Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

My challenge to all LIberals...
You know which of your male customers would make a remark like this to one of their buddies...
Stop doing business with them.
This is about BEHAVIOR, not remarks. My god, you are willfully obtuse.

Trump is bragging about his BEHAVIOR. Fucking married women, abusively groping women.

It is simply astonishing how hard you sick fucks are defending him.

Don't ever let me catch you moralizing or waxing on about Family Values, hypocrite. You're done. That subject is off limits to you.
And Hillary abused millions of Americans by supporting NAFTA and costing them their careers.
My challenge to all LIberals...
You know which of your male customers would make a remark like this to one of their buddies...
Stop doing business with them.
This is about BEHAVIOR, not remarks. My god, you are willfully obtuse.

Trump is bragging about his BEHAVIOR. Fucking married women, abusively groping women.

It is simply astonishing how hard you sick fucks are defending him.

Don't ever let me catch you moralizing or waxing on about Family Values, hypocrite.
I have great family values; I would NEVER cheat on my wife or backstab a co-worker.
You are defending the molesting of women by Donald Trump. You are defending Donald Trump fucking married women.

No more moralizing from you. You're done. You've shown your true colors.
A 60 year old, engaged to current wife, Donald Trump is recorded talking, like an immature 18 year old college boy, about his sexual prowess.
The liberals are developing an extreme case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Every little unimportant remark he makes, they are taking, examining carefully, blowing it up into astonishing size, having heated discussion with each other about what it might mean, and determining their entire voting patterns from it.

Although somehow, their voting patterns never change, they were already going to not vote for him before he made the remark. :rolleyes-41:

These people are getting increasingly desperate almost every day.

And they will support the wife of a serial sexual predator....but clutch their pearls at any mention of Trump....
Come on Guy, you've been known to present some rational arguments... Just admit that this video of Trump was disgusting. How can you watch it and think that you want this guy to be our president. Then retort by dogging on the WIFE of an accused sexual predator. Its a bad argument, you will be better off to swallow this one. Just be honest and say it was a horrible statement by Trump but you like his policies better than Hillary's and that is more important to you than the character of the man.

"You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful-- I just start kissing them. They're like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy."

"I did try to fuck her. She was married."

"I moved on her like a bitch. And she was married!"

No more Family Values bullshit from you hypocrites. You're done.
Some of us don't support Globalists.
Food and shelter first, THEN I'll worry about sexual mores.
Like Gay Marriage and Late Term Abortions and having fat, ugly wives run the marriage and the US.
My challenge to all LIberals...
You know which of your male customers would make a remark like this to one of their buddies...
Stop doing business with them.
This is about BEHAVIOR, not remarks. My god, you are willfully obtuse.

Trump is bragging about his BEHAVIOR. Fucking married women, abusively groping women.

It is simply astonishing how hard you sick fucks are defending him.

Don't ever let me catch you moralizing or waxing on about Family Values, hypocrite.
I have great family values; I would NEVER cheat on my wife or backstab a co-worker.
You are defending a the molesting of women by Donald Trump. You are defending Donald Trump fucking married women.

No more moralizing from you. You're done. You've shown your true colors.
I don't give a shit about what he did with women who never sued him for what he did.
I care about INCOME.
My challenge to all LIberals...
You know which of your male customers would make a remark like this to one of their buddies...
Stop doing business with them.
This is about BEHAVIOR, not remarks. My god, you are willfully obtuse.

Trump is bragging about his BEHAVIOR. Fucking married women, abusively groping women.

It is simply astonishing how hard you sick fucks are defending him.

Don't ever let me catch you moralizing or waxing on about Family Values, hypocrite. You're done. That subject is off limits to you.
And Hillary abused millions of Americans by supporting NAFTA and costing them their careers.
B-b-b-b-but Clinton! :crybaby:

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.
My challenge to all LIberals...
You know which of your male customers would make a remark like this to one of their buddies...
Stop doing business with them.
This is about BEHAVIOR, not remarks. My god, you are willfully obtuse.

Trump is bragging about his BEHAVIOR. Fucking married women, abusively groping women.

It is simply astonishing how hard you sick fucks are defending him.

Don't ever let me catch you moralizing or waxing on about Family Values, hypocrite.
I have great family values; I would NEVER cheat on my wife or backstab a co-worker.
You are defending a the molesting of women by Donald Trump. You are defending Donald Trump fucking married women.

No more moralizing from you. You're done. You've shown your true colors.
I don't give a shit about what he did with women who never sued him for what he did.
I care about INCOME.
And there you go. No morals. Zero.
My challenge to all LIberals...
You know which of your male customers would make a remark like this to one of their buddies...
Stop doing business with them.
This is about BEHAVIOR, not remarks. My god, you are willfully obtuse.

Trump is bragging about his BEHAVIOR. Fucking married women, abusively groping women.

It is simply astonishing how hard you sick fucks are defending him.

Don't ever let me catch you moralizing or waxing on about Family Values, hypocrite. You're done. That subject is off limits to you.
And Hillary abused millions of Americans by supporting NAFTA and costing them their careers.
B-b-b-b-but Clinton! :crybaby:

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.
Nope...Clinton raped women who didn't want to be raped and Hillary defended him.
Get it, retard?

