BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

The travel ban was a legal document. Only it's contents can be used to consider what it can be judged on. Trump never said all Muslims were banned from entering the US. Feel free to post specifically any "THIS IS A MUSLIM TRAVEL BAN" verbage you can find in the Executive Order.

The law says a person can not be discriminated against based on their country of origin. She schooled Ted Cruz on this and I already told you this. Did you have a selective ability of reasoning?

This is the part where you cite the law or provide the link to it, since your interpretation of the law cannot be trusted.
We’ll See You in Court: Why Trump’s Executive Order on Refugees Violates the Establishment Clause
Sloppy logic to say the least.

  • This article assumes that if it is a Muslim majority country....only Muslims would migrate from it.
  • The article assumes that all Muslim majority countries are banned, which is not the case.
  • The article assumes that anyone who wants to migrate to the US can. This is not true.
You're not understanding. It doesn't matter that not everyone effected is Muslim. It doesn't matter it wasn't every Muslim country. None of that matters. What matters is that you can not target muslims, and trump did. Why is that so difficult to understand? I am having trouble figuring out where your comprehension is failing.

Can not discriminate by religion.
Trump boasted about banning a specific religion.

its really really not rocket science.
If I could simplify it any further for you God knows I would....

Oh I 'got' this. Barry was not targeting Muslims when he added those nations to his list. He was identifying nations whose citizens posed the largest threat to the United States due to the fact that these nations had the largest number of terrorists / people who hate the US not to mention who were engaged in civil war (come of them) who had refugees flowing into our country. Obama declared that due to the fact that these people records kept in their country had been destroyed and could not be found due to the civil war going on it was almost impossible to vette them.

Trump saw what Obama saw / declared - 'unvettable' refugees coming from terrorist-inhabited nations who, according to Obama's Intel agencies - had already been infiltrated by ISIS, some 'refugees' who had already been allowed into this country and ended up murdering US citizens, like the 7 in Ca. So, in an attempt to prevent that from happening further Trump decided to institute his plan...which was / is not even a BAN. It is a DELAY that allows more time for even more thorough vetting. It is not against only Muslims but calls for the additional scrutiny and precautions for anyone coming from those countries.

I personally prefer the Israeli method of screening, as they have never allowed any terrorist to board and blow up one of their airliners. They do not base their scrutiny on race, religion , etc but instead of the individual's own actions while in line, going through screening and processing. It is proven to work.
so they weren't refugees? So your point is? All muslims are terrorists?
Actually the Ca terrorist was supposedly a 'refugee' who was coming to the US to be with her significant other.

And the only one who is suggesting all Muslims are terrorists, as I made it clear I do not believe so.
but you can not target them by religion.

EO did not target anyone by the religion.
Intent did. Trump gave plenty of material bragging all campaign about "banning muslims."
Not sure if you're new to the country but the justice system takes intent into consideration.
Actually I've had a couple of years of Paralegal training. Intent is a consideration in criminal law. What does this have to do with Trump being on trial for a crime?
not very good at your job? How would verbal admission of intent not matter here?
He confessed his purpose was not to protect americans but to stop ban muslims from entering.
Just like he confessed to sexual assault.
When will trump be held accountable for his actions and words? Never?
Obviously intent is covered here too because that's why both muslim bans were blocked.
Post some quotes or STFU.

All I've seen is the media and Democrats calling it a "MUSLIM BAN".

Quote: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on." - Source: Press release from the Trump campaign, Dec. 7, 2015

Quote: "So when he first announced it, he said 'Muslim ban.' He called me up. He said, 'Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.'" Source: Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in an interview on Fox News, Jan. 29, 2017

the term muslim ban was just taken off his website last week
Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question

Opinion | Is this a ‘Muslim ban’? Look at the history — and at Trump’s own words.
President Trump's Own Words Keep Hurting His Travel Ban
Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the FED. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.
Sally Yates wasn't using the executive order to base her judgment from. She was using liberal talking-points that weren't in writing to resist the lawful order of the President. By law the president has the right to decide who can enter the US thru the Health And Human Services Dept and Homeland Security.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

Well I guess you don't know what the Ass Clown did. Right now the 2.0 version is under review by 12 Federal District court judges in the 4th district court--and just the other day--Sean Spicer was made aware that Trump still had on his campaign web-site, during the daily White House briefing--the campaign promise of a Muslim travel ban--(after all Judges had seen it .) So it was brought up in court by these judges and now the DOJ is having to defend this executive order with the Pretence that Trump's 2.0 version of the travel ban- is really a travel ban and not a Muslim ban. I doubt they're going to go for that one--LOL The Muslim ban was erased from Trump's website just this Monday--05/07/2017.

