‘Breaking Through’ — States Report Growing Number of COVID Cases Among Fully Vaccinated


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2016
Interesting story I found over at childrenshealthdefense.org today...


Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota have all reported breakthrough cases of COVID.

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) announced Tuesday it is investigating reports of people who tested positive for COVID more than two weeks after being fully vaccinated against the disease.

According to Kiro 7 News, a CBS affiliate in Washington, the DOH is investigating reports of the so-called “breakthrough cases,” which it said are expected with any vaccine. Each case was confirmed with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test or a positive antigen test more than two weeks after the person had been fully vaccinated.

A majority of people with confirmed vaccine breakthrough experienced mild symptoms, if any. However, since Feb. 1, eight people with vaccine breakthrough cases were hospitalized and the DOH “is investigating two potential vaccine breakthrough cases where the patients died. Both patients were more than 80 years old and suffered underlying health issues,” officials said in a press release.

Full article:
The sociopath Tony Fraudi, Bill Gates, etc., are very pleased with the vaccines. Moderna for example, which was actually made before the Kung Flu got a foot hold because of democrats and sociopath Fraudi denying the Kung Flu existed. Meanwhile a healthy immune system is the only thing that protects against viruses and bacteria. And of course everyone but Fraudi knows that D3 and Zinc enhance the immune system.
Interesting story I found over at childrenshealthdefense.org today...


Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota have all reported breakthrough cases of COVID.

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) announced Tuesday it is investigating reports of people who tested positive for COVID more than two weeks after being fully vaccinated against the disease.

According to Kiro 7 News, a CBS affiliate in Washington, the DOH is investigating reports of the so-called “breakthrough cases,” which it said are expected with any vaccine. Each case was confirmed with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test or a positive antigen test more than two weeks after the person had been fully vaccinated.

A majority of people with confirmed vaccine breakthrough experienced mild symptoms, if any. However, since Feb. 1, eight people with vaccine breakthrough cases were hospitalized and the DOH “is investigating two potential vaccine breakthrough cases where the patients died. Both patients were more than 80 years old and suffered underlying health issues,” officials said in a press release.

Full article:
That's why we were originally told to wait 4-8 weeks before assuming it takes affect, then they said 2 weeks, and of course people never wait that even before dropping their guard.
Life expectancy at birth for males was 75.1 years in the first half of 2020, representing a decline of 1.2 years from 76.3 years in 2019. For females, life expectancy declined to 80.5 years, decreasing 0.9 year from 81.4 years in 2019 (Figure 1).
It seems clear the vaccines are way more dangerous than the Kung Flu itself.
The vaccine is good - it will greatly weaken the virus
You are wrong it greatly weaken the vaccinated.
Let me ask you, Why get it? You still have to wear a mask, you still have to social distance but you are supposedly safe from the virus?
Do you really trust the government with your life?
Interesting story I found over at childrenshealthdefense.org today...


Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota have all reported breakthrough cases of COVID.

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) announced Tuesday it is investigating reports of people who tested positive for COVID more than two weeks after being fully vaccinated against the disease.

According to Kiro 7 News, a CBS affiliate in Washington, the DOH is investigating reports of the so-called “breakthrough cases,” which it said are expected with any vaccine. Each case was confirmed with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test or a positive antigen test more than two weeks after the person had been fully vaccinated.

A majority of people with confirmed vaccine breakthrough experienced mild symptoms, if any. However, since Feb. 1, eight people with vaccine breakthrough cases were hospitalized and the DOH “is investigating two potential vaccine breakthrough cases where the patients died. Both patients were more than 80 years old and suffered underlying health issues,” officials said in a press release.

Full article:
If the vaccine is 95% effective and many more people are now vaccinated, it makes sense that more vaccinated people will become infected anyway.

Can you still get COVID even though you're fully vaccinated ...

https://www.miamiherald.com › news › article250308324

3 days ago — People can still get infected with coronavirus after they complete vaccination ... Don't worry if you catch coronavirus when fully vaccinated — it can happen. ... For more coverage, sign up for our daily coronavirus newsletter.
Interesting story I found over at childrenshealthdefense.org today...


Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota have all reported breakthrough cases of COVID.

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) announced Tuesday it is investigating reports of people who tested positive for COVID more than two weeks after being fully vaccinated against the disease.

According to Kiro 7 News, a CBS affiliate in Washington, the DOH is investigating reports of the so-called “breakthrough cases,” which it said are expected with any vaccine. Each case was confirmed with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test or a positive antigen test more than two weeks after the person had been fully vaccinated.

A majority of people with confirmed vaccine breakthrough experienced mild symptoms, if any. However, since Feb. 1, eight people with vaccine breakthrough cases were hospitalized and the DOH “is investigating two potential vaccine breakthrough cases where the patients died. Both patients were more than 80 years old and suffered underlying health issues,” officials said in a press release.

Full article:

Really great news.
It seems clear the vaccines are way more dangerous than the Kung Flu itself.
Thanks to Tramp's rush to get them out for his election!!
The more Americans who die the happier Tramp and Putin are!
/—-/ Does this mean Dementia Joe will stop trying to take credit for the vaccine?
It seems clear the vaccines are way more dangerous than the Kung Flu itself.
Thanks to Tramp's rush to get them out for his election!!
The more Americans who die the happier Tramp and Putin are!
/—-/ Does this mean Dementia Joe will stop trying to take credit for the vaccine?
The reality is that President Biden deserves much credit for the distribution of the vaccine. President Chaos checked out after the election and did nothing about
procuring any vaccine, simply because he didn't give a rat's ass.
Interesting story I found over at childrenshealthdefense.org today...


Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota have all reported breakthrough cases of COVID.

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) announced Tuesday it is investigating reports of people who tested positive for COVID more than two weeks after being fully vaccinated against the disease.

According to Kiro 7 News, a CBS affiliate in Washington, the DOH is investigating reports of the so-called “breakthrough cases,” which it said are expected with any vaccine. Each case was confirmed with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test or a positive antigen test more than two weeks after the person had been fully vaccinated.

A majority of people with confirmed vaccine breakthrough experienced mild symptoms, if any. However, since Feb. 1, eight people with vaccine breakthrough cases were hospitalized and the DOH “is investigating two potential vaccine breakthrough cases where the patients died. Both patients were more than 80 years old and suffered underlying health issues,” officials said in a press release.

Full article:

Yeah of course the vaccine is bullshit, the masks are bullshit and the social distancing is all bullshit it always has been.
It seems clear the vaccines are way more dangerous than the Kung Flu itself.
Thanks to Tramp's rush to get them out for his election!!
The more Americans who die the happier Tramp and Putin are!
/—-/ Does this mean Dementia Joe will stop trying to take credit for the vaccine?
The reality is that President Biden deserves much credit for the distribution of the vaccine. President Chaos checked out after the election and did nothing about
procuring any vaccine, simply because he didn't give a rat's ass.
/—-/ You wouldn’t know reality if it bit your azz. Or you’re just a lying sack of shyt.
It seems clear the vaccines are way more dangerous than the Kung Flu itself.
Thanks to Tramp's rush to get them out for his election!!
The more Americans who die the happier Tramp and Putin are!
/—-/ Does this mean Dementia Joe will stop trying to take credit for the vaccine?
The reality is that President Biden deserves much credit for the distribution of the vaccine. President Chaos checked out after the election and did nothing about
procuring any vaccine, simply because he didn't give a rat's ass.
/—-/ You wouldn’t know reality if it bit your azz. Or you’re just a lying sack of shyt.
Cut the 5th-grade cussing. It makes you look like a lying sack of shit. There is "outlining" and then there is the "reality".

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