BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

Same old dog and pony shit pile. No evidence of collusion. No crime, NO special prosecutorial standing. A special prosecutor is only needed when there has been evidence of a crime committed by someone that has not been investigated. here is NO evidence of any crime committed by anyone while doing any business for the Trump campaign. Flynn was engaged in the behavior that was the reason for his dismissal while a party of the OSHITASS administration, and it continued into his tenure within the Trump administration he lied about it to Trump and the rest of the Trump administration and it got him canned. If there was Any criminal activity by Flynn, the investigation into it has to be started with an investigation of the oshitass administration. After the First investigation into the oshitass administration is complete and oshitass is hanged for treason then an investigation into the few days that it took for Trump to fire him after he gathered enough evidence to do so can begin.

That's exactly what Trump had been saying all
along no COLONOSCOPY ------ so he fired Comey.
Hey Dumbass......haven't you noticed that there are still assholes like Yates in the Executive Branch that are fighting Trump tooth & nail on everything?

Nope......this is probably the first time you heard about the resistance against Trump in everything he does.

Instead of doing what they said they would do when Hillary was a shoe-in, they have fought him at every turn, dragged their collective feet on everything. This isn't the "Smooth Transition Of Power" the establishment Democrats promised before election night.

WTF does that have to do with anything? People in government have to work with people they don't agree with all the fucking time. But as Yates stated, it is SOP for an AG to be consulted with things like this... and that's what Trump should have done. He's a petty fucking liar cry baby, and each time he pulls his petty shit, it has bit him in the ass.
Sorry, but times have changed. When you have a party that is dead-set on bringing Trump down.....working together isn't even a consideration for them. Their primary mission is causing as much chaos as possible and then blame it on Trump.

Sorry Mud------ ALL of these chaos, embarrassment are created by Trump. The most chaotic administration I ever seen.
Americans will look at these as a diversion or a cover up from Russian investigation. The Trump just made it worse.

Time for impeachment.

Truth hurts.
You wouldn't know what the truth is if it was presented to you on a silver platter.
You're just a brainwashed minion that cannot think for himself.
ALL of these chaos, embarrassment and discombobulation are created by Trump. The most chaotic administration I ever seen. Firing was even done in a manner of unprofessional and amateurism.

So, a highly-successful business guy runs for office as a non-politician with no past experience as one promising to drain the swamp of corruption in D.C., and when he actually DOES things like a businessman instead of a politician and starts to drain the swamp, you are so surprised that you think he ought to be impeached so you can have another talking suit politician?

Successful in business I agree--------- Maybe he doesn't have a business or knowledge in running this country. As you see all the evidence this is a total fucking chaos. Do you agree?

He didn't even have the courtesy to make a phone call telling Comey he was fired. It's inexcusable. Fucking coward and pure amateur. Now you tell me if that is not pure ineptness or incompetents.
Same old dog and pony shit pile. No evidence of collusion. No crime, NO special prosecutorial standing. A special prosecutor is only needed when there has been evidence of a crime committed by someone that has not been investigated. here is NO evidence of any crime committed by anyone while doing any business for the Trump campaign. Flynn was engaged in the behavior that was the reason for his dismissal while a party of the OSHITASS administration, and it continued into his tenure within the Trump administration he lied about it to Trump and the rest of the Trump administration and it got him canned. If there was Any criminal activity by Flynn, the investigation into it has to be started with an investigation of the oshitass administration. After the First investigation into the oshitass administration is complete and oshitass is hanged for treason then an investigation into the few days that it took for Trump to fire him after he gathered enough evidence to do so can begin.

That's exactly what Trump had been saying all
along no COLONOSCOPY ------ so he fired Comey.
I think you need to look up what an "Availability Cascade" is and find out where it originated from.....Cass Sunstein......a former member of the Obama Administration. It's about a tactic using the media to create issues that are based on total falsehoods but making them real to the mindless idiots that populate America.

