Breaking: Trump will not release Tax Returns

The last three candidates standing are the three most elderly people of the original 20.

The last three candidates standing are the three most liberal people of the original 20.

The last three candidates standing are the three most corrupt people of the original 20.

And Donald Trump's tax returns obviously contain something he wants to hide from his Chumps.

Two words: Clinton foundation.
Two words: Red herring.

Trump is hiding something.
so does Hillary, what's your point. all politicians have things to hide.

I am for full disclosure, but it has to apply to everyone, not just Trump.

speeches--- tax returns ... same thing, same weight, same BULLSHIT!

RW's are pathetic little creatures ... soooooooooooo simple minded.

Full disclosure of everything about the candidate is fair and what the voters are entitled to see. What exactly is in those Hillary speeches that has you dems so scared? what is in Obama's college records that has you so scared?

I want Trump to release everything, but not unless Hillary releases everything. Full disclosure from everyone. Why does that give you a problem?

speeches given to businesses are irrelevant ... Trump has given plenty of those too. I could give a damn. I just want to see his tax returns same as Clintons ...

Bullshit, disclosure is about letting us know who and what the candidates really are. We already know that Hillary is a liar and that Trump is a shrewd businessman.
And we know Trump is a liar and Hillary is a shrewd businesswoman. You don't get filthy rich by being the President's wife unless you are.

A vote for one is a vote for the other. They are close personal friends with the same beliefs. In fact, Trump is to the left of Clinton.

BS. So who gets your vote? Bernie? Daffy Duck?

  • Donald Trump's Own Precedent For Releasing His Tax Returns While Under Audit
  • Trump Has Previously Released Tax Returns While Being Audited
    CNN: “Trump Has Handed Over Tax Returns In The Midst Of Audits Before.” CNN reported that “Trump has handed over tax returns in the midst of audits before -- to state gambling officials in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, as part of the process of seeking casino licenses in those states,” noting, “At least some of the federal and state tax returns he gave Pennsylvania were the subject of ongoing audits at the time.” CNN reported that though “Trump insists he won't release his tax returns ... because those returns are the subject of ongoing Internal Revenue Service audits ... When he's had casinos on the line, it's been a different story.” From the May 11 CNN report:

    Donald Trump insists he won't release his tax returns during his 2016 presidential run because those returns are the subject of ongoing Internal Revenue Service audits.

    When he's had casinos on the line, it's been a different story.

    Trump has handed over tax returns in the midst of audits before -- to state gambling officials in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, as part of the process of seeking casino licenses in those states.

    The returns haven't been publicly accessible, but they were used by the state investigators who reviewed those applications.


    At least some of the federal and state tax returns he gave Pennsylvania were the subject of ongoing audits at the time. Trump in March released a letter from his attorneys saying that every tax return he's filed since 2002 was audited, and the returns for 2009 and every year since are still the subject of ongoing audits.

    Asked why Trump would share returns that were the subject of ongoing audits with state casino licensing officials, but won't release his tax returns now, spokeswoman Hope Hicks would only say in an email Wednesday: "Mr. Trump has always said that when the routine audit is complete he would release his tax returns." [CNN,

speeches--- tax returns ... same thing, same weight, same BULLSHIT!

RW's are pathetic little creatures ... soooooooooooo simple minded.

Full disclosure of everything about the candidate is fair and what the voters are entitled to see. What exactly is in those Hillary speeches that has you dems so scared? what is in Obama's college records that has you so scared?

I want Trump to release everything, but not unless Hillary releases everything. Full disclosure from everyone. Why does that give you a problem?

speeches given to businesses are irrelevant ... Trump has given plenty of those too. I could give a damn. I just want to see his tax returns same as Clintons ...

Bullshit, disclosure is about letting us know who and what the candidates really are. We already know that Hillary is a liar and that Trump is a shrewd businessman.
And we know Trump is a liar and Hillary is a shrewd businesswoman. You don't get filthy rich by being the President's wife unless you are.

A vote for one is a vote for the other. They are close personal friends with the same beliefs. In fact, Trump is to the left of Clinton.

BS. So who gets your vote? Bernie? Daffy Duck?
John Kasich. And I'm pretty sure I have told you this several times.
Again, why do liberals care so much about other people's money? The party who's members don't pay taxes demands to see someone else's tax returns....that's funny.