Nobody sued Trump.
Get it, retard?
My challenge to all LIberals...
You know which of your male customers would make a remark like this to one of their buddies...
Stop doing business with them.
This is about BEHAVIOR, not remarks. My god, you are willfully obtuse.

Trump is bragging about his BEHAVIOR. Fucking married women, abusively groping women.

It is simply astonishing how hard you sick fucks are defending him.

Don't ever let me catch you moralizing or waxing on about Family Values, hypocrite.
I have great family values; I would NEVER cheat on my wife or backstab a co-worker.
You are defending a the molesting of women by Donald Trump. You are defending Donald Trump fucking married women.

No more moralizing from you. You're done. You've shown your true colors.
I don't give a shit about what he did with women who never sued him for what he did.
I care about INCOME.
And there you go. No morals. Zero.
And of course, ruining millions financially is morally GOOD according to Liberals.
What retards.
He never had a problem with women. He had $$$$$$ that's all it takes with most women living in a working class reality. Now if your spoiled and go to private school like Hillary...well, all men are pigs, unless it's your meal ticket Bill.
It's okay if women are molested by Donald Trump. It's okay if Donald Trump fucks married women.

We learn something new about Trump's Chumps every day, and it never reflects well on them.
A 60 year old, engaged to current wife, Donald Trump is recorded talking, like an immature 18 year old college boy, about his sexual prowess.
He called it locker room banter. He was not in a locker room, he was 60 years old, he is a disgusting pig.

He should not be President of anything.
Elmer, it has been established that Trump holds the ladies in contempt. This is overkill. When I saw a serious pundit relate this piece, my first thought is "Shut up!". I think of Trump as the worst thing to hit America since the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918, however, give us a break. Lets not turn this election into an episode of the Kardashians.
I think this audio will convince many who like Trump, that they need to take another look at his moral character and maturity. People who already thought that way, it will not matter.

To have a maturity level exemplified by the blatant comments by a 60 year old man shows he does not have the character to be President.

You mean the moral character of a woman who refused to provide security for the men and women she sent into harms way in Libya, turning down request after request for more men and security....and then, when they were actually attacked, never even sending in a rescue mean like that kind of moral character? And then telling their families that it was a video tape when she knew it was a terrorist attack...having told her daughter and the President of Turkey that it was a terrorist attack....but telling the mother over the casket of her son that it was a mean like that kind of moral character?
2A guy, it seems like you always try to excuse Trump and make him look like a choir boy by condemning his opponent. Nobody looks taller by stomping someone/anyone else down. They just look petty.
This is about BEHAVIOR, not remarks. My god, you are willfully obtuse.

Trump is bragging about his BEHAVIOR. Fucking married women, abusively groping women.

It is simply astonishing how hard you sick fucks are defending him.

Don't ever let me catch you moralizing or waxing on about Family Values, hypocrite.
I have great family values; I would NEVER cheat on my wife or backstab a co-worker.
You are defending a the molesting of women by Donald Trump. You are defending Donald Trump fucking married women.

No more moralizing from you. You're done. You've shown your true colors.
I don't give a shit about what he did with women who never sued him for what he did.
I care about INCOME.
And there you go. No morals. Zero.
And of course, ruining millions financially is morally GOOD according to Liberals.
What retards.
You must be talking about Trump U.

You really don't get it. You really don't. You don't know what every five years old knows. TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT.

You can try to drag Clinton into this all you like, it does not change the fact Donald Trump is proud of being a molester and for fucking married women. I don't care how big your basket of red herrings is.

You are literally retarded.
This is what I predicted months ago would happen. If Trump became the nominee, with all the dealings he's had over decades, there would be more and more sleazey stories that would come out, especially during the month of October.
In the final two weeks there will be stories with the claim of being "just discovered".

None of this will matter to the people like me....

Who are racist, idiotic, and angry twits?

On what planet could Trump be considered a serious human being, much less a serious president?
Pahaha that's the best Crooked Hillary can come up with. A 10 year old locker room talk between two guys that find women attractive? This audio is PG compared to I'm sure other guy friends have said to each other. Not only that, but it's in the past of his showbiz days. Crooked Hillary is so desperate trying to act like she's the most purest woman of them all...
Even the apology is not. . .only "if" anyone was offended.

The Trump campaign clearly believes that religious clergy are not offended. Evangelicals are not offended. The Mike Pence family will host events for the neighborhood children, since no parents anywhere are offended. The Paul Ryan family will host events for the neighborhood children, so no parents anywhere are offended. So, in the apology, states the Trump campaign. To them there is really no problem with this. The videotape will be showcased at all the events, and over and over.

As the Gary Johnson campaign likes to say, "Allepo?!?"

And this isn't like that at all. There is no Reality in The Trump TV show, now going forward for months and months. RNC created the nomination for this. The Democrats did not create the nomination, for this release.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Better take video of young warrior riding low to the wind, devoid of impeding garments, aiding great stallion--devoid of impeding garments(?)!)
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