Breaking: Trump To Seat Jennifer Flowers On Front Row During Debate

Maybe the woman suing & alleging Trump for raping her as a 13 year old can be invited by Hillary to sit in the front row too?

This one is going to backfire on Trump. Women across the nation who have been cheated on *waves to about 90% of women in the US* will see this as psychological abuse of Hillary (or generally a man capable of one of the cruelest acts possible while a woman is down and not feeling well). Trump psychologically abusing women is something that has been accused before.

YUGE FAIL. I hope he does it.

Oh, I dunno. Flowers making fish faces at Hillary from the front row could prove effective. :laugh:
Hey planting Flowers in the audience will win Trump thousands of votes from people who are already going to vote for him.
Maybe the woman suing & alleging Trump for raping her as a 13 year old can be invited by Hillary to sit in the front row too? Case Alleging Trump Raped 13 Year Old Girl Is Re-Filed In New York

This one is going to backfire on Trump. Women across the nation who have been cheated on *waves to about 90% of women in the US* will see this as psychological abuse of Hillary (or generally a man capable of one of the cruelest acts possible while a woman is down and not feeling well). Trump psychologically abusing women is something that has been accused before.

YUGE FAIL. I hope he does it. It will cost him millions of votes; and may even spell the end of his campaign.

You left out the 13 year old Trump allegedly raped.
I'm sure the female Hillary supporters you know all say the same thing.
The women who are voting for Hillary want a President with a vagina.
I know this because I have friends in town who are ex-feminists and all their old friends on Facebook want such; they don't give a damn about Trump's flippant remarks.

I want a Americans to have a President who has a clue about how to run the economy, who treats others with respect, who can speak in complete sentences, and who isn't in the pocket of the Russians. Trump is so stupid, he went broke running a casino.
You left out the 13 year old Trump allegedly raped.
I see where Trump has extended the invitation, I don't see anywhere that Ms. Flowers has accepted. As for Monica, she's not looking for further notoriety for her affair with Bill Clinton.

It's like being in a room full of pre-pubescent boys at how big you guys talk about women. It explains so much of the vitriol directed at Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Nancy Pelosi.

Says the "feminist" ignoring the vitriol being directed at Jennifer Flowers.

I specifically said that the comments directed towards women were immature and sexist I didn't realize that Gennifer Flowers wasn't a woman. Silly me.

I made a point on not name the women he was insulting because all of the comments about women in this thread sound more like they're coming from 12 year-old boys with no respect for women. This is why Trump has completely lost the women's vote. His appeal is entirely about the way he keeps women in their "place".
I'm sure the female Hillary supporters you know all say the same thing.
The women who are voting for Hillary want a President with a vagina.
I know this because I have friends in town who are ex-feminists and all their old friends on Facebook want such; they don't give a damn about Trump's flippant remarks.

i voted for a black man over a vagina to be in the whitehouse... twice.

this time around thinking intelligent women, feminists or not don't want a misogynist bent on being an oligarch in the whitehouse.

'ex-feminists'.... lol.............. who cares if they are feminists or not? any female with any self worth wouldn't vote for trump simply because of who & what he is.

Donald Trump Said A Lot Of Gross Things About Women On “Howard Stern”

And the roots of Donald Trump’s rhetoric come, in fact, in part from The Howard Stern Show. Trump appeared upwards of two dozen times from the late ’90s through the 2000s with the shock jock, and BuzzFeed News has listened to hours of those conversations, which are not publically available. The most popular topic of conversation during these appearances, as is typical of Stern’s program, was sex. In particular, Trump frequently discussed women he had sex with, wanted to have sex with, or wouldn’t have sex with if given the opportunity. He also rated women on a 10-point scale.
A person who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10,” he told Stern in one typical exchange.
Trump has a history of making crude remarks toward women. He reportedly said of his ex-wife Marla Maples, “Nice breasts, no brains,” and more recently, he has called Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly a “bimbo” and a “lightweight” and said she had “blood coming out of her wherever” during the first GOP debate.

^^^ LOTS of undeniable audio clips available ^^^


Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!
I'm sure the female Hillary supporters you know all say the same thing.
The women who are voting for Hillary want a President with a vagina.
I know this because I have friends in town who are ex-feminists and all their old friends on Facebook want such; they don't give a damn about Trump's flippant remarks.

I want a Americans to have a President who has a clue about how to run the economy, who treats others with respect, who can speak in complete sentences, and who isn't in the pocket of the Russians. Trump is so stupid, he went broke running a casino.
And what EXACTLY has Hillary done besides being on the OPPOSITE side of the globe every time an emergency occurred?
Me thinks your modern historical knowledge of the US Economy of and business operations in general leaves much to be desired.
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Talking about getting the evil eye... She should blow kisses to Mark Cuban...

Gennifer Flowers says she will attend debate as Donald Trump’s guest

A slime who has an affair with a married man, who tapes him and then blackmails him. So Bill Clinton had an affair, Trump had many as well while married.