As long as he has paid his taxes, that's all we need to know.

And Tyrone doubles-down on the hypocrisy -- Trump conducts interviews with EVERYONE while Hillary refuses to give any. When she does, as we have discovered, she is given the questions in advance and / or tells the interviewer what is and what isn't off limits.
Also funny as hail!
The last three candidates standing are the three most elderly people of the original 20.

The last three candidates standing are the three most liberal people of the original 20.

The last three candidates standing are the three most corrupt people of the original 20.

And Donald Trump's tax returns obviously contain something he wants to hide from his Chumps.

Two words: Clinton foundation.
Two words: Red herring.

Nope. A charity where 90% of the money donated is used to pay "salaries" and "operating expenses" is not a charity, it is a legal way to process bribes------and you are smart enough to know that.
Full disclosure of everything about the candidate is fair and what the voters are entitled to see. What exactly is in those Hillary speeches that has you dems so scared? what is in Obama's college records that has you so scared?

I want Trump to release everything, but not unless Hillary releases everything. Full disclosure from everyone. Why does that give you a problem?

speeches given to businesses are irrelevant ... Trump has given plenty of those too. I could give a damn. I just want to see his tax returns same as Clintons ...

Bullshit, disclosure is about letting us know who and what the candidates really are. We already know that Hillary is a liar and that Trump is a shrewd businessman.
And we know Trump is a liar and Hillary is a shrewd businesswoman. You don't get filthy rich by being the President's wife unless you are.

A vote for one is a vote for the other. They are close personal friends with the same beliefs. In fact, Trump is to the left of Clinton.

BS. So who gets your vote? Bernie? Daffy Duck?
John Kasich. And I'm pretty sure I have told you this several times.

He is no longer running and will not be on the ballot. Are you going to write his name on your wall and call that a vote?
Money to the Clinton foundation drives cons to freak out, but Trump hiding his taxes is no big deal!??

Tax exempt organizations like the Clinton Slush Fund are required to disclose their tax information.

Private citizens are not.

I didn't say he's required . But the guy is running for prez , shouldnt we see who he's financially ties too?

And how is bills post prez charity a slush fund. ??

He has filed the required financial disclosure forms with the FEC. That is all you are entitled to.

As for the Clnton Family Slush Fund......

“It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons,” said Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, a government watchdog group once run by leading progressive Democrat and Fordham Law professor Zephyr Teachout. …

The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid.

On its 2013 tax forms, the most recent available, the foundation claimed it spent $30 million on payroll and employee benefits; $8.7 million in rent and office expenses; $9.2 million on “conferences, conventions and meetings”; $8 million on fundraising; and nearly $8.5 million on travel. None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights paid for by the foundation.

In all, the group reported $84.6 million in “functional expenses” on its 2013 tax return and had more than $64 million left over — money the organization has said represents pledges rather than actual cash on hand.

Government Watchdog Calls Clinton Foundation A "Slush Fund"

It's a slush fund because the Ex prez and his wife fly first class!?! Lol! That's what u got ?

Hey , what's in trumps taxes ?
speeches given to businesses are irrelevant ... Trump has given plenty of those too. I could give a damn. I just want to see his tax returns same as Clintons ...

Bullshit, disclosure is about letting us know who and what the candidates really are. We already know that Hillary is a liar and that Trump is a shrewd businessman.
And we know Trump is a liar and Hillary is a shrewd businesswoman. You don't get filthy rich by being the President's wife unless you are.

A vote for one is a vote for the other. They are close personal friends with the same beliefs. In fact, Trump is to the left of Clinton.

BS. So who gets your vote? Bernie? Daffy Duck?
John Kasich. And I'm pretty sure I have told you this several times.

He is no longer running and will not be on the ballot. Are you going to write his name on your wall and call that a vote?
I am going to write his name in on my ballot.

I'm not an unprincipled person like yourself who votes for the lesser of two evils while trying not to notice you are still voting for evil.
Again, why do liberals care so much about other people's money? The party who's members don't pay taxes demands to see someone else's tax returns....that's funny.

As long as he has paid his taxes, that's all we need to know.

