Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
The problem with this approach is that we have NOT DECLARED WAR on anyone since WWII..............and it would require a Declaration of War against Terrorist Groups and or Radical Islam...............

Which is a serious legal problem when we fight a War against entities and not a Nation..............Since the Terrorist don't assign themselves as fighting for or as a country.................

Which places us back in the same boat on how to deal with Radical elements within our society that are now preaching and recruiting Radical elements to basically attack us from within.....................the NSA..........CIA............FBI....................etc..............have reported radical elements within our society but have no LEGAL recourse to do anything other than monitor these groups.............they have to prove an intent to do crime.........or wait until the crime is committed to do anything...........but they do monitor these groups and apprehend many before they can cause damage...............They can't stop them all though.
What what do you propose that would be legal and not effect the rights and liberties of innocent people? You can't declare war on a belief or idea.

No? You really think that can't be done?

It can. I'm not saying I hope it will be, but the possibility is there.
Serious question here.

How would you go about banning Islam from America without violating the Constitution? Specifics if you please.
You can't, because it would be a clear violation of the Constitution. Which is why I voted No. Might surprise some here, but it is not the answer.

You don't have a lot of options against what is going on globally..........And this is a Global Problem.........Terror attacks are increasing in all areas of the World as the world tries to attack the tentacles of a Hydra.........A reactionary strategy versus a proactive strategy...........Nations will eventually be forced to start raiding, arresting, and/or deporting radical elements or those preaching it within their borders...........Which would include Mosques which will inflame even more trending to the Dark Side of Radical Islam. It will take us down the road of the slippery slope of Sedition Laws............which could backfire on us.............But the increasing number of attacks may very well FORCE US THERE.............

In regards to those Muslims who lived near the attackers............who knew they might be a not turning them in are they not aiding and abetting in a crime.................which might mean starting to charge those who refuse to turn in Radicals with a Crime................

This is all dangerous territory.........but the attacks continue......we may very well have to go down this slippery slope.


We are approaching a regional War in the Middle East to end the Caliphate.............Which will only happen after enough have died to say "enough's enough.
That is an extremely dangerous precedent to set. Stalinist even.
What what do you propose that would be legal and not effect the rights and liberties of innocent people? You can't declare war on a belief or idea.

Really? We declared war on Nazism and won. Of course we didn't have as many traitors in our midst at that time.
The problem with this approach is that we have NOT DECLARED WAR on anyone since WWII..............and it would require a Declaration of War against Terrorist Groups and or Radical Islam...............

Which is a serious legal problem when we fight a War against entities and not a Nation..............Since the Terrorist don't assign themselves as fighting for or as a country.................

Which places us back in the same boat on how to deal with Radical elements within our society that are now preaching and recruiting Radical elements to basically attack us from within.....................the NSA..........CIA............FBI....................etc..............have reported radical elements within our society but have no LEGAL recourse to do anything other than monitor these groups.............they have to prove an intent to do crime.........or wait until the crime is committed to do anything...........but they do monitor these groups and apprehend many before they can cause damage...............They can't stop them all though.
What what do you propose that would be legal and not effect the rights and liberties of innocent people? You can't declare war on a belief or idea.

No? You really think that can't be done?

It can. I'm not saying I hope it will be, but the possibility is there.
I would fight it and I hope you would. Attacking the rights and freedoms of one faith means opening the door to all if the political climate shifts.

It's like free speech. Even groups like the kkk should have their rights protected.
What what do you propose that would be legal and not effect the rights and liberties of innocent people? You can't declare war on a belief or idea.

Really? We declared war on Nazism and won. Of course we didn't have as many traitors in our midst at that time.
We declared war on Germany and Japan.
Are you being serious?
Are you?
Any form of worshipping can be called religion.
Can we make laws against Quetzalcoatl worshipers who believe in sacrificing virgins to their God?
Just because they call it a religion doesn't make it fall under the definition of the word religion as it pertains to in the constitution.
I doubt any of our fathers considered Satanism a religion.

Oh, but now you get to determine what is or isn't a religion?

Such arrogance.
It isn't a religion if it causes people to turn into mass murdering suicidal zombies.

Then what were the Crusaders? Are we really going to play this game?
Here we go with the Crusades. Your Leftie toolbox is so typical and predictable. The Crusaders were trying to repel the Islamic invaders, and it happened over 700 years ago. We don't have Christians beheading non Christians all over the world while hollering "Jesus is great" do we?
The Crusaders were from the Levant?
the Brits have a golden opportunity here to rise up and begin the extermination of Islam in they're country. that will force the Government into two problems. time for talk is over. for the sake of you're women and children rise and strike. leave no survivors
When are you going over to help them?
We declared war on Germany.

