Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

I'm currently listening to Trump's so-called apology. It's really pathetic. But, but, but Bill Clinton.
Has he got Bill on tape saying things like he said? It's one thng to talk about liking women; it's another to talk about grabbing their privates or any other part of them, of kissing them, etc. AGAINST THEIR WILL. Of doing it w/o their consent and bragging about getting away with it because he is a celebrity. Of essentially bragging about deviant behavior. Of bragging about attacking married women in this way.

This isn't just lewd, it deviant, anti-social.

When bill was first accused, the average size of a tape recorder was roughly that of a shoe box, something not easily hidden, but thanks for such a stupid question.
BILL CLINTON IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. And there has NEVER been any suggestion or evidence he bragged about assaulting women.

BRAGGED, good lord, you can't make this shit up!
Of course he was bragging. If you don't hear that in the tape, you are in the 1 percentage of the American public.

Sweetheart, all you got is bragging, Google Clinton sexual assault statements by his victims.

Far worse.
So let's see the Democrat list of things that are not disqualifiers.

Sexual Assault
Sexist remarks
Racist remarks
Anti-semitic remarks
Obstruction of justice
Serious illnesses
Taking bribes.
Getting your employees killed.
Sending a man to jail to cover for your crimes.

Does that just about cover it?

Maybe in right-wing, neocon, whackjob-land. In the real world? Er, no.
Yeah, you've heard lots of guys use it in the locker room. Did you hear them use it in front of their boss at work? Or when they were on a job interview?

Here's the difference, bad language is a test of someone's ability to tell the difference between appropriate and inappropriate. Trump doesn't seem to know the difference.


Yeah, sort of lame response I'd expect from a Trump supporter.
I don't know any guy that hasnt bragged or talked shit about women when the subject comes up. Just the way it is. newsflash: men love pussy, and they like other guys to know they love pussy.

If trump was a serial rapist like bill then hundreds of women would have come out to tell us. But that hasn't happened.
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Mark Cuban is on twitter saying Trump is toast, all his golf courses and hotels are toast... and any of his employees that don't quit right away will make themselves unemployable in the future.
Cuban has already shown the world that he's a douche bag.
Unfounded accusations vs a video tape. A presidential candidate vs someone not running. Keep trying. You'll still fall on your ass, but at least you can say you tried.

The video tape I saw was Trump getting off a bus and shaking hands with a you have video of him actually saying that? Of course you don't.
I see the lemmings got their talking points....what is this, the third thread on this in the last 5 minutes from trump's minions?
Mark Cuban is on twitter saying Trump is toast, all his golf courses and hotels are toast... and any of his employees that don't quit right away will make themselves unemployable in the future.

All the scum of the left are going to gang up now, wait until president Trump fucks them over in November.... wonder if the America people are smart enough to see this smear for what it is! Funny that it was a BUSH COUSIN that did the would have thought JEB would have used this in the primaries!
At least he came out, admitted he said those things, stated that it doesn't reflect who is he and he apologized. He was wrong and he knows it. Plenty of women who have known him over the years have come forth to paint a much different picture of him than the one the left is trying to portray.

Hillary just lies and pretends she never said this or that and the media helps by removing video of her saying this or that.

I still find it much worse that Hillary lied to us and the parents of the Benghazi victims and now acts like we dreamed it. She broke the law by risking sensitive info (something others go to jail for) and gets off the hook by saying, oops, it was just a little mistake. Her apology was treated like the end of the scandal. She risked national security. Trump merely sounded like a liberal instead of a Republican and the left wants nothing to do with his apology.

Bill Clinton's actions have surpassed anything Trump said. Since when are raunchy actions lesser offenses that mere words? Bill can do it, but Trump can't talk about it.

Trump was wrong to talk like that but his actions are so different than that locker room talk. Clinton talks like she's respectable but her actions are so different than the image she puts forth. Talk or action? Take your pick.
So let's see the Democrat list of things that are not disqualifiers.

