Breaking: Trump will not release Tax Returns

I just find it funny that people have their panties in a wad over something he's not required to provide.

they are desperately hoping for some earth shattering revelation--------but they wont find one. Taking full advantage of the tax code is not illegal, it is smart and anyone with common sense understands that.

People like Trump have their returns audited every year, If he was cheating we would know about it.

Wonder why the leftists aren't screaming about Sharptons returns since we already know he owes 4.5M in back taxes.

who knows what he's doing? he won't tell anyone.

chances are it's not anything good ... prove me wrong.

the liberal mantra---------guilt by accusation, got it.
If he isn't hiding something, why doesn't he release them?

why doesn't Hillary release the transcripts of her wall street speeches and the financials of the Clinton foundation? What is she hiding? This shit works both ways, dingleberry

She has released 33 years of Tax returns.
Drumpf has released 0.

What is he hiding?
Did Trump even go to college?

He sure doesn't sound like one who did.

He has no requirement to release his returns so the that media fools will go through them and misrepresent some tiny detail.

Tax returns will not decide this election, but the FBI investigation could knock Hillary out of contention before the Dem convention-----------------Biden? Bernie? Fauxahontas? You dems have a very shallow bench and your current leader is a very bad candidate--------------you can thank obozo for destroying the party of Kennedy and Truman.

Damn bitch…you’re really sucking Donald’s cock.
He probably didn't pay taxes. He followed the law (which favors the super rich)

Talk about favoring somebody is that like the 48% of the American people that don't pay any of the $1 trillion a year that the government collects in income tax?

so you think active military personnel and social security recipients should pay taxes?

people earning less than $15,000 a year?

but not exxon/mobil?

not trumpf?

damn, the donald is right to be playing you toons.
Not really.

People who actually want the job release their returns.

Have all of your senators and representatives released theirs? Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Jackson-Lee, the Kennedy's (when they were alive)?

red herring thread.
Name the last person running for that office who did not release their returns?

What are hiding, Donald?

Now you are just being stupid and juvenile. Go away, and worship at your Hillary shrine.

nobody wants Trumps college records or copies of past speeches, just his tax returns Like Clinton and Sanders gave the public ..

past records show who the person is and what they stand for. What Hillary said in those speeches is much more pertinent than how many $ Trump paid in taxes.

But lets release everything on all candidates--------you OK with that? Not just tax returns, everything, contributions, speeches, college records, past work records, everything! But everyone has to comply.

Speeches mean nothing.

Official reports to the Federal Government are just that, official reports you can’t shade, lie about, or spin. If the document says you made 200,000 dollars, you made 200,000 dollars.
That's what we want to know!
Well, you apparently know that he is hiding something. Since you know this, why don't you just tell us if you're so sure?
If he wasn't hiding something, he would release his tax returns. Just like every candidate since 1976 has done.
He seems to understand that it's not required, so why do it. I realize you're losing sleep not knowing what's in his taxes, but aren't there bigger things to worry about?


You seem to be quite concerned as much as you’re posting on the subject.
I just find it funny that people have their panties in a wad over something he's not required to provide.

I find it strange that you still trust the guy after all of the flip flops, half truths, lies, and deceit.
On a document where he HAS TO—BY FEDERAL LAW—TELL THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH….you say you don’t need to see it????

I hope he gave you some good knee pads, you’re on them 24/7 servicing him

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