BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

Then you have a reading comprehension problem. It is on the bottom of the first page.


... "except as specifically provided"...

See conditions.

See also mudwhistle's post that clarifies the rest.

List the conditions that make Trump's EO valid. Please do. Funny a minute ago you said that the part I posted wasn't even there...

What's funny is that you claim discrimination where there is none.
All conditions of Trump's EO are valid. You lefties can't claim one that is not.

Sigh... the same old "leftie" argument. If his travel ban was valid... it would have gone into effect and stayed there. It didn't. End of story.

It didn't stayed there not because it's not valid, but because of activist judges who have no jurisdiction to block the EO's. We'll see the outcome when it get to the SC.

What's the point of taking it to the Supreme Court? They wrote a second one... or did you forget?
... "except as specifically provided"...

See conditions.

See also mudwhistle's post that clarifies the rest.

List the conditions that make Trump's EO valid. Please do. Funny a minute ago you said that the part I posted wasn't even there...

What's funny is that you claim discrimination where there is none.
All conditions of Trump's EO are valid. You lefties can't claim one that is not.

Sigh... the same old "leftie" argument. If his travel ban was valid... it would have gone into effect and stayed there. It didn't. End of story.

It didn't stayed there not because it's not valid, but because of activist judges who have no jurisdiction to block the EO's. We'll see the outcome when it get to the SC.

What's the point of taking it to the Supreme Court? They wrote a second one... or did you forget?

Overturning the leftist district courts would stop the nonsense and lay the ground of breaking them up, especially the 9th circuit. I hope it'll get to SC, the sooner the better (hearing is on next Monday).
List the conditions that make Trump's EO valid. Please do. Funny a minute ago you said that the part I posted wasn't even there...

What's funny is that you claim discrimination where there is none.
All conditions of Trump's EO are valid. You lefties can't claim one that is not.

Sigh... the same old "leftie" argument. If his travel ban was valid... it would have gone into effect and stayed there. It didn't. End of story.

It didn't stayed there not because it's not valid, but because of activist judges who have no jurisdiction to block the EO's. We'll see the outcome when it get to the SC.

What's the point of taking it to the Supreme Court? They wrote a second one... or did you forget?

Overturning the leftist district courts would stop the nonsense and lay the ground of breaking them up, especially the 9th circuit. I hope it'll get to SC, the sooner the better (hearing is on next Monday).

When will some of you people start to understand... the Constitution is not so flexible that it's interpretation changes every time the party of the President does. Even though a Supreme Court Justice is appointed by a certain party... they don't always rule in that party's favor, just because fuck, he's a Republican or a Democrat. That's why they are judges... their lives are based on impartiality. Do they sometimes have differing opinions? Sure they do... but not like the fucking opinions of people on a fucking internet forum. Get real.
WTF does that have to do with anything? People in government have to work with people they don't agree with all the fucking time. But as Yates stated, it is SOP for an AG to be consulted with things like this... and that's what Trump should have done. He's a petty fucking liar cry baby, and each time he pulls his petty shit, it has bit him in the ass.
Sorry, but times have changed. When you have a party that is dead-set on bringing Trump down.....working together isn't even a consideration for them. Their primary mission is causing as much chaos as possible and then blame it on Trump.

Sorry Mud------ ALL of these chaos, embarrassment are created by Trump. The most chaotic administration I ever seen.
Americans will look at these as a diversion or a cover up from Russian investigation. The Trump just made it worse.

Time for impeachment.

Impeachment!!! On what grounds....he hurt your feelings?

Cover up is a crime. Just look at your window---------- how many Americans are hurt.
1. Cover the story that a disgusting video caused Benghazi.
2. Cover the fact that Bill Clinton visited the Attorney General on her jet right before his wife was going to be questioned by the FBI.
3. Cover the fact that somebody leaked classified information that resulted in the firing of Michael Flynn and the refusal of the FBI Director to investigate it.
1. So the incompetent Republicans that did all the investigations cried cover up? Or they came up empty handed? Is this means you are not up to date Mud?
2. Was there a crime committed?
3. There was no cover up. They only exposed a traitor general.

