BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

The law says a person can not be discriminated against based on their country of origin. She schooled Ted Cruz on this and I already told you this. Did you have a selective ability of reasoning?

This is the part where you cite the law or provide the link to it, since your interpretation of the law cannot be trusted.

It's not my interpretation of the law... it is what the acting AG Yates stated.

Why don't you cite the law?

I did... you didn't pay attention.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Cellar Act)
Well, you're a serious dumbass....because the Immigration and Nationality Act of 2011 laid out new guidelines to cover terrorist and terrorist sympathizers.
Back in 1965 terrorism wasn't even an issue. Now we have countries that have been identified as terrorist organizations or state sponsors of terrorism but were designated as "Countries Of Concern" .....BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

7 Countries Targeted in Trump’s Executive Order Initially Identified as ‘Countries of Concern’ Under Obama Administration
State Sponsors of Terrorism - Wikipedia

7 Countries Targeted in Trump’s Executive Order Initially Identified as ‘Countries of Concern’ Under Obama Administration

"In December 2015, President Barack Obama signed into law a measure placing limited restrictions on certain travelers who had visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria on or after March 1, 2011. Two months later, the Obama administration added Libya, Somalia, and Yemen to the list, in an effort, the administration said, to address “the growing threat from foreign terrorist fighters.”

The restrictions specifically limited what is known as visa-waiver travel by those who had visited one of the seven countries within the specified time period. People who previously could have entered the United States without a visa were instead required to apply for one if they had traveled to one of the seven countries.

Under the law, dual citizens of visa-waiver countries and Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria could no longer travel to the U.S. without a visa. Dual citizens of Libya, Somalia, and Yemen could, however, still use the visa-waiver program if they hadn’t traveled to any of the seven countries after March 2011."


(a) Designation
(1) In generalThe Secretary is authorized to designate an organization as a foreign terrorist organization in accordance with this subsection if the Secretary finds that—
the organization is a foreign organization;

the organization engages in terrorist activity (as defined in section 1182(a)(3)(B) of this title or terrorism (as defined in section 2656f(d)(2) of title 22), or retains the capability and intent to engage in terrorist activity or terrorism) [1]; and

the terrorist activity or terrorism of the organization threatens the security of United States nationals or the national security of the United States.
(2) Procedure
(A) Notice
(i) To congressional leaders

8 U.S. Code § 1189 - Designation of foreign terrorist organizations
8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
Immigration and Nationality Act.
INA §212 (2011): Inadmissible aliens
INA §207 (2011): Annual admission of refugees and admission of emergency situation refugees

Hey dumbass... Trump's EO included people that ALREADY had Visas... did you read what you just posted?

All Trump had to do was talk to Yates about this before he came up with the EO... and this all wouldn't have happened.
Best news I've heard in over 8 years.

Comey was so obviously a leftist HACK it was pathetic.

So the swamp continues to be drained... awesome.
Putin agrees with you.
Friendly Reminder: Obama Selected The List Of Muslim Countries in Trump’s Executive Order

Friendly Reminder: Obama Selected The List Of Muslim Countries in Trump’s Executive Order

As the Left and some Republicans lose their minds over President Donald J. Trump’s executive order on immigration, let’s not forget that the list of concerned countries that the Trump administration outlined in the order is based on the one signed into law by the former Obama administration. So, it looks like the Obama White House set the groundwork (viaMic News):

According to the draft copy of Trump's executive order, the countries whose citizens are barred entirely from entering the United States is based on a bill that Obama signed into law in December 2015.
Obama signed the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act as part of an omnibus spending bill. The legislation restricted access to the Visa Waiver Program, which allows citizens from 38 countries who are visiting the United States for less than 90 days to enter without a visa.

Though outside groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union and NIAC Action — the sister organization of the National Iranian American Council — opposed the act, the bipartisan bill passed through Congress with little pushback.

