BREAKING ---- Toss The Case: Jack Smith Admits He Included Inaccurate Information When Asking Judge to Hide Secret Twitter Search Warrant From Trump

"At this point in time, what difference does it make?"
~~~~Adrenochrome Hillary
Well it could make a difference If people like you realized what you’re doing and stopped spreading weak narratives that you can’t back up. Disinformation helps nobody but the politicians trying to raise funds.
Well it could make a difference If people like you realized what you’re doing and stopped spreading weak narratives that you can’t back up. Disinformation helps nobody but the politicians trying to raise funds.
"I only believe the things I see on CNN and the internet."
~~~~Abraham Lincoln
"I only believe the things I see on CNN and the internet."
~~~~Abraham Lincoln
Seems to be what you did with the Jan 6 prisoners… right? You heard a news report and blindly believed it with so much and inquiring about a name or details to verify the story?
How about a link that's not to a zero credibility site?
How about you grow a brain, Crapitus?

CNN is a bigger tabloid than the Gateway Pundit.

Hell, GOOGLE is a bigger tabloid than the Gateway Pundit.
I'm not sure which will be more entertaining, the trial itself or the rubes' conspiracy theories about it.

Trump must be going apeshit today after that D.C. judge laid down the law to him & his lawyers about his big mouth & his idiot outbursts on untruth social. I'll bet money that at least one of his lawyers jumps ship by the time all is said & done.
Old Crap. How the fuck are ya, you moron?

You may once upon a time have heard something about the fallacy of “attacking the messenger.” Instead of contesting the facts of what was reported, you attack the news reporter. Very ignorant of you.

In point of fact, I posted a link earlier today to the decision itself. The report is absolutely true. I suspect that it wasn’t so much that Jack Smith lied. Instead, they have some standard kind of boilerplate language they use in such applications. Some dopey lawyer on his staff forgot to delete that particular lingo. Fair enough. Mistakes happen.

But the thing os: the judge went along with it. The real headline isn’t that this prosecutor “lied” to get the warrants. He would have gotten them even outside of that bogus allegation. The real headline is that the judge signed it without challenging the horseshit allegation at all.
Dude, zerohedge is a step down from getting your news from the wino on the corner.

Try to be serious here.
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Trump must be going apeshit today after that D.C. judge laid down the law to him & his lawyers about his big mouth & his idiot outbursts on untruth social. I'll bet money that at least one of his lawyers jumps ship by the time all is said & done.
Any lawyer who goes ANYWHERE NEAR this buffoon gets whatever they deserve. His only chance now will be Trumpster judges and Trumpster jury members.

Which, by the way, could certainly happen. I'd still be surprised if he were convicted of anything.
Any lawyer who goes ANYWHERE NEAR this buffoon gets whatever they deserve. His only chance now will be Trumpster judges and Trumpster jury members.

Which, by the way, could certainly happen. I'd still be surprised if he were convicted of anything.
Trump needs another bonespurs Dr who will testify that his health issues prevent him from attending a trial which delay everything. That's what a few other gangsters have done in years past. Or he can pull a Vincent The Chin Gigante act & pretend he's nuts, which will not be a problem for him.

If we see Trump wandering around outside MAL in a bathrobe, we'll know what he's up to.
Trump needs another bonespurs Dr who will testify that his health issues prevent him from attending a trial which delay everything. That's what a few other gangsters have done in years past. Or he can pull a Vincent The Chin Gigante act & pretend he's nuts, which will not be a problem for him.

If we see Trump wandering around outside MAL in a bathrobe, we'll know what he's up to.

When Roy fuckin' Cohn is your mentor, just go to the playbook!

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