Availability cascade
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An availability cascade is a self-reinforcing cycle that explains the development of certain kinds of collective beliefs. A novel idea or insight, usually one that seems to explain a complex process in a simple or straightforward manner, gains rapid currency in the popular discourse by its very simplicity and by its apparent insightfulness. Its rising popularity triggers a chain reaction within the social network: individuals adopt the new insight because other people within the network have adopted it, and on its face it seems plausible. The reason for this increased use and popularity of the new idea involves both the availability of the previously obscure term or idea, and the need of individuals using the term or idea to appear to be current with the stated beliefs and ideas of others, regardless of whether they in fact fully believe in the idea that they are expressing. Their need for social acceptance, and the apparent sophistication of the new insight, overwhelm their critical thinking.

The idea of the availability cascade was first developed by Timur Kuran and Cass Sunstein as a variation of information cascades mediated by the availability heuristic, with the addition of reputational cascades.[1] The availability cascade concept has been highly influential in finance theory and regulatory research, particular with respect to assessing and regulating risk.


Cascade elements
Availability cascades occur in a society via public discourse (e.g. the public sphere and the news media) or over social networks—sets of linked actors in one or more of several roles. These actors process incoming information to form their private beliefs according to various rules, both rational and semi-rational. The semi-rational rules include the heuristics, in particular the availability heuristic. The actors then behave and express their public beliefs according to self-interest, which might cause their publicly expressed beliefs to deviate from their privately held beliefs. In The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell defines three significant roles: connectors, mavens ("information specialists"), and salesmen ("persuaders"). Kuran and Sunstein emphasize the role of availability entrepreneurs, agents willing to invest resources into promoting a belief in order to derive some personal benefit. Other availability entrepreneurs with opposing interests may wage availability counter-campaigns. Other key roles include journalists and politicians, both of which are subject to economic and reputational pressures, the former in competition in the media, the latter for political status. As resources (e.g. attention and money) are limited, beliefs compete with one another in the "availability market". A given incident and subsequent availability campaign may succeed in raising the availability of one issue at the expense of other issues.[1]


Institutional safeguards
Kuran and Sunstein recommend that availability cascades be recognized, and institutional safeguards be implemented in all branches of government. They recommend expanded product defamation laws, analogous to personal libel laws, to discourage availability entrepreneurs from knowingly spreading false and damaging reports about a product. They recommend that the legislative branch create a Risk Regulation Committee to assess risks in a broader context and perform cost-benefit analyses of risks and regulations, avoiding hasty responses pandering to public opinion. They recommend that the executive branch use peer review to open agency proposals to scrutiny by informed outsiders. They also recommend creation of a Risk Information Center with a Risk Information Web Site to provide the public with objective risk measures.[1] In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention[22] and the Federal Bureau of Investigation[23] maintain web sites that provide objective statistics on the causes of death and violent crime.


Cass Sunstein - Wikipedia
Availability cascade - Wikipedia

WTF does that have to do with anything? People in government have to work with people they don't agree with all the fucking time. But as Yates stated, it is SOP for an AG to be consulted with things like this... and that's what Trump should have done. He's a petty fucking liar cry baby, and each time he pulls his petty shit, it has bit him in the ass.
Sorry, but times have changed. When you have a party that is dead-set on bringing Trump down.....working together isn't even a consideration for them. Their primary mission is causing as much chaos as possible and then blame it on Trump.

Sorry Mud------ ALL of these chaos, embarrassment are created by Trump. The most chaotic administration I ever seen.
Americans will look at these as a diversion or a cover up from Russian investigation. The Trump just made it worse.

Time for impeachment.

Truth hurts.
You wouldn't know what the truth is if it was presented to you on a silver platter.
You're just a brainwashed minion that cannot think for himself.

Actually it's the other away around bud. Trump is clearly trying to hide something from Russian connections so he fired Comey.
Just ask yourself ---------- who is creating all these brainwashing and chaos?
This is the part where you cite the law or provide the link to it, since your interpretation of the law cannot be trusted.

It's not my interpretation of the law... it is what the acting AG Yates stated.

Why don't you cite the law?

I did... you didn't pay attention.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Cellar Act)

I've been looking for about an 30 minutes to find out where does it say in that law that person cannot be "discriminated based on their country of origin", and it's not there. What law you cited provide is the definition of what is immigrant, how visas are issued and authorized, limitations to issue visas, revocations etc, but nothing about "discrimination" lefties are talking about.

Try again.

Then you have a reading comprehension problem. It is on the bottom of the first page.


