BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

Didn't Hillary and lefties claimed that Comey cost them the elections?

They should be praising Trump for this. Had Hillary won, she would've fire him long ago.

It's not the action, it's the timing that's going to kill this administration. If Trump would have fired Comey on the first day he entered the Oval office, everyone would have been fine with that.

You can't get away for firing the head of an investigation when you're the SUBJECT of that investigation and white wash it away.

I wouldn't bet on that. The new director can slow down the investigation and just let it die. The FBI director is under no obligation to discuss an investigation. If Trump can get the right man in the job, he's home free.

I see cover up on the horizon and that's not good. Hopefully Americans will get smarter in 2018 and 2020.

I am not certain if they'll get smarter or not. Republicans let Trump get away with things that they would have crucified any other Republican for doing.

What I hope for, and the only way to insure that Americans are smarter in the future--is that these Reich wing talk show hosts, both radio and T.V. & Riech wing news sites disappear permanently. They were the ones that were continually attacking what they referred to as "Establishment Republicans". They were the ones that filled their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. And they were the ones that were promoting this Ass Clown. They are 100% responsible for this disaster. And they did it for nothing more than ratings and those obscene profit breaks.

Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump
Donald Trump broke the conservative media



When you elect an Ass Clown--you can expect the Circus to show up.


I would also recommend that the Republican party adds in some Super Delegates of their own for the primary season--in order to eliminate the power of STUPID PEOPLE.

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Trump didn't even have the balls to fire Comey to his face

He let the media do it for him.....What a pussy
Only weeks before, Trump was slapping Comey on the back and expressing his confidence. Of course he was also slapping Flynn on the back and congratulating him only days before firing him. A slap on the back by Trump seems to be a precursor for a knife in back.
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I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Sorry I don't think our AG should be defending the indefensible. It's unconstitutional. In confirmation hearings AGs are asked if they will stand up against unlawful moves by the WH, and Yates said yes. She didn't lie, she did what she had promised. The AG is a
I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president"

Geez...the attorney general is the attorney for the United States of America. In a court case, both sides have to be argued and the attorney for the US defends the laws of the USA. The Judicial Branch decides which side prevails.

SO the job of the AG is to defend any laws no matter how unconstitutional and potentially dangerous they are? I don't think so. Trump doesn't need any more "yes men" he filled his whole cabinet full.

I don't care what you "think". That's the role of the Attorney General. And, a law is not unconstitutional until it's been ruled on by the Judicial Branch. It is ignorant people like you that proves how much we need civics courses in schools.
yea yea your personal attacks mean nothing I have history degrees you can kiss sweetie :thanks:

I haven't attacked you personally. And, if you have a history degree, it's proof that simply repeating that which was said in class does not ensure learning.
Trump is an ingrate! Comey got him elected , and this is how he's treated !?
We the people got Trump elected. We rejected the disease of liberalism.

Oh don't be silly. You know better.

Or maybe you can lie to yourself that he didn't lose by 3 million votes.


Sent from my iPad using
Since when does the popular vote elect the president? keep lying boy, no one believes a word you fools say.

After the epic beating we put on the left the last 7 years they grasp for made up shit like the "popular vote". Tune in next week when they claim to have won the pantsuit vote.

Popular vote is not "made up shit"

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: by all means link us to the popular vote election of a US president last thought not.
Can even one of you dishonest liberals explain how Hillary can win a popular vote election that never took place? How can you have a winner for a contest that never existed?
AG Yates tells Trump he should fire Flynn because he could be blackmailed by the Russians and that he lied to Pence which caused Pence to look like an idiot. Trump takes 18 days to fire him. AG Sessions tells Trump he should fire Comey, and Trump fires him on the same day... Anyone else see a problem with this?

Unlike Yates, Sessions is trustworthy.

Really? She was so untrustworthy she was right? If she was wrong he wouldn't have fired him... instead Trump let the idiot Flynn continue to have access to highly classified material and even sit in on a phone call with Putin...

Yes, Barry's appointees can't be taken for granted, must be verified, that takes time.
Second, how did she get the info about Flynn before President could even get it.
Yes, to Trump, Sessions is trustworthy, Yates is not and her later actions and her testimony proved it.

How could she get it? Do you understand how government works? The AG is the top Law Enforcement official in the country... It's called chain of command. And BTW, Yates was a career appointee... she has been working in the government under both Republican and Democrat Presidents, just like Comey...