At the initial signing of the restrictions, foreigners who would normally be deemed eligible for a visa waiver were denied if they had visited Iran, Syria, Sudan or Iraq in the past five years or held dual citizenship from one of those countries.

In February 2016, the Obama administration added Libya, Somali and Yemen to the list of countries one could not have visited — but allowed dual citizens of those countries who had not traveled there access to the Visa Waiver Program. Dual citizens of Syria, Sudan, Iraq and Iran are still ineligible, however.

So, in a nutshell, Obama restricted visa waivers for those seven Muslim-majority countries — Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen — and now, Trump is looking to bar immigration and visitors from the same list of countries.

Yet, I don’t remember the Left freaking out over this. I certainly don’t remember them going indiscriminately insane when the Obama White House stopped processing Iraqi visas for six months in 2011 when—surprise! —Al-Qaeda operatives feigned refugee status to get relocated to Bowling Green, Kentucky. And yes, some of the visa applicants who were screwed over worked as intelligence assets and interpreters for the U.S. military, according to ABC News. But remember, there was a Democrat in the Oval Office, so it was okay at the time.​
This is the part where you cite the law or provide the link to it, since your interpretation of the law cannot be trusted.

It's not my interpretation of the law... it is what the acting AG Yates stated.

Why don't you cite the law?

I did... you didn't pay attention.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Cellar Act)
Well, you're a serious dumbass....because the Immigration and Nationality Act of 2011 laid out new guidelines to cover terrorist and terrorist sympathizers.
Back in 1965 terrorism wasn't even an issue. Now we have countries that have been identified as terrorist organizations or state sponsors of terrorism but were designated as "Countries Of Concern" .....BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

7 Countries Targeted in Trump’s Executive Order Initially Identified as ‘Countries of Concern’ Under Obama Administration
State Sponsors of Terrorism - Wikipedia

7 Countries Targeted in Trump’s Executive Order Initially Identified as ‘Countries of Concern’ Under Obama Administration

"In December 2015, President Barack Obama signed into law a measure placing limited restrictions on certain travelers who had visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria on or after March 1, 2011. Two months later, the Obama administration added Libya, Somalia, and Yemen to the list, in an effort, the administration said, to address “the growing threat from foreign terrorist fighters.”

The restrictions specifically limited what is known as visa-waiver travel by those who had visited one of the seven countries within the specified time period. People who previously could have entered the United States without a visa were instead required to apply for one if they had traveled to one of the seven countries.

Under the law, dual citizens of visa-waiver countries and Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria could no longer travel to the U.S. without a visa. Dual citizens of Libya, Somalia, and Yemen could, however, still use the visa-waiver program if they hadn’t traveled to any of the seven countries after March 2011."


(a) Designation
(1) In generalThe Secretary is authorized to designate an organization as a foreign terrorist organization in accordance with this subsection if the Secretary finds that—
the organization is a foreign organization;

the organization engages in terrorist activity (as defined in section 1182(a)(3)(B) of this title or terrorism (as defined in section 2656f(d)(2) of title 22), or retains the capability and intent to engage in terrorist activity or terrorism) [1]; and

the terrorist activity or terrorism of the organization threatens the security of United States nationals or the national security of the United States.
(2) Procedure
(A) Notice
(i) To congressional leaders

8 U.S. Code § 1189 - Designation of foreign terrorist organizations
8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
Immigration and Nationality Act.
INA §212 (2011): Inadmissible aliens
INA §207 (2011): Annual admission of refugees and admission of emergency situation refugees

Hey dumbass... Trump's EO included people that ALREADY had Visas... did you read what you just posted?

All Trump had to do was talk to Yates about this before he came up with the EO... and this all wouldn't have happened.
Hey Dumbass......haven't you noticed that there are still assholes like Yates in the Executive Branch that are fighting Trump tooth & nail on everything?

Nope......this is probably the first time you heard about the resistance against Trump in everything he does.

