Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

A 60 year old, engaged to current wife, Donald Trump is recorded talking, like an immature 18 year old college boy, about his sexual prowess.
He called it locker room banter. He was not in a locker room, he was 60 years old, he is a disgusting pig.

He should not be President of anything.
Your last sentence may be right but there is no age that cuts off talk when you're bullshitting around with the fellas. Men are men & women are women. Unless you're a limp wristed sissy.
I don't always engage in banter with the boys but when I do it's Dos Equis

Man up sissy boy
A 60 year old, engaged to current wife, Donald Trump is recorded talking, like an immature 18 year old college boy, about his sexual prowess.
He called it locker room banter. He was not in a locker room, he was 60 years old, he is a disgusting pig.

He should not be President of anything.

So tell us hypocrite, what did he do that you haven't done.
The Trumpsters are all alike, Rudy G says everyone has affairs. No they do not.
Sure, I have had conversations lying about my sexual exploits in college but I grew up.You have a job, you have a wife, you have kids, YOU BETTER GROW UP.

Bullshit, I don't know any man regardless of age that doesn't talk trash around his buddies and having a few beers.
There is a lot of things you can talk trash about besides continually chasing women while you are married and have kids.
As we are older we trash idiot friends who act like they are still in their 20's. Sounds like Trump and you.
A 60 year old, engaged to current wife, Donald Trump is recorded talking, like an immature 18 year old college boy, about his sexual prowess.
The liberals are developing an extreme case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Every little unimportant remark he makes, they are taking, examining carefully, blowing it up into astonishing size, having heated discussion with each other about what it might mean, and determining their entire voting patterns from it.

Although somehow, their voting patterns never change, they were already going to not vote for him before he made the remark. :rolleyes-41:

These people are getting increasingly desperate almost every day.

And they will support the wife of a serial sexual predator....but clutch their pearls at any mention of Trump....
Come on Guy, you've been known to present some rational arguments... Just admit that this video of Trump was disgusting. How can you watch it and think that you want this guy to be our president. Then retort by dogging on the WIFE of an accused sexual predator. Its a bad argument, you will be better off to swallow this one. Just be honest and say it was a horrible statement by Trump but you like his policies better than Hillary's and that is more important to you than the character of the man.

I haven't listened to first pick was Scott Walker, the next Ted Cruz, Trump is the one left matter what Trump has done as a human being hilary has done far, far worse.......shielding herself with tax dollars and political power.....

This country used to have a rule....if you were a crook in office you were kicked out of office....that rule does not apply anymore......especially if hilary gets into office......she will have complete control over law enforcement and the intelligence services.........and will have shown the way for the next criminals......

Trump is the only way to stop 4 years we can vote him out......but you don't reward political corruption in office, which is what we have with hilary, by electing her to an even more powerful office. It is obvious that none of the law enforcement agencies are going to act against hilary because the democrats control them....the absolute only way to punish to vote Trump into office......

That is where we are......
A 60 year old, engaged to current wife, Donald Trump is recorded talking, like an immature 18 year old college boy, about his sexual prowess.
He called it locker room banter. He was not in a locker room, he was 60 years old, he is a disgusting pig.

He should not be President of anything.

So tell us hypocrite, what did he do that you haven't done.
The Trumpsters are all alike, Rudy G says everyone has affairs. No they do not.
Sure, I have had conversations lying about my sexual exploits in college but I grew up.You have a job, you have a wife, you have kids, YOU BETTER GROW UP.

Bullshit, I don't know any man regardless of age that doesn't talk trash around his buddies and having a few beers.
There is a lot of things you can talk trash about besides continually chasing women while you are married and have kids.
As we are older we trash idiot friends who act like they are still in their 20's. Sounds like Trump and you.

All of a sudden you assholes.....who support the rapist and serial sexual predator bill clinton get Chivalrous about women........after ted the swimmer kennedy.....and all the other sexual predators who vote democrat.....
My challenge to all LIberals...
You know which of your male customers would make a remark like this to one of their buddies...
Stop doing business with them.
This is about BEHAVIOR, not remarks. My god, you are willfully obtuse.

Trump is bragging about his BEHAVIOR. Fucking married women, abusively groping women.

It is simply astonishing how hard you sick fucks are defending him.

Don't ever let me catch you moralizing or waxing on about Family Values, hypocrite. You're done. That subject is off limits to you.
And Hillary abused millions of Americans by supporting NAFTA and costing them their careers.
B-b-b-b-but Clinton! :crybaby:

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.
Nope...Clinton raped women who didn't want to be raped and Hillary defended him.
Get it, retard?

Nobody sued Trump.
Get it, retard?
Oh. So it's okay to molest women as long as you don't get sued.

What fascinating new deviant twists and turns we have learned about Trump's Chumps today!
My challenge to all LIberals...
You know which of your male customers would make a remark like this to one of their buddies...
Stop doing business with them.
This is about BEHAVIOR, not remarks. My god, you are willfully obtuse.

Trump is bragging about his BEHAVIOR. Fucking married women, abusively groping women.

It is simply astonishing how hard you sick fucks are defending him.

Don't ever let me catch you moralizing or waxing on about Family Values, hypocrite. You're done. That subject is off limits to you.
And Hillary abused millions of Americans by supporting NAFTA and costing them their careers.
B-b-b-b-but Clinton! :crybaby:

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.
Nope...Clinton raped women who didn't want to be raped and Hillary defended him.
Get it, retard?