... "except as specifically provided"...

See conditions.

See also mudwhistle's post that clarifies the rest.
Hey Dumbass......haven't you noticed that there are still assholes like Yates in the Executive Branch that are fighting Trump tooth & nail on everything?

Nope......this is probably the first time you heard about the resistance against Trump in everything he does.

Instead of doing what they said they would do when Hillary was a shoe-in, they have fought him at every turn, dragged their collective feet on everything. This isn't the "Smooth Transition Of Power" the establishment Democrats promised before election night.

WTF does that have to do with anything? People in government have to work with people they don't agree with all the fucking time. But as Yates stated, it is SOP for an AG to be consulted with things like this... and that's what Trump should have done. He's a petty fucking liar cry baby, and each time he pulls his petty shit, it has bit him in the ass.
Sorry, but times have changed. When you have a party that is dead-set on bringing Trump down.....working together isn't even a consideration for them. Their primary mission is causing as much chaos as possible and then blame it on Trump.

Sorry Mud------ ALL of these chaos, embarrassment are created by Trump. The most chaotic administration I ever seen.
Americans will look at these as a diversion or a cover up from Russian investigation. The Trump just made it worse.

Time for impeachment.

Impeachment!!! On what grounds....he hurt your feelings?

Cover up is a crime. Just look at your window---------- how many Americans are hurt.
Cover the story that a disgusting video caused Benghazi.
Cover the fact that Bill Clinton visited the Attorney General on her jet right before his wife was going to be questioned by the FBI.
Cover the fact that somebody leaked classified information that resulted in the firing of Michael Flynn and the refusal of the FBI Director to investigate it.
It's not my interpretation of the law... it is what the acting AG Yates stated.

Why don't you cite the law?

I did... you didn't pay attention.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Cellar Act)

I've been looking for about an 30 minutes to find out where does it say in that law that person cannot be "discriminated based on their country of origin", and it's not there. What law you cited provide is the definition of what is immigrant, how visas are issued and authorized, limitations to issue visas, revocations etc, but nothing about "discrimination" lefties are talking about.

Try again.

Then you have a reading comprehension problem. It is on the bottom of the first page.


... "except as specifically provided"...

See conditions.

See also mudwhistle's post that clarifies the rest.

List the conditions that make Trump's EO valid. Please do. Funny a minute ago you said that the part I posted wasn't even there...
Sorry, but times have changed. When you have a party that is dead-set on bringing Trump down.....working together isn't even a consideration for them. Their primary mission is causing as much chaos as possible and then blame it on Trump.

Sorry Mud------ ALL of these chaos, embarrassment are created by Trump. The most chaotic administration I ever seen.
Americans will look at these as a diversion or a cover up from Russian investigation. The Trump just made it worse.

Time for impeachment.

Truth hurts.
You wouldn't know what the truth is if it was presented to you on a silver platter.
You're just a brainwashed minion that cannot think for himself.

Actually it's the other away around bud. Trump is clearly trying to hide something from Russian connections so he fired Comey.
Just ask yourself ---------- who is creating all these brainwashing and chaos?
In a short answer....THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA.
Only a tiny mind believes it's just Trump causing the media to lose their minds. It's like you haven't been alive the last 12 months.
Hey Dumbass......haven't you noticed that there are still assholes like Yates in the Executive Branch that are fighting Trump tooth & nail on everything?

Nope......this is probably the first time you heard about the resistance against Trump in everything he does.

Instead of doing what they said they would do when Hillary was a shoe-in, they have fought him at every turn, dragged their collective feet on everything. This isn't the "Smooth Transition Of Power" the establishment Democrats promised before election night.

WTF does that have to do with anything? People in government have to work with people they don't agree with all the fucking time. But as Yates stated, it is SOP for an AG to be consulted with things like this... and that's what Trump should have done. He's a petty fucking liar cry baby, and each time he pulls his petty shit, it has bit him in the ass.
Sorry, but times have changed. When you have a party that is dead-set on bringing Trump down.....working together isn't even a consideration for them. Their primary mission is causing as much chaos as possible and then blame it on Trump.

Sorry Mud------ ALL of these chaos, embarrassment are created by Trump. The most chaotic administration I ever seen.
Americans will look at these as a diversion or a cover up from Russian investigation. The Trump just made it worse.

