Breaking: Trump will not release Tax Returns

If Trump releases his tax returns on November 30, and they show years of donations to Planned Parenthood, I bet his Chumps will say they don't care. It doesn't matter.

It's all about the Mexicans and Muslims for Trump's Chumps, folks. That's it.
No Rube5000 that is what is about for fake conservatives like you.

YOU are the kind of establishment twat that the GOP voters are rejecting. Your half-a-fag candidate Kasich went 1 for 45. We rejected him. We reject you.
It is just as I said. The GOP allowed itself to be infected by the racist rats like yourself who were lured out of the Democratic village and into the Republican village in order to gain electoral power in the conservative South.

It worked for them to keeping nurturing and feeding you rats as long as they got to hold onto power.

But now it is time to pay the piper, and Donald Trump is here to collect.
Money to the Clinton foundation drives cons to freak out, but Trump hiding his taxes is no big deal!??
If Trump releases his tax returns on November 30, and they show years of donations to Planned Parenthood, I bet his Chumps will say they don't care. It doesn't matter.

It's all about the Mexicans and Muslims for Trump's Chumps, folks. That's it.
No Rube5000 that is what is about for fake conservatives like you.

YOU are the kind of establishment twat that the GOP voters are rejecting. Your half-a-fag candidate Kasich went 1 for 45. We rejected him. We reject you.
It is just as I said. The GOP allowed itself to be infected by the racist rats like yourself who were lured out of the Democratic village and into the Republican village in order to gain electoral power in the conservative South.

It worked for them to keeping nurturing and feeding you rats as long as they got to hold onto power.

But now it is time to pay the piper, and Donald Trump is here to collect.

You're living in some fantasy world of non sequiturs and racist boogeymen.

Uh Oh: Trump Named In The Panama Papers 3,540 Times!

Telesur reports that Herr Trump’s name is linked to a whopping 32 offshore companies, including the Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower in Panama. Yikes.

His name appears 3,540 times in the database, but we should note that this doesn’t mean he was directly involved, as his name and branding has been sold to other investors.
Money to the Clinton foundation drives cons to freak out, but Trump hiding his taxes is no big deal!??

Tax exempt organizations like the Clinton Slush Fund are required to disclose their tax information.

Private citizens are not.

I didn't say he's required . But the guy is running for prez , shouldnt we see who he's financially ties too?

And how is bills post prez charity a slush fund. ??
Presidents normally do not have to show their Birth Certificates UNLESS they are Black...then they have to prove they are American ............
Trump defenders are being made to look like fools by Trump himself. He is back peddling on the tax returns and calling the "wall" construction a "suggestion. Banning Muslims may not be necessary says Trump now. All the issues that his cult followers have bent down to praise him for will be abandoned as he shifts from getting masses of dummies to give him the nominations to now going after donations from the special interest as he abandons the self-funding lie cultist followed and believed. His populist agenda will adjust and change with the flow of funding.
If Trump releases his tax returns on November 30, and they show years of donations to Planned Parenthood, I bet his Chumps will say they don't care. It doesn't matter.

It's all about the Mexicans and Muslims for Trump's Chumps, folks. That's it.
No Rube5000 that is what is about for fake conservatives like you.

YOU are the kind of establishment twat that the GOP voters are rejecting. Your half-a-fag candidate Kasich went 1 for 45. We rejected him. We reject you.
It is just as I said. The GOP allowed itself to be infected by the racist rats like yourself who were lured out of the Democratic village and into the Republican village in order to gain electoral power in the conservative South.

It worked for them to keeping nurturing and feeding you rats as long as they got to hold onto power.

But now it is time to pay the piper, and Donald Trump is here to collect.

You're living in some fantasy world of non sequiturs and racist boogeymen.

There is no other explanation for how a far left liberal could change his voter registration to Republican and then capture the GOP nomination.

You Chumps clearly don't care he does not subscribe to a single Republican or conservative cause. You only care about his anti-Mexican and anti-Muslim rants.

That's. It.
Money to the Clinton foundation drives cons to freak out, but Trump hiding his taxes is no big deal!??

Tax exempt organizations like the Clinton Slush Fund are required to disclose their tax information.

Private citizens are not.

I didn't say he's required . But the guy is running for prez , shouldnt we see who he's financially ties too?

And how is bills post prez charity a slush fund. ??

He has filed the required financial disclosure forms with the FEC. That is all you are entitled to.

As for the Clnton Family Slush Fund......

“It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons,” said Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, a government watchdog group once run by leading progressive Democrat and Fordham Law professor Zephyr Teachout. …

The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid.