Sexual Assault
Sexist remarks
Racist remarks
Anti-semitic remarks
Obstruction of justice
Serious illnesses
Taking bribes.
Getting your employees killed.
Sending a man to jail to cover for your crimes.

Does that just about cover it?

Maybe in right-wing, neocon, whackjob-land. In the real world? Er, no.

All you douche bags have been excusing Hillary and Bill for all of that.
I'm currently listening to Trump's so-called apology. It's really pathetic. But, but, but Bill Clinton.
Has he got Bill on tape saying things like he said? It's one thng to talk about liking women; it's another to talk about grabbing their privates or any other part of them, of kissing them, etc. AGAINST THEIR WILL. Of doing it w/o their consent and bragging about getting away with it because he is a celebrity. Of essentially bragging about deviant behavior. Of bragging about attacking married women in this way.

This isn't just lewd, it deviant, anti-social.

When bill was first accused, the average size of a tape recorder was roughly that of a shoe box, something not easily hidden, but thanks for such a stupid question.
BILL CLINTON IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. And there has NEVER been any suggestion or evidence he bragged about assaulting women.

BRAGGED, good lord, you can't make this shit up!
In fact, there has never been any CONCRETE EVIDENCE he ever assaulted anyone. Only accusations that have NEVER been proved. He has never been sued in civil court, never been charged or indicted or been tried and convicted of any such crime. It's all unproven accusation and gossip which has been inflated to an astromical extreme by the RW.
Unfounded accusations vs a video tape. A presidential candidate vs someone not running. Keep trying. You'll still fall on your ass, but at least you can say you tried.

The video tape I saw was Trump getting off a bus and shaking hands with a you have video of him actually saying that? Of course you don't.

Are you really trying to say all the discussion before they got off the bus was faked?------really?
Mark Cuban is on twitter saying Trump is toast, all his golf courses and hotels are toast... and any of his employees that don't quit right away will make themselves unemployable in the future.

All the scum of the left are going to gang up now, wait until president Trump fucks them over in November.... wonder if the America people are smart enough to see this smear for what it is! Funny that it was a BUSH COUSIN that did the would have thought JEB would have used this in the primaries!

Funny thing is, this might ruin Billy Bush's career.
I don't any guy that hasnt bragged or talked shit about women when the subject comes up. Just the way it is. newsflash: men love pussy, and they like other guys to know they love pussy.

"So, Mr Smith, we're looking at someone with the skills to do this job well and we see on your resume that you have some of those skills, would you care to tell us about them?"

"Well Mr Bossman, I fucking love pussy, you know, it's really just that I think about it all the time"

"Well Mr Smith, you certainly do know you stuff, you're hired"

What the hell is this, Trump is interviewing for a part in a porn movie or something?
Mark Cuban is on twitter saying Trump is toast, all his golf courses and hotels are toast... and any of his employees that don't quit right away will make themselves unemployable in the future.

All the scum of the left are going to gang up now, wait until president Trump fucks them over in November.... wonder if the America people are smart enough to see this smear for what it is! Funny that it was a BUSH COUSIN that did the would have thought JEB would have used this in the primaries!
If Trump gets elected, I hope he sends Hillary and all her gang to prison. They all deserve it.
I don't any guy that hasnt bragged or talked shit about women when the subject comes up. Just the way it is. newsflash: men love pussy, and they like other guys to know they love pussy.

"So, Mr Smith, we're looking at someone with the skills to do this job well and we see on your resume that you have some of those skills, would you care to tell us about them?"

"Well Mr Bossman, I fucking love pussy, you know, it's really just that I think about it all the time"

"Well Mr Smith, you certainly do know you stuff, you're hired"

What the hell is this, Trump is interviewing for a part in a porn movie or something?

Trump is "interviewing" with you? I can only hope a mod sees this disgusting diatribe, deletes it, and bans you.

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