Wonder how much Trump is paying her?

Hillary has not had an affair , has she?

I dunno. She and Huma do matching outfits.


You people are fucking sick. You will believe anything.

Only that which observation suggests and evidence presents.
There is no evidence. Apparently you don't know what the term 'evidence' means. You don't know how to think rationally. What kind of a pathetic mind do you have anyway?
Talking about getting the evil eye... She should blow kisses to Mark Cuban...

Gennifer Flowers says she will attend debate as Donald Trump’s guest

A slime who has an affair with a married man, who tapes him and then blackmails him. So Bill Clinton had an affair, Trump had many as well while married.

Wonder how much Trump is paying her?

Hillary has not had an affair , has she?

Yes Blow Job certainly is a Slime, raping and sexually abusing at least a dozen women...and you, deranged bitch stick up for a cheater and criminal!

NO rape. No dozen women either. Flowers is a slime as well.

Then what the fucking did he pay Jones $850K for in an out of court settlement...dumbasa!
Talking about getting the evil eye... She should blow kisses to Mark Cuban...

Gennifer Flowers says she will attend debate as Donald Trump’s guest

A slime who has an affair with a married man, who tapes him and then blackmails him. So Bill Clinton had an affair, Trump had many as well while married.

Wonder how much Trump is paying her?

Hillary has not had an affair , has she?

I hear Paula, Kathleen, and Monica will also be there...The Clinton campaign is going nuts,and so are their scumbag supporters...She wants to play the game, she better be ready Trump is so much better one upping than the Beasty!

Your right, Trump is a lot better at low down dirty name calling and tricks. His comments are pitiful and well they tell us
much more about him than the people he is making fun of while enjoying it.

Yes, DEPLORABLE.... you suck at this
I'm sure the female Hillary supporters you know all say the same thing.
The women who are voting for Hillary want a President with a vagina.
I know this because I have friends in town who are ex-feminists and all their old friends on Facebook want such; they don't give a damn about Trump's flippant remarks.

I want a Americans to have a President who has a clue about how to run the economy, who treats others with respect, who can speak in complete sentences, and who isn't in the pocket of the Russians. Trump is so stupid, he went broke running a casino.
And what EXACTLY has Hillary done besides being on the OPPOSITE side of the globe every time an emergency occurred.
Me thinks your modern historical knowledge the US of and business operations in general leaves much to be desired.
Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments Speak for Themselves

By Leslie Marshall | Contributor Feb. 19, 2014, at 3:45 p.m.
And she played a leading role in advocating the creation of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides state support for children whose parents cannot provide them with health coverage. She promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses. She also played a leading role in creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act. She encouraged older women to seek a mammogram for early detection of breast cancer (which is covered by Medicare) and successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the NIH. She worked to investigate illnesses that were reportedly affecting Veterans of the Gulf War; now commonly known as Gulf War Syndrome. And she created an Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice. She is also the first first lady to hold a post graduate degree, and she traveled to more countries than any other first lady had at that time.

As a U.S. senator, she was the first first lady to be elected to this office. She was instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment. She subsequently took a leading role in investigating the health issues that 9/11 first responders were facing. [...]
Noting that war deployments were draining regular and reserve forces, she cointroduced legislation to increase the size of the regular Army by 80,000 soldiers to ease the strain and supported retaining and improving health benefits for veterans. She also she introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act.

That was just in her first term.[...]

As our Secretary of State,
Clinton visited 112 countries, helping to repair a badly damaged U.S. reputation. She advocated an expanded role in global economic issues for the State Department and cited the need for an increased U.S. diplomatic presence, especially in Iraq, where the Defense Department had conducted diplomatic missions. Clinton unveiled the Global Hunger and Food Security program, prevailed over Vice President Biden to send an additional 21,000 troops to Afghanistan, saved the signing of a Turkish-Armenian accord, and assisted the president with major decisions as to the U.S. position with regard to the revolution in Egypt and the decision to use military force in Libya.

Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments Speak for Themselves

you're welcome.
I'm sure the female Hillary supporters you know all say the same thing.
The women who are voting for Hillary want a President with a vagina.
I know this because I have friends in town who are ex-feminists and all their old friends on Facebook want such; they don't give a damn about Trump's flippant remarks.

I want a Americans to have a President who has a clue about how to run the economy, who treats others with respect, who can speak in complete sentences, and who isn't in the pocket of the Russians. Trump is so stupid, he went broke running a casino.
And what EXACTLY has Hillary done besides being on the OPPOSITE side of the globe every time an emergency occurred.
Me thinks your modern historical knowledge the US of and business operations in general leaves much to be desired.
Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments Speak for Themselves

By Leslie Marshall | Contributor Feb. 19, 2014, at 3:45 p.m.
And she played a leading role in advocating the creation of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides state support for children whose parents cannot provide them with health coverage. She promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses. She also played a leading role in creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act. She encouraged older women to seek a mammogram for early detection of breast cancer (which is covered by Medicare) and successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the NIH. She worked to investigate illnesses that were reportedly affecting Veterans of the Gulf War; now commonly known as Gulf War Syndrome. And she created an Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice. She is also the first first lady to hold a post graduate degree, and she traveled to more countries than any other first lady had at that time.

