Breaking: Trump will not release Tax Returns

Perhaps during the civil suit for fraud against Trump, he will have to provide his tax returns for the years he ran Trump University.
Trump won't release his tax returns. Divert! Divert! Divert! Clintonfoundationbenghaziemail!

What do you expect would be the result if he released his returns? They are probably hundreds of pages and very complicated. Do you expect violations of tax law?

I expect to see he isn't as charitable as he claims to be. I expect he isn't as rich as he claims to be.

And I would not be surprised to see deductions for donations to the Clinton Foundation, Planned Parenthood, or other left wing causes.

He is obviously hiding something.

They are all hiding something, especially Hillary. As I said earlier, I want all of it to come out on both of them-------------ALL of it.
He probably didn't pay taxes. He followed the law (which favors the super rich) but people would be surprised to see how little he pays % relative to the Average American.

Donald Trump Doesn't Plan To Release Any Of His Tax Returns

Will someone like Anonymous please hack him and get this out there.

His fans are these poor duped souls -- they need to see the real Donald. Full disclosure.

So what?

I don't give a rip about his tax returns. I hope he and his attorney took advantage of every single legal "loophole" in our obscene tax code. Just as everyone on this thread did when filling out their tax returns.

Of far more relevance, to you and all other Progressives is what failed Hillary Clinton said to her Wallstreet cabal in her quarter million dollar speeches. If that isn't of paramount importance to you, then you really don't care what she thinks and are simply another Progressive lemming.
Perhaps during the civil suit for fraud against Trump, he will have to provide his tax returns for the years he ran Trump University.

and maybe when Hillary goes to trial for violating federal security laws her Clinton foundation "salary" will be disclosed.

WTF is your point? Do you think the release of Trump's returns would defeat him? Not a chance---------only you left wing assholes give a shit.
Money to the Clinton foundation drives cons to freak out, but Trump hiding his taxes is no big deal!??

Tax exempt organizations like the Clinton Slush Fund are required to disclose their tax information.

Private citizens are not.

I didn't say he's required . But the guy is running for prez , shouldnt we see who he's financially ties too?

And how is bills post prez charity a slush fund. ??

He has filed the required financial disclosure forms with the FEC. That is all you are entitled to.

As for the Clnton Family Slush Fund......

“It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons,” said Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, a government watchdog group once run by leading progressive Democrat and Fordham Law professor Zephyr Teachout. …

The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid.

On its 2013 tax forms, the most recent available, the foundation claimed it spent $30 million on payroll and employee benefits; $8.7 million in rent and office expenses; $9.2 million on “conferences, conventions and meetings”; $8 million on fundraising; and nearly $8.5 million on travel. None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights paid for by the foundation.

In all, the group reported $84.6 million in “functional expenses” on its 2013 tax return and had more than $64 million left over — money the organization has said represents pledges rather than actual cash on hand.

Government Watchdog Calls Clinton Foundation A "Slush Fund"

It's a slush fund because the Ex prez and his wife fly first class!?! Lol! That's what u got ?

Hey , what's in trumps taxes ?
If that is all you gleaned from the dailykos article you are beyond help.
I expect to see he isn't as charitable as he claims to be. I expect he isn't as rich as he claims to be.

And I would not be surprised to see deductions for donations to the Clinton Foundation, Planned Parenthood, or other left wing causes.

He is obviously hiding something.

Bloomberg View: I Saw Trump's Tax Returns. You Should, Too.

here are some general questions that a full release of at least several years of his tax returns might usefully answer:

1) Income: Trump has made the size of his fortune a centerpiece of his presidential campaign, implying that it’s a measure of his success as a businessman. He has also correctly noted that the income shown on his tax returns isn’t a reflection of his total wealth. Even so, income is a basis for assessing some of the foundations of any individual’s wealth -- and would certainly reflect the financial wherewithal of the businesses in which Trump is involved.

After Fortune’s Shawn Tully dug into Trump’s financial disclosures with the Federal Election Commission and an accompanying personal balance sheet his campaign released, he noted in March that Trump “appears to have overstated his income, by a lot, which could be the reason he has so far tried to avoid releasing his returns.” Tully said that Trump apparently boosted his income in the documents by conflating his various businesses’ revenue with his personal income. Trump didn’t respond to Tully’s assessment, but he could clear up all of that by releasing his tax returns.

2) Business Activities: Trump has long claimed that his company, the Trump Organization, employs thousands of people. He has also criticized Fortune 500 companies for operating businesses overseas at the expense of jobs for U.S. workers. Trump’s returns would show how active he and his businesses are globally -- and would help substantiate the actual size and scope of his operation.

3) Charitable Giving: Trump has said that he’s a generous benefactor to a variety of causes -- especially war veterans -- even though it’s been hard to find concrete evidence to support the assertion. Other examples of major philanthropic largess from Trump have also been elusive. Trump could release his tax returns and put the matter to rest.