Firing Comey is not right no matter how Muddled the pond.
What's funny is that you claim discrimination where there is none.
All conditions of Trump's EO are valid. You lefties can't claim one that is not.

Sigh... the same old "leftie" argument. If his travel ban was valid... it would have gone into effect and stayed there. It didn't. End of story.

It didn't stayed there not because it's not valid, but because of activist judges who have no jurisdiction to block the EO's. We'll see the outcome when it get to the SC.

What's the point of taking it to the Supreme Court? They wrote a second one... or did you forget?

Overturning the leftist district courts would stop the nonsense and lay the ground of breaking them up, especially the 9th circuit. I hope it'll get to SC, the sooner the better (hearing is on next Monday).

When will some of you people start to understand... the Constitution is not so flexible that it's interpretation changes every time the party of the President does. Even though a Supreme Court Justice is appointed by a certain party... they don't always rule in that party's favor, just because fuck, he's a Republican or a Democrat. That's why they are judges... their lives are based on impartiality. Do they sometimes have differing opinions? Sure they do... but not like the fucking opinions of people on a fucking internet forum. Get real.

What that has to do with anything I said?
Sorry Mud------ ALL of these chaos, embarrassment are created by Trump. The most chaotic administration I ever seen.
Americans will look at these as a diversion or a cover up from Russian investigation. The Trump just made it worse.

Time for impeachment.

Truth hurts.
You wouldn't know what the truth is if it was presented to you on a silver platter.
You're just a brainwashed minion that cannot think for himself.

Actually it's the other away around bud. Trump is clearly trying to hide something from Russian connections so he fired Comey.
Just ask yourself ---------- who is creating all these brainwashing and chaos?
In a short answer....THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA.
Only a tiny mind believes it's just Trump causing the media to lose their minds. It's like you haven't been alive the last 12 months.

Really? Have you look at your window in last 4 months? Massive anti Trump rallies all over the country and also spills to other countries.
Probably the most hated president ever. Remember ONLY 63 millions voted for this dude.

Truth hurts.
You wouldn't know what the truth is if it was presented to you on a silver platter.
You're just a brainwashed minion that cannot think for himself.

Actually it's the other away around bud. Trump is clearly trying to hide something from Russian connections so he fired Comey.
Just ask yourself ---------- who is creating all these brainwashing and chaos?
In a short answer....THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA.
Only a tiny mind believes it's just Trump causing the media to lose their minds. It's like you haven't been alive the last 12 months.

Really? Have you look at your window in last 4 months? Massive anti Trump rallies all over the country and also spills to other countries.
Probably the most hated president ever. Remember ONLY 63 millions voted for this dude.

Left hates anyone they lose to.

Apparently those 63 million were more than enough to make him the president.
WTF does that have to do with anything? People in government have to work with people they don't agree with all the fucking time. But as Yates stated, it is SOP for an AG to be consulted with things like this... and that's what Trump should have done. He's a petty fucking liar cry baby, and each time he pulls his petty shit, it has bit him in the ass.
Sorry, but times have changed. When you have a party that is dead-set on bringing Trump down.....working together isn't even a consideration for them. Their primary mission is causing as much chaos as possible and then blame it on Trump.

Sorry Mud------ ALL of these chaos, embarrassment are created by Trump. The most chaotic administration I ever seen.
Americans will look at these as a diversion or a cover up from Russian investigation. The Trump just made it worse.

Time for impeachment.

Impeachment!!! On what grounds....he hurt your feelings?

Cover up is a crime. Just look at your window---------- how many Americans are hurt.

Has investigation ended with firing of Comey?

That is what Trump was thinking. Give me one good reason -------- Why he fired Comey?
Sigh... the same old "leftie" argument. If his travel ban was valid... it would have gone into effect and stayed there. It didn't. End of story.

It didn't stayed there not because it's not valid, but because of activist judges who have no jurisdiction to block the EO's. We'll see the outcome when it get to the SC.