You do understand that AG job is not to create policy and work against the president, do ya?
The AG's oath of office is to support and defend the Constitution, bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and faithfully discharge the duties of the office. He is the chief law enforcement officer and chief lawyer of the United States government and his duty is to uphold the laws of the United States and that takes precedent over any loyalty he may have toward the president.
You are trying to tell us their was no major major corruption going on at the DNC ...


They are a private organization. I don't like what they did to Bernie... but you know what? Someone's privacy is there privacy. What happened to them is no different that someone hacking your phone and then sending the pictures of you screwing your bosses wife to your boss and getting you fired. Well you shouldn't have been screwing your bosses wife and doing so you deserved to get fired, but guess what, the person who hacked your phone invaded your privacy and deserves to be punished for it.

Oh no you just didn't go there....


Don't worry, that's normal for leftist racists...

Leftist racist? To defend someone's right to privacy? Please point out anything racist in my post. :lmao:

I argue with every racist fuck on this forum and report it every time someone uses the N word or breaks the rules trying to use any modified word to look like the N word... and if I were a leftist I wouldn't be arguing that whomever leaked any info about Flynn should be prosecuted regardless that it helped get him fired...

You do know why he said "Oh no you just didn't go there...."

Yeah because I was comparing his personal privacy with that of the DNC and he doesn't agree with it... not because I said anything fucking racist. Only an idiot would draw something like that out of anything I said. So I ask again, what was racist out of what I posted?
Unlike Yates, Sessions is trustworthy.

Really? She was so untrustworthy she was right? If she was wrong he wouldn't have fired him... instead Trump let the idiot Flynn continue to have access to highly classified material and even sit in on a phone call with Putin...

Yes, Barry's appointees can't be taken for granted, must be verified, that takes time.
Second, how did she get the info about Flynn before President could even get it.
Yes, to Trump, Sessions is trustworthy, Yates is not and her later actions and her testimony proved it.

How could she get it? Do you understand how government works? The AG is the top Law Enforcement official in the country... It's called chain of command. And BTW, Yates was a career appointee... she has been working in the government under both Republican and Democrat Presidents, just like Comey...

You do understand that AG job is not to create policy and work against the president, do ya?
The AG's oath of office is to support and defend the Constitution, bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and faithfully discharge the duties of the office. He is the chief law enforcement officer and chief lawyer of the United States government and his duty is to uphold the laws of the United States and that takes precedent over any loyalty he may have toward the president.

What law she was upholding?

he fired the man who has him under investigation
Kind of like he fired yates for bringing Russian collusion to light.


He fired her for not doing her job. In the real world, that would get anyone fired from any (legal) job in America.
No, he fired her for doing her job.

Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the FED. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.
Sally Yates wasn't using the executive order to base her judgment from. She was using liberal talking-points that weren't in writing to resist the lawful order of the President. By law the president has the right to decide who can enter the US thru the Health And Human Services Dept and Homeland Security.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
Really? She was so untrustworthy she was right? If she was wrong he wouldn't have fired him... instead Trump let the idiot Flynn continue to have access to highly classified material and even sit in on a phone call with Putin...

Yes, Barry's appointees can't be taken for granted, must be verified, that takes time.
Second, how did she get the info about Flynn before President could even get it.
Yes, to Trump, Sessions is trustworthy, Yates is not and her later actions and her testimony proved it.

How could she get it? Do you understand how government works? The AG is the top Law Enforcement official in the country... It's called chain of command. And BTW, Yates was a career appointee... she has been working in the government under both Republican and Democrat Presidents, just like Comey...

You do understand that AG job is not to create policy and work against the president, do ya?
The AG's oath of office is to support and defend the Constitution, bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and faithfully discharge the duties of the office. He is the chief law enforcement officer and chief lawyer of the United States government and his duty is to uphold the laws of the United States and that takes precedent over any loyalty he may have toward the president.

What law she was upholding?

She told you in the hearing... the law that people can't be discriminated against for their Visas based on religion or place or origin...

And she was the fucking AG who was going to be tasked with upholding the EO, and the idiot Trump wrote it without even consulting her on it. What kind of fucktard does something like that?
Kind of like he fired yates for bringing Russian collusion to light.


He fired her for not doing her job. In the real world, that would get anyone fired from any (legal) job in America.
No, he fired her for doing her job.

Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the FED. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.
Sally Yates wasn't using the executive order to base her judgment from. She was using liberal talking-points that weren't in writing to resist the lawful order of the President. By law the president has the right to decide who can enter the US thru the Health And Human Services Dept and Homeland Security.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

Wrong, see above post. The EO contradicted the law.
Kind of like he fired yates for bringing Russian collusion to light.


