BREAKING: White House Admits Democrats Will Lose the Senate

By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | April 10th, 2014

Put another way, Kathleen Sebelius has resigned and “Senior Administration Officials” are telling the media it is because of

Dare we hope? Not a direct quote from anyone so I wonder at the source. From BREAKING: White House Admits Democrats Will Lose the Senate | RedState :eusa_clap:

Which is why you folks are working overtime to suppress the vote.



So far, the only DOCUMENTED vote suppression has been from the Democrat side.:eusa_whistle:
Yep. And the DEMOCRATS balk at VOTER ID...while ID is REQUIRED in every other function of life in PUBLIC.

It's so transparent.
Which is why you folks are working overtime to suppress the vote.



So far, the only DOCUMENTED vote suppression has been from the Democrat side.:eusa_whistle:
Yep. And the DEMOCRATS balk at VOTER ID...while ID is REQUIRED in every other function of life in PUBLIC.

It's so transparent.

Hell, you can't get into a Democrat meet and greet without a picture ID. If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for the country.
Which is why you folks are working overtime to suppress the vote.



So far, the only DOCUMENTED vote suppression has been from the Democrat side.:eusa_whistle:
Yep. And the DEMOCRATS balk at VOTER ID...while ID is REQUIRED in every other function of life in PUBLIC.

It's so transparent.

I'm FOR voter ID. And I am a Democrat. And I have written that here in USMB at least 10 times now.

It just needs to be a system that is cost-effective and doesn't put up barriers.

DL alone is not a good system. Many elderly people who have been voting the last 50 or 60 years no longer drive.

A lot of people do not have birth certificates. They should, however, get a copy of theirs.

Their should be a national system that is clean and easy to use. The best system, the one that all the other civilized nations in the 1st world use, is a national id card and that plastic card is absolutely identical to the plastic card that is the id card of a passport. So, Americans get their national id and apply for a passport all at once. Not hard at all.
By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | April 10th, 2014

Put another way, Kathleen Sebelius has resigned and “Senior Administration Officials” are telling the media it is because of

Dare we hope? Not a direct quote from anyone so I wonder at the source. From BREAKING: White House Admits Democrats Will Lose the Senate | RedState :eusa_clap:

Yeah..........sure.................we should take as gospel some blog on a website called Red State, which in it's "About Us" section states firmly that they are right of center conservatives.

Nope................sorry...............but if a Democrat wants to win, all they have to do is start campaigning on the ACA (aka Obamacare), and let people know that they are getting better health care for a cheaper price.

Also, the Dems should start asking the people if they think that raising the minimum wage is a good idea. 76 percent of this country thinks it is, and if they would combine the fact that healthcare is more affordable, as well as reiterate their desire to raise the minimum wage, they should win quite handily, as the Republicans have voiced repeated resistance to both positions.

Nope..................I see the GOP losing more of the Senate, and possibly losing control of the House in this next election.
By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | April 10th, 2014

Put another way, Kathleen Sebelius has resigned and “Senior Administration Officials” are telling the media it is because of

Dare we hope? Not a direct quote from anyone so I wonder at the source. From BREAKING: White House Admits Democrats Will Lose the Senate | RedState :eusa_clap:

Almost like Romney will win in a landslide you kooks claimed last election

Well excuse the hell out of us for having more faith in our fellow Americans than they deserve.

not faith in your fellow americans... in your propaganda.... that bore no relationship to the actual numbers....

because the radical right only wants to hear what it wants to hear and not anything that's true.
Fail. No one has admitted anything. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know they threw her under the bus.
By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | April 10th, 2014

Put another way, Kathleen Sebelius has resigned and “Senior Administration Officials” are telling the media it is because of

Dare we hope? Not a direct quote from anyone so I wonder at the source. From BREAKING: White House Admits Democrats Will Lose the Senate | RedState :eusa_clap:

Yeah..........sure.................we should take as gospel some blog on a website called Red State, which in it's "About Us" section states firmly that they are right of center conservatives.

Nope................sorry...............but if a Democrat wants to win, all they have to do is start campaigning on the ACA (aka Obamacare), and let people know that they are getting better health care for a cheaper price.

