BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

Actually I've had a couple of years of Paralegal training. Intent is a consideration in criminal law. What does this have to do with Trump being on trial for a crime?
not very good at your job? How would verbal admission of intent not matter here?
He confessed his purpose was not to protect americans but to stop ban muslims from entering.
Just like he confessed to sexual assault.
When will trump be held accountable for his actions and words? Never?
Obviously intent is covered here too because that's why both muslim bans were blocked.
Post some quotes or STFU.

All I've seen is the media and Democrats calling it a "MUSLIM BAN".

Quote: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on." - Source: Press release from the Trump campaign, Dec. 7, 2015

Quote: "So when he first announced it, he said 'Muslim ban.' He called me up. He said, 'Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.'" Source: Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in an interview on Fox News, Jan. 29, 2017

the term muslim ban was just taken off his website last week
Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question

Opinion | Is this a ‘Muslim ban’? Look at the history — and at Trump’s own words.
President Trump's Own Words Keep Hurting His Travel Ban
Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question
The first link is a blank 404 error. The second was thru 3rd parties, Rudy Giuliani WHICH IS CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE, not a direct quote from the EO.

It is not a Muslim Ban....because a Muslim Ban would have to include all Muslims everywhere in the world. Show me where the EO says this and you win the argument. Anything short of that and you lose.

There isn't going to be a Muslim ban. On that count, you already have lost.

Sally Yates decision to over rule Trumps illegal order, has been upheld by three different courts now, so on that count you have also lost.

Care to go for three time loser?

Internet forum posters think they are smarter than some of the most well educated legal minds in the country... that's just how it rolls.
[Crooked Hillary's first day in prison] Do you guys like Dungeons and Dragons?

Trump will most likely be in prison by the end of next year. I can certainly see Clinton as a witness at his trial. The only question I have now, is will Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner be tried seperately, and how involved is Melania Trump?

Then there are the questions surrounding how many members of Trumps cabinet are going to prison, and will Mike Pence pardon all of them like Ford did with Nixon, or will Mike Pence all find himself on trial with all of the rest of them?
They are a private organization. I don't like what they did to Bernie... but you know what? Someone's privacy is there privacy. What happened to them is no different that someone hacking your phone and then sending the pictures of you screwing your bosses wife to your boss and getting you fired. Well you shouldn't have been screwing your bosses wife and doing so you deserved to get fired, but guess what, the person who hacked your phone invaded your privacy and deserves to be punished for it.

You do realize, do you not, that you are saying it is A-OK for a PRIVATE company to determine who gets to run for the POTUS job.

Is the DNC and RNC a private organization or not?

Doesn't matter. The POTUS is supposed to be a representative of the PEOPLE. The fact that the RNC and the DNC control who even gets to run means that they control the government whcih means that PRIVATE organisations are placing themselves, and their interests, before the WE The People. Which is a clear assault on the Constitutional Republic that the US was founded as.

Ah yes, you mean like corporations considered as persons. Not sure how that applies here but a valid point nonetheless.

Yes. Get rid of ALL of that bullshit. Why do you agree to let a small oligarchy determine which lesser of two evils we get to vote for? Ultimately we are only voting for evil, the oligarchs don't care because no matter which candidate gets "elected" they still control them.

Face it pogo, the system is rigged against the PEOPLE of the USA and you seem to not care.

Uh yeah no shit Sherlock. That's the Duopoly I've been condemning with contempt for the entire time I've been here and before I got here. While you were perfecting your new yoga posture the ostrichasana.

None so blind as those who don't bother to look and just pull it out of their ass because it's nearby. :rolleyes:
All orange haired people are not terrorists but almost all terrorist attacks are from Orange haired people so where do you focus your efforts?
Conservatives-on Orange haired people
Liberals-they are not all terrorists so spread your preventative efforts around in a politically correct manner or you are a racist
There is a much stronger connection between men and terrorism than Islam and terrorism

ban men!
And there is an even more solid connection that all are breathing
All orange haired people are not terrorists but almost all terrorist attacks are from Orange haired people so where do you focus your efforts?
Conservatives-on Orange haired people
Liberals-they are not all terrorists so spread your preventative efforts around in a politically correct manner or you are a racist
There is a much stronger connection between men and terrorism than Islam and terrorism

ban men!
And there is an even more solid connection that all are breathing
seeing as that rules no one out, you aren't playing this game very well. Its called target and discriminate. Trump started with Muslims, aries continued with men, got anything to add or nah?
Putin's political enemies end up dead. Trump's political enemies end up fired or in jail.
You do realize, do you not, that you are saying it is A-OK for a PRIVATE company to determine who gets to run for the POTUS job.