"Washington (CNN)A press release touting Donald Trump's controversial plan to ban all Muslim travel into the United States was removed from his campaign website Monday, shortly after White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters that he was unaware that the plan was still online."
Trump campaign removes Muslim ban language from website -

For a more detailed explanation of why it was struck down the 1st time, and most likely to be struck down again:
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Sally Yates stuffed a rag in Ted Cruz's mouth and ran over him with a steam roller regarding this.


Furthermore Trump is firing anyone--Like Sally Yates and FBI Director James Comey whom have intimate knowlege of this Russian investigation--just like Richard Nixon did.

The travel ban was a legal document. Only it's contents can be used to consider what it can be judged on. Trump never said all Muslims were banned from entering the US. Feel free to post specifically any "THIS IS A MUSLIM TRAVEL BAN" verbage you can find in the Executive Order.

The law says a person can not be discriminated against based on their country of origin. She schooled Ted Cruz on this and I already told you this. Did you have a selective ability of reasoning?

This is the part where you cite the law or provide the link to it, since your interpretation of the law cannot be trusted.

It's not my interpretation of the law... it is what the acting AG Yates stated.
The travel ban was a legal document. Only it's contents can be used to consider what it can be judged on. Trump never said all Muslims were banned from entering the US. Feel free to post specifically any "THIS IS A MUSLIM TRAVEL BAN" verbage you can find in the Executive Order.

The law says a person can not be discriminated against based on their country of origin. She schooled Ted Cruz on this and I already told you this. Did you have a selective ability of reasoning?

This is the part where you cite the law or provide the link to it, since your interpretation of the law cannot be trusted.
We’ll See You in Court: Why Trump’s Executive Order on Refugees Violates the Establishment Clause
Sloppy logic to say the least.

  • This article assumes that if it is a Muslim majority country....only Muslims would migrate from it.
  • The article assumes that all Muslim majority countries are banned, which is not the case.
  • The article assumes that anyone who wants to migrate to the US can. This is not true.
You're not understanding. It doesn't matter that not everyone effected is Muslim. It doesn't matter it wasn't every Muslim country. None of that matters. What matters is that you can not target muslims, and trump did. Why is that so difficult to understand? I am having trouble figuring out where your comprehension is failing.

Can not discriminate by religion.
Trump boasted about banning a specific religion.

its really really not rocket science.
If I could simplify it any further for you God knows I would....

Trump never boasted about banning a religion.

You forget why 6 countries were banned.....not 1 religion. All 6 countries had been labeled terrorist sympathisers, all 6 didn't correctly cooperate with immigrant screening to provide vetting, and all 6 had substandard documentation practices rampant with numerous cases of counterfeit documents.
Well I guess you don't know what the Ass Clown did. Right now the 2.0 version is under review by 12 Federal District court judges in the 4th district court--and just the other day--Sean Spicer was made aware that Trump still had on his campaign web-site, during the daily White House briefing--the campaign promise of a Muslim travel ban--(after all Judges had seen it .) So it was brought up in court by these judges and now the DOJ is having to defend this executive order with the Pretence that Trump's 2.0 version of the travel ban- is really a travel ban and not a Muslim ban. I doubt they're going to go for that one--LOL The Muslim ban was erased from Trump's website just this Monday--05/07/2017.

"Washington (CNN)A press release touting Donald Trump's controversial plan to ban all Muslim travel into the United States was removed from his campaign website Monday, shortly after White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters that he was unaware that the plan was still online."
Trump campaign removes Muslim ban language from website -

For a more detailed explanation of why it was struck down the 1st time, and most likely to be struck down again:
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Sally Yates stuffed a rag in Ted Cruz's mouth and ran over him with a steam roller regarding this.