Instead of doing what they said they would do when they thought Hillary was a shoe-in, they have fought him at every turn, dragged their collective feet on everything. This isn't the "Smooth Transition Of Power" the establishment Democrats promised before election night.
It's not my interpretation of the law... it is what the acting AG Yates stated.

Why don't you cite the law?

I did... you didn't pay attention.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Cellar Act)
Well, you're a serious dumbass....because the Immigration and Nationality Act of 2011 laid out new guidelines to cover terrorist and terrorist sympathizers.
Back in 1965 terrorism wasn't even an issue. Now we have countries that have been identified as terrorist organizations or state sponsors of terrorism but were designated as "Countries Of Concern" .....BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

7 Countries Targeted in Trump’s Executive Order Initially Identified as ‘Countries of Concern’ Under Obama Administration
State Sponsors of Terrorism - Wikipedia

7 Countries Targeted in Trump’s Executive Order Initially Identified as ‘Countries of Concern’ Under Obama Administration

"In December 2015, President Barack Obama signed into law a measure placing limited restrictions on certain travelers who had visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria on or after March 1, 2011. Two months later, the Obama administration added Libya, Somalia, and Yemen to the list, in an effort, the administration said, to address “the growing threat from foreign terrorist fighters.”

The restrictions specifically limited what is known as visa-waiver travel by those who had visited one of the seven countries within the specified time period. People who previously could have entered the United States without a visa were instead required to apply for one if they had traveled to one of the seven countries.

Under the law, dual citizens of visa-waiver countries and Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria could no longer travel to the U.S. without a visa. Dual citizens of Libya, Somalia, and Yemen could, however, still use the visa-waiver program if they hadn’t traveled to any of the seven countries after March 2011."


(a) Designation
(1) In generalThe Secretary is authorized to designate an organization as a foreign terrorist organization in accordance with this subsection if the Secretary finds that—
the organization is a foreign organization;

the organization engages in terrorist activity (as defined in section 1182(a)(3)(B) of this title or terrorism (as defined in section 2656f(d)(2) of title 22), or retains the capability and intent to engage in terrorist activity or terrorism) [1]; and

the terrorist activity or terrorism of the organization threatens the security of United States nationals or the national security of the United States.
(2) Procedure
(A) Notice
(i) To congressional leaders

8 U.S. Code § 1189 - Designation of foreign terrorist organizations
8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
Immigration and Nationality Act.
INA §212 (2011): Inadmissible aliens
INA §207 (2011): Annual admission of refugees and admission of emergency situation refugees

Hey dumbass... Trump's EO included people that ALREADY had Visas... did you read what you just posted?

All Trump had to do was talk to Yates about this before he came up with the EO... and this all wouldn't have happened.
Hey Dumbass......haven't you noticed that there are still assholes like Yates in the Executive Branch that are fighting Trump tooth & nail on everything?

Nope......this is probably the first time you heard about the resistance against Trump in everything he does.

Instead of doing what they said they would do when Hillary was a shoe-in, they have fought him at every turn, dragged their collective feet on everything. This isn't the "Smooth Transition Of Power" the establishment Democrats promised before election night.

WTF does that have to do with anything? People in government have to work with people they don't agree with all the fucking time. But as Yates stated, it is SOP for an AG to be consulted with things like this... and that's what Trump should have done. He's a petty fucking liar cry baby, and each time he pulls his petty shit, it has bit him in the ass.
The travel ban was a legal document. Only it's contents can be used to consider what it can be judged on. Trump never said all Muslims were banned from entering the US. Feel free to post specifically any "THIS IS A MUSLIM TRAVEL BAN" verbage you can find in the Executive Order.

The law says a person can not be discriminated against based on their country of origin. She schooled Ted Cruz on this and I already told you this. Did you have a selective ability of reasoning?

This is the part where you cite the law or provide the link to it, since your interpretation of the law cannot be trusted.

It's not my interpretation of the law... it is what the acting AG Yates stated.

Why don't you cite the law?

