Breaking: Trump picks ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson for secretary of state

Now, why is it that it is easy to believe that the Russians wanted Trump in the Oval Office? Like Trump, Rex Tillerson is from the business class and he has the approval of Vladimir Putin because of his close ties with the kleptocrats who run Russia. So, in a sense, the Russian oligarchs have a man after their own hearts in the Trump government. Tillerson has been admired for the way he cooperates with the Russians in business not he will be expected to have an attitude of the same cooperation with them in matters of foreign policy as the Secretary of State. Remember, Tillerson was so cooperative with the Russian kleptocrats that Vladimir Putin awarded him the Order of Friendship for getting them a deal worth $500bn. You might say the Russians close to Putin will consider Tillerson to be our man in Washington. "He fulfills his responsibilities in a highly professional manner." said Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov who undoubtedly expects him to continue doing so.
Russia praises possible Trump pick Rex Tillerson's 'highly professional manner'

Smiles all 'round in the Kremlin this week.

Crimea 2014
Russia annexes Crimea and because western governments see this as the land grab that it was, sanctions designed to hurt the Kremlin crooks were imposed. ExxonMobil had to cease operations in that year. But the head of the oil giant's Russian operations, Glenn Waller, said the company would return to the project once the sanctions were lifted. That can be arranged now. Of Tillerson, Trump tols his favorite station FOX News on Sunday, "He does massive deals in Russia." I bet he does.
A lot of people in Crimea want nothing to do with the fuck up that is the EU... to hell with socialist Europe they can burn in fucking hell…:lmao:
More than Obama! :lmao: Barry is a fuck up and a control freak. He is almost as repugnant as a Clinton

Since when do two wrongs make a right? I was never a fan of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, or Hillary Clinton. Does that mean I should be a fan of Donald Trump?
I'm not telling you to be a fan of anybody, I'm just saying it's refreshing not to have a career politician in there. Because there is no lower life form than a career politician.

What on earth qualified either Hillary or Kerry to be SOS? Answer, not one damn thing. Both of them have careers filled with failure and ineptitude. Its damn refreshing that these important cabinet posts are not doled out like favors and kickbacks to stupid shits like those two hacks.

Under Rex Tillerson's leadership, ExxonMobil struck oil this summer drilling in Russia's Arctic region, despite U.S. sanctions against Kremlin-controlled partner Rosneft. Back home, Tillerson has urged an end to the decades-old ban on exporting U.S. crude oil and also supports lifting regulatory constraints on the building of projects to export liquefied natural gas. As CEO of the world's most valuable publicly traded oil company, Tillerson presides over an operation that has generated $34 billion in net income in the past year, and paid more than $80 billion in taxes."

Dafuck does any of that have to do with being Secretary of State?

It begins. Y'all Rumpbots are about to see why plunking a business type into government is an inherently bad idea. Actually you're already seeing, QED.

Can't say we didn't warn ya.
Fuck face, we don't want no career politicians in there anymore. They fucked over this country for decades… fact

Silly one, we didn't want career politicians that f"d over this country For EXXON MOBILE....

Under Rex Tillerson's leadership, ExxonMobil struck oil this summer drilling in Russia's Arctic region, despite U.S. sanctions against Kremlin-controlled partner Rosneft. Back home, Tillerson has urged an end to the decades-old ban on exporting U.S. crude oil and also supports lifting regulatory constraints on the building of projects to export liquefied natural gas. As CEO of the world's most valuable publicly traded oil company, Tillerson presides over an operation that has generated $34 billion in net income in the past year, and paid more than $80 billion in taxes."

Dafuck does any of that have to do with being Secretary of State?

It begins. Y'all Rumpbots are about to see why plunking a business type into government is an inherently bad idea. Actually you're already seeing, QED.

Can't say we didn't warn ya.
Fuck face, we don't want no career politicians in there anymore. They fucked over this country for decades… fact

Silly one, we didn't want career politicians that f"d over this country For EXXON MOBILE....

So we cut out the middle man and go directly to the president of Exxon Mobile.
More than Obama! :lmao: Barry is a fuck up and a control freak. He is almost as repugnant as a Clinton

Since when do two wrongs make a right? I was never a fan of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, or Hillary Clinton. Does that mean I should be a fan of Donald Trump?
I'm not telling you to be a fan of anybody, I'm just saying it's refreshing not to have a career politician in there. Because there is no lower life form than a career politician.

What on earth qualified either Hillary or Kerry to be SOS? Answer, not one damn thing. Both of them have careers filled with failure and ineptitude. Its damn refreshing that these important cabinet posts are not doled out like favors and kickbacks to stupid shits like those two hacks.
Members on both The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Senate Select Intelligence Committee prepared them both
Trump picks ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson for secretary of state

President-elect Donald Trump has picked as his secretary of state Rex Tillerson, the chief executive of ExxonMobil, according to a senior official on the transition team.


Excellent candidate


Yes he is an excellent pick. He's done business all over the world and has spoken with world leaders.

All you idiots who think he will make the rich richer forget that he's be working for the US Govt. not ExxonMobile.

