Breaking! Trump Supporters Starting To Swell And Overwhelm The Streets Surrounding The Manhattan Courthouse

True patriots is what you're witnessing. They will not let Trump be jailed by the non-natural born Citizen tyrant judge.

It's clearly more than the number Posobiec says. Expect more as the arraignment time nears.

Breaking! Trump Supporters Starting To Swell And Overwhelm The Streets Surrounding The Manhattan Courthouse​

Probably didn’t hit the way you thought it might.
And the shit is about to hit the fan. Liberals are starting to create turmoil with Trump supporters.

“I’m a Racist, F**k White People” – Radical Leftist Harasses Trump Supporters in NYC – Democrats Hand Out Whistles to Drown Out Marjorie Taylor Greene During Speech (VIDEO)​

Look at this crazy anti-White negress painted in White claiming she's a black animal racist.

You’re not very good at this. This isn’t the platform for reaching your desired response.
Maybe you should check your rhetoric before you catch an ass whippin'.

Violence done upon your person. Just some friendly advice. Don't try the shit you talk here in real life.

You‘re one naive Marion fan
Seriously, you don’t know where “Fill your hands you son of a bitch “ comes from ? And “ bold talk for a one eyed fat man” ?

You‘re one naive Marion fan
Seriously, you don’t know where “Fill your hands you son of a bitch “ comes from ? And “ bold talk for a one eyed fat man” ?

Brah, as I've said before: You are not on my level.

You‘re one naive Marion fan
Seriously, you don’t know where “Fill your hands you son of a bitch “ comes from ? And “ bold talk for a one eyed fat man” ?

Oh, I get it now, but I'm not in the mood for movie references. Yes, I remember that one.
I can imagine the scene in that Manhattan courtroom this afternoon. Bragg just got back from lunch, so that fat fuck is burping and farting like a cow. There are Burger King wrappers on the floor around him. His tie has new and old ketchup stains on it. When he toddler walks to the podium to speak to the judge he cuts loose with the walking farts. Then he speaks. "Well looky heeyah, jedge. We'uns gots us a law briker in duh form uv Thee Donald JAY Trump!" Thank God for Trump's strength through out all of this. If I was Trump then I would probably fling myself out the fucking window to my demise rather than be part of such a stupid clown show.
Trump sat there and took it like the weak white cuck he is.
He didn’t really leave himself a choice.
If he were half the leader you imagine. He would not be the subject of any criminal investigations.

All governments and their systems always become corrupt with time and require violent overthrow.
The US likely should have been violently overthrown around 1890.
Almost everything since then has been illegal, like all the wars, the draft, Prohibition, the War on Drugs, mandatory sentences, asset forfeiture, etc.

With Trump, these charges are way past the statute of limitations, and are totally inappropriate now that an election is just starting up.

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