What's the point of taking it to the Supreme Court? They wrote a second one... or did you forget?

Overturning the leftist district courts would stop the nonsense and lay the ground of breaking them up, especially the 9th circuit. I hope it'll get to SC, the sooner the better (hearing is on next Monday).

When will some of you people start to understand... the Constitution is not so flexible that it's interpretation changes every time the party of the President does. Even though a Supreme Court Justice is appointed by a certain party... they don't always rule in that party's favor, just because fuck, he's a Republican or a Democrat. That's why they are judges... their lives are based on impartiality. Do they sometimes have differing opinions? Sure they do... but not like the fucking opinions of people on a fucking internet forum. Get real.

What that has to do with anything I said?

Uh, if I have to explain it to you... wait, this is another one of your reading comprehension problems isn't it? Like when you said you spent 30 minutes reading what I posted earlier and you couldn't find the part about discrimination based on where a person was from... and it was on the first page.

Go get your mother, wife, or sister to come read the forum for you. When you do, let me know and I'll continue the discussion.
Sorry Mud------ ALL of these chaos, embarrassment are created by Trump. The most chaotic administration I ever seen.
Americans will look at these as a diversion or a cover up from Russian investigation. The Trump just made it worse.

Time for impeachment.

Truth hurts.
You wouldn't know what the truth is if it was presented to you on a silver platter.
You're just a brainwashed minion that cannot think for himself.

Actually it's the other away around bud. Trump is clearly trying to hide something from Russian connections so he fired Comey.
Just ask yourself ---------- who is creating all these brainwashing and chaos?
The media.
Next stupid question.......

Wrong again. So the media created the chaos? Maybe your boy wants to shut down the media just like Hitler. Boy this is like raping a dog then blame the dog.
Sorry, but times have changed. When you have a party that is dead-set on bringing Trump down.....working together isn't even a consideration for them. Their primary mission is causing as much chaos as possible and then blame it on Trump.

Sorry Mud------ ALL of these chaos, embarrassment are created by Trump. The most chaotic administration I ever seen.
Americans will look at these as a diversion or a cover up from Russian investigation. The Trump just made it worse.

Time for impeachment.

Impeachment!!! On what grounds....he hurt your feelings?

Cover up is a crime. Just look at your window---------- how many Americans are hurt.

Has investigation ended with firing of Comey?

That is what Trump was thinking. Give me one good reason -------- Why he fired Comey?

He acted on recommendation from Deputy AG, who in this case FBI reports to.
Truth hurts.
You wouldn't know what the truth is if it was presented to you on a silver platter.
You're just a brainwashed minion that cannot think for himself.

Actually it's the other away around bud. Trump is clearly trying to hide something from Russian connections so he fired Comey.
Just ask yourself ---------- who is creating all these brainwashing and chaos?
In a short answer....THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA.
Only a tiny mind believes it's just Trump causing the media to lose their minds. It's like you haven't been alive the last 12 months.

Really? Have you look at your window in last 4 months? Massive anti Trump rallies all over the country and also spills to other countries.
Probably the most hated president ever. Remember ONLY 63 millions voted for this dude.

Left hates anyone they lose to.

Apparently those 63 million were more than enough to make him the president.

Correct but did he won the hearts of Americans? Americans despised this dude.
He lied all the time that people like you are so used to it dont even realized he is lying.
The FBI Under Comey:

1. Before he bombed the Boston Marathon, the FBI interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev but let him go. Russia sent the Obama Administration a second warning, but the FBI opted against investigating him again.

2. Shortly after the NSA scandal exploded in 2013, the FBI was exposed conducting its own data mining on innocent Americans; the agency, Bloomberg reported, retains that material for decades (even if no wrongdoing is found).

3. The FBI had possession of emails sent by Nidal Hasan saying he wanted to kill his fellow soldiers to protect the Taliban -- but didn't intervene, leading many critics to argue the tragedy that resulted in the death of 31 Americans at Fort Hood could have been prevented.

4. During the Obama Administration, the FBI claimed that two private jets were being used primarily for counterterrorism, when in fact they were mostly being used for Eric Holder and Robert Mueller's business and personal travel.

