*****BREAKING***** Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case .

Oh whatever. The entire Trump campaign thinks women are idiots and most of his supporters have probably beaten a few. Trump himself has been quoted as saying that if a woman is griping and bitching, then that's grounds for divorce.

They embrace this. You have to argue with them about something else if you want them to take you seriously.

Divorce is a bit harsh, under those circumstances some men are simply better off allowing their wives to take the financial wheel while they take a nice vacation fishing, playing some golf, simply get a chance to relax from the stress awhile with friends as she works for a time. Spouces I'm sure are very supportive of one another financially when it comes to meeting common goals.
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“Often, I will tell friends whose wives are constantly nagging them about this or that that they’re better off leaving and cutting their losses,” wrote Trump. “I’m not a great believer in always trying to work things out, because it just doesn’t happen that way. For a man to be successful he needs support at home, just like my father had from my mother, not someone who is always griping and bitching. When a man has to endure a woman who is not supportive and complains constantly about his not being home enough or not being attentive enough, he will not be very successful unless he is able to cut the cord.”

Donald Trump's Marital Advice: Divorce "Griping And Bitching" Wives

Makes perfect sense to me.

You think that if your wife is complaining that you aren't being attentive enough, then that is grounds for divorce? You sound like a real catch, bub.
He's an alt-righty. He's got more in common with ISIS than with the principles our nation was founded upon.


You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about, so I suggest that you just shut the hell up.

Childish name calling serves no purpose other than to tar you with the ignorance brush.
You want to drive a wedge between moderate Muslims and the west, you want to get rid of people that are different from you, you hate gay people, and you want to write religion into law. ISIS and the alt-right have those things in common.

See what I mean? You don't have a clue what you're talking about. I want none of those things ... but you certainly aren't one to let things like facts, or truth, get in the way of of your childish rant.

Lumping people all together in a single group is a prime example of your intellectual laziness.
I hate liberals. I just fucking hate them. Nothing decent about any of them.

Then feel free to get the fuck out of here. I think Somalia will be perfect for you.
Liberals are the reason Somalia is the way it is.

It's a tax-free, small government, libertoonian/rightist paradise. It's all of your crazy ideals brought to life. Thank God we'll never let your crazy ass ideas turn America into a hellhole like Somalia.
I hate liberals. I just fucking hate them. Nothing decent about any of them.

Then feel free to get the fuck out of here. I think Somalia will be perfect for you.
Liberals are the reason Somalia is the way it is.

It's a tax-free, small government, libertoonian/rightist paradise. It's all of your crazy ideals brought to life. Thank God we'll never let your crazy ass ideas turn America into a hellhole like Somalia.
Somalia is what happens when a Marxist state collapses. It has nothing to do with small government or libertarians, douche bag.
*****BREAKING***** Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case .


Stephen K. Bannon, the new CEO of the Donald Trump campaign, was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence, battery and dissuading a witness following an incident in early January 1996, though the case was ultimately dismissed, according to a police report and court documents.
The Santa Monica, Calif., police report says that Bannon’s then-wife claimed he pulled at her neck and wrist during an altercation over their finances, and an officer reported witnessing red marks on her neck and wrist to bolster her account. Bannon also reportedly smashed the phone when she tried to call the police.

Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case

Well, trump has red necks and assholes running his campaign.

What's the big deal anyway. The democrats want mass immigration of people coming here (muslims) who believe beating their wife or wives is part of being a good husband.
Stephen K. Bannon, the new CEO of the Donald Trump campaign, was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence, battery and dissuading a witness following an incident in early January 1996, though the case was ultimately dismissed, according to a police report and court documents.
The Santa Monica, Calif., police report says that Bannon’s then-wife claimed he pulled at her neck and wrist during an altercation over their finances, and an officer reported witnessing red marks on her neck and wrist to bolster her account. Bannon also reportedly smashed the phone when she tried to call the police.

Well this should sure get out the woman-vote in November.