I did... you didn't pay attention.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Cellar Act)

I've been looking for about an 30 minutes to find out where does it say in that law that person cannot be "discriminated based on their country of origin", and it's not there. What law you cited provide is the definition of what is immigrant, how visas are issued and authorized, limitations to issue visas, revocations etc, but nothing about "discrimination" lefties are talking about.

Try again.
The law says a person can not be discriminated against based on their country of origin. She schooled Ted Cruz on this and I already told you this. Did you have a selective ability of reasoning?

This is the part where you cite the law or provide the link to it, since your interpretation of the law cannot be trusted.

It's not my interpretation of the law... it is what the acting AG Yates stated.

Why don't you cite the law?

I did... you didn't pay attention.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Cellar Act)

How dare you cite the actual law and suggest it be obeyed!! Laws deemed unfair or mean spirited by the left can be ignored you know. /sarcasm

I read it. Have you? How about you show the part of the law that is relevant to this discussion?
Sloppy logic to say the least.

  • This article assumes that if it is a Muslim majority country....only Muslims would migrate from it.
  • The article assumes that all Muslim majority countries are banned, which is not the case.
  • The article assumes that anyone who wants to migrate to the US can. This is not true.
You're not understanding. It doesn't matter that not everyone effected is Muslim. It doesn't matter it wasn't every Muslim country. None of that matters. What matters is that you can not target muslims, and trump did. Why is that so difficult to understand? I am having trouble figuring out where your comprehension is failing.

Can not discriminate by religion.
Trump boasted about banning a specific religion.

its really really not rocket science.
If I could simplify it any further for you God knows I would....

Oh I 'got' this. Barry was not targeting Muslims when he added those nations to his list. He was identifying nations whose citizens posed the largest threat to the United States due to the fact that these nations had the largest number of terrorists / people who hate the US not to mention who were engaged in civil war (come of them) who had refugees flowing into our country. Obama declared that due to the fact that these people records kept in their country had been destroyed and could not be found due to the civil war going on it was almost impossible to vette them.

Trump saw what Obama saw / declared - 'unvettable' refugees coming from terrorist-inhabited nations who, according to Obama's Intel agencies - had already been infiltrated by ISIS, some 'refugees' who had already been allowed into this country and ended up murdering US citizens, like the 7 in Ca. So, in an attempt to prevent that from happening further Trump decided to institute his plan...which was / is not even a BAN. It is a DELAY that allows more time for even more thorough vetting. It is not against only Muslims but calls for the additional scrutiny and precautions for anyone coming from those countries.

I personally prefer the Israeli method of screening, as they have never allowed any terrorist to board and blow up one of their airliners. They do not base their scrutiny on race, religion , etc but instead of the individual's own actions while in line, going through screening and processing. It is proven to work.
Obama never once banned refugees. He slowed the process for better vetting.

It's not shit, it's a dog turd.
Poop for brains. That's what I thought.

You're incapable of thinking.
The law says a person can not be discriminated against based on their country of origin. She schooled Ted Cruz on this and I already told you this. Did you have a selective ability of reasoning?

This is the part where you cite the law or provide the link to it, since your interpretation of the law cannot be trusted.

It's not my interpretation of the law... it is what the acting AG Yates stated.

Why don't you cite the law?

I did... you didn't pay attention.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Cellar Act)

I've been looking for about an 30 minutes to find out where does it say in that law that person cannot be "discriminated based on their country of origin", and it's not there. What law you cited provide is the definition of what is immigrant, how visas are issued and authorized, limitations to issue visas, revocations etc, but nothing about "discrimination" lefties are talking about.

Try again.

Then you have a reading comprehension problem. It is on the bottom of the first page.

