Breaking: Trump To Seat Jennifer Flowers On Front Row During Debate

Megyn Kelly should sit in front row across from Trump with her legs uncrossed, wide apart.

Actually, I think Hellary would get a bigger boner than Trump staring at Kelley's box.

I think it's incredibly sexist, misogynistic and outright ass-holish of you to post such a thing. But then you're a conservative, or you're pretending to be one, and while that doesn't excuse you being both an asshole and a moron, but it sure does explain it for us.

Oh yea, I forgot. Liberals have declared that nobody has the right to offend them. Glad I could accommodate you.

You give yourself far too much credit. Reducing women to the sum of their body parts shows what a weak excuse for a man that you are. Although I suspect that the only thing smaller than your brain, is your dick. Men with both smarts and a hope of ever getting laid, don't reduce women to their body parts.

Suggesting that HIllary is a lesbian in a sham marriage with a sexual predator that she enables is not reducing her to her body parts, nor is it an attack on women.

It is an attack on Hillary's honestly and character and personal integrity.

BUT, by pretending offense in the name of all women, you get to avoid having to defend Hillary, and turn it around to a personal attack on your ideological enemy.

Very dishonest and historically very effective.
Talking about getting the evil eye... She should blow kisses to Mark Cuban...

Gennifer Flowers says she will attend debate as Donald Trump’s guest

A slime who has an affair with a married man, who tapes him and then blackmails him. So Bill Clinton had an affair, Trump had many as well while married.

Wonder how much Trump is paying her?

Hillary has not had an affair , has she?

I dunno. She and Huma do matching outfits.


Dumb bitch Reptillery. White shoes after Labor day!

It certainly is thoughtful Of Trump to bring Flowers.
Yeah, that classy move would no doubt drive the undecideds to him.

How is it any less "classy" than seating Mark Cuban in the front row?

The problem is that front row at the debates isn't exactly the kind of real estate that should be going to former nude models. Then again, Melania will probably sitting front row, so the fuck with decorum.
Talking about getting the evil eye... She should blow kisses to Mark Cuban...

Gennifer Flowers says she will attend debate as Donald Trump’s guest

A slime who has an affair with a married man, who tapes him and then blackmails him. So Bill Clinton had an affair, Trump had many as well while married.

Wonder how much Trump is paying her?

Hillary has not had an affair , has she?

Yes Blow Job certainly is a Slime, raping and sexually abusing at least a dozen women...and you, deranged bitch stick up for a cheater and criminal!

NO rape. No dozen women either. Flowers is a slime as well.

Another skunt rape supporter. You blow girl.
Monica Lewinsky should have a front row seat ! Ya know what what mean?
They should...they really should. American woman voters should see how the GOP nominee hangs on, literally hangs on adultery......great thing to remind us all of.
That was incoherent...not unusual for you.
Ah...but it's fun to watch how you still don't see the trap.....Adultery will be front and center at the debates. Who do you think that will remind American voters of more?

Nope. Bill's adultery and Hillary's being humiliated in front of the whole nation and taking it like a bitch, will be a minor aside.

But one that has great potential to shake an already shaky HIllary.

Voters don't care about all these nonsense. Hillary will win the election.

Republican pollster Whit Ayres: White voters aren't enough to win

Some voters do, and Hillary cares.

She tried to shake up Trump and he turned the tables on her big time.

Women don't like women that support sexual predator husbands. This undermines her Woman Card.

White voters are enough to win, if he gets enough of them.
Talking about getting the evil eye... She should blow kisses to Mark Cuban...

Gennifer Flowers says she will attend debate as Donald Trump’s guest

A slime who has an affair with a married man, who tapes him and then blackmails him. So Bill Clinton had an affair, Trump had many as well while married.

Wonder how much Trump is paying her?

Hillary has not had an affair , has she?

Yes Blow Job certainly is a Slime, raping and sexually abusing at least a dozen women...and you, deranged bitch stick up for a cheater and criminal!

NO rape. No dozen women either. Flowers is a slime as well.

Another skunt rape supporter. You blow girl.

Who did he rape???????????
Is she still spreading her legs and lips as a professional mistriss? How much does a woman like her cost?

Hey, Dragonlady?

This is really misogynistic and sexist and reducing women to just their body parts.

Do you have a problem with that, or just when it serves your partisan purpose?