Furthermore Trump is firing anyone--Like Sally Yates and FBI Director James Comey whom have intimate knowlege of this Russian investigation--just like Richard Nixon did.

The travel ban was a legal document. Only it's contents can be used to consider what it can be judged on. Trump never said all Muslims were banned from entering the US. Feel free to post specifically any "THIS IS A MUSLIM TRAVEL BAN" verbage you can find in the Executive Order.

The law says a person can not be discriminated against based on their country of origin. She schooled Ted Cruz on this and I already told you this. Did you have a selective ability of reasoning?

Actually Cuba was under a travel ban for decades. You can ban anyone if their country of origin meets specific critieria.

That's an embargo... and people could come here from Cuba, but American citizens were not supposed to travel to Cuba.

It is a trade embargo which deals with trade goods and doing business in Cuba which is still in effect.

There was also a travel ban in place.

The trade embargo included tourism, which is why U.S. citizens were not allowed to travel there and effectively give their money to Cuba.
All orange haired people are not terrorists but almost all terrorist attacks are from Orange haired people so where do you focus your efforts?
Conservatives-on Orange haired people
Liberals-they are not all terrorists so spread your preventative efforts around in a politically correct manner or you are a racist
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the FED. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.
Sally Yates wasn't using the executive order to base her judgment from. She was using liberal talking-points that weren't in writing to resist the lawful order of the President. By law the president has the right to decide who can enter the US thru the Health And Human Services Dept and Homeland Security.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

Well I guess you don't know what the Ass Clown did. Right now the 2.0 version is under review by 12 Federal District court judges in the 4th district court--and just the other day--Sean Spicer was made aware that Trump still had on his campaign web-site, during the daily White House briefing--the campaign promise of a Muslim travel ban--(after all Judges had seen it .) So it was brought up in court by these judges and now the DOJ is having to defend this executive order with the Pretence that Trump's 2.0 version of the travel ban- is really a travel ban and not a Muslim ban. I doubt they're going to go for that one--LOL The Muslim ban was erased from Trump's website just this Monday--05/07/2017.

"Washington (CNN)A press release touting Donald Trump's controversial plan to ban all Muslim travel into the United States was removed from his campaign website Monday, shortly after White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters that he was unaware that the plan was still online."
Trump campaign removes Muslim ban language from website -

For a more detailed explanation of why it was struck down the 1st time, and most likely to be struck down again:
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Sally Yates stuffed a rag in Ted Cruz's mouth and ran over him with a steam roller regarding this.


Furthermore Trump is firing anyone--Like Sally Yates and FBI Director James Comey whom have intimate knowlege of this Russian investigation--just like Richard Nixon did.

The travel ban was a legal document. Only it's contents can be used to consider what it can be judged on. Trump never said all Muslims were banned from entering the US. Feel free to post specifically any "THIS IS A MUSLIM TRAVEL BAN" verbage you can find in the Executive Order.

The law says a person can not be discriminated against based on their country of origin. She schooled Ted Cruz on this and I already told you this. Did you have a selective ability of reasoning?

The law does NOT say that. It says you CAN discriminate based on where they are from. Carter used that to enact his ban. What you may not do is apply a religious component. Go back to school.

That's not what Sally Yates said.
but you can not target them by religion.

EO did not target anyone by the religion.
Intent did. Trump gave plenty of material bragging all campaign about "banning muslims."
Not sure if you're new to the country but the justice system takes intent into consideration.
Actually I've had a couple of years of Paralegal training. Intent is a consideration in criminal law. What does this have to do with Trump being on trial for a crime?
not very good at your job? How would verbal admission of intent not matter here?
He confessed his purpose was not to protect americans but to stop ban muslims from entering.
Just like he confessed to sexual assault.
When will trump be held accountable for his actions and words? Never?
Obviously intent is covered here too because that's why both muslim bans were blocked.