Well, you're a serious dumbass....because the Immigration and Nationality Act of 2011 laid out new guidelines to cover terrorist and terrorist sympathizers.
Back in 1965 terrorism wasn't even an issue. Now we have countries that have been identified as terrorist organizations or state sponsors of terrorism but were designated as "Countries Of Concern" .....BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

7 Countries Targeted in Trump’s Executive Order Initially Identified as ‘Countries of Concern’ Under Obama Administration
State Sponsors of Terrorism - Wikipedia

7 Countries Targeted in Trump’s Executive Order Initially Identified as ‘Countries of Concern’ Under Obama Administration

"In December 2015, President Barack Obama signed into law a measure placing limited restrictions on certain travelers who had visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria on or after March 1, 2011. Two months later, the Obama administration added Libya, Somalia, and Yemen to the list, in an effort, the administration said, to address “the growing threat from foreign terrorist fighters.”

The restrictions specifically limited what is known as visa-waiver travel by those who had visited one of the seven countries within the specified time period. People who previously could have entered the United States without a visa were instead required to apply for one if they had traveled to one of the seven countries.

Under the law, dual citizens of visa-waiver countries and Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria could no longer travel to the U.S. without a visa. Dual citizens of Libya, Somalia, and Yemen could, however, still use the visa-waiver program if they hadn’t traveled to any of the seven countries after March 2011."


(a) Designation
(1) In generalThe Secretary is authorized to designate an organization as a foreign terrorist organization in accordance with this subsection if the Secretary finds that—
the organization is a foreign organization;

the organization engages in terrorist activity (as defined in section 1182(a)(3)(B) of this title or terrorism (as defined in section 2656f(d)(2) of title 22), or retains the capability and intent to engage in terrorist activity or terrorism) [1]; and

the terrorist activity or terrorism of the organization threatens the security of United States nationals or the national security of the United States.
(2) Procedure
(A) Notice
(i) To congressional leaders

8 U.S. Code § 1189 - Designation of foreign terrorist organizations
8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
Immigration and Nationality Act.
INA §212 (2011): Inadmissible aliens
INA §207 (2011): Annual admission of refugees and admission of emergency situation refugees

Hey dumbass... Trump's EO included people that ALREADY had Visas... did you read what you just posted?

All Trump had to do was talk to Yates about this before he came up with the EO... and this all wouldn't have happened.
Hey Dumbass......haven't you noticed that there are still assholes like Yates in the Executive Branch that are fighting Trump tooth & nail on everything?

Nope......this is probably the first time you heard about the resistance against Trump in everything he does.

Instead of doing what they said they would do when Hillary was a shoe-in, they have fought him at every turn, dragged their collective feet on everything. This isn't the "Smooth Transition Of Power" the establishment Democrats promised before election night.

WTF does that have to do with anything? People in government have to work with people they don't agree with all the fucking time. But as Yates stated, it is SOP for an AG to be consulted with things like this... and that's what Trump should have done. He's a petty fucking liar cry baby, and each time he pulls his petty shit, it has bit him in the ass.
Sorry, but times have changed. When you have a party that is dead-set on bringing Trump down.....working together isn't even a consideration for them. Their primary mission is causing as much chaos as possible and then blame it on Trump.
Well, you're a serious dumbass....because the Immigration and Nationality Act of 2011 laid out new guidelines to cover terrorist and terrorist sympathizers.
Back in 1965 terrorism wasn't even an issue. Now we have countries that have been identified as terrorist organizations or state sponsors of terrorism but were designated as "Countries Of Concern" .....BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

7 Countries Targeted in Trump’s Executive Order Initially Identified as ‘Countries of Concern’ Under Obama Administration
State Sponsors of Terrorism - Wikipedia

7 Countries Targeted in Trump’s Executive Order Initially Identified as ‘Countries of Concern’ Under Obama Administration

"In December 2015, President Barack Obama signed into law a measure placing limited restrictions on certain travelers who had visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria on or after March 1, 2011. Two months later, the Obama administration added Libya, Somalia, and Yemen to the list, in an effort, the administration said, to address “the growing threat from foreign terrorist fighters.”