As a U.S. senator, she was the first first lady to be elected to this office. She was instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment. She subsequently took a leading role in investigating the health issues that 9/11 first responders were facing. [...]
Noting that war deployments were draining regular and reserve forces, she cointroduced legislation to increase the size of the regular Army by 80,000 soldiers to ease the strain and supported retaining and improving health benefits for veterans. She also she introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act.

That was just in her first term.[...]

As our Secretary of State,
Clinton visited 112 countries, helping to repair a badly damaged U.S. reputation. She advocated an expanded role in global economic issues for the State Department and cited the need for an increased U.S. diplomatic presence, especially in Iraq, where the Defense Department had conducted diplomatic missions. Clinton unveiled the Global Hunger and Food Security program, prevailed over Vice President Biden to send an additional 21,000 troops to Afghanistan, saved the signing of a Turkish-Armenian accord, and assisted the president with major decisions as to the U.S. position with regard to the revolution in Egypt and the decision to use military force in Libya.

Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments Speak for Themselves

you're welcome.
I read her Wikipedia're padding her lack of achievements to death.
Show me where Trump has contempt for all those poor, well paid female executives who work for him.
You're nothing more than an emotionally blinded ideologue.
Talking about getting the evil eye... She should blow kisses to Mark Cuban...

Gennifer Flowers says she will attend debate as Donald Trump’s guest

A slime who has an affair with a married man, who tapes him and then blackmails him. So Bill Clinton had an affair, Trump had many as well while married.

Wonder how much Trump is paying her?

Hillary has not had an affair , has she?

I dunno. She and Huma do matching outfits.


You people are fucking sick. You will believe anything.

Only that which observation suggests and evidence presents.
There is no evidence. Apparently you don't know what the term 'evidence' means. You don't know how to think rationally. What kind of a pathetic mind do you have anyway?

Matching outfits certainly raises questions about levels of chumminess.

I mean, mother and daughter, maybe. But this says girlfriend in neon.
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Trump one upped and there will be no controversy in the front row on either side.

And that is how it's done.

lol.... women have long memories & remember those days. hillary won't be viewed as a 'victim' but will be viewed this time around as the target (by trump) for her hubby's affairs as if she is to be blamed for them.

this will be backfire on tribbles for sure, little kitty.
Trump one upped and there will be no controversy in the front row on either side.

And that is how it's done.

yep, he countered their Cuban move and won that round clearly. Trump outsmarted the Clinton machine again.

Does anyone think she can stand up for 90 minutes? Will they have to put a steel rod up her ass to keep her upright?

hillary testified for 11 hours in - what was it? the 7th or 8th failed benghaziiiiiiiiiii hearing - with nary a yawn. the cheeze doodle complained the (R) debates were far too long at 2 hours in duration.
Talking about getting the evil eye... She should blow kisses to Mark Cuban...

Gennifer Flowers says she will attend debate as Donald Trump’s guest

A slime who has an affair with a married man, who tapes him and then blackmails him. So Bill Clinton had an affair, Trump had many as well while married.

Wonder how much Trump is paying her?

Hillary has not had an affair , has she?

Yes Blow Job certainly is a Slime, raping and sexually abusing at least a dozen women...and you, deranged bitch stick up for a cheater and criminal!

NO rape. No dozen women either. Flowers is a slime as well.

Then what the fucking did he pay Jones $850K for in an out of court settlement...dumbasa!

To make her go away. A honorable women would of wanted him convicted, not a payoff. Is she the one who went to is hotel room?
You are sick, you're fucking sick. Why the hell do you think it is funny to punish the wife for a husband's infidelity? You are a fucking sick asshole. I hope you get what you deserve. Karma will come back to smack you down.

Coming from someone with your mental capacity I will take what you said with a grain of salt...
A slime who has an affair with a married man, who tapes him and then blackmails him. So Bill Clinton had an affair, Trump had many as well while married.

Wonder how much Trump is paying her?

Hillary has not had an affair , has she?

I dunno. She and Huma do matching outfits.


You people are fucking sick. You will believe anything.

Only that which observation suggests and evidence presents.
There is no evidence. Apparently you don't know what the term 'evidence' means. You don't know how to think rationally. What kind of a pathetic mind do you have anyway?

Matching outfits certainly raises questions about levels of chumminess.

I mean, mother and daughter, maybe. But this say girlfriend in neon.

Look like they were out shopping in a everything is turquoise store, even the bag tissue is the same color. The aid would not of worn those shoes with that outfit, as least I would not.

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