Nobody sued Trump.
Get it, retard?
Oh. So it's okay to molest women as long as you don't get sued.

What fascinating new deviant twists and turns we have learned about Trump's Chumps today!

They are absolute scum. Lowest scum of the Earth.
A 60 year old, engaged to current wife, Donald Trump is recorded talking, like an immature 18 year old college boy, about his sexual prowess.
He called it locker room banter. He was not in a locker room, he was 60 years old, he is a disgusting pig.

He should not be President of anything.
Your last sentence may be right but there is no age that cuts off talk when you're bullshitting around with the fellas. Men are men & women are women. Unless you're a limp wristed sissy.
I don't always engage in banter with the boys but when I do it's Dos Equis

Man up sissy boy
If you think think you have to brag about your sexual exploits to not be called a sissy; YOU ARE A FRICKING SISSY. Grow up grandpa. Learn how to bullshit and kid with buddies about something other than having sex with other women than your wife.
A 60 year old, engaged to current wife, Donald Trump is recorded talking, like an immature 18 year old college boy, about his sexual prowess.
He called it locker room banter. He was not in a locker room, he was 60 years old, he is a disgusting pig.

He should not be President of anything.
Elmer, it has been established that Trump holds the ladies in contempt. This is overkill. When I saw a serious pundit relate this piece, my first thought is "Shut up!". I think of Trump as the worst thing to hit America since the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918, however, give us a break. Lets not turn this election into an episode of the Kardashians.
I think this audio will convince many who like Trump, that they need to take another look at his moral character and maturity. People who already thought that way, it will not matter.

To have a maturity level exemplified by the blatant comments by a 60 year old man shows he does not have the character to be President.

You mean the moral character of a woman who refused to provide security for the men and women she sent into harms way in Libya, turning down request after request for more men and security....and then, when they were actually attacked, never even sending in a rescue mean like that kind of moral character? And then telling their families that it was a video tape when she knew it was a terrorist attack...having told her daughter and the President of Turkey that it was a terrorist attack....but telling the mother over the casket of her son that it was a mean like that kind of moral character?
2A guy, it seems like you always try to excuse Trump and make him look like a choir boy by condemning his opponent. Nobody looks taller by stomping someone/anyone else down. They just look petty.

Nope...just stating the matter what Trump has done .....hilary has actually done worse.....and while she was doing it she was taking tax money to get away with died because of her.....and the only way to punish her is to keep her from getting elected....the FBI and the Department of Justice are controlled by the democrats...they have shown that Power comes Trump is the only way to stop it....
Every time I have thought we have finally found the depth to which Trump's Chumps have sunk, they go and surprise me by showing me they are just getting started.
I can promise you that bill clinton has had worse conversations about women....and only some of them were with women who gave their consent.....but he has a Secret Service detail to protect him from audio and video taping......Trump didn't have that.....
I've sent in my choice for his new campaign slogan

"We're going to grab America by her pussy and make her beg again"
Grab em by the pussy? That's the big deal? That's why we already have 987 threads on it?
How many guys can HONESTLY say they don't make sexist jokes? And woman for that matter?
You people are beyond retarded.

keep on reaching for that women's vote. :rofl:

no one expects you to get it.
Trump brags about molesting women. He brags about trying to have sex with a married woman.

And his Chumps come riding to the rescue, dismissing his confessed BEHAVIORS as "boy talk".


I guess if Trump admitted to the pilfering of the elderly he did at Trump U, they'd be like, "Gosh, that Trump sure is clever, ain't he? I admire him for his INCOME! And how bout that Clinton, huh? Huh?"
I can promise you that bill clinton has had worse conversations about women....and only some of them were with women who gave their consent.....but he has a Secret Service detail to protect him from audio and video taping......Trump didn't have that.....
The Trump supporters are going to their lowest level to defend this latest revelation.
I've been happily married for 13 years and am under no delusions my husband and his buddies don't talk about such things. This is nothing but the left once again thinking they have a winner.

"Hey bitch, you look like you need to get FUCKED. I know you want me to shove my cock down your throat while I reach over and spank that fat ass of yours....don't you, you filthy slut...."

Is this how you want men to talk to you? Even if they know you're married? Because this is what you are defending.
“I did try and fuck her,” Trump can be heard saying on the video in reference to an unnamed woman.

“I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping,” Trump continues. “She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

Later in the recording, Trump talks about actress Arianne Zucker, who escorted Trump and Bush to the set of “Days of Our Lives.”

“I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump said. “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful ― I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump said. “You can do anything.”

“Grab them by the pussy,” Trump added. “You can do anything.”

To Recap:
Donald Trump was boasting about trying to fuck a married woman.
And boasting that since he was a star he can do anything with women.
And saying to just grab women by the 'pussy'- if you are a star.
Bill want to talk this line of shit...and you got Bill Clinton and psychological abused Hillary who can never function as POTUS as a result. She is only doing this for Bill. Like a prostitute who is beaten psychologicaly and ground down by her masochistic pimp.
I've sent in my choice for his new campaign slogan

"We're going to grab America by her pussy and make her beg again"


go vote for the donald.
Jillian admit it, you and your friends say even 'worse' things when you all get together. If you say differently you're a damn liar. Womins get down and dirty.......and I love it.

BTW this conversation Trump was having is rated G in most male circles. Well in circles of men with normal testosterone levels.

"Grab em by the pussy" :lol: :lol: :lol:

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