The restrictions specifically limited what is known as visa-waiver travel by those who had visited one of the seven countries within the specified time period. People who previously could have entered the United States without a visa were instead required to apply for one if they had traveled to one of the seven countries.

Under the law, dual citizens of visa-waiver countries and Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria could no longer travel to the U.S. without a visa. Dual citizens of Libya, Somalia, and Yemen could, however, still use the visa-waiver program if they hadn’t traveled to any of the seven countries after March 2011."


(a) Designation
(1) In generalThe Secretary is authorized to designate an organization as a foreign terrorist organization in accordance with this subsection if the Secretary finds that—
the organization is a foreign organization;

the organization engages in terrorist activity (as defined in section 1182(a)(3)(B) of this title or terrorism (as defined in section 2656f(d)(2) of title 22), or retains the capability and intent to engage in terrorist activity or terrorism) [1]; and

the terrorist activity or terrorism of the organization threatens the security of United States nationals or the national security of the United States.
(2) Procedure
(A) Notice
(i) To congressional leaders

8 U.S. Code § 1189 - Designation of foreign terrorist organizations
8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
Immigration and Nationality Act.
INA §212 (2011): Inadmissible aliens
INA §207 (2011): Annual admission of refugees and admission of emergency situation refugees

Hey dumbass... Trump's EO included people that ALREADY had Visas... did you read what you just posted?

All Trump had to do was talk to Yates about this before he came up with the EO... and this all wouldn't have happened.
Hey Dumbass......haven't you noticed that there are still assholes like Yates in the Executive Branch that are fighting Trump tooth & nail on everything?

Nope......this is probably the first time you heard about the resistance against Trump in everything he does.

Instead of doing what they said they would do when Hillary was a shoe-in, they have fought him at every turn, dragged their collective feet on everything. This isn't the "Smooth Transition Of Power" the establishment Democrats promised before election night.

WTF does that have to do with anything? People in government have to work with people they don't agree with all the fucking time. But as Yates stated, it is SOP for an AG to be consulted with things like this... and that's what Trump should have done. He's a petty fucking liar cry baby, and each time he pulls his petty shit, it has bit him in the ass.
Sorry, but times have changed. When you have a party that is dead-set on bringing Trump down.....working together isn't even a consideration for them. Their primary mission is causing as much chaos as possible and then blame it on Trump.

That's funny because there is still a bipartisan movement to investigate Trump's ties with Russia...
This is the part where you cite the law or provide the link to it, since your interpretation of the law cannot be trusted.

It's not my interpretation of the law... it is what the acting AG Yates stated.

Why don't you cite the law?

I did... you didn't pay attention.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Cellar Act)

I've been looking for about an 30 minutes to find out where does it say in that law that person cannot be "discriminated based on their country of origin", and it's not there. What law you cited provide is the definition of what is immigrant, how visas are issued and authorized, limitations to issue visas, revocations etc, but nothing about "discrimination" lefties are talking about.

Try again.

Then you have a reading comprehension problem. It is on the bottom of the first page.


Except as provided in section 101....etc.
Oh......and where's the fucking link to your reference, jerk? This sure as hell isn't mine.
It's not my interpretation of the law... it is what the acting AG Yates stated.

Why don't you cite the law?

I did... you didn't pay attention.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Cellar Act)

I've been looking for about an 30 minutes to find out where does it say in that law that person cannot be "discriminated based on their country of origin", and it's not there. What law you cited provide is the definition of what is immigrant, how visas are issued and authorized, limitations to issue visas, revocations etc, but nothing about "discrimination" lefties are talking about.

Try again.

Then you have a reading comprehension problem. It is on the bottom of the first page.


Except as provided in section 101....etc.
Oh......and where's the fucking link to your reference, jerk? This sure as hell isn't mine.