Following your skewed logic, the intent of the any law that lock up criminals is actually to lock up blacks.
Only if you believe all criminals are black you prick.
All orange haired people are not terrorists but almost all terrorist attacks are from Orange haired people so where do you focus your efforts?
Conservatives-on Orange haired people
Liberals-they are not all terrorists so spread your preventative efforts around in a politically correct manner or you are a racist
There is a much stronger connection between men and terrorism than Islam and terrorism

ban men!
EO did not target anyone by the religion.
Intent did. Trump gave plenty of material bragging all campaign about "banning muslims."
Not sure if you're new to the country but the justice system takes intent into consideration.
Actually I've had a couple of years of Paralegal training. Intent is a consideration in criminal law. What does this have to do with Trump being on trial for a crime?
not very good at your job? How would verbal admission of intent not matter here?
He confessed his purpose was not to protect americans but to stop ban muslims from entering.
Just like he confessed to sexual assault.
When will trump be held accountable for his actions and words? Never?
Obviously intent is covered here too because that's why both muslim bans were blocked.
Post some quotes or STFU.

All I've seen is the media and Democrats calling it a "MUSLIM BAN".

Quote: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on." - Source: Press release from the Trump campaign, Dec. 7, 2015

Quote: "So when he first announced it, he said 'Muslim ban.' He called me up. He said, 'Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.'" Source: Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in an interview on Fox News, Jan. 29, 2017

the term muslim ban was just taken off his website last week
Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question

Opinion | Is this a ‘Muslim ban’? Look at the history — and at Trump’s own words.
President Trump's Own Words Keep Hurting His Travel Ban
Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question
The first link is a blank 404 error. The second was thru 3rd parties, Rudy Giuliani WHICH IS CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE, not a direct quote from the EO.

It is not a Muslim Ban....because a Muslim Ban would have to include all Muslims everywhere in the world. Show me where the EO says this and you win the argument. Anything short of that and you lose.
The law says a person can not be discriminated against based on their country of origin. She schooled Ted Cruz on this and I already told you this. Did you have a selective ability of reasoning?

This is the part where you cite the law or provide the link to it, since your interpretation of the law cannot be trusted.
We’ll See You in Court: Why Trump’s Executive Order on Refugees Violates the Establishment Clause
Sloppy logic to say the least.

  • This article assumes that if it is a Muslim majority country....only Muslims would migrate from it.
  • The article assumes that all Muslim majority countries are banned, which is not the case.
  • The article assumes that anyone who wants to migrate to the US can. This is not true.
You're not understanding. It doesn't matter that not everyone effected is Muslim. It doesn't matter it wasn't every Muslim country. None of that matters. What matters is that you can not target muslims, and trump did. Why is that so difficult to understand? I am having trouble figuring out where your comprehension is failing.

Can not discriminate by religion.
Trump boasted about banning a specific religion.

its really really not rocket science.
If I could simplify it any further for you God knows I would....

Oh I 'got' this. Barry was not targeting Muslims when he added those nations to his list. He was identifying nations whose citizens posed the largest threat to the United States due to the fact that these nations had the largest number of terrorists / people who hate the US not to mention who were engaged in civil war (come of them) who had refugees flowing into our country. Obama declared that due to the fact that these people records kept in their country had been destroyed and could not be found due to the civil war going on it was almost impossible to vette them.

Trump saw what Obama saw / declared - 'unvettable' refugees coming from terrorist-inhabited nations who, according to Obama's Intel agencies - had already been infiltrated by ISIS, some 'refugees' who had already been allowed into this country and ended up murdering US citizens, like the 7 in Ca. So, in an attempt to prevent that from happening further Trump decided to institute his plan...which was / is not even a BAN. It is a DELAY that allows more time for even more thorough vetting. It is not against only Muslims but calls for the additional scrutiny and precautions for anyone coming from those countries.

I personally prefer the Israeli method of screening, as they have never allowed any terrorist to board and blow up one of their airliners. They do not base their scrutiny on race, religion , etc but instead of the individual's own actions while in line, going through screening and processing. It is proven to work.
Obama never once banned refugees. He slowed the process for better vetting.
All orange haired people are not terrorists but almost all terrorist attacks are from Orange haired people so where do you focus your efforts?
Conservatives-on Orange haired people
Liberals-they are not all terrorists so spread your preventative efforts around in a politically correct manner or you are a racist
There is a much stronger connection between men and terrorism than Islam and terrorism

ban men!
So you think no women have committed terrorist acts?
This is the part where you cite the law or provide the link to it, since your interpretation of the law cannot be trusted.
We’ll See You in Court: Why Trump’s Executive Order on Refugees Violates the Establishment Clause
Sloppy logic to say the least.