Is the DNC and RNC a private organization or not?

Doesn't matter. The POTUS is supposed to be a representative of the PEOPLE. The fact that the RNC and the DNC control who even gets to run means that they control the government whcih means that PRIVATE organisations are placing themselves, and their interests, before the WE The People. Which is a clear assault on the Constitutional Republic that the US was founded as.

Ah yes, you mean like corporations considered as persons. Not sure how that applies here but a valid point nonetheless.

Yes. Get rid of ALL of that bullshit. Why do you agree to let a small oligarchy determine which lesser of two evils we get to vote for? Ultimately we are only voting for evil, the oligarchs don't care because no matter which candidate gets "elected" they still control them.

Face it pogo, the system is rigged against the PEOPLE of the USA and you seem to not care.

Uh yeah no shit Sherlock. That's the Duopoly I've been condemning with contempt for the entire time I've been here and before I got here. While you were perfecting your new yoga posture the ostrichasana.

None so blind as those who don't bother to look and just pull it out of their ass because it's nearby. :rolleyes:

It's not duopoly silly boy. It is monolithic, and singular. They merely fool people, like you, into believing you actually have a say in your government.
We the people got Trump elected. We rejected the disease of liberalism.

Oh don't be silly. You know better.

Or maybe you can lie to yourself that he didn't lose by 3 million votes.


Sent from my iPad using
Since when does the popular vote elect the president? keep lying boy, no one believes a word you fools say.

After the epic beating we put on the left the last 7 years they grasp for made up shit like the "popular vote". Tune in next week when they claim to have won the pantsuit vote.
Popular vote is not "made up shit" [BEGIN RESTORED CONTENT]---- it's how democracies work around the world.
Well, except for here and Pakistan.

Now "three million illegals' --- THAT's some made up shit.

How do we know?
You can count and quantify, down to the last single vote, the number 65,844,610 and the number 62,979,636. You can compare them, add them, subtract them and percentage them. They're certified concrete results.

With "three million illegals" you ain't got a damn thing. You've got some blogger who looked at the numbers above, did the subtraction to determine how many he'd need to come up with a fantasy "alternate fact", and splooged it all over the internets on the basis of no evidence whatsoever.

And that's how you make up shit.

Personally if I were one of the Gullibles who bought this bullshit I'd want to play it down and kinda forget I ever got suckered by it. But maybe that 's just me. [END RESTORED CONTENT]

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: by all means link us to the popular vote election of a US president last thought not.

But of course. This isn't a secret. Well, to most of us.
Enjoy that page --- it's got columns of breakdowns by state, by candidate, by comparison to previous election, the whole shebang. What it doesn't have is a column for "illegal votes". Sucks to be your point.

Then there's this:

  • Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box. --- Site wide rules and guidelines

*DO NOT* edit other people's posts. Got that?
All orange haired people are not terrorists but almost all terrorist attacks are from Orange haired people so where do you focus your efforts?
Conservatives-on Orange haired people
Liberals-they are not all terrorists so spread your preventative efforts around in a politically correct manner or you are a racist
There is a much stronger connection between men and terrorism than Islam and terrorism

ban men!
And there is an even more solid connection that all are breathing
seeing as that rules no one out, you aren't playing this game very well. Its called target and discriminate. Trump started with Muslims, aries continued with men, got anything to add or nah?
Yes. Your rebuttal is as salient as my point that they are all alive
Oh don't be silly. You know better.

Or maybe you can lie to yourself that he didn't lose by 3 million votes.


Sent from my iPad using
Since when does the popular vote elect the president? keep lying boy, no one believes a word you fools say.

After the epic beating we put on the left the last 7 years they grasp for made up shit like the "popular vote". Tune in next week when they claim to have won the pantsuit vote.
Popular vote is not "made up shit" [BEGIN RESTORED CONTENT]---- it's how democracies work around the world.
Well, except for here and Pakistan.

Now "three million illegals' --- THAT's some made up shit.

How do we know?
You can count and quantify, down to the last single vote, the number 65,844,610 and the number 62,979,636. You can compare them, add them, subtract them and percentage them. They're certified concrete results.

With "three million illegals" you ain't got a damn thing. You've got some blogger who looked at the numbers above, did the subtraction to determine how many he'd need to come up with a fantasy "alternate fact", and splooged it all over the internets on the basis of no evidence whatsoever.

And that's how you make up shit.