It's in the link I already provided... you click the link, then it says to read the pdf view click here...
Well, you're a serious dumbass....because the Immigration and Nationality Act of 2011 laid out new guidelines to cover terrorist and terrorist sympathizers.
Back in 1965 terrorism wasn't even an issue. Now we have countries that have been identified as terrorist organizations or state sponsors of terrorism but were designated as "Countries Of Concern" .....BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

7 Countries Targeted in Trump’s Executive Order Initially Identified as ‘Countries of Concern’ Under Obama Administration
State Sponsors of Terrorism - Wikipedia

7 Countries Targeted in Trump’s Executive Order Initially Identified as ‘Countries of Concern’ Under Obama Administration

"In December 2015, President Barack Obama signed into law a measure placing limited restrictions on certain travelers who had visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria on or after March 1, 2011. Two months later, the Obama administration added Libya, Somalia, and Yemen to the list, in an effort, the administration said, to address “the growing threat from foreign terrorist fighters.”

The restrictions specifically limited what is known as visa-waiver travel by those who had visited one of the seven countries within the specified time period. People who previously could have entered the United States without a visa were instead required to apply for one if they had traveled to one of the seven countries.

Under the law, dual citizens of visa-waiver countries and Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria could no longer travel to the U.S. without a visa. Dual citizens of Libya, Somalia, and Yemen could, however, still use the visa-waiver program if they hadn’t traveled to any of the seven countries after March 2011."


(a) Designation
(1) In generalThe Secretary is authorized to designate an organization as a foreign terrorist organization in accordance with this subsection if the Secretary finds that—
the organization is a foreign organization;

the organization engages in terrorist activity (as defined in section 1182(a)(3)(B) of this title or terrorism (as defined in section 2656f(d)(2) of title 22), or retains the capability and intent to engage in terrorist activity or terrorism) [1]; and

the terrorist activity or terrorism of the organization threatens the security of United States nationals or the national security of the United States.
(2) Procedure
(A) Notice
(i) To congressional leaders

8 U.S. Code § 1189 - Designation of foreign terrorist organizations
8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
Immigration and Nationality Act.
INA §212 (2011): Inadmissible aliens
INA §207 (2011): Annual admission of refugees and admission of emergency situation refugees

Hey dumbass... Trump's EO included people that ALREADY had Visas... did you read what you just posted?

All Trump had to do was talk to Yates about this before he came up with the EO... and this all wouldn't have happened.
Hey Dumbass......haven't you noticed that there are still assholes like Yates in the Executive Branch that are fighting Trump tooth & nail on everything?

Nope......this is probably the first time you heard about the resistance against Trump in everything he does.

Instead of doing what they said they would do when Hillary was a shoe-in, they have fought him at every turn, dragged their collective feet on everything. This isn't the "Smooth Transition Of Power" the establishment Democrats promised before election night.

WTF does that have to do with anything? People in government have to work with people they don't agree with all the fucking time. But as Yates stated, it is SOP for an AG to be consulted with things like this... and that's what Trump should have done. He's a petty fucking liar cry baby, and each time he pulls his petty shit, it has bit him in the ass.
Sorry, but times have changed. When you have a party that is dead-set on bringing Trump down.....working together isn't even a consideration for them. Their primary mission is causing as much chaos as possible and then blame it on Trump.

That's funny because there is still a bipartisan movement to investigate Trump's ties with Russia...
You do understand the difference between an investigation into Trump Administration ties with Russia.....and any possible COLLUSION THAT TRUMP MAY HAVE HAD WITH RUSSIA TO WIN THE ELECTION!!

Nevermind the OBVIOUS collusion that the lamestream media has with Hillary Clinton and Democrats in general.
Conway put homosexual Anderson Cooper in his place. She pelted him with truthful facts and had Cooper tripping all over himself trying to spin and change his narrative.

She did? In a minute's time she went from saying, "People close to Trump are under investigation? I'm close to Trump and I'm not under investigation and no one else is..." to literally saying, "I don't know who is under investigation." She is fucking dumb ass.
Your post is a lie. It never happened that way.

It happened EXACTLY that way. At the 4:40 mark in the video she makes the first comment... then at 4:56 she makes the next comment.

