Breaking: Trump To Seat Jennifer Flowers On Front Row During Debate

Apparently she won't be there.

Gee, maybe Trump can get the actress who played the black girl that John Travolta's (fictional) Bill Clinton got pregnant in Primary Colors to show up.
oh this will not go over well with more women voting against trump than hillary's perceived enabling of a sexual predator hubby from decades ago that has been examined every which way by the media....way back then.

how come nothing is being said about the 'sexual predator' named trump? that label can be fall upon more shoulders than just bill.

Because adultery is not the same as being a sexual predator.

And I like how you are minimizing actual sexual harassment by equating the two. I hope that gets a lot of play from the Left to really drive home the point that Hillary is not "pro-woman".
Yeah, that classy move would no doubt drive the undecideds to him.

How is it any less "classy" than seating Mark Cuban in the front row?

The problem is that front row at the debates isn't exactly the kind of real estate that should be going to former nude models. Then again, Melania will probably sitting front row, so the fuck with decorum.

You lefties don't like it when a republican isn't afraid to play dirty, don't ya?

Having a monopoly on that has been half your mojo the last couple of decades.

You're going to have to ask liberals about that. I'm too busy being upset that I may be the last conservative in the country who believes conservatism is obliged to behave with tact and dignity.
Endangered species, for sure.

Not at all, there are plenty of moderate and establishment types who would rather lose well than win.
YUGE FAIL. I hope he does it. It will cost him millions of votes; and may even spell the end of his campaign.
Yeah. Bad enough that he even threatened it, but doing it will make Hillary look like the victim.

His fans are all for it.
I don't think the women are. At least at some quiet moment they have to be able to think "how would I feel if (insert women cheated with's name here) was invited to sit in the front row of an important debate I was attending?

Even with his die-hard fans he's going to lose a few women and maybe even some men squirming internally at what a dick move this is...or imagining how his own wife would receive such a blow...
he could care less how his wife or wives feel.... he dragged marla, his mistress to the slopes while on vacation with Ivana and family and made sure Marla ran in to Ivana while there, causing tabloid publicity for a month.... then he leaked to the NY Post while still married to Ivana, that Marla said that Trump was the best sex she ever had.... headline! Marla was horrified and embarrassed!

When the guy decides to do something, what feelings he may hurt, never enters his mind.
Apparently she won't be there.

Gee, maybe Trump can get the actress who played the black girl that John Travolta's (fictional) Bill Clinton got pregnant in Primary Colors to show up.
The fact that he merely invited her will be seen by all as a man physically abusing a woman. It's very equivalent. Actually, they say it's less harmful to someone to be beaten up physically than what that announcement would do to a woman.

He's gonna lose votes over this. And more than just a few. I personally feel like ramming my fist through the guy's face on behalf of Hillary and all the women watching him beat up a woman while she's down.
"infatuated"....:lol: this is one of those Projections, isn't it?

It is obvious you are infatuated with Hillary.
Now back to Hillary defending her rapist husband...
You are one of those RW misogynists who believe that a woman is only the sum total of her husband, aren't you? :lol: That's will be great to bring up a reminder of adultery during the debates.....perhaps some will remember Drumpf's adultery too. Better yet...have Flowers sit next to the "current" Mrs. Drumpf.
I'm a Blue Dog Democrat.
I'm not one of those settling for Trump.
If it was Hillary vs any of the other Republicans, I wouldn't be voting in this election.

Doesn't it bother you that your fellow dems have nothing but contempt for you?
No...Liberals call me a Conservative and Conservatives call me a Liberal.
To be labeled such all one has to do is disagree on ONE talking point.
I'm not a goose-stepper.

I didn't say you were.

But I have seen how liberals deal with anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

So, does it bother you to side with people who have nothing but contempt for you?
You left out the 13 year old Trump allegedly raped.

For you, that's almost an intelligent response.

Hillary is not a rapist running for president. You make the call.
Her Husband is
Or a dozen of the 16 year old sex slaves BJ Clinton met on Epsteins Lolita Security Slave Private Island?

You are aware that Trump is rather fond of Epstein, right? Considering they may end up being co defendants for raping a 13 year old.

Trump on Epstein:

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
Or a dozen of the 16 year old sex slaves BJ Clinton met on Epsteins Lolita Security Slave Private Island?

You are aware that Trump is rather fond of Epstein, right? Considering they may end up being co defendants for raping a 13 year old.

Trump on Epstein:

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
They ARE co-defendants for allegations Trump raped a 13 year old. Read the link in the title. It takes you to a page that discusses the court docket for them as defendants...current and ongoing...