Rhetorical question: Feminists proved during the Clinton scandals, that they are completely whores, that don't give a damn about women and only care about carrying water for the lefty agenda.
Yeah, that classy move would no doubt drive the undecideds to him.

How is it any less "classy" than seating Mark Cuban in the front row?

The problem is that front row at the debates isn't exactly the kind of real estate that should be going to former nude models. Then again, Melania will probably sitting front row, so the fuck with decorum.

You lefties don't like it when a republican isn't afraid to play dirty, don't ya?

Having a monopoly on that has been half your mojo the last couple of decades.
I think it would backfire in that it looks like an act of desperation. If it doesn't affect Hillary then Trump plays the fool. So I'm guessing there's no chance of seeing this.

I think he looks pathetic and any women's vote he thinks he could get would evaporate if he does it.

What's funny is that it's because dumb Donald is having a hissy fit that an actual billionaire who is smarter than him will be sitting there.

Women don't like women that enable sexual predators. This undermines her Woman Card, which she has pinned a lot of hope on.

That shakes her up in a debate where she has to outshine Trump to maintain her claim to being so much better than him.

A stumble here will hurt her bad, and she knows it.
Talking about getting the evil eye... She should blow kisses to Mark Cuban...

Gennifer Flowers says she will attend debate as Donald Trump’s guest

A slime who has an affair with a married man, who tapes him and then blackmails him. So Bill Clinton had an affair, Trump had many as well while married.

Wonder how much Trump is paying her?

Hillary has not had an affair , has she?
It's the woman's fault, right? I'm your world all women are hors? Or just the ones that screwed clinton?
I think it would backfire in that it looks like an act of desperation. If it doesn't affect Hillary then Trump plays the fool. So I'm guessing there's no chance of seeing this.

I think he looks pathetic and any women's vote he thinks he could get would evaporate if he does it.

What's funny is that it's because dumb Donald is having a hissy fit that an actual billionaire who is smarter than him will be sitting there.
You don't think the Clinton camp knew they could get him to react stupidly? This is just the beginning......:lol: The debate's gonna be a hoot!

You are kidding yourself, and no one else.

Trump hit this one out of the park.
I see where Trump has extended the invitation, I don't see anywhere that Ms. Flowers has accepted. As for Monica, she's not looking for further notoriety for her affair with Bill Clinton.

It's like being in a room full of pre-pubescent boys at how big you guys talk about women. It explains so much of the vitriol directed at Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Nancy Pelosi.

Says the "feminist" ignoring the vitriol being directed at Jennifer Flowers.
Who cares. It isn't Hillaries fault that Bill couldn't keep it in his fucking pants. Trump certainly can't.

No, it is not.

What is Hillary's fault is her enabling of him, her lying defenses of him, often using sexists tactics, and her using of a sexual predator to advance her political career in the exact opposite of a strong woman demanding recognition based on her own accomplishments.
If you don't see the win for Trump in this conversation and these headlines, it is because you are actively working to not see it.

For sake of America I hope they both do well but I'll determine a win by what happens on stage tomorrow night, not by any desperate side show. Afterwards the basis of any such adjustment of opinion will be performance of Wall Street on Tuesday.

There is nothing to see thus far but weakness shown through whining about the process and senseless tweets.
Talking about getting the evil eye... She should blow kisses to Mark Cuban...

Gennifer Flowers says she will attend debate as Donald Trump’s guest

A slime who has an affair with a married man, who tapes him and then blackmails him. So Bill Clinton had an affair, Trump had many as well while married.

Wonder how much Trump is paying her?

Hillary has not had an affair , has she?

I dunno. She and Huma do matching outfits.


who's the ugly fuck in the middle?? oh never mind
If you don't see the win for Trump in this conversation and these headlines, it is because you are actively working to not see it.

For sake of America I hope they both do well but I'll determine a win by what happens on stage tomorrow night, not by any desperate side show. Afterwards the basis of any such adjustment of opinion will be performance of Wall Street on Tuesday.

There is nothing to see thus far but weakness shown through whining about the process and senseless tweets.

If you are not seeing the problems we have had in the past because of biased moderators, that is on you choosing to not see it.

And HIllary started this game. Trump just won it.

And don't even suggest that he should have been "above it". That is a tactic that has greatly empowered the Left over the last several decades.

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