He fired her for not doing her job. In the real world, that would get anyone fired from any (legal) job in America.
No, he fired her for doing her job.

Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the FED. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.
Sally Yates wasn't using the executive order to base her judgment from. She was using liberal talking-points that weren't in writing to resist the lawful order of the President. By law the president has the right to decide who can enter the US thru the Health And Human Services Dept and Homeland Security.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
courts take intent into account. Are you accusing our court systems of being strictly "liberal"?
They are a private organization. I don't like what they did to Bernie... but you know what? Someone's privacy is there privacy. What happened to them is no different that someone hacking your phone and then sending the pictures of you screwing your bosses wife to your boss and getting you fired. Well you shouldn't have been screwing your bosses wife and doing so you deserved to get fired, but guess what, the person who hacked your phone invaded your privacy and deserves to be punished for it.

Oh no you just didn't go there....


Don't worry, that's normal for leftist racists...

Leftist racist? To defend someone's right to privacy? Please point out anything racist in my post. :lmao:

I argue with every racist fuck on this forum and report it every time someone uses the N word or breaks the rules trying to use any modified word to look like the N word... and if I were a leftist I wouldn't be arguing that whomever leaked any info about Flynn should be prosecuted regardless that it helped get him fired...

You do know why he said "Oh no you just didn't go there...."

Yeah because I was comparing his personal privacy with that of the DNC and he doesn't agree with it... not because I said anything fucking racist. Only an idiot would draw something like that out of anything I said. So I ask again, what was racist out of what I posted?

You didn't say something like "he should have kids with black person... " than deleted it?
SO, basically, we now have at least EIGHT threads here all running basically the same topic---- and what started out as a good thread explaining how fearful many were inside the intelligence community of him, how far he had stepped out from his authority undermining both the integrity of the agency and many leading investigations, the icing being both his statements last July and last Oct., where he took it upon himself to anticipate and speak for the Attorney General as mere investigator, saying that no credible prosecutor would even take the Hillary case that he had so overwhelmingly made himself! And finally, his remarks the other week questioning his own decisions and about what he should conceal or not.

Because Sessions was part of the Trump campaign, he, unlike Lynch who met with Bill on the plane privately a week before her decisions, recused himself, so all had to wait for the new deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to be sworn into office--- upon his analysis that Comey could no longer effectively lead the FBI and had greatly harmed its image, Trump took his recommendation and fired him.

This will not stop any testimony or investigations, and many at the FBI are greatly relieved that now, their thwarted investigations into many matters about Obama, Hillary, Lois Lerner and Lynch, to name a few, can now proceed unimpeded.

But what has come out instead? A lot of noise that Trump will be impeached, that he is doing this to block an investigation into Russian wrongdoing that after months of digging, has turned up nothing. And the very same Dems who were screaming for Comey's head, now fired, are screaming that Trump is "Nixonian" and that they need to redouble their efforts!

In other words, as usual, 80% of the Libs here, much like their party, act like a broken calculator that, inputting 2+2, gets 5. And inputting 7-3, still gets 5. No matter what the data and evidence, nothing sways them from concluding the same things over and over again because they are driven more by feelings and emotions than facts.
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The FBI Under Comey:

1. Before he bombed the Boston Marathon, the FBI interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev but let him go. Russia sent the Obama Administration a second warning, but the FBI opted against investigating him again.

2. Shortly after the NSA scandal exploded in 2013, the FBI was exposed conducting its own data mining on innocent Americans; the agency, Bloomberg reported, retains that material for decades (even if no wrongdoing is found).

3. The FBI had possession of emails sent by Nidal Hasan saying he wanted to kill his fellow soldiers to protect the Taliban -- but didn't intervene, leading many critics to argue the tragedy that resulted in the death of 31 Americans at Fort Hood could have been prevented.

4. During the Obama Administration, the FBI claimed that two private jets were being used primarily for counterterrorism, when in fact they were mostly being used for Eric Holder and Robert Mueller's business and personal travel.

5. When the FBI demanded Apple create a "backdoor" that would allow law enforcement agencies to unlock the cell phones of various suspects, the company refused, sparking a battle between the feds and America's biggest tech company. What makes this incident indicative of Comey's questionable management of the agency is that a) The FBI jumped the gun, as they were indeed ultimately able to crack the San Bernardino terrorist's phone, and b) Almost every other major national security figure sided with Apple (from former CIA Director General Petraeus to former CIA Director James Woolsey to former director of the NSA, General Michael Hayden), warning that such a "crack" would inevitably wind up in the wrong hands.