  • This article assumes that if it is a Muslim majority country....only Muslims would migrate from it.
  • The article assumes that all Muslim majority countries are banned, which is not the case.
  • The article assumes that anyone who wants to migrate to the US can. This is not true.
You're not understanding. It doesn't matter that not everyone effected is Muslim. It doesn't matter it wasn't every Muslim country. None of that matters. What matters is that you can not target muslims, and trump did. Why is that so difficult to understand? I am having trouble figuring out where your comprehension is failing.

Can not discriminate by religion.
Trump boasted about banning a specific religion.

its really really not rocket science.
If I could simplify it any further for you God knows I would....

Oh I 'got' this. Barry was not targeting Muslims when he added those nations to his list. He was identifying nations whose citizens posed the largest threat to the United States due to the fact that these nations had the largest number of terrorists / people who hate the US not to mention who were engaged in civil war (come of them) who had refugees flowing into our country. Obama declared that due to the fact that these people records kept in their country had been destroyed and could not be found due to the civil war going on it was almost impossible to vette them.

Trump saw what Obama saw / declared - 'unvettable' refugees coming from terrorist-inhabited nations who, according to Obama's Intel agencies - had already been infiltrated by ISIS, some 'refugees' who had already been allowed into this country and ended up murdering US citizens, like the 7 in Ca. So, in an attempt to prevent that from happening further Trump decided to institute his plan...which was / is not even a BAN. It is a DELAY that allows more time for even more thorough vetting. It is not against only Muslims but calls for the additional scrutiny and precautions for anyone coming from those countries.

I personally prefer the Israeli method of screening, as they have never allowed any terrorist to board and blow up one of their airliners. They do not base their scrutiny on race, religion , etc but instead of the individual's own actions while in line, going through screening and processing. It is proven to work.
Obama never once banned refugees. He slowed the process for better vetting.


A temporary 120 day ban is a slowing of the process....:oops-28:
Intent did. Trump gave plenty of material bragging all campaign about "banning muslims."
Not sure if you're new to the country but the justice system takes intent into consideration.
Actually I've had a couple of years of Paralegal training. Intent is a consideration in criminal law. What does this have to do with Trump being on trial for a crime?
not very good at your job? How would verbal admission of intent not matter here?
He confessed his purpose was not to protect americans but to stop ban muslims from entering.
Just like he confessed to sexual assault.
When will trump be held accountable for his actions and words? Never?
Obviously intent is covered here too because that's why both muslim bans were blocked.
Post some quotes or STFU.

All I've seen is the media and Democrats calling it a "MUSLIM BAN".

Quote: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on." - Source: Press release from the Trump campaign, Dec. 7, 2015

Quote: "So when he first announced it, he said 'Muslim ban.' He called me up. He said, 'Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.'" Source: Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in an interview on Fox News, Jan. 29, 2017

the term muslim ban was just taken off his website last week
Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question

Opinion | Is this a ‘Muslim ban’? Look at the history — and at Trump’s own words.
President Trump's Own Words Keep Hurting His Travel Ban
Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question
The first link is a blank 404 error. The second was thru 3rd parties, Rudy Giuliani WHICH IS CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE, not a direct quote from the EO.

It is not a Muslim Ban....because a Muslim Ban would have to include all Muslims everywhere in the world. Show me where the EO says this and you win the argument. Anything short of that and you lose.
First link works on my computer.
Trump's campaign released a statement promising to a "complete and total shut down of muslim refugees."
Run circles all you want, the Muslim bans will not pass our courts.

Thank GOD for checks and balances!
All orange haired people are not terrorists but almost all terrorist attacks are from Orange haired people so where do you focus your efforts?
Conservatives-on Orange haired people
Liberals-they are not all terrorists so spread your preventative efforts around in a politically correct manner or you are a racist
There is a much stronger connection between men and terrorism than Islam and terrorism

ban men!
So you think no women have committed terrorist acts?
so you think no whites have committed terrorist acts?
Intent did. Trump gave plenty of material bragging all campaign about "banning muslims."
Not sure if you're new to the country but the justice system takes intent into consideration.
Actually I've had a couple of years of Paralegal training. Intent is a consideration in criminal law. What does this have to do with Trump being on trial for a crime?
not very good at your job? How would verbal admission of intent not matter here?
He confessed his purpose was not to protect americans but to stop ban muslims from entering.
Just like he confessed to sexual assault.
When will trump be held accountable for his actions and words? Never?
Obviously intent is covered here too because that's why both muslim bans were blocked.
Post some quotes or STFU.

