BREAKING ---- Toss The Case: Jack Smith Admits He Included Inaccurate Information When Asking Judge to Hide Secret Twitter Search Warrant From Trump

Here's a tip for you:

Someone who is Butthurt has not been REALLY materially hurt. Not financially, not physically, not materially. That's all of you. Trump didn't DO anything to you other than hurt your feelings.


Meanwhile, Trump is having to change his entire life to fight these false charges.

That's not Butthurt.
What a whiney little bitch you are. 😄 Trump and his dipshit supporters on Jan 6th tried to subvert our votes and now they're getting what's coming to them. Boo hoo bitch.
I re-post the following exchange between the prolific poster 'Hossfly' and the poster 'Slade', who is questioning Hossfly's assertions.
I do so merely to highlight the silliness of posters such as Hossfly ....most of 'em being Rightfielders, to be blunt.....who so often make an assertion on this venue and when asked to vet it, to offer credible sourcing....they don't. They either can't, or they won't. Or don't know how.

I say too many of them are fakes and phonies. Merely trolling in their belief they are "owning-the-Libs" by making up self-serving fictions. They make Conservatives, Rightfielders, Republicans, MAGA's, Q-Anon'rs all look bad, look silly.

I will go out on a limb and pin that label on the avataree 'Hossfly'. He doesn't know what he is talking about. He makes a wild allegation and then is unable or unwilling to respond in the manner of a responsible adult. That is fecklessness.

To be bluntly snarky, perhaps the bloke may be sniffing his RemOil directly up his nose.

He's a phony.


"Tell that to the Jan 6 protesters who have been in prison for 2 1/2 years without a hearing or trial."
"Every one of them who hasn't had a hearing or a trial. Only a few have been tried."
"I don't know any of their names. They all have numbers. All 1106 of them."
  • Can you name one as an example so I can look into their Backstory?
  • Ok but how about a name. Somebody specific so I can look into it myself
  • How in the world do you know it’s true if you don’t even know a name?

Call the jailhouse. Watch the real news sometime.
  • So you’re getting your information from the “real news” yet you can’t name one name.
I re-post the following exchange between the prolific poster 'Hossfly' and the poster 'Slade', who is questioning Hossfly's assertions.
I do so merely to highlight the silliness of posters such as Hossfly ....most of 'em being Rightfielders, to be blunt.....who so often make an assertion on this venue and when asked to vet it, to offer credible sourcing....they don't. They either can't, or they won't. Or don't know how.

I say too many of them are fakes and phonies. Merely trolling in their belief they are "owning-the-Libs" by making up self-serving fictions. They make Conservatives, Rightfielders, Republicans, MAGA's, Q-Anon'rs all look bad, look silly.

I will go out on a limb and pin that label on the avataree 'Hossfly'. He doesn't know what he is talking about. He makes a wild allegation and then is unable or unwilling to respond in the manner of a responsible adult. That is fecklessness.

To be bluntly snarky, perhaps the bloke may be sniffing his RemOil directly up his nose.

He's a phony.

Here's tons of articles on many January 6 defendants who have been sitting in jail without bail and trial. You'll just have to scroll through them.

Done now? The case will not be tossed, as a matter of fact the trial may very well start on 1/2/25 which will of course launch Trump into orbit.

When this happens- :206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206:, will Kleenex be needed for the tears?
Kleenex for what? All the increased support for Trump? Save your kleenex; youre going to be the one who needs it in the end.
This is grounds for dismissal. This guy is corrupt to the core.

Smith should be in prison.
You know why they do this shit? Because they get away with it, without consequence if they get caught. No penalty, no personal cost, no problem, and no deterrence. Our justice system is nothing more than a political tool for the democrats to use at their command. And it's disgusting.
And the R's continue to allow it, they are all one and the same, corrupt, lying pieces of shit.
"Here's tons of articles on many January 6 defendants who have been sitting in jail without bail and trial"
I scrolled through a bunch of MAGA Man's Gateway Pundit linked articles.
I did not see that defendants had been in jail without bail or trial.
I have read in other sources that the few who have not been offered bail was because they posed a flight risk, or posed a risk to others. And, for those who haven't been brought to trial to date.....there are reports that it is upon their request or rather, their lawyer's request.