5. When the FBI demanded Apple create a "backdoor" that would allow law enforcement agencies to unlock the cell phones of various suspects, the company refused, sparking a battle between the feds and America's biggest tech company. What makes this incident indicative of Comey's questionable management of the agency is that a) The FBI jumped the gun, as they were indeed ultimately able to crack the San Bernardino terrorist's phone, and b) Almost every other major national security figure sided with Apple (from former CIA Director General Petraeus to former CIA Director James Woolsey to former director of the NSA, General Michael Hayden), warning that such a "crack" would inevitably wind up in the wrong hands.

6. In 2015, the FBI conducted a controversial raid on a Texas political meeting, finger printing, photographing, and seizing phones from attendees (some in the group believe in restoring Texas as an independent constitutional republic).

7. During its investigation into Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material, the FBI made an unusual deal in which Clinton aides were both given immunity and allowed to destroy their laptops. (WTF?!)

8. The father of the radical Islamist who detonated a backpack bomb in New York City in 2016 alerted the FBI to his son's radicalization. The FBI, however, cleared Ahmad Khan Rahami after a brief interview.

9. The FBI also investigated the terrorist who killed 49 people and wounded 53 more at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Fla. Despite a more than 10-month investigation of Omar Mateen -- during which Mateen admitting lying to agents -- the FBI opted against pressing further and closed its case.

10. CBS recently reported that when two terrorists sought to kill Americans attending the "Draw Muhammad" event in Garland, Texas, the FBI not only had an understanding an attack was coming, but actually had an undercover agent traveling with the Islamists, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi. The FBI has refused to comment on why the agent on the scene did not intervene during the attack.

11. Comey revealed Hillary was under investigation during the 2016 campaign but did not rveal Trump was.

12. Comey just admitted / testified that Hillary Clinton DID indeed break the law and jeopardize national security during her E-Mail scandal but that she was not indicted / charged because she was TOO STUPID to know she was doing it.

13. Comey testified Huma Abedin illegally forwarded classified documents and e-mails to her personal laptop - shared by her child porn sexting husband...and closed the case without indicting / charging her with the crime.

There is no scandal here regarding the firing of James Comey. He was a failed 'CEO' who could not control his agency, made bad decisions, jeopardized the Presidential election, and exercised powers he did not have (making the decision himself not to indict criminals).

10 Major FBI Scandals on Comey's Watch
Only 10? If we listed every bad decision, FBI screw up, unconstitutional and illegal activity attributed to J. Eager, it would fill a dozen volumes.
It didn't stayed there not because it's not valid, but because of activist judges who have no jurisdiction to block the EO's. We'll see the outcome when it get to the SC.

What's the point of taking it to the Supreme Court? They wrote a second one... or did you forget?

Overturning the leftist district courts would stop the nonsense and lay the ground of breaking them up, especially the 9th circuit. I hope it'll get to SC, the sooner the better (hearing is on next Monday).

When will some of you people start to understand... the Constitution is not so flexible that it's interpretation changes every time the party of the President does. Even though a Supreme Court Justice is appointed by a certain party... they don't always rule in that party's favor, just because fuck, he's a Republican or a Democrat. That's why they are judges... their lives are based on impartiality. Do they sometimes have differing opinions? Sure they do... but not like the fucking opinions of people on a fucking internet forum. Get real.

What that has to do with anything I said?

Uh, if I have to explain it to you... wait, this is another one of your reading comprehension problems isn't it? Like when you said you spent 30 minutes reading what I posted earlier and you couldn't find the part about discrimination based on where a person was from... and it was on the first page.

Go get your mother, wife, or sister to come read the forum for you. When you do, let me know and I'll continue the discussion.

You found it, congrats. However, "except" means it's conditional, and those conditions invalidate your "proof".
Sorry Mud------ ALL of these chaos, embarrassment are created by Trump. The most chaotic administration I ever seen.
Americans will look at these as a diversion or a cover up from Russian investigation. The Trump just made it worse.