She's a fucking horrible liar.

Her words have been edited out of context in the video. That is not how it went down live.

No it hasn't... Jesus you are an idiot. I've watched it on multiple places and they are all the same.

The video is heavily edited.. Standard CNN propaganda..
Hey dumbass... Trump's EO included people that ALREADY had Visas... did you read what you just posted?

All Trump had to do was talk to Yates about this before he came up with the EO... and this all wouldn't have happened.
Hey Dumbass......haven't you noticed that there are still assholes like Yates in the Executive Branch that are fighting Trump tooth & nail on everything?

Nope......this is probably the first time you heard about the resistance against Trump in everything he does.

Instead of doing what they said they would do when Hillary was a shoe-in, they have fought him at every turn, dragged their collective feet on everything. This isn't the "Smooth Transition Of Power" the establishment Democrats promised before election night.

WTF does that have to do with anything? People in government have to work with people they don't agree with all the fucking time. But as Yates stated, it is SOP for an AG to be consulted with things like this... and that's what Trump should have done. He's a petty fucking liar cry baby, and each time he pulls his petty shit, it has bit him in the ass.
Sorry, but times have changed. When you have a party that is dead-set on bringing Trump down.....working together isn't even a consideration for them. Their primary mission is causing as much chaos as possible and then blame it on Trump.

That's funny because there is still a bipartisan movement to investigate Trump's ties with Russia...
You do understand the difference between an investigation into Trump Administration ties with Russia.....and any possible COLLUSION THAT TRUMP MAY HAVE HAD WITH RUSSIA TO WIN THE ELECTION!!

Nevermind the OBVIOUS collusion that the lamestream media has with Hillary Clinton and Democrats in general.

You just said there is nothing bipartisan going on anymore. I just proved you wrong and you go off on a tangent argument that inconsequential. :bye1:
She did? In a minute's time she went from saying, "People close to Trump are under investigation? I'm close to Trump and I'm not under investigation and no one else is..." to literally saying, "I don't know who is under investigation." She is fucking dumb ass.
Your post is a lie. It never happened that way.

It happened EXACTLY that way. At the 4:40 mark in the video she makes the first comment... then at 4:56 she makes the next comment.

She's a fucking horrible liar.

Her words have been edited out of context in the video. That is not how it went down live.

No it hasn't... Jesus you are an idiot. I've watched it on multiple places and they are all the same.

The video is heavily edited.. Standard CNN propaganda..

It's not edited... there is no time lapse in her dialogue... it happened live on fucking tv.

I've been looking for about an 30 minutes to find out where does it say in that law that person cannot be "discriminated based on their country of origin", and it's not there. What law you cited provide is the definition of what is immigrant, how visas are issued and authorized, limitations to issue visas, revocations etc, but nothing about "discrimination" lefties are talking about.

Try again.

Then you have a reading comprehension problem. It is on the bottom of the first page.


Except as provided in section 101....etc.
Oh......and where's the fucking link to your reference, jerk? This sure as hell isn't mine.

It's in the link I already provided... you click the link, then it says to read the pdf view click here...
Sorry......any referenced material you post has to have a link included in the post or it's plagiarized material.

I've been looking for about an 30 minutes to find out where does it say in that law that person cannot be "discriminated based on their country of origin", and it's not there. What law you cited provide is the definition of what is immigrant, how visas are issued and authorized, limitations to issue visas, revocations etc, but nothing about "discrimination" lefties are talking about.

Try again.

Then you have a reading comprehension problem. It is on the bottom of the first page.


Except as provided in section 101....etc.
Oh......and where's the fucking link to your reference, jerk? This sure as hell isn't mine.

It's in the link I already provided... you click the link, then it says to read the pdf view click here...
Sorry......any referenced material you post has to have a link included in the post or it's plagiarized material.

It's from the fucking link I already provided you idiot. So when you can't win an argument this is what you resort to? :gay:

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