BREAKING: Trump Shared Highly Classified Info With Russians!

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Trump Reportedly Revealed "Highly Classified Information" During Meeting With Russian Officials

Sooooo, Trump shared "highly classified information" with Russians. WaPo claims that information is about "terrorist threat related to the use of laptop computers on aircraft".

Let's see... president is "not allowed" to talk about it, and media is.


OMG...I should have known. Apparently I've not had enough coffee. You and Iceberg have seized on the insignificant part of my commentary in order to ignore the rest. Trump fucked your "fake news" line so you two are not going with "he's king he can do anything", you're going with "it wasn't THAT classified" and ''berg added "but, but, but Obama" :lol:
never said he was king. said if guilty - take him down.

but your anger at him is not guilt. your fake story after fake story, not evidence.

your hatred is not viable to remove people from office.

if and when trump breaks the law - get rid of him. would that line of thought go for all politicians.
Ryan tweet on classified info resurfaces after bombshell Trump report

Paul Ryan


Individuals who are "extremely careless" with classified information should be denied further access to such info.

10:30 AM - 7 Jul 2016

    • Video in link..
Ryan tweet on classified info resurfaces after bombshell Trump report


WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets

but ok when obama does it over nuclear secrets. no harm there. but tell someone laptops can be dangerous - holy hell.

Who is going to prosecute media for publishing "highly classified secrets"?

Except that President Trump apparently disclosed the actual city in the Mideast from which the information came and what our military and intelligence responses are and will be. And also, legally, now that the POTUS has disclosed the classified information, it is no longer classified and so nobody can be prosecuted for leaking it. This is true even where the leaks happened prior to declassification. Look it up.
i believe his point is that the left is all pissed off trump gave russia a warning about laptops on planes and he pointed out headline after headline this is not news nor classified.

"apparently" - let's wait for facts, shall we?

Couldn't agree more. The facts that the President's aides were scrambling around trying to control the dissemination of what he said at this information, and the fact that the President himself confirmed that he told the Russians information are kind of damning to me. I am not paying attention to the media, just watching what the White House is saying and doing. McMaster and Tillerson's "denials" were saying basically that "sources and methods" weren't specifically revealed. Those denials seem to me to be non sequiturs. What did the President say that required all this scrambling and why did he confirm that he gave out information? What will the "tapes" show he actually said?

The worst part of all of this is that it seems amateurish. Why not deny Putin's request and have a real pro like McMaster meet with these Russians and tell them "you don't get to meet the President" until you help us in Syria and Ukraine. By the time they meet with the President, we should already have concessions in our pocket, not just take a meeting and hope. Hope isn't a strategy.
No links to any of your crap. :rolleyes:

pretty sure they're next to all the links proving russia helped trump win.

i do have to wonder why people can call bullshit and/or for proof of claims other make about their side, yet it's ok to not have valid proof for the things you choose to attack.

not *you* specific junky. just met ya and have no idea what your claims are - but overall this is more common than people seem to realize. demand proof, give none.
Regardless letting Russian media in the Oval office, and not letting American media in kind of tells the story doesn't it.

Everything this dumbass does--blows back on himself---:dig:


When you elect a clown, you can count on the circus showing up.

Yeah the left wing media is crap

The Washington Post is "the left wing media"?


You don't read papers much do you? We don't call it the Washington compost for nothing.

Yeah ok pal. I'm sure anything other than infowars and brietbart is the left wing media to you loons

Stick to the comics and rap music for you I guess because news and politics you know nothing about.

Another faux story. All Trump did was tell the Russians something about a plane that was blown up. No national security was breached. At worst, it might give them some insight into how we collected the info via an ally. I'm sure Trump had his reasons. Not only is this story another non-starter because the president has final say in what is classified and not, but the people making a big deal out of this are the same people who swept Hillary's hundreds of top secret and special access leaks under the rug!
Trump Reportedly Revealed "Highly Classified Information" During Meeting With Russian Officials

Sooooo, Trump shared "highly classified information" with Russians. WaPo claims that information is about "terrorist threat related to the use of laptop computers on aircraft".

Let's see... president is "not allowed" to talk about it, and media is.


OMG...I should have known. Apparently I've not had enough coffee. You and Iceberg have seized on the insignificant part of my commentary in order to ignore the rest. Trump fucked your "fake news" line so you two are not going with "he's king he can do anything", you're going with "it wasn't THAT classified" and ''berg added "but, but, but Obama" :lol:
never said he was king. said if guilty - take him down.

but your anger at him is not guilt. your fake story after fake story, not evidence.

your hatred is not viable to remove people from office.

if and when trump breaks the law - get rid of him. would that line of thought go for all politicians.
How much classified intel does he have to share with Russia until you've had enough? What if he decides to give them launch codes? Where's the line for you?
Another faux story. All Trump did was tell the Russians something about a plane that was blown up. No national security was breached. At worst, it might give them some insight into how we collected the info via an ally. I'm sure Trump had his reasons. Not only is this story another non-starter because the president has final say in what is classified and not, but the people making a big deal out of this are the same people who swept Hillary's hundreds of top secret and special access leaks under the rug!
Yeah, so what if our sources inside ISIS get their heads cut off. Who needs them anyway?
How much classified intel does he have to share with Russia until you've had enough? What if he decides to give them launch codes? Where's the line for you?
oh - 30k email messages? :)

seriously - waiting to see what exactly happened before i say whether or not it's a bad thing.

how come you can't do the same? you don't even know what was said or the context - but don't seem to care.