Yes, and we also declared war on Fascism, to eradicate it wherever it existed. When we defeated Germany, we OUTLAWED Nazism in all of Europe. We CRUSHED the religion of Nazism, stomped it out of existence.

(Until it returned under George Soros and his democrats in the 2000's)

We can end the Caliphate, but we have to have the will to do so, One of our major problems is those like you who are on the side of the enemy. In WWII, most people wanted America to succeed; but the Soros Reich want's America to fail, so you side with our enemies wherever and whoever they are.
the Brits have a golden opportunity here to rise up and begin the extermination of Islam in they're country. that will force the Government into two problems. time for talk is over. for the sake of you're women and children rise and strike. leave no survivors

The Mayor of London is a Muslim. I doubt the Brits have the courage to take their Island back.
Serious question here.

How would you go about banning Islam from America without violating the Constitution? Specifics if you please.
You can't, because it would be a clear violation of the Constitution. Which is why I voted No. Might surprise some here, but it is not the answer.

You don't have a lot of options against what is going on globally..........And this is a Global Problem.........Terror attacks are increasing in all areas of the World as the world tries to attack the tentacles of a Hydra.........A reactionary strategy versus a proactive strategy...........Nations will eventually be forced to start raiding, arresting, and/or deporting radical elements or those preaching it within their borders...........Which would include Mosques which will inflame even more trending to the Dark Side of Radical Islam. It will take us down the road of the slippery slope of Sedition Laws............which could backfire on us.............But the increasing number of attacks may very well FORCE US THERE.............

In regards to those Muslims who lived near the attackers............who knew they might be a not turning them in are they not aiding and abetting in a crime.................which might mean starting to charge those who refuse to turn in Radicals with a Crime................

This is all dangerous territory.........but the attacks continue......we may very well have to go down this slippery slope.


We are approaching a regional War in the Middle East to end the Caliphate.............Which will only happen after enough have died to say "enough's enough.
That is an extremely dangerous precedent to set. Stalinist even.

Nothing we could do. Nothing at all. Give them space to vent, like BALT BLM riots. Yawn. Another day.
Polls on American muslims show their views are in line with most other American religious groups in terms of homosexuals, women's rights and violence. In fact in one poll evangelicals had a rate of support for saying that targeting civilians could sometimes be justified.

People are scared and that fear is driving them to call for things that are outright unamerican.
We declared war on Germany.

Yes, and we also declared war on Fascism, to eradicate it wherever it existed. When we defeated Germany, we OUTLAWED Nazism in all of Europe. We CRUSHED the religion of Nazism, stomped it out of existence.

(Until it returned under George Soros and his democrats in the 2000's)

We can end the Caliphate, but we have to have the will to do so, One of our major problems is those like you who are on the side of the enemy. In WWII, most people wanted America to succeed; but the Soros Reich want's America to fail, so you side with our enemies wherever and whoever they are.
Nazism was a political and racial ideology.

Why do you folks keep trying to redefine stuff? Do you think it's going to magically change it?
the Brits have a golden opportunity here to rise up and begin the extermination of Islam in they're country. that will force the Government into two problems. time for talk is over. for the sake of you're women and children rise and strike. leave no survivors

The Mayor of London is a Muslim. I doubt the Brits have the courage to take their Island back.
He was democratically elected.
Scary....threatening people because they support the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the 1st Amendment. Such a tough guy you are. :lol:

When have you ever supported the Constitution or Bill of Rights? You went into the service because it was the only way you could make a living outside of prison. But in all the years I've been at USMB I have never seen anything but contempt and hatred of the Constitution by you.

Oh, and the ones who are threatening people to crush the 1st are you Nazicrats.


You Nazis doing a Kristalnacht to silence MIlo


You Nazis doing a Kristalnacht to silence Ann Coulter

You Nazis DO LOVE your Kristalnachts.

All Muslims in Japan are under surveillance:
Japan has ruled to spy on all Muslims – after living there, this is no surprise

There is no such thing as a foreign Muslim citizen of Japan, the only Muslim citizens of Japan are converts, death to Islam, Je Suis Breivik! are recommending that all muslims be put under surveillance....put listening devices in homes....places of business...mosques...?

That's what needs to be done. I bet more than 50% of the mosques in America get closed. throw away the Bill of Rights with both shaking hands.


18 U.S. Code § 2331 - Definitions

"involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;"

Perfectly legal. They don't even have to know they're being monitored.
Why do you want people to shut up? Can't handle debate? Does that frighten you too?

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