Breaking! Trump Supporters Starting To Swell And Overwhelm The Streets Surrounding The Manhattan Courthouse

And gutless hacks support political prosecution as long as they get their way.

History will not judge you kindly, unless your side wins, and then history will be meaningless made up tripe.
What if Trump is found innocent?
You think history will judge Trump and his supporters kindly? Think again. Look at the books that have been written.
You continue to live in a fantasy world.
What if Trump is found innocent?
You think history will judge Trump and his supporters kindly? Think again. Look at the books that have been written.
You continue to live in a fantasy world.

You continue to create a construct reality where you aren't a tired TDS hack twat.

This is a political witch hunt, done by short sighted people who don't realize that normalizing shit like this will result in it being used against them one day.
You continue to create a construct reality where you aren't a tired TDS hack twat.

This is a political witch hunt, done by short sighted people who don't realize that normalizing shit like this will result in it being used against them one day.
TDS is bringing Trumpism down.
TDS is the equivalent of the north in the civil war.
Trumpism is the equivalent of the confederacy.
I can imagine the scene in that Manhattan courtroom this afternoon. Bragg just got back from lunch, so that fat fuck is burping and farting like a cow. There are Burger King wrappers on the floor around him. His tie has new and old ketchup stains on it. When he toddler walks to the podium to speak to the judge he cuts loose with the walking farts. Then he speaks. "Well looky heeyah, jedge. We'uns gots us a law briker in duh form uv Thee Donald JAY Trump!" Thank God for Trump's strength through out all of this. If I was Trump then I would probably fling myself out the fucking window to my demise rather than be part of such a stupid clown show.
TDS is bringing Trumpism down.
TDS is the equivalent of the north in the civil war.
Trumpism is the equivalent of the confederacy.

Don't flatter yourself. What you support is the equivalent of the old Confucian Bureaucracy, of the Ancient Chinese Dynasties, which destroyed itself multiple times by being more concerned about their power and position than running the country they worked for properly for the prosperity of ALL the people, not just themselves.
The above rant is unAmerican as you can get. People who want to override the legal system through force are overriding what the founding Fathers intended for the judicial system.
Our judicial system provides many legal remedies for potential unjust indictments. There are appeals that start with requesting the charges being thrown out by Trump's legal representation.
The decisions within the legal systme will go before many different individuals so one individuals opinions can be challenged.
If other judges agree with the charges it will go to trial where more options are presented to override the charges. You can be found innocent.
The ultimate decison is made by a jury of your peers. The jury selection is done by the state and accused legal representation. The system provides checks to make sure there is an impartial jury.

The stupid among us blame one or two in the process. In Trump's case they blame all on the DA and the initial judge but ignore Trump's advocates, his lawyers, multiple judges that appeals can go through and ultimately a jury of your peers. Stupid people do stupid things.
The point here is that the system has been hijacked by those who welcome the demise of the republic. This is an illegitimate prosecution.
His charges are purported to be he overvalued his properties with banks. Banks send out their own appraisers to assure the value.
These charges are fly shit in a cattle pasture and his “criminal overvaluation” does even exist And there are checks and balances
Hoax 1,205.
They do not know shit about how the real estate market works.
Yeah, your orange fuhrer only promised he would "Lock Her Up". He couldn't deliver. My sympathies. :itsok:
I swear, all these Trump supporters must have been dropped on their heads as children. Do they not remember a few years ago when they voted for Trump specifically because they thought he was going to prosecute their political enemies?
Why didn't Joe Potatohead go to jail just for this influence peddling, if nothing else?
Because you have no idea what you’re talking about.

If you knew what happened, it wouldn’t be a mystery to you.

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