All I've seen is the media and Democrats calling it a "MUSLIM BAN".

Quote: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on." - Source: Press release from the Trump campaign, Dec. 7, 2015

Quote: "So when he first announced it, he said 'Muslim ban.' He called me up. He said, 'Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.'" Source: Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in an interview on Fox News, Jan. 29, 2017

the term muslim ban was just taken off his website last week
Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question

Opinion | Is this a ‘Muslim ban’? Look at the history — and at Trump’s own words.
President Trump's Own Words Keep Hurting His Travel Ban
Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question
The first link is a blank 404 error. The second was thru 3rd parties, Rudy Giuliani WHICH IS CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE, not a direct quote from the EO.

It is not a Muslim Ban....because a Muslim Ban would have to include all Muslims everywhere in the world. Show me where the EO says this and you win the argument. Anything short of that and you lose.

There isn't going to be a Muslim ban. On that count, you already have lost.

Sally Yates decision to over rule Trumps illegal order, has been upheld by three different courts now, so on that count you have also lost.

Care to go for three time loser?
Sloppy logic to say the least.

  • This article assumes that if it is a Muslim majority country....only Muslims would migrate from it.
  • The article assumes that all Muslim majority countries are banned, which is not the case.
  • The article assumes that anyone who wants to migrate to the US can. This is not true.
You're not understanding. It doesn't matter that not everyone effected is Muslim. It doesn't matter it wasn't every Muslim country. None of that matters. What matters is that you can not target muslims, and trump did. Why is that so difficult to understand? I am having trouble figuring out where your comprehension is failing.

Can not discriminate by religion.
Trump boasted about banning a specific religion.

its really really not rocket science.
If I could simplify it any further for you God knows I would....

Oh I 'got' this. Barry was not targeting Muslims when he added those nations to his list. He was identifying nations whose citizens posed the largest threat to the United States due to the fact that these nations had the largest number of terrorists / people who hate the US not to mention who were engaged in civil war (come of them) who had refugees flowing into our country. Obama declared that due to the fact that these people records kept in their country had been destroyed and could not be found due to the civil war going on it was almost impossible to vette them.

Trump saw what Obama saw / declared - 'unvettable' refugees coming from terrorist-inhabited nations who, according to Obama's Intel agencies - had already been infiltrated by ISIS, some 'refugees' who had already been allowed into this country and ended up murdering US citizens, like the 7 in Ca. So, in an attempt to prevent that from happening further Trump decided to institute his plan...which was / is not even a BAN. It is a DELAY that allows more time for even more thorough vetting. It is not against only Muslims but calls for the additional scrutiny and precautions for anyone coming from those countries.

I personally prefer the Israeli method of screening, as they have never allowed any terrorist to board and blow up one of their airliners. They do not base their scrutiny on race, religion , etc but instead of the individual's own actions while in line, going through screening and processing. It is proven to work.
Obama never once banned refugees. He slowed the process for better vetting.


A temporary 120 day ban is a slowing of the process....:oops-28:

There was a delay in processing Iraqi refugees in 2011 after it was discovered that two Iraqi refugees living in Kentucky had been involved in roadside bombing attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq. One of the refugee’s fingerprints were found on a detonation device in Iraq, prompting U.S. immigration, security and intelligence agencies to use federal databases to rescreen about 58,000 Iraqi refugees in the U.S. and more than 25,000 Iraqis who had been approved to enter the U.S., but had not yet been admitted, Department of Homeland Security officials testified at the time.

The Kentucky case not only caused a backlog in processing Iraqi refugees in 2011, but it also resulted in an overhaul of the refugee screening process.

The Obama administration’s actions were limited to one country and in response to a specific threat — the potential for other Iraqi refugees to take advantage of a flaw in the screening process.

Trump's Faulty Refugee Policy Comparison -


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