Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
Family who lives there is all accounted for. They're just bewildered as to what to do.
I'm trying to find the people from my office. So far not everyone is accounted for yet.

London police are recommending running and hiding.
The time for running and hiding is over. It's time to fight back!

Well, A country could Start by closing all Mosque within its' borders. Ban the Koran and Burka. Simply declare islam is NOT a religion. It is a cult used for political takeover. A Criminal Terrorist organization. Almost Like the DNC? Maybe they will then leave to move to ME countries? If not .............. jail them if found to practice cult in public or organized gatherings. step 1. Or let your Children become Lebanon.

I have a religion too. Church of Golf. Several meetings a week. I am more religious than islam. I don't want you to convert. Can I be tax-exempt also? Where does the IRS draw the line? The religion of shopping?

It's always fascinating to see how people like you and those who agree with you are so willing to take away the rights and freedoms of other people who have done nothing wrong.

Maybe some day some people will decide your religion...isn't. And you can be jailed for practicing it, or gathering with fellow believers, or having scripture....oh wait. That's been done before hasn't it?

And this is exactly what ISIS is aiming for. More blood, more innocent bodies, more religious division and persecutions and Armegeddon and you'll play right in to it.
None of us do. Don't lie to yourself. None of us care to do anything unless it affects us personally. If that weren't true, we would have done something after Sandy Hook.....after Charleston...after Oklahoma City.

I realize that s a sociopath, you simply cannot imagine others being anything but a sociopath as well.

OBVIOUSLY, you do not care unless it affects you personally. That is the whole problem with you terrorist defenders
Ah...and now you call someone who is honest enough to admit to human nature over tragedies a sociopaht. Actually, you are portraying more sociapathic behavior than I am at the moment.

You are as confused as to the meaning of terms as you are about everything else.

Have you ever considered education, little terrorist apologist?
And there you go again....calling someone a "little terrorist apologist" because they don't run around screaming in fear like you are doing. At least I'm not triggered as easily as you are.
Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist.
But yet we are still told to remain indoors during a thunderstorm.

It's not because there is a certainty of being struck by lightning, but because there's a danger.

The same concept goes for terrorism.

Brilliant! You cherry picked his comment.
How can I cherry pick something that's already been cherrypicked?
Libs are sucidal for wanting to let more muslims in this country
Lefties are insane. For that reason alone, they should not be allowed to vote.
There you have today's #RussianW trumpette. Advocating going against the 1st Amendment and also advocating taking the vote away from people who don't vote like trumpettes do.
Insane people aren't granted certain privileges. Voting being among them.
Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist.
But yet we are still told to remain indoors during a thunderstorm.

It's not because there is a certainty of being struck by lightning, but because there's a danger.

The same concept goes for terrorism.

Brilliant! You cherry picked his comment.
How can I cherry pick something that's already been cherrypicked?

Derp. Derp.
As usual the liberal trolls try to minimize terrorist attacks..........

typical.............and as expected.
Witness: Truck driver in Texas crash that killed 13 was texting

Thank goodness you didn't minimize this horrible event.
When you figure out an accident versus a planned attack......get back to me.
Both are tragedies....both have victims....and we have a heck of a lot more texters out there on our roads even tho it's against the law. Are you quivering in fear over them?
I just wet myself...............make you feel better.................hmmmmm

Again figure out the difference and get back to me.
Causes are different...results much the same....with being killed in a road accident is much more likely. Doesn't that terrify you to the point of either not wanting to get on the road or shut all driving down?
If you want to discuss vehicle accidents and accidents caused by texting............then I suggest you start a thread about it.

Current discussion is terror attacks in London................Perhaps you missed that.
This is reaching a boiling point. If this keeps going there will be a backlash
This is the third terror attack in the UK since March.

Not bad huh?

The globalists, open borders, Islamic loving terrorists European leaders must be proud. :mad-61:
^ another one celebrating.
Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist.
But yet we are still told to remain indoors during a thunderstorm.

It's not because there is a certainty of being struck by lightning, but because there's a danger.

The same concept goes for terrorism.

Brilliant! You cherry picked his comment.
How can I cherry pick something that's already been cherrypicked?

Derp. Derp.
We're done talking. Troll.
Until the leadership of the UK gets serious,Planet picks these Mother'fers up, loads them on C-130s and dumps them from 30,000 feet, then Nukes the pile... this shit will continue.

maximum-effective-range-ofthoughts-and-prayers-zero-fuckingmeters-13571136.png are volunteering for the military to help accomplish this on the front lines?
Libs are sucidal for wanting to let more muslims in this country
Lefties are insane. For that reason alone, they should not be allowed to vote.
There you have today's #RussianW trumpette. Advocating going against the 1st Amendment and also advocating taking the vote away from people who don't vote like trumpettes do.
Insane people aren't granted certain privileges. Voting being among them.
And let me say that liberals are insane....based on your expertise in the field.
I'm not the one shivering under my, scratch that.....shivering and looking for muslim terrorists under my bed.

So, THAT'S why you don't care how many innocent people have to die as long as it isn't you.

That makes you sound so very brave.
Ah. The usual Appeal to Emotion fallacy so popular with rubes and demagogues.


Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist. And many thousands more likely to be killed by a friend or relative. Better cancel your Thanksgiving plans!

Using your own TardLogic, you should never leave the house, pants shitter!

You bigots need to man up and walk upright.


Support Islamic terrorism or be called a bigot.

My goodness, you are stupid.
No one here is supporting islamic terrorism. But there are some here supporting flushing our Bill of Rights down the toilet because they are terrified.

Witness: Truck driver in Texas crash that killed 13 was texting

Thank goodness you didn't minimize this horrible event.
When you figure out an accident versus a planned attack......get back to me.
Both are tragedies....both have victims....and we have a heck of a lot more texters out there on our roads even tho it's against the law. Are you quivering in fear over them?
I just wet myself...............make you feel better.................hmmmmm

Again figure out the difference and get back to me.
Causes are different...results much the same....with being killed in a road accident is much more likely. Doesn't that terrify you to the point of either not wanting to get on the road or shut all driving down?
If you want to discuss vehicle accidents and accidents caused by texting............then I suggest you start a thread about it.

Current discussion is terror attacks in London................Perhaps you missed that.
We are talking about the dangers of attacks, are we not? Why are you not MORE terrified of the LARGER danger on our streets and freeways every day? Why doesn't that GREATER danger make you want to give up all your civil rights even faster?
The First was written for US citizens, not for the world.
One of their most ardent and steadfast supporters here even has the audacity to talk about compassion in her siggy line.

and the terrorist supporter has now confirmed her identity.
"Terrorist supporter", eh? That label covers everyone who doesn't agree with you on trashing the 1st Amendment, doesn't it?
What about the US citizens who are Muslim?
Libs are sucidal for wanting to let more muslims in this country
Lefties are insane. For that reason alone, they should not be allowed to vote.
There you have today's #RussianW trumpette. Advocating going against the 1st Amendment and also advocating taking the vote away from people who don't vote like trumpettes do.
Insane people aren't granted certain privileges. Voting being among them.
And let me say that liberals are insane....based on your expertise in the field.
Yes. I Iive and work amongst mostly lefties.

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