4) Tax Planning: There’s been global attention focused on the issue of how politicians and the wealthy use tax havens and shell companies to possibly hide parts of their fortunes from authorities. If released, Trump’s returns would make clear whether or not he used such vehicles.

5) Transparency and Accountability: Trump is seeking the most powerful office in the world. Some of the potential conflicts of interest or financial pressures that may arise if he reaches the White House would get an early airing in a release of his tax returns.
REPORT: Trump will not release his tax returns. Every candidate for President of both parties has done so since Nixon, except Gerald Ford.

RUBE: Trump shouldn't release his tax returns until Hillary Clinton provides her body weight all the way back to kindergarten!
REPORT: Trump will not release his tax returns. Every candidate for President of both parties has done so since Nixon, except Gerald Ford.

RUBE: Trump shouldn't release his tax returns until Hillary Clinton provides her body weight all the way back to kindergarten!

The release of financial data on a candidate should be required by law-------------it isn't, did you know that?

Since you are a Kasich supporter and not a Clinton supporter why aren't you using equal condemnation demanding the financials from the Clinton foundation and her wall street dealings? did you forget the commodity deal where she turned 10K into 100K overnight? Oh right, just a lucky guess, nothing fraudulent there!!! WTF is wrong with you?
By the way Romney saying Trump not releasing his tax returns disqualifies him??? What a turncoat talk about your Benedict Arnold's.
Money to the Clinton foundation drives cons to freak out, but Trump hiding his taxes is no big deal!??

Tax exempt organizations like the Clinton Slush Fund are required to disclose their tax information.

Private citizens are not.

I didn't say he's required . But the guy is running for prez , shouldnt we see who he's financially ties too?

And how is bills post prez charity a slush fund. ??

He has filed the required financial disclosure forms with the FEC. That is all you are entitled to.

As for the Clnton Family Slush Fund......

“It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons,” said Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, a government watchdog group once run by leading progressive Democrat and Fordham Law professor Zephyr Teachout. …

The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid.

On its 2013 tax forms, the most recent available, the foundation claimed it spent $30 million on payroll and employee benefits; $8.7 million in rent and office expenses; $9.2 million on “conferences, conventions and meetings”; $8 million on fundraising; and nearly $8.5 million on travel. None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights paid for by the foundation.

In all, the group reported $84.6 million in “functional expenses” on its 2013 tax return and had more than $64 million left over — money the organization has said represents pledges rather than actual cash on hand.

Government Watchdog Calls Clinton Foundation A "Slush Fund"

It's a slush fund because the Ex prez and his wife fly first class!?! Lol! That's what u got ?

Hey , what's in trumps taxes ?
If that is all you gleaned from the dailykos article you are beyond help.

IF you read the DailyKOS, you are already beyond help.
REPORT: Trump will not release his tax returns. Every candidate for President of both parties has done so since Nixon, except Gerald Ford.

RUBE: Trump shouldn't release his tax returns until Hillary Clinton provides her body weight all the way back to kindergarten!

The release of financial data on a candidate should be required by law-------------it isn't, did you know that?

Since you are a Kasich supporter and not a Clinton supporter why aren't you using equal condemnation demanding the financials from the Clinton foundation and her wall street dealings? did you forget the commodity deal where she turned 10K into 100K overnight? Oh right, just a lucky guess, nothing fraudulent there!!! WTF is wrong with you?
Clinton Foundation? No one is asking for the paperwork for Trump's Foundation.

Just. His. Tax. Returns.

Clinton has released decades worth of her past tax returns. Where are Trump's?

Stop moving the goal posts. Stop tossing out red herrings.

Tit for tat.

The tit has released hers. Time for tat to do the same.

He's obviously hiding something.
When you look at the Clintons' tax returns, only their social security numbers and address are blacked out.

I predict when Trump finally releases his, if ever, they will be heavily redacted.
By the way Romney saying Trump not releasing his tax returns disqualifies him??? What a turncoat talk about your Benedict Arnold's.

Sad to say but Mitt Romney is vividly displaying his immense jealousy of Donald Trump winning the nomination. Had Mitt Romney come out as strong and hard on Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama as he is on Donald Trump, he'd have won the election.
By the way Romney saying Trump not releasing his tax returns disqualifies him??? What a turncoat talk about your Benedict Arnold's.
Exposing a left wing invader is not betrayal. Quite the opposite.
lets have em Donnie ..

Hillary AND Bernie made theirs public .... your turn sport.
When you look at the Clintons' tax returns, only their social security numbers and address are blacked out.

I predict when Trump finally releases his, if ever, they will be heavily redacted.

Of far more importance are the tax returns of the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation along with the timeline of major contributions to the foundation and what deals then came to fruition.
When you look at the Clintons' tax returns, only their social security numbers and address are blacked out.

I predict when Trump finally releases his, if ever, they will be heavily redacted.

Of far more importance are the tax returns of the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation along with the timeline of major contributions to the foundation and what deals then came to fruition.

of far more importance is how many offshore bank accounts Cpt. America has hiding ...

cough em up Trump.

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