6. In 2015, the FBI conducted a controversial raid on a Texas political meeting, finger printing, photographing, and seizing phones from attendees (some in the group believe in restoring Texas as an independent constitutional republic).

7. During its investigation into Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material, the FBI made an unusual deal in which Clinton aides were both given immunity and allowed to destroy their laptops. (WTF?!)

8. The father of the radical Islamist who detonated a backpack bomb in New York City in 2016 alerted the FBI to his son's radicalization. The FBI, however, cleared Ahmad Khan Rahami after a brief interview.

9. The FBI also investigated the terrorist who killed 49 people and wounded 53 more at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Fla. Despite a more than 10-month investigation of Omar Mateen -- during which Mateen admitting lying to agents -- the FBI opted against pressing further and closed its case.

10. CBS recently reported that when two terrorists sought to kill Americans attending the "Draw Muhammad" event in Garland, Texas, the FBI not only had an understanding an attack was coming, but actually had an undercover agent traveling with the Islamists, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi. The FBI has refused to comment on why the agent on the scene did not intervene during the attack.

11. Comey revealed Hillary was under investigation during the 2016 campaign but did not rveal Trump was.

12. Comey just admitted / testified that Hillary Clinton DID indeed break the law and jeopardize national security during her E-Mail scandal but that she was not indicted / charged because she was TOO STUPID to know she was doing it.

13. Comey testified Huma Abedin illegally forwarded classified documents and e-mails to her personal laptop - shared by her child porn sexting husband...and closed the case without indicting / charging her with the crime.

There is no scandal here regarding the firing of James Comey. He was a failed 'CEO' who could not control his agency, made bad decisions, jeopardized the Presidential election, and exercised powers he did not have (making the decision himself not to indict criminals).

10 Major FBI Scandals on Comey's Watch
Oh no you just didn't go there....


Don't worry, that's normal for leftist racists...

Leftist racist? To defend someone's right to privacy? Please point out anything racist in my post. :lmao:

I argue with every racist fuck on this forum and report it every time someone uses the N word or breaks the rules trying to use any modified word to look like the N word... and if I were a leftist I wouldn't be arguing that whomever leaked any info about Flynn should be prosecuted regardless that it helped get him fired...

You do know why he said "Oh no you just didn't go there...."

Yeah because I was comparing his personal privacy with that of the DNC and he doesn't agree with it... not because I said anything fucking racist. Only an idiot would draw something like that out of anything I said. So I ask again, what was racist out of what I posted?

You didn't say something like "he should have kids with black person... " than deleted it?

I didn't delete it. I don't remember what post it was in tbh, but I did say something like that, and it had nothing to do with being racist. The majority of professional sports players are Black despite them being only a small percentage of the overall population... and even then it would be a high percentage if you count the Latino athletes from the Dominican Republic, Cuba, and other countries who most Americans consider Black as well. That's not racist, that's facts.
You are trying to tell us their was no major major corruption going on at the DNC ...


They are a private organization. I don't like what they did to Bernie... but you know what? Someone's privacy is there privacy. What happened to them is no different that someone hacking your phone and then sending the pictures of you screwing your bosses wife to your boss and getting you fired. Well you shouldn't have been screwing your bosses wife and doing so you deserved to get fired, but guess what, the person who hacked your phone invaded your privacy and deserves to be punished for it.

You do realize, do you not, that you are saying it is A-OK for a PRIVATE company to determine who gets to run for the POTUS job.

Is the DNC and RNC a private organization or not?

Doesn't matter. The POTUS is supposed to be a representative of the PEOPLE. The fact that the RNC and the DNC control who even gets to run means that they control the government whcih means that PRIVATE organisations are placing themselves, and their interests, before the WE The People. Which is a clear assault on the Constitutional Republic that the US was founded as.

Ah yes, you mean like corporations considered as persons. Not sure how that applies here but a valid point nonetheless.

Yes. Get rid of ALL of that bullshit. Why do you agree to let a small oligarchy determine which lesser of two evils we get to vote for? Ultimately we are only voting for evil, the oligarchs don't care because no matter which candidate gets "elected" they still control them.

Face it pogo, the system is rigged against the PEOPLE of the USA and you seem to not care.

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