Personally if I were one of the Gullibles who bought this bullshit I'd want to play it down and kinda forget I ever got suckered by it. But maybe that 's just me. [END RESTORED CONTENT]

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: by all means link us to the popular vote election of a US president last thought not.

But of course. This isn't a secret. Well, to most of us.
Enjoy that page --- it's got columns of breakdowns by state, by candidate, by comparison to previous election, the whole shebang. What it doesn't have is a column for "illegal votes". Sucks to be your point.

Then there's this:

  • Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box. --- Site wide rules and guidelines

*DO NOT* edit other people's posts. Got that?

Good luck getting that rule enforced. :alcoholic:
Is the DNC and RNC a private organization or not?

Doesn't matter. The POTUS is supposed to be a representative of the PEOPLE. The fact that the RNC and the DNC control who even gets to run means that they control the government whcih means that PRIVATE organisations are placing themselves, and their interests, before the WE The People. Which is a clear assault on the Constitutional Republic that the US was founded as.

Ah yes, you mean like corporations considered as persons. Not sure how that applies here but a valid point nonetheless.

Yes. Get rid of ALL of that bullshit. Why do you agree to let a small oligarchy determine which lesser of two evils we get to vote for? Ultimately we are only voting for evil, the oligarchs don't care because no matter which candidate gets "elected" they still control them.

Face it pogo, the system is rigged against the PEOPLE of the USA and you seem to not care.

Uh yeah no shit Sherlock. That's the Duopoly I've been condemning with contempt for the entire time I've been here and before I got here. While you were perfecting your new yoga posture the ostrichasana.

None so blind as those who don't bother to look and just pull it out of their ass because it's nearby. :rolleyes:

It's not duopoly silly boy. It is monolithic, and singular. They merely fool people, like you, into believing you actually have a say in your government.

Holy shit, you're dense as a frickin' doorknob aintchya?


noun: duopoly; plural noun: duopolies
  1. a situation in which two suppliers dominate the market for a commodity or service.
Or as I usually describe it a single puppetteer dressing up his puppets alternately in red and blue, and we're supposed to think they're unrelated.

Dishonest HACK.
not very good at your job? How would verbal admission of intent not matter here?
He confessed his purpose was not to protect americans but to stop ban muslims from entering.
Just like he confessed to sexual assault.
When will trump be held accountable for his actions and words? Never?
Obviously intent is covered here too because that's why both muslim bans were blocked.
Post some quotes or STFU.

All I've seen is the media and Democrats calling it a "MUSLIM BAN".

Quote: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on." - Source: Press release from the Trump campaign, Dec. 7, 2015

Quote: "So when he first announced it, he said 'Muslim ban.' He called me up. He said, 'Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.'" Source: Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in an interview on Fox News, Jan. 29, 2017

the term muslim ban was just taken off his website last week
Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question

Opinion | Is this a ‘Muslim ban’? Look at the history — and at Trump’s own words.
President Trump's Own Words Keep Hurting His Travel Ban
Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question
The first link is a blank 404 error. The second was thru 3rd parties, Rudy Giuliani WHICH IS CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE, not a direct quote from the EO.

It is not a Muslim Ban....because a Muslim Ban would have to include all Muslims everywhere in the world. Show me where the EO says this and you win the argument. Anything short of that and you lose.

There isn't going to be a Muslim ban. On that count, you already have lost.

Sally Yates decision to over rule Trumps illegal order, has been upheld by three different courts now, so on that count you have also lost.

Care to go for three time loser?

Internet forum posters think they are smarter than some of the most well educated legal minds in the country... that's just how it rolls.
Even the most educated can be GOD DAMNED LIARS!!!!
Doesn't matter. The POTUS is supposed to be a representative of the PEOPLE. The fact that the RNC and the DNC control who even gets to run means that they control the government whcih means that PRIVATE organisations are placing themselves, and their interests, before the WE The People. Which is a clear assault on the Constitutional Republic that the US was founded as.

Ah yes, you mean like corporations considered as persons. Not sure how that applies here but a valid point nonetheless.

Yes. Get rid of ALL of that bullshit. Why do you agree to let a small oligarchy determine which lesser of two evils we get to vote for? Ultimately we are only voting for evil, the oligarchs don't care because no matter which candidate gets "elected" they still control them.

Face it pogo, the system is rigged against the PEOPLE of the USA and you seem to not care.

Uh yeah no shit Sherlock. That's the Duopoly I've been condemning with contempt for the entire time I've been here and before I got here. While you were perfecting your new yoga posture the ostrichasana.

