Breaking! Trump Supporters Starting To Swell And Overwhelm The Streets Surrounding The Manhattan Courthouse

No wonder so many fell under the mass hypnosis shit on Jan 6.

Following Trump = so many lives ruined, freedoms taken away because of criminal behavior in support of a Big Lie.

sad, like you. Very sad.

All typing, no content.

It's more like Dante Repeated, ad nauseum.
You're nuts.

Trumpists are populists, they're the last people on earth who'd want a king.

Y'all leftards are way deluded. Out there. Left orbit.
Populist - a person, especially a politician, who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.
I doubt you know the definition of a populist.
Many royalist feel a king can provide for the ordinary people better than other forms of government.

Once again, you do not know what you are talking about.
I can imagine the scene in that Manhattan courtroom this afternoon. Bragg just got back from lunch, so that fat fuck is burping and farting like a cow. There are Burger King wrappers on the floor around him. His tie has new and old ketchup stains on it. When he toddler walks to the podium to speak to the judge he cuts loose with the walking farts. Then he speaks. "Well looky heeyah, jedge. We'uns gots us a law briker in duh form uv Thee Donald JAY Trump!" Thank God for Trump's strength through out all of this. If I was Trump then I would probably fling myself out the fucking window to my demise rather than be part of such a stupid clown show.
You are an excellent Trump trained monkey. Your trainer would be very proud of you.
True patriots is what you're witnessing. They will not let Trump be jailed by the non-natural born Citizen tyrant judge.

It's clearly more than the number Posobiec says. Expect more as the arraignment time nears.

Not many Trump supporters followed their leaders instructions to "protest" his indictment and arraignment. There were as many anti-Trump protesters.
It is dangerous for anyone to follow Donald Trump's requests. Ask Michael Cohen.
"A small but boisterous group from both ends of the Trump spectrum filed into Collect Pond Park hours before the 76-year-old Trump showed up at New York Criminal Court to surrender to authorities and remained vocal outside the courthouse through his nearly hourlong court appearance."

No, it isn't. It's why he isn't being involved because they know they would then have to be treated as a "co-conspirator" and thus his testimony is next to worthless as a confirmed fraudster.
Convoluted ignorance on display here. Cohen was tried and convicted, on hi own sworn testimony.
They passed, it was their call, not some podunk County DA, which is what Bragg is.
Bragg is prosecuting laws broken in NY. It's what his office does with White Collar Criminals like Trump.
No, it isn't. It's why he isn't being involved because they know they would then have to be treated as a "co-conspirator" and thus his testimony is next to worthless as a confirmed fraudster.
Convoluted ignorance on display here. Cohen was tried and convicted, on hi own sworn testimony. Cohen gave tesimony to the Grand Jury that indicted Trump. Cohen's testimony is back up by others and by physical evidence. By your logic, Cohen couldn't be believed when he plead guilty. He lied before he did so.
Convoluted ignorance on display here. Cohen was tried and convicted, on hi own sworn testimony.

Bragg is prosecuting laws broken in NY. It's what his office does with White Collar Criminals like Trump.

he wasn't tried, he plead guilty.

Bragg outlined the process, but never outlined an underlying crime. There has to be an underlying crime for document falsification to actually mean anything. And the checks were paid to who they were written to, and amounts were properly accounted for. anything past that isn't the document, it's the action, and those actions were federal issues passed on by the FEC and the DOJ.
Populist - a person, especially a politician, who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.
I doubt you know the definition of a populist.
Many royalist feel a king can provide for the ordinary people better than other forms of government.

Once again, you do not know what you are talking about.
self-appointed Tribune-of-the-People.
fact: So many lives ruined, freedoms taken away because of criminal behavior in support of a Big Lie, following Trump.

opinion based on facts: sad, like you. Very sad.

Like you have any right to bitch about the convolution of opinions and facts, Cunte.
he wasn't tried, he plead guilty.

Bragg outlined the process, but never outlined an underlying crime. There has to be an underlying crime for document falsification to actually mean anything. And the checks were paid to who they were written to, and amounts were properly accounted for. anything past that isn't the document, it's the action, and those actions were federal issues passed on by the FEC and the DOJ.

In this state court, the prosecution does not have to deliver the underlining crime during an arraignment. It has one, and if it didn't they would not have brought it to court.

and you suck as a keyboard law expert.

In this state court, the prosecution does not have to deliver the underlining crime during an arraignment. It has one, and if it didn't they would not have brought it to court.

and you suck as a keyboard law expert.

They don't have an underlying crime, and you still haven't corrected your post about Cohen being tried.
They don't have an underlying crime, and you still haven't corrected your post about Cohen being tried.
It was an error. Now moving on...

They have an underlying crime to charge. That will come. You're ignorant of how the prosecution in state court(s) functions.
It was an error. Now moving on...

They have an underlying crime to charge. That will come. You're ignorant of how the prosecution in state court(s) functions.

They have bupkis.

Did the last board you were on finally wise up and kick your basic ass out?
They have bupkis.

Did the last board you were on finally wise up and kick your basic ass out?
The DA empaneled a grand jury. That grand jury issued recommendations for an indictment. Now, in states like CA: Grand Jury Reports | Superior Court of California | County of Glenn

In NY state, the DA does not have to put forth the underlying crime at the time of the arraignment. That will come very soon/later. The next court date is in December. The judge has scheduled any trial for January of 2024.

facts matter
The DA empaneled a grand jury. That grand jury issued recommendations for an indictment. Now, in states like CA: Grand Jury Reports | Superior Court of California | County of Glenn

In NY state, the DA does not have to put forth the underlying crime at the time of the arraignment. That will come very soon/later. The next court date is in December. The judge has scheduled any trial for January of 2024.

facts matter

Those facts don't mean anything. doesn't have to doesn't mean cannot. This will get motioned to death in about 2 weeks.

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