a TAX when first going through Congress (and claims
that Obama lied about keeping your doctor and insurance).

Jake, regardless whose views can or can't be proven or disproven,
you and I can go round and round like a merry-go-round
with these arguments with people on all sides, and never get anywhere.

And as long as we don't AGREE on "what to do in case of conflict"
then one side or the other BULLIES their way over the other people still in dissension.

We are left with "pit-bull-dog" politics because we haven't agreed
on what process to use in case of clashing political beliefs like these.

At some point we might realize that ESPECIALLY if we can't prove one side's points to the other sides,
then how can we base publicly policy on imposing one set of beliefs over others. Somewhere this is gonna snap....
See what I mean. Post about a white redneck murdering in the name of Christianity and a redneck pops up just like Jack in the Box.

Stupidfuck, the shooter was an atheist progressive - just like you.

I would say he couldn't FORGIVE certain people or things so he PROJECTED
onto a family who didn't deserve the death penalty and certainly got no due process
in this decision to punish them for the conflict.

I've met Atheists who are more forgiving than Christians.
I've met Muslims who are more forgiving than the people who attack and insult them also.

The shooting of the three Muslims has been widely condemned across social media, including by Richard Dawkins himself, who tweeted: “How could any decent person NOT condemn the vile murder of three young US Muslims in Chapel Hill?”

Even Dawkins came out and denounced this senseless violence.
Just like those in the Ferguson case who PLEADED with the public not to respond with violence and looting.

At some point people have to take responsibility for how we respond
and not try to blame some collective group or influence, in order to "justify" an action.

When we address each other as individuals, we can humanize the situation instead of dehumanizing it with labels.
Accepting shared responsibility for conflicts, instead of projecting blame for them elsewhere to avoid addressing them.
good shoot ! a few thousand more and maybe they will get the hint they are not welcome in America :up:

See what I mean. Post about a white redneck murdering in the name of Christianity and a redneck pops up just like Jack in the Box.

Your claim was the shooter was a redneck. Turns out you were wrong. The shooter is good ol progressive just like you. Better apologize to the rednecks that you slandered.

Another sicko nutter with a gun kills three, apparently good people. Sad.

Not surprising though that some have an ignorant, knee-jerk reaction of hate. We see it here every single day.

As with everything else concerning Muslims, I'm sure there will a lot of lies from those haters about his shooting.

Yep your noteapartyplease jumped to the occasion. About as ignorant as you can get.
I thought the title to this thread was more accurate than the one that just mentioned 3 muslims being murdered...since had it been a right leaning conservative/tea party/ would have been in the title....and usually when it isn't one of those groups they are accused of it when the event first happens....

an atheist keeping up the tradition of atheist mass murder....the greatest mass murderers in history have been atheists.......

So, uh, the religion of the nutter shooter matters but the religion of his victims does not?

You're a hypocrite and a liar.

The reason these stories are usually "right leaning conservative/tea party/libertarian" is because the nutter shooters are usually "right leaning conservative/tea party/libertarian".


The shooter was an ATHEIST, stoopid.

Another sicko nutter with a gun kills three, apparently good people. Sad.

Not surprising though that some have an ignorant, knee-jerk reaction of hate. We see it here every single day.

As with everything else concerning Muslims, I'm sure there will a lot of lies from those haters about his shooting.

another subhuman white christian party member no doubt

guno if you weren't paying attention
this man was bashing all religions, including Christians and Muslims alike
as he felt both of them excluded and insulted him as an ATHEIST.

Too bad he DIDN'T get into this conflict with a "white Christian" or someone he COULD have had a chance to connect with,
because maybe a different person could have talked him through this,
and not let this vitriole get so out of hand that it ended in murder.

I know of people who have been able to talk people out of acts of violence;
normally it takes professional experienced help. If people get help in time this doesn't have to happen.

So just calling and blaming names afterwards isn't solving the problem that caused this, sorry!

Another sicko nutter with a gun kills three, apparently good people. Sad.

Not surprising though that some have an ignorant, knee-jerk reaction of hate. We see it here every single day.

As with everything else concerning Muslims, I'm sure there will a lot of lies from those haters about his shooting.

Yep your noteapartyplease jumped to the occasion. About as ignorant as you can get.

Sure, they judged him by the way he looks. Its their image of a Christian Tea prty member
I know that the supposed proof you have has been discredited repeatedly for years. As for how many died ask the Iraq Government. Their number is around 200 thousand.
Whether low ball or high ball, the figures are unacceptable morally.

The war was illegal, and our military forces were badly used, nearly broken, and we had scores of thousands of dead and wounded ourselves.
The war was not illegal. Congress approved it which is all that is required. Further MOST of the deaths were the result of terror attacks or insurgency not US or coalition action.

There were no terror attacks in Iraq before we invaded, and no, most of the deaths were from U.S. air strikes and bombardment.
No they were not. Most of the deaths from US action were enemies of ours. Granted there was some collateral damage but not a lot. And I sure as hell got tired of all the supposed peaceful weddings occurring in the god forsaken desert near nothing important.

None of them would have died if we hadn't invaded Iraq for no good reason other than to feel better and take revenge on anyone for 9-11. It did not matter Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11, it made people feel better.

Iraq was in material breach of the cease fire that was in effect and would not account for all of the WMD's they had. Bush gave Saddam ample time to prevent an invasion, but he refused.
good shoot ! a few thousand more and maybe they will get the hint they are not welcome in America :up:

What? Wildman

What crime is committed by the nature of being a Muslim American?

If you are talking about illegal immigrants who take advantage of coming here to commit crimes or abuses,
is that how you see these people? As automatically part of organize crime or terrorism?

If you really believe no Muslims should be US Citizens,
which law is it that you say they are breaking that needs to be enforced.
Is this guilt by association? Guilty until proven innocent? What laws or standards are you judging by?

Odium PredFan can you help answer if you agreed with Wildman's sentiments? Thanks!

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