Time for impeachment.

Impeachment!!! On what grounds....he hurt your feelings?

Cover up is a crime. Just look at your window---------- how many Americans are hurt.

Has investigation ended with firing of Comey?

I've been looking for about an 30 minutes to find out where does it say in that law that person cannot be "discriminated based on their country of origin", and it's not there. What law you cited provide is the definition of what is immigrant, how visas are issued and authorized, limitations to issue visas, revocations etc, but nothing about "discrimination" lefties are talking about.

Try again.

Then you have a reading comprehension problem. It is on the bottom of the first page.


... "except as specifically provided"...

See conditions.

See also mudwhistle's post that clarifies the rest.

List the conditions that make Trump's EO valid. Please do. Funny a minute ago you said that the part I posted wasn't even there...

What's funny is that you claim discrimination where there is none.
All conditions of Trump's EO are valid. You lefties can't claim one that is not.

I've been looking for about an 30 minutes to find out where does it say in that law that person cannot be "discriminated based on their country of origin", and it's not there. What law you cited provide is the definition of what is immigrant, how visas are issued and authorized, limitations to issue visas, revocations etc, but nothing about "discrimination" lefties are talking about.

Try again.

Then you have a reading comprehension problem. It is on the bottom of the first page.


... "except as specifically provided"...

See conditions.

See also mudwhistle's post that clarifies the rest.

List the conditions that make Trump's EO valid. Please do. Funny a minute ago you said that the part I posted wasn't even there...

What's funny is that you claim discrimination where there is none.
All conditions of Trump's EO are valid. You lefties can't claim one that is not.

Sigh... the same old "leftie" argument. If his travel ban was valid... it would have gone into effect and stayed there. It didn't. End of story.
Sorry, but times have changed. When you have a party that is dead-set on bringing Trump down.....working together isn't even a consideration for them. Their primary mission is causing as much chaos as possible and then blame it on Trump.

Sorry Mud------ ALL of these chaos, embarrassment are created by Trump. The most chaotic administration I ever seen.
Americans will look at these as a diversion or a cover up from Russian investigation. The Trump just made it worse.

Time for impeachment.

Truth hurts.
You wouldn't know what the truth is if it was presented to you on a silver platter.
You're just a brainwashed minion that cannot think for himself.

Actually it's the other away around bud. Trump is clearly trying to hide something from Russian connections so he fired Comey.
Just ask yourself ---------- who is creating all these brainwashing and chaos?
The media.
Next stupid question.......
reminds me of Nixon

What exactly reminds you of Nixon?

Anybody who tries to compare firing of Comey with firing of Archibald Cox is historical and legal illiterate. On the contrary, what happened with Nixon is opposite of what happened with Trump.

Who actually initiated Comey's firing? It was Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein who recommended the dismissal. In his memo he makes the same arguments that many of the Democrats made in regards of Comey when they said that he should resign.

Deputy Attorney General’s Memo Breaks Down Case Against Comey

The FBI reports to AG, and since Sessions recuse himself from this case, the FBI now reports to Deputy AG as the acting AG who based on what Comey did or didn't do during the elections and based on his recent testimony, simply said that he cannot trust him any longer. He made some other points on Comey that are spot on.
I've been looking for about an 30 minutes to find out where does it say in that law that person cannot be "discriminated based on their country of origin", and it's not there. What law you cited provide is the definition of what is immigrant, how visas are issued and authorized, limitations to issue visas, revocations etc, but nothing about "discrimination" lefties are talking about.

Try again.

Then you have a reading comprehension problem. It is on the bottom of the first page.


... "except as specifically provided"...

See conditions.

See also mudwhistle's post that clarifies the rest.

List the conditions that make Trump's EO valid. Please do. Funny a minute ago you said that the part I posted wasn't even there...

What's funny is that you claim discrimination where there is none.
All conditions of Trump's EO are valid. You lefties can't claim one that is not.

Sigh... the same old "leftie" argument. If his travel ban was valid... it would have gone into effect and stayed there. It didn't. End of story.

It didn't stayed there not because it's not valid, but because of activist judges who have no jurisdiction to block the EO's. We'll see the outcome when it get to the SC.

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