And Tyrone doubles-down on the hypocrisy -- Trump conducts interviews with EVERYONE while Hillary refuses to give any. When she does, as we have discovered, she is given the questions in advance and / or tells the interviewer what is and what isn't off limits.
Also funny as hail!
you just trust him with your little heart don't spite of his documented record of being a sneaky hustler lol
Bullshit, disclosure is about letting us know who and what the candidates really are. We already know that Hillary is a liar and that Trump is a shrewd businessman.
And we know Trump is a liar and Hillary is a shrewd businesswoman. You don't get filthy rich by being the President's wife unless you are.

A vote for one is a vote for the other. They are close personal friends with the same beliefs. In fact, Trump is to the left of Clinton.

BS. So who gets your vote? Bernie? Daffy Duck?
John Kasich. And I'm pretty sure I have told you this several times.

He is no longer running and will not be on the ballot. Are you going to write his name on your wall and call that a vote?
I am going to write his name in on my ballot.

I'm not an unprincipled person like yourself who votes for the lesser of two evils while trying not to notice you are still voting for evil.

waste your vote if you choose, that is your right.

Yes, in almost every election we end up voting against someone rather than for someone, but in this case, allowing HRC into the whitehouse would be the worst possible result. You think Obama ignored the constitution, just wait to see what hrc would do to it.
But lets put all the returns out there, including the filings of the Clinton foundation----deal?
, a lot of politicians made money from paid speeches -- including speeches to financial institutions -- before becoming presidential candidates. And none of them were hounded so extensively by reporters.

That list includes:

Mike Huckabee

Donald Trump

Ben Carson

Jeb Bush

Carly Fiorina

Mitt Romney

Herman Cain

Newt Gingrich

Rudy Giuliani

Some of those Republicans even gave paid speeches while running for office.

Bottom line: Clinton has released years of tax returns. Trump hasn’t released any.
Trump defenders are being made to look like fools by Trump himself. He is back peddling on the tax returns and calling the "wall" construction a "suggestion. Banning Muslims may not be necessary says Trump now. All the issues that his cult followers have bent down to praise him for will be abandoned as he shifts from getting masses of dummies to give him the nominations to now going after donations from the special interest as he abandons the self-funding lie cultist followed and believed. His populist agenda will adjust and change with the flow of funding.
Well we now know where Camp gets his news from :lol: :lol:

Gotta love the media and those pundits
The data is coming directly from the Trump campaign.
Trump won't release his tax returns. Divert! Divert! Divert! Clintonfoundationbenghaziemail!

What do you expect would be the result if he released his returns? They are probably hundreds of pages and very complicated. Do you expect violations of tax law?

Oh, I get it, new talking points------------------yee haa, new talking points for the dems.
what a pile of steaming bullshit on a cold November morning.
He probably didn't pay taxes. He followed the law (which favors the super rich) but people would be surprised to see how little he pays % relative to the Average American.

Donald Trump Doesn't Plan To Release Any Of His Tax Returns

Will someone like Anonymous please hack him and get this out there.

His fans are these poor duped souls -- they need to see the real Donald. Full disclosure.
TurboTax made a mistake.
Trump is giving his supporters the "Aztec Two step"....and they love it ....they say "Thank you sir and may I please have another"
Trump won't release his tax returns. Divert! Divert! Divert! Clintonfoundationbenghaziemail!

What do you expect would be the result if he released his returns? They are probably hundreds of pages and very complicated. Do you expect violations of tax law?

I expect to see he isn't as charitable as he claims to be. I expect he isn't as rich as he claims to be.

And I would not be surprised to see deductions for donations to the Clinton Foundation, Planned Parenthood, or other left wing causes.

He is obviously hiding something.

Bloomberg View: I Saw Trump's Tax Returns. You Should, Too.
You learn very little from a tax return,” he told Fox News.

Actually, as someone who saw Trump’s federal tax returns about a decade ago as part of a legal action in which he sued me for libel (the suit was later dismissed), I think there probably are some things to be learned from them.

The tax returns my lawyers and I reviewed were sealed, and a court order prevents me from speaking or writing about the specifics of what I saw. I can say that Trump routinely delayed -- for months on end -- producing those documents, and when they finally arrived they were so heavily redacted that they looked like crossword puzzles. The litigation ran on for five years, and during that time we had to petition the court to compel Trump to hand over unredacted versions of the tax returns -- which he ultimately did.


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