Also, the Dems should start asking the people if they think that raising the minimum wage is a good idea. 76 percent of this country thinks it is, and if they would combine the fact that healthcare is more affordable, as well as reiterate their desire to raise the minimum wage, they should win quite handily, as the Republicans have voiced repeated resistance to both positions.

Nope..................I see the GOP losing more of the Senate, and possibly losing control of the House in this next election.

As much as I wish I could agree with you and say this is going to happen, this is extremely unlikely. Electoral history stands on the side of the GOP in this election. The reasons for this are all laid out here:

I did this in January when very few people were thinking about the mid-terms at all. I recommend that you check out the thread.

The probability, regardless of the issues of the day, is extremely high that the GOP maintains the HOR and probably increases it's margin by at least +11 and the chances are well over 50% that the GOP takes the Senate, which really doesn't change much of anything. We will be just as deadlocked in 2015 as we have been since 2013.

The unbelievably consistent electoral history of congressional elections, esp. of mid-terms, is pretty compelling stuff.
Fail. No one has admitted anything. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know they threw her under the bus.

if they "threw her under the bus", she'd have been gone months ago.

they let her take her victory lap first.

but you're right about the thread being a fail....

The thread is a fail because the argument in the OP is a fallacy. Her going has nothing to do with mid-term elections at all.
By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | April 10th, 2014

Put another way, Kathleen Sebelius has resigned and “Senior Administration Officials” are telling the media it is because of

Dare we hope? Not a direct quote from anyone so I wonder at the source. From BREAKING: White House Admits Democrats Will Lose the Senate | RedState :eusa_clap:

Yeah..........sure.................we should take as gospel some blog on a website called Red State, which in it's "About Us" section states firmly that they are right of center conservatives.

Nope................sorry...............but if a Democrat wants to win, all they have to do is start campaigning on the ACA (aka Obamacare), and let people know that they are getting better health care for a cheaper price.

Also, the Dems should start asking the people if they think that raising the minimum wage is a good idea. 76 percent of this country thinks it is, and if they would combine the fact that healthcare is more affordable, as well as reiterate their desire to raise the minimum wage, they should win quite handily, as the Republicans have voiced repeated resistance to both positions.

Nope..................I see the GOP losing more of the Senate, and possibly losing control of the House in this next election.

As much as I wish I could agree with you and say this is going to happen, this is extremely unlikely. Electoral history stands on the side of the GOP in this election. The reasons for this are all laid out here:

I did this in January when very few people were thinking about the mid-terms at all. I recommend that you check out the thread.

The probability, regardless of the issues of the day, is extremely high that the GOP maintains the HOR and probably increases it's margin by at least +11 and the chances are well over 50% that the GOP takes the Senate, which really doesn't change much of anything. We will be just as deadlocked in 2015 as we have been since 2013.

The unbelievably consistent electoral history of congressional elections, esp. of mid-terms, is pretty compelling stuff.

Well................unfortunately for the GOP, people are now better informed due to the fact that they can check things out on the internet now to see what is really going on.

McConnell is going to have a very hard time this election cycle. Why? Because everyone in his state is tired of his grandstanding on obstructing Obama, and not only have they seen it repeatedly on the nightly news, they can also see it repeatedly on the web sites that show how he's voted and what his stances are.

Same thing for every other representative.

If you're into voting against your own best interests and earn less than 1 million/year, vote for the GOP.

If you make less than that and would actually like to see the people's will supported, you're going to vote Democrat.

Dems are in favor of raising the minimum wage (supported by over 75 percent of the country), in support of the ACA (which is supported by over 55 percent of the country), as well as having the rich pay their fair share of taxes.

Sorry, but I predict that the Dems are going to take control in 2014, and after they've been able to work with a Democratic President, Congress and Senate, people are going to see how well things go, and in 2016, it will be a Democrat landslide yet again.
Fail. No one has admitted anything. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know they threw her under the bus.

if they "threw her under the bus", she'd have been gone months ago.

they let her take her victory lap first.

but you're right about the thread being a fail....

No she wouldn't have. Politics 101 says you don't throw anyone under the bus until they are of no use anymore. You would have done the same thing.
Fail. No one has admitted anything. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know they threw her under the bus.

if they "threw her under the bus", she'd have been gone months ago.

they let her take her victory lap first.

but you're right about the thread being a fail....

Of course they let her take a victory lap. It happens that way all the time.

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