Time for impeachment.

Impeachment!!! On what grounds....he hurt your feelings?

Cover up is a crime. Just look at your window---------- how many Americans are hurt.

Has investigation ended with firing of Comey?

That is what Trump was thinking. Give me one good reason -------- Why he fired Comey?

He acted on recommendation from Deputy AG, who in this case FBI reports to.

Just like Trump blame somebody and not taking responsibility. So you are blaming the AG? So what was the reason why AG wants to canned Comey?

That's not acceptable go get me something else.
You wouldn't know what the truth is if it was presented to you on a silver platter.
You're just a brainwashed minion that cannot think for himself.

Actually it's the other away around bud. Trump is clearly trying to hide something from Russian connections so he fired Comey.
Just ask yourself ---------- who is creating all these brainwashing and chaos?
In a short answer....THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA.
Only a tiny mind believes it's just Trump causing the media to lose their minds. It's like you haven't been alive the last 12 months.

Really? Have you look at your window in last 4 months? Massive anti Trump rallies all over the country and also spills to other countries.
Probably the most hated president ever. Remember ONLY 63 millions voted for this dude.

Left hates anyone they lose to.

Apparently those 63 million were more than enough to make him the president.

Correct but did he won the hearts of Americans? Americans despised this dude.
He lied all the time that people like you are so used to it dont even realized he is lying.

He won the hearts of most of those who voted for him. The others voted for him so they don't vote for Hillary.

I would rather say that he likes to exaggerate, but he's pretty much on the way to keep his promises.
What's the point of taking it to the Supreme Court? They wrote a second one... or did you forget?

Overturning the leftist district courts would stop the nonsense and lay the ground of breaking them up, especially the 9th circuit. I hope it'll get to SC, the sooner the better (hearing is on next Monday).

When will some of you people start to understand... the Constitution is not so flexible that it's interpretation changes every time the party of the President does. Even though a Supreme Court Justice is appointed by a certain party... they don't always rule in that party's favor, just because fuck, he's a Republican or a Democrat. That's why they are judges... their lives are based on impartiality. Do they sometimes have differing opinions? Sure they do... but not like the fucking opinions of people on a fucking internet forum. Get real.

What that has to do with anything I said?

Uh, if I have to explain it to you... wait, this is another one of your reading comprehension problems isn't it? Like when you said you spent 30 minutes reading what I posted earlier and you couldn't find the part about discrimination based on where a person was from... and it was on the first page.

Go get your mother, wife, or sister to come read the forum for you. When you do, let me know and I'll continue the discussion.

You found it, congrats. However, "except" means it's conditional, and those conditions invalidate your "proof".

And you never posted as part of the argument what the "except" was and how it applied to Trump's EO. So how did you invalidate it? Oh, you didn't.
Overturning the leftist district courts would stop the nonsense and lay the ground of breaking them up, especially the 9th circuit. I hope it'll get to SC, the sooner the better (hearing is on next Monday).

When will some of you people start to understand... the Constitution is not so flexible that it's interpretation changes every time the party of the President does. Even though a Supreme Court Justice is appointed by a certain party... they don't always rule in that party's favor, just because fuck, he's a Republican or a Democrat. That's why they are judges... their lives are based on impartiality. Do they sometimes have differing opinions? Sure they do... but not like the fucking opinions of people on a fucking internet forum. Get real.

What that has to do with anything I said?

Uh, if I have to explain it to you... wait, this is another one of your reading comprehension problems isn't it? Like when you said you spent 30 minutes reading what I posted earlier and you couldn't find the part about discrimination based on where a person was from... and it was on the first page.

Go get your mother, wife, or sister to come read the forum for you. When you do, let me know and I'll continue the discussion.

You found it, congrats. However, "except" means it's conditional, and those conditions invalidate your "proof".

And you never posted as part of the argument what the "except" was and how it applied to Trump's EO. So how did you invalidate it? Oh, you didn't.

You complain about my reading comprehension, yet you're proud of yours.

Beside, mudwhistle explained it to you already.

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