On its 2013 tax forms, the most recent available, the foundation claimed it spent $30 million on payroll and employee benefits; $8.7 million in rent and office expenses; $9.2 million on “conferences, conventions and meetings”; $8 million on fundraising; and nearly $8.5 million on travel. None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights paid for by the foundation.

In all, the group reported $84.6 million in “functional expenses” on its 2013 tax return and had more than $64 million left over — money the organization has said represents pledges rather than actual cash on hand.

Government Watchdog Calls Clinton Foundation A "Slush Fund"
Trump defenders are being made to look like fools by Trump himself. He is back peddling on the tax returns and calling the "wall" construction a "suggestion. Banning Muslims may not be necessary says Trump now. All the issues that his cult followers have bent down to praise him for will be abandoned as he shifts from getting masses of dummies to give him the nominations to now going after donations from the special interest as he abandons the self-funding lie cultist followed and believed. His populist agenda will adjust and change with the flow of funding.
Well we now know where Camp gets his news from :lol: :lol:

Gotta love the media and those pundits
If Trump releases his tax returns on November 30, and they show years of donations to Planned Parenthood, I bet his Chumps will say they don't care. It doesn't matter.

It's all about the Mexicans and Muslims for Trump's Chumps, folks. That's it.
No Rube5000 that is what is about for fake conservatives like you.

YOU are the kind of establishment twat that the GOP voters are rejecting. Your half-a-fag candidate Kasich went 1 for 45. We rejected him. We reject you.
It is just as I said. The GOP allowed itself to be infected by the racist rats like yourself who were lured out of the Democratic village and into the Republican village in order to gain electoral power in the conservative South.

It worked for them to keeping nurturing and feeding you rats as long as they got to hold onto power.

But now it is time to pay the piper, and Donald Trump is here to collect.

You're living in some fantasy world of non sequiturs and racist boogeymen.

There is no other explanation for how a far left liberal could change his voter registration to Republican and then capture the GOP nomination.

You Chumps clearly don't care he does not subscribe to a single Republican or conservative cause. You only care about his anti-Mexican and anti-Muslim rants.

That's. It.

You and your crackpot conspiracy theories have been rejected.
If Trump releases his tax returns on November 30, and they show years of donations to Planned Parenthood, I bet his Chumps will say they don't care. It doesn't matter.

It's all about the Mexicans and Muslims for Trump's Chumps, folks. That's it.
No Rube5000 that is what is about for fake conservatives like you.

YOU are the kind of establishment twat that the GOP voters are rejecting. Your half-a-fag candidate Kasich went 1 for 45. We rejected him. We reject you.
It is just as I said. The GOP allowed itself to be infected by the racist rats like yourself who were lured out of the Democratic village and into the Republican village in order to gain electoral power in the conservative South.

It worked for them to keeping nurturing and feeding you rats as long as they got to hold onto power.

But now it is time to pay the piper, and Donald Trump is here to collect.

You're living in some fantasy world of non sequiturs and racist boogeymen.

There is no other explanation for how a far left liberal could change his voter registration to Republican and then capture the GOP nomination.

You Chumps clearly don't care he does not subscribe to a single Republican or conservative cause. You only care about his anti-Mexican and anti-Muslim rants.

That's. It.

You and your crackpot conspiracy theories have been rejected.
I have indisputably documented every one of Trump's liberal beliefs. You will have a lot of explaining to do to your children one day when they ask you why you supported such an obvious far left liberal.
The last three candidates standing are the three most elderly people of the original 20.

The last three candidates standing are the three most liberal people of the original 20.

The last three candidates standing are the three most corrupt people of the original 20.

And Donald Trump's tax returns obviously contain something he wants to hide from his Chumps.
No Rube5000 that is what is about for fake conservatives like you.

YOU are the kind of establishment twat that the GOP voters are rejecting. Your half-a-fag candidate Kasich went 1 for 45. We rejected him. We reject you.
It is just as I said. The GOP allowed itself to be infected by the racist rats like yourself who were lured out of the Democratic village and into the Republican village in order to gain electoral power in the conservative South.

It worked for them to keeping nurturing and feeding you rats as long as they got to hold onto power.

But now it is time to pay the piper, and Donald Trump is here to collect.

You're living in some fantasy world of non sequiturs and racist boogeymen.

There is no other explanation for how a far left liberal could change his voter registration to Republican and then capture the GOP nomination.

You Chumps clearly don't care he does not subscribe to a single Republican or conservative cause. You only care about his anti-Mexican and anti-Muslim rants.

That's. It.

You and your crackpot conspiracy theories have been rejected.
I have indisputably documented every one of Trump's liberal beliefs. You will have a lot of explaining to do to your children one day when they ask you why you supported such an obvious far left liberal.