The GOP: the party of child rapists and women psychological abusers. Sweet. When they lose the Senate, now they'll know why. The reason people are disillusioned with the GOP is that they've become so spineless that they don't even know how to clean their own house. Trump should've been booted on a technicality long ago. But they stand there in silent approval of him. Assholes.
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I see where Trump has extended the invitation, I don't see anywhere that Ms. Flowers has accepted. As for Monica, she's not looking for further notoriety for her affair with Bill Clinton.

It's like being in a room full of pre-pubescent boys at how big you guys talk about women. It explains so much of the vitriol directed at Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Nancy Pelosi.

Says the "feminist" ignoring the vitriol being directed at Jennifer Flowers.

I specifically said that the comments directed towards women were immature and sexist I didn't realize that Gennifer Flowers wasn't a woman. Silly me.

I made a point of not naming the women he was insulting because all of the comments about women in this thread sound more like they're coming from 12 year-old boys with no respect for women. This is why Trump has completely lost the women's vote. His appeal is entirely about the way he keeps women in their "place".

All the women you mentioned specifically were liberals.

The lib posters here have had plenty sexist to say about Flowers, and I have seen any sigh of concern about that form you.

Was my point about Hillary's enabling of her husband's sexual predatory behavior, immature and disrespectful towards women?

Trump has not completely lost the woman's vote. Nothing about his platform or rhetoric is about keeping "women in their place".

HIllary, with her strong defense of her husband, certainly has been about keeping Bill's many women in their place, ie in the shadows.
You left out the 13 year old Trump allegedly raped.

For you, that's almost an intelligent response.

Hillary is not a rapist running for president. You make the call.
Her Husband is
the woman who claims this now, has given completely different testimony under oath....which story can truly be believed her earlier versions or her later revised versions?
You left out the 13 year old Trump allegedly raped.

For you, that's almost an intelligent response.

Hillary is not a rapist running for president. You make the call.
Her Husband is
the woman who claims this now, has given completely different testimony under oath....which story can truly be believed her earlier versions or her later revised versions?

Why do you ignore Trump's relationship with Epstein?

Is it sad meme defense time?
It is obvious you are infatuated with Hillary.
Now back to Hillary defending her rapist husband...
You are one of those RW misogynists who believe that a woman is only the sum total of her husband, aren't you? :lol: That's will be great to bring up a reminder of adultery during the debates.....perhaps some will remember Drumpf's adultery too. Better yet...have Flowers sit next to the "current" Mrs. Drumpf.
I'm a Blue Dog Democrat.
I'm not one of those settling for Trump.
If it was Hillary vs any of the other Republicans, I wouldn't be voting in this election.

Doesn't it bother you that your fellow dems have nothing but contempt for you?
No...Liberals call me a Conservative and Conservatives call me a Liberal.
To be labeled such all one has to do is disagree on ONE talking point.
I'm not a goose-stepper.

I didn't say you were.

But I have seen how liberals deal with anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

So, does it bother you to side with people who have nothing but contempt for you?
If he is following the facts as his powers of analysis best lead him, what does it matter whose side people think you are on?

I agree with the President in his veto of this 911 lawsuit bill and I think the USA is eventually going to embrace Nordic Model "Socialism", so does that make me a libtard?
I see where Trump has extended the invitation, I don't see anywhere that Ms. Flowers has accepted. As for Monica, she's not looking for further notoriety for her affair with Bill Clinton.

It's like being in a room full of pre-pubescent boys at how big you guys talk about women. It explains so much of the vitriol directed at Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Nancy Pelosi.

Says the "feminist" ignoring the vitriol being directed at Jennifer Flowers.

I specifically said that the comments directed towards women were immature and sexist I didn't realize that Gennifer Flowers wasn't a woman. Silly me.

I made a point of not naming the women he was insulting because all of the comments about women in this thread sound more like they're coming from 12 year-old boys with no respect for women. This is why Trump has completely lost the women's vote. His appeal is entirely about the way he keeps women in their "place".

All the women you mentioned specifically were liberals.

The lib posters here have had plenty sexist to say about Flowers, and I have seen any sigh of concern about that form you.

Was my point about Hillary's enabling of her husband's sexual predatory behavior, immature and disrespectful towards women?

Trump has not completely lost the woman's vote. Nothing about his platform or rhetoric is about keeping "women in their place".

HIllary, with her strong defense of her husband, certainly has been about keeping Bill's many women in their place, ie in the shadows.

Trump is not getting the vote of single women, but he is getting the vote of married women. They understand that stopping illegal immigration and growing the economy are women's issues.

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