Kinda sorta wonder how he will be making anyone rich while collecting a Govt. paycheck.

Another excellent pick by Trump. Tillerson is I guy who knows how to get things done.
Cool. Trump just confirmed it on Twitter. ANDDDDD Governor Perry is tapped to head Energy department. LMAO!
Cant have business people
Politicians obviously don't cut it
Common Joes are used to welding and signing car loan papers
WTF is left? I mean, seriously
Putin has got to be black mailing Trump, and has him by the balls?
Putin did hack Hillary's homebrew email server....
NOPE, her home brew server was not hacked, but the DNC, and Podesta were illegally hacked and the RNC was HACKED as well, BUT the Russians held back on dumping the Republican hacked emails on wikileaks.... why would they keep the Republican hacked emails secret and not made public..... ONE reason, could be to blackmail them with them....
Putin has got to be black mailing Trump, and has him by the balls?
Putin did hack Hillary's homebrew email server....
NOPE, her home brew server was not hacked, but the DNC, and Podesta were illegally hacked and the RNC was HACKED as well, BUT the Russians held back on dumping the Republican hacked emails on wikileaks.... why would they keep the Republican hacked emails secret and not made public..... ONE reason, could be to blackmail them with them....
Try something other than your fake news....
At least it with him you know what you're getting, a career politician is as two faced as humans get… Fact

How is a crony capitalist any better? Career politicians and crony capitalists are butt buddies.

Yo Vern, the US adopted crony capitalism in 1913 which was cemented by FDR in 1935.

Your socialist community organizer participated when he signed into law the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

Remove ALL regulations - let the invisible hand of the marketplace regulate - and then - and ONLY then crony capitalism will cease to exist.

>> Tillerson’s company has been under formal investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission since August for failing to accurately value its proven oil reserves.Those reserves are critical to investors for assessing the future viability of the company. Without the certainty that the company can keep crude oil flowing decades into the future, ExxonMobil stock would plummet. Rewriting the disclosures to investors with lower valuations would cost the company billions of dollars. And actually the entire oil and gas industry would be affected by a new standard rather than the current ad hoc system.

The investigation is a kind of companion piece to the “Exxon Knew” campaign, which charges that the world’s largest publicly traded oil company was aware of the catastrophic effects of climate change nearly 40 years ago, but lied to shareholders about these risks to its business model. Attorneys general in over a dozen states have opened investigations into these matters.

But the SEC probe goes further. The agency requested documents from PricewaterhouseCoopers, ExxonMobil’s auditor, looking at how the company accounts for future costs from global climate regulations. If it becomes more costly to initiate drilling because of the so-called “price of carbon,” or regulations that mandate reductions to greenhouse gas emissions, Exxon might have to shelve the projects, taking a hit to future profitability. Even if the United States dumps the Paris climate accord (something a Secretary of State Tillerson may be in position to influence), Exxon does business worldwide, including with countries who would be likely to stay in the pact and work to cut emissions. Public companies must account in their financial disclosures for knowable risks to investors, and climate regulations would certainly fit the bill for an oil giant.

... The man who wants to appoint him, Trump, will also have the opportunity to remake the SEC. Since his election, seven top officials have announced their resignations, from chair Mary Jo White to Enforcement Division chief Andrew Ceresney to the leader of the section with primary responsibility over reviewing corporate filings, Division of Corporation Finance head Keith Higgins.

This turnover isn’t necessarily a bad thing—the SEC’s record over Obama’s second term has been so weak that liberals have repeatedly demanded mass firings. But Trump will get to appoint three new SEC commissioners (two seats on the five-member panel were already vacant before White’s resignation announcement), and that new executive team will hire the top leadership. So the president-elect could make sure that ExxonMobil has little to fear from the SEC, whether or not Tillerson makes it to Foggy Bottom. (More at yon link)
At the risk of sounding like the proverbial broken record ---- welcome to the Same Old Thing, Orange level.

As the author notes, ability to deceive investors has gotta be a point of admiration for Rump, who just paid out 25 million to make a lawsuit for exactly that kind of fraud go away before the Electoral College does its thing.
Putin has got to be black mailing Trump, and has him by the balls?
Putin did hack Hillary's homebrew email server....
NOPE, her home brew server was not hacked, but the DNC, and Podesta were illegally hacked and the RNC was HACKED as well, BUT the Russians held back on dumping the Republican hacked emails on wikileaks.... why would they keep the Republican hacked emails secret and not made public..... ONE reason, could be to blackmail them with them....

Was the information LEAKED or HACKED?

If it was HACKED the NSA would know who did it.

They have no evidence.

"As for the comments to the media as to what the CIA believes, the reality is that CIA is almost totally dependent on NSA for ground truth in the communications arena. Thus, it remains something of a mystery why the media is being fed strange stories about hacking that have no basis in fact. In sum, given what we know of NSA’s existing capabilities, it beggars belief that NSA would be unable to identify anyone – Russian or not – attempting to interfere in a U.S. election by hacking."


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