BREAKING: Would Be Trump Assassin Identified...

UPDATE: Protester Who Stormed Stage at Trump Dayton Rally THREATENED MURDER – WANTED TO BE ‘MARTYR’




Typical of progressives...
Apparently whiney spoilt brat college kids have too much time on their hands.
I don't abuse my Free Speech, sport. Common sense says not to attend and go to the person your voting for rally.
I think common sense would also say don't post shit about "kill or be killed" and then try to get up close and personal with a presidential candidate.

No voter out there is perfect, sport. But you saw what bernie and hillary supporters did friday right? Hmm..
It's what lowlife Trump did that worries people. Hopefully some of his own supporters.

Why do you all reply with these gifs, are you that dumb that you can't speak?

Pretty redundant at this point making me yawn.
IF you watch the full episode of this man with this publicity stunt and flag, at mark 5:00, near the end, he gives the folded flag, to City representatives and shakes hands with them....?

strange....for him to do that if he was this evil dude as some claim, so this was what appears to be a staged event of some sort...

a finale with a ''good ending'' for our flag.

THAT YOUTUBE clip going around the net is HIGHLY EDITED.
Last edited:
He's the 70 year old who was arrested. Trump is condoning all of it. Smh..

Why were they at a Trump rally? They're not voting for him. You know why they were there. They were there to incite. Paid by the Democrat Party to incite violence. It's truly shameful.
Anyone can go to the rallies. Trouble is, only Trump's events are violent.

they are violent?How is that? The only violence is started by paid bussed in libtards.

Link to this guy being "paid" and/or "bussed [sic] in"?


No, didn't think so.
Gramps has moves. Good for him :)

Moves, yes. He used to be a boxer. So --- moves, yes; ethics..... ehhhh not so much.

Speaking of moves, he left the state soon as he got out of jail.

Here's his house


Anyways, the poster would have us believe this guy was "paid" or "bussed [sic] in" or both.
Guess he couldn't find his link.
IF you watch the full episode of this man with this publicity stunt and flag, at mark 5:00, near the end, he gives the folded flag, to City representatives and shakes hands with them....?

strange....for him to do that if he was this evil dude as some claim, so this was what appears to be a staged event of some sort...

a finale with a ''good ending'' for our flag.

Yep, I noticed that yesterday. Left me scratching my head as to what their point was.
I think they just grab whatever has a headline they think they want and never bother to read the article or watch the video.

I can't imagine living like that.
IF you watch the full episode of this man with this publicity stunt and flag, at mark 5:00, near the end, he gives the folded flag, to City representatives and shakes hands with them....?

strange....for him to do that if he was this evil dude as some claim, so this was what appears to be a staged event of some sort...

a finale with a ''good ending'' for our flag.

Yep, I noticed that yesterday. Left me scratching my head as to what their point was.
I think they just grab whatever has a headline they think they want and never bother to read the article or watch the video.

I can't imagine living like that.

Ex child star explained that on his FB page.

After disrespecting the flag by standing on it. They gave it to soldiers to " properly dispose of "

What a sport.
Cleary a demented Leftist/Democrat extremist. He's obsessed with the 'Evil Racist' Donald Trump. The Democrats are fully responsible for this. Their endless Race-Baiting incitement is bringing the violent nutters out of the woodwork. Shame on em.

He's a Teabagger.
Cleary a demented Leftist/Democrat extremist. He's obsessed with the 'Evil Racist' Donald Trump. The Democrats are fully responsible for this. Their endless Race-Baiting incitement is bringing the violent nutters out of the woodwork. Shame on em.

Heads up -- here comes one now...


Incitement. Why were they at a Trump Rally?

Obviously to pick up some free flowers, like the one QuickDraw just handed him.


Incitement. They're not voting for Donald Trump. Why are they at Trump Rallies? Do the math dipshit.

Same reason I might show up at a Bernie rally if he was the Dem nominee for Prez..
I hate Socialists. I would want to ask Bernie why he's lying to young adults. And protest his campaign..
Going to a Bernie rally is like going to the circus with a high wire act in one ring and clowns in the other two. Now, up to you to figure out in which ring Bernie is standing.
Did Trump's people create the fake ISIS video? Who else would think about doing that?
American Colleges are producing so many of these 'professional whiner' loons. It's not surprising so many nations are flyin right past us in education.

Pro-Hillary / Bernie crowd, the ones trying to compare Trump to Hitler. That's f*ing funny....and typical!
American Colleges are producing so many of these 'professional whiner' loons. It's not surprising so many nations are flyin right past us in education.
What do you expect when they are being taught by people like domestic terrorists Bill Ayers, Obama's buddy who bombed his own nation and killed cops.
Did Trump's people create the fake ISIS video? Who else would think about doing that?
The drama major himself?
Somebody made a fake ISIS video to make it appear like Trump was being attacked by a person connected to ISIS. Who did it and why?

It has been confirmed to be a hoax. The footage of the wingnut is real, but it's not an ISIS video.
Cleary a demented Leftist/Democrat extremist. He's obsessed with the 'Evil Racist' Donald Trump. The Democrats are fully responsible for this. Their endless Race-Baiting incitement is bringing the violent nutters out of the woodwork. Shame on em.

Heads up -- here comes one now...

He's the 70 year old who was arrested. Trump is condoning all of it. Smh..

Why were they at a Trump rally? They're not voting for him. You know why they were there. They were there to incite. Paid by the Democrat Party to incite violence. It's truly shameful.
So...the only ones allowed at a rally are those who pledge (raise your hand in the nazi salute) to vote for the guy?
American Colleges are producing so many of these 'professional whiner' loons. It's not surprising so many nations are flyin right past us in education.
What do you expect when they are being taught by people like domestic terrorists Bill Ayers, Obama's buddy who bombed his own nation and killed cops.

Yeah, it's a tragic mess. This particular nutter is a professional whiner/protester. It's what he does. Many nations are moving ahead of us in education. Our kids are completely lost.

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