If MAGA Man has a specific article he wishes to point to.....rather than a link to broadcast of multiple articles covering multiple issues and multiple people ..... well, now is an appropriate time for him to offer such a link to credible reportage.

In short, I do not believe the poster Hossfly's allegation that 1,106 are in jail without even a hearing.
If Hossfly can prove that, if poster MAGA Man can prove that.......well, now is an appropriate time to do so.
It's outrageous. It ruins families and more. It's the stuff of despotic nations---all because you and yours are Butthurt.


but the only way you could possibly know that, is if you know their names and what they've been criminally charged with....and why bail was denied, or why trial has been delayed...

do you have a link to those still jailed? Their names and so forth?
This is grounds for dismissal. This guy is corrupt to the core.

If you ask me, the whole damned thing is "inaccurate".
This is grounds for dismissal. This guy is corrupt to the core.

Do you even realize how big of a douche you are beginning every thread title with “breaking”? It’s so cringey and stupid lol
Done now? The case will not be tossed, as a matter of fact the trial may very well start on 1/2/25 which will of course launch Trump into orbit.

When this happens- :206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206:, will Kleenex be needed for the tears?
Democrats are scared to death Trump will be President again.
I re-post the following exchange between the prolific poster 'Hossfly' and the poster 'Slade', who is questioning Hossfly's assertions.
I do so merely to highlight the silliness of posters such as Hossfly ....most of 'em being Rightfielders, to be blunt.....who so often make an assertion on this venue and when asked to vet it, to offer credible sourcing....they don't. They either can't, or they won't. Or don't know how.

I say too many of them are fakes and phonies. Merely trolling in their belief they are "owning-the-Libs" by making up self-serving fictions. They make Conservatives, Rightfielders, Republicans, MAGA's, Q-Anon'rs all look bad, look silly.

I will go out on a limb and pin that label on the avataree 'Hossfly'. He doesn't know what he is talking about. He makes a wild allegation and then is unable or unwilling to respond in the manner of a responsible adult. That is fecklessness.

To be bluntly snarky, perhaps the bloke may be sniffing his RemOil directly up his nose.

He's a phony.

Happens every day on this board. All I do is question and ask for detail and it always goes this way. Believe it or not I’m actually pretty right leaning on many issues, but the right wing in this board and under the Trump spell are out of control. They are hypnotized by lies that they blindly believe to be true while being convinced that everybody else in the world is lying to them.

The magnitude of this psychosis is mind blowing. I don’t care what side of the political aisle anybody sits on. Everybody should be able to have an HONEST discussion and should be able to back up their statements with something of substance.

Thanks for the post!
I don't know how any clear-thinking person can see what's going on and has been going on for some time and not conclude that our justice system is not politicized, dishonest, and corrupt as hell. If you're not going to religiously follow the rules for due process then why dick around; forget the trial, just go out and hang somebody. In this case, DJT. Fuck the rules, ignore the process, shred the Constitution, and destroy any sense of integrity.
This is grounds for dismissal. This guy is corrupt to the core.

Our daily Gateway Pundit lie thread. :heehee:
I don't know how any clear-thinking person can see what's going on and has been going on for some time and not conclude that our justice system is not politicized, dishonest, and corrupt as hell. If you're not going to religiously follow the rules for due process then why dick around; forget the trial, just go out and hang somebody. In this case, DJT. Fuck the rules, ignore the process, shred the Constitution, and destroy any sense of integrity.
Well perhaps what you are “seeing” is through a dirty lens muddied up by the media you consume. Is it fair to say that you have no first hand exposure to any of these issues and all your intel comes from what you see in the media?
Well perhaps what you are “seeing” is through a dirty lens muddied up by the media you consume. Is it fair to say that you have no first hand exposure to any of these issues and all your intel comes from what you see in the media?
"At this point in time, what difference does it make?"
~~~~Adrenochrome Hillary
You know why they do this shit? Because they get away with it, without consequence if they get caught. No penalty, no personal cost, no problem, and no deterrence. Our justice system is nothing more than a political tool for the democrats to use at their command. And it's disgusting.
You can put up speed signs on a freeway but unless you enforce them, soon everybody is driving over 100 mph.

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