None so blind as those who don't bother to look and just pull it out of their ass because it's nearby. :rolleyes:

It's not duopoly silly boy. It is monolithic, and singular. They merely fool people, like you, into believing you actually have a say in your government.

Holy shit, you're dense as a frickin' doorknob aintchya?


noun: duopoly; plural noun: duopolies
  1. a situation in which two suppliers dominate the market for a commodity or service.
Or as I usually describe it a single puppetteer dressing up his puppets alternately in red and blue, and we're supposed to think they're unrelated.

Dishonest HACK.

Two SUPPLIERS. There is, in fact, only ONE supplier. The Political Class is their own elite group. Thus it CAN'T be a duopoly silly person.
Doesn't matter. The POTUS is supposed to be a representative of the PEOPLE. The fact that the RNC and the DNC control who even gets to run means that they control the government whcih means that PRIVATE organisations are placing themselves, and their interests, before the WE The People. Which is a clear assault on the Constitutional Republic that the US was founded as.

Ah yes, you mean like corporations considered as persons. Not sure how that applies here but a valid point nonetheless.

Yes. Get rid of ALL of that bullshit. Why do you agree to let a small oligarchy determine which lesser of two evils we get to vote for? Ultimately we are only voting for evil, the oligarchs don't care because no matter which candidate gets "elected" they still control them.

Face it pogo, the system is rigged against the PEOPLE of the USA and you seem to not care.

Uh yeah no shit Sherlock. That's the Duopoly I've been condemning with contempt for the entire time I've been here and before I got here. While you were perfecting your new yoga posture the ostrichasana.

None so blind as those who don't bother to look and just pull it out of their ass because it's nearby. :rolleyes:

It's not duopoly silly boy. It is monolithic, and singular. They merely fool people, like you, into believing you actually have a say in your government.

Holy shit, you're dense as a frickin' doorknob aintchya?


noun: duopoly; plural noun: duopolies
  1. a situation in which two suppliers dominate the market for a commodity or service.
Or as I usually describe it a single puppetteer dressing up his puppets alternately in red and blue, and we're supposed to think they're unrelated.

Dishonest HACK.

As opposed to a monopoly....mono meaning one.
Putin's political enemies end up dead. Trump's political enemies end up fired or in jail.
In jail????


Most of Trumps political enemies end up getting awards......

Maxine Waters Lauded At 2017 MTV Movie And TV Awards

U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters appeared at the 2017 MTV Movie And TV Awards, introducing Sunday night’s (May 7) winner of the Best Fight Against The System award alongside Tracee Ellis Ross.
Post some quotes or STFU.

All I've seen is the media and Democrats calling it a "MUSLIM BAN".

Quote: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on." - Source: Press release from the Trump campaign, Dec. 7, 2015

Quote: "So when he first announced it, he said 'Muslim ban.' He called me up. He said, 'Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.'" Source: Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in an interview on Fox News, Jan. 29, 2017

the term muslim ban was just taken off his website last week
Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question

Opinion | Is this a ‘Muslim ban’? Look at the history — and at Trump’s own words.
President Trump's Own Words Keep Hurting His Travel Ban
Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question
The first link is a blank 404 error. The second was thru 3rd parties, Rudy Giuliani WHICH IS CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE, not a direct quote from the EO.

It is not a Muslim Ban....because a Muslim Ban would have to include all Muslims everywhere in the world. Show me where the EO says this and you win the argument. Anything short of that and you lose.

There isn't going to be a Muslim ban. On that count, you already have lost.

Sally Yates decision to over rule Trumps illegal order, has been upheld by three different courts now, so on that count you have also lost.

Care to go for three time loser?

Internet forum posters think they are smarter than some of the most well educated legal minds in the country... that's just how it rolls.
Even the most educated can be GOD DAMNED LIARS!!!!

Several of them? You do understand that Yates didn't get her position in government based on how much she donated to someone's political campaign right? She didn't get her position like Lynda McMahon or Betsy DeVos. Yates got her position based on her education and work performance... working her way up the ladder over a course of 20+ years under both Republican and Democrat Presidents.
Maybe democrats should spend more time doing their jobs & let the President do his.
James Comey told Senators he had an in-depth knowledge of how Russia worked. But he didn't know Gazprom was a gas company.


Comey was incompetent, that's why he was fired.

Wrong. Why do you lie?
Do you honestly believe he was fired because of Clinton's emails? That is way too shallow Fred.

Americans doesn't see it that way. Comey was fired because of the current Russian investigation. That's the truth.

Can you not read? That isn't what I said.

Maybe you can't. If you believe that Russian stupidity, perhaps you are that stupid.

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