I swear to God, every day I wake up and read or hear about the Trump campaign and the GOP sitting in silent assent nearby, I have to pinch myself to see if I'm not still asleep and stuck in some Groundhog's Day nightmare. I think every day "it can't get worse". And then it does, like clockwork. The only thing I can conclude at this point is that the GOP wants Hillary to win; have struck some sort of deal with her behind the scenes. Either that or they've hand-picked Mike Pence and intend on offing Trump if by some miracle he gets into office so that Pence will be president then. I...I just don't know WHAT the republicans are thinking? I'm sure I'm not alone in the world in saying


when it comes to Donald Trump being the brand of the republican party? It is as if the entire GOP, all the Congressional hopefuls, their entire platform and decades worth of conservative delicate strategies have all decided to collectively commit suicide.

The republican party is on it's last breath. If there is anyone not currently being blackmailed by the far left that feels it is worth saving morality, decency and ideals of hard work and commerce, maybe now is the time to step up and do something?

It may get out the stupid woman vote, I say, since muslims consider women way beneath a man. Look at the p.o.s. muslim mayor of London who is going after scantily clad women. This is England mind you, the birth place of the mini skirt.
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*****BREAKING***** Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case .


Stephen K. Bannon, the new CEO of the Donald Trump campaign, was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence, battery and dissuading a witness following an incident in early January 1996, though the case was ultimately dismissed, according to a police report and court documents.
The Santa Monica, Calif., police report says that Bannon’s then-wife claimed he pulled at her neck and wrist during an altercation over their finances, and an officer reported witnessing red marks on her neck and wrist to bolster her account. Bannon also reportedly smashed the phone when she tried to call the police.

Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case

Well, trump has red necks and assholes running his campaign.

Breaking news from more than twenty years ago. It staggers the imagination...

If you had half a brain you'd be dangerous.
NBC BREAKING NEWS: Proof that Steve Bannon hates Jews. Sounds like we'll be hearing more about it. Just heard it on Rachel Maddow.
NBC BREAKING NEWS: Proof that Steve Bannon hates Jews. Sounds like we'll be hearing more about it. Just heard it on Rachel Maddow.

Oh come on Lakhota, seriously .. She'a so far up Hillary's ass she can chew for her...:lmao:

download (22).jpg
A guy who works for Trump was once involved in domestic violence...

While Bill Clinton spent most of his career engaging in sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, adultery, and pedophilia.

Both he and Hillary have spent their lives enriching themselves by selling political access and favors, which is all coming out in public now...

...and the OP's point is WHAT exactly?!
A guy who works for Trump was once involved in domestic violence...

While Bill Clinton spent most of his career engaging in sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, adultery, and pedophilia.

Both he and Hillary have spent their lives enriching themselves by selling political access and favors, which is all coming out in public now...

...and the OP's point is WHAT exactly?!

You silly Trumpites keep forgetting that Trump says he's better than the Clintons. And that is why you are voting for him. Why do you keep forgetting that?
A guy who works for Trump was once involved in domestic violence...

While Bill Clinton spent most of his career engaging in sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, adultery, and pedophilia.

Both he and Hillary have spent their lives enriching themselves by selling political access and favors, which is all coming out in public now...

...and the OP's point is WHAT exactly?!

You silly Trumpites keep forgetting that Trump says he's better than the Clintons. And that is why you are voting for him. Why do you keep forgetting that?

Try to make sense... sheesh..
Does Mr. Trump have to hire a child molester as a campaign manager before you low brows finally wake up?
A guy who works for Trump was once involved in domestic violence...

While Bill Clinton spent most of his career engaging in sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, adultery, and pedophilia.

Both he and Hillary have spent their lives enriching themselves by selling political access and favors, which is all coming out in public now...

...and the OP's point is WHAT exactly?!

You silly Trumpites keep forgetting that Trump says he's better than the Clintons. And that is why you are voting for him. Why do you keep forgetting that?

Try to make sense... sheesh..

Ha! That's rich. I see you can't justify your stupidity either.
Answer this Low Brows: Where is Melania? She has disappeared since plagiarizing Michelle Obama's speech at the RNC. Answer this: where is Ivanka? Where are his sons? They have all disappeared. Trump is always on the stage by himself. The rats haven't announced that they are jumping ship, they are just trying to quietly slip away.

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