No you have a reading comprehension problem chuckles?

It's more like you're functionally illiterate.
What you wrote implies that I'm laughing at someone with my post. I was not.

It implies that you are a moron making a mountain out of a mole hill.

No, I'm pointing to the fact that you're illiterate.
Trump revealed enough sensitive information an idiot could figure out the source. No countries will share Intel with us now

Then who is the source? you are clearly smarter than an idiot so you should know. Right?

A source in the Trump Administration?

Working for Trump requires you do get shit faced drunk at the end of the day just to purge the memory. All reporters need to do is hang out at the bar and listen to the stories.....I can't believe what Trump did today
How much classified intel does he have to share with Russia until you've had enough? What if he decides to give them launch codes? Where's the line for you?
oh - 30k email messages? :)

seriously - waiting to see what exactly happened before i say whether or not it's a bad thing.

how come you can't do the same? you don't even know what was said or the context - but don't seem to care.
What classified intel was on those 30k emails? Why do you divert from the question rather than answer it? What classified intel does he need to share with Russia before you've had enough?

No you have a reading comprehension problem chuckles?

It's more like you're functionally illiterate.
What you wrote implies that I'm laughing at someone with my post. I was not.

It implies that you are a moron making a mountain out of a mole hill.

No, I'm pointing to the fact that you're illiterate.

Proud of it , graduate of the Chicago Union school district..I don't waste my time with grammar or what ever...never needed to o use it, I am a trouble shooter, a fast idea man..

You waste your time thinking you are writing a thesis and need approval, I won't.

How much classified intel does he have to share with Russia until you've had enough? What if he decides to give them launch codes? Where's the line for you?
oh - 30k email messages? :)

seriously - waiting to see what exactly happened before i say whether or not it's a bad thing.

how come you can't do the same? you don't even know what was said or the context - but don't seem to care.
What classified intel was on those 30k emails? Why do you divert from the question rather than answer it? What classified intel does he need to share with Russia before you've had enough?

Will never know because she erased them.

Russians in the meeting have denied it. Breaking...AP.
And you believe them.

Russians deny it. The Americans in the meeting deny it. The posts sources are anonymous.

So yes. There is no reason to believe it yet

Trump tweeted about it.

Trump acknowledges ‘facts’ shared with Russian envoys during White House meeting
LOL, after 12 hours of Trumpettes swearing Trump didn't do it. What fools the Right.
What is it with the Trump Team?

First defense is always.....Fake News, Didn't happen

Then it becomes.....Well, it did happen but we are allowed to do it

You would think these idiots would have figured that out already. Just wait 24hrs and Trump will confirm the "fake news" with his own tweets.
How much classified intel does he have to share with Russia until you've had enough? What if he decides to give them launch codes? Where's the line for you?
oh - 30k email messages? :)

seriously - waiting to see what exactly happened before i say whether or not it's a bad thing.

how come you can't do the same? you don't even know what was said or the context - but don't seem to care.
What classified intel was on those 30k emails? Why do you divert from the question rather than answer it? What classified intel does he need to share with Russia before you've had enough?

Will never know because she erased them.

Thanks for admitting your ignorance.
Ryan tweet on classified info resurfaces after bombshell Trump report

Paul Ryan


Individuals who are "extremely careless" with classified information should be denied further access to such info.

10:30 AM - 7 Jul 2016

    • Video in link..
Ryan tweet on classified info resurfaces after bombshell Trump report


WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets

but ok when obama does it over nuclear secrets. no harm there. but tell someone laptops can be dangerous - holy hell.

Who is going to prosecute media for publishing "highly classified secrets"?

Except that President Trump apparently disclosed the actual city in the Mideast from which the information came and what our military and intelligence responses are and will be. And also, legally, now that the POTUS has disclosed the classified information, it is no longer classified and so nobody can be prosecuted for leaking it. This is true even where the leaks happened prior to declassification. Look it up.
i believe his point is that the left is all pissed off trump gave russia a warning about laptops on planes and he pointed out headline after headline this is not news nor classified.

"apparently" - let's wait for facts, shall we?
That's not what he's accused of you ignorant wretch.
You obviously never read the WaPo article.
Where's the line for you?

He crosses the line when he leaks as much top secret information critical to OUR security as Hillary did, does it all for personal financial and political gain as Hillary did, and no one in politics, media or on these message boards cares to even care or notice, as they did for Hillary.

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