[URL='']How Trump Avoids Hard Questions

Todd Gitlin
: “Early in this campaign season, Sunday morning network news hosts granted Trump the special prerogative of phoning in for interviews, off camera, making it impossible to know, in real time, if he was consulting notes or advisers during interviews. And because of an early polling lead based in large measure on his near-universal name recognition, Trump was center-stage getting most of the air time during every GOP primary debate.”

“In those debates, and in interviews, Trump regularly runs circles around interviewers because they pare their follow-up questions down to a minimum, or none at all. After 30-plus years in the media spotlight, he knows how to wait out an interviewer, offering noncommittal soundbites and incoherent rejoinders until he hears the phrase, ‘let’s move on.’ He takes advantage of the slipshod, shallow techniques journalism has made routine, particularly on TV — techniques that, in the past, were sufficient to trip up less-media-savvy candidates — but that Trump knows how to sidestep.”
Mitt Romney isn't running.....when he does, make sure you let him know.
That was from 2012. Mitt Romney ran in 2012. It was in all the papers.

And he released his tax returns.

Goddam, you get dumber every day!

Trump is hiding something. Obviously.

so does Hillary, what's your point. all politicians have things to hide.

I am for full disclosure, but it has to apply to everyone, not just Trump.

speeches--- tax returns ... same thing, same weight, same BULLSHIT!

RW's are pathetic little creatures ... soooooooooooo simple minded.

Full disclosure of everything about the candidate is fair and what the voters are entitled to see. What exactly is in those Hillary speeches that has you dems so scared? what is in Obama's college records that has you so scared?

I want Trump to release everything, but not unless Hillary releases everything. Full disclosure from everyone. Why does that give you a problem?

speeches given to businesses are irrelevant ... Trump has given plenty of those too. I could give a damn. I just want to see his tax returns same as Clintons ...

Bullshit, disclosure is about letting us know who and what the candidates really are. We already know that Hillary is a liar and that Trump is a shrewd businessman.

But lets put all the returns out there, including the filings of the Clinton foundation----deal?
Why should he release them and give the corrupt left wing media and the corrupt DNC hundreds of pages to lie about?

The tax returns of someone like Trump are huge and very complicated. We all know that the dems would find some tiny items and misinterpret and lie about them.

But, having said that, if I was Trump I would agree to release them when Obama released his college records and Hillary released her speeches to Wall Street and explains what she promised them in exchange for 650K speaking fees.
His returns are what they are

Trump certifies what his income is and what deductions he is taking. Obama has provided ten years worth of returns. Trump will not release one.
Trump has refused to release his college records even though he demanded the same from Obama
Trump also refuses to release his private speeches and emails

did you bother to read my post? I said he should release them when Hillary releases her wall street speeches and Obama releases his college records. Its called tit for tat.
Nope. That's apples and oranges. Also called moving the goalposts.

Tit for tat is tax returns for tax returns.

The tit has released decades of her tax returns.

Time for tat to do the same.

He's obviously hiding something.
And people are going to be asking just what is he hiding over, and over, and over again, including during the debates. That should make for some seriously fun soundbites.

Not as great as the ones asking why only 10% of the money "donated" to the Clinton foundation went to needy people.
That was from 2012. Mitt Romney ran in 2012. It was in all the papers.

And he released his tax returns.

Goddam, you get dumber every day!

Trump is hiding something. Obviously.

so does Hillary, what's your point. all politicians have things to hide.

I am for full disclosure, but it has to apply to everyone, not just Trump.

speeches--- tax returns ... same thing, same weight, same BULLSHIT!

RW's are pathetic little creatures ... soooooooooooo simple minded.

Full disclosure of everything about the candidate is fair and what the voters are entitled to see. What exactly is in those Hillary speeches that has you dems so scared? what is in Obama's college records that has you so scared?

I want Trump to release everything, but not unless Hillary releases everything. Full disclosure from everyone. Why does that give you a problem?

speeches given to businesses are irrelevant ... Trump has given plenty of those too. I could give a damn. I just want to see his tax returns same as Clintons ...

Bullshit, disclosure is about letting us know who and what the candidates really are. We already know that Hillary is a liar and that Trump is a shrewd businessman.
And we know Trump is a liar and Hillary is a shrewd businesswoman. You don't get filthy rich by being the President's wife unless you are.

A vote for one is a vote for the other. They are close personal friends with the same beliefs. In fact, Trump is to the left of Clinton.
The last three candidates standing are the three most elderly people of the original 20.

The last three candidates standing are the three most liberal people of the original 20.

The last three candidates standing are the three most corrupt people of the original 20.

And Donald Trump's tax returns obviously contain something he wants to hide from his Chumps.

Two words: Clinton foundation.

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