Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Where are the leftists? WHERE IS YOUR PUBLIC MELTDOWN?
It's not the same context and you know that. Trump was discussing on trying to sleep with married women (while being recently wed) and telling people that with fame you can do anything; even just grab a girl by her genitalia. It's not the same context.

And don't call me a liberal just because you're mad. I'm pro traditional marriage, believe in Jesus Christ, believe in gender being something set before coming to this life

I've had worse discussions with girlfriends at a sex toy party by far.. Give it a rest.. NO ONE, and I mean no one but you liberals buy your load of crap and lies.

OBAMA USED THE P WORD and took God's name in vain.. WHERE'S THE MELTDOWN?
If you're going to ignore the context of both discussions then there's no use talking. Keep being mad people aren't biting your bait when you look like a desperate fool with your every 10-second posts about wanting liberals to reply. Trump was talking about adultery and getting away with assault. Obama was talking about enjoying sex

I'm not a liberal and you aren't a family-values-conservative. Neither are any Trump supporters. Keep crying.

Take your L and keep on moving
Spiteful LOSERS like Paul Ryan, Mittens, and Jeb! have never used it (yeah sure) so they're free to condemn Trump, act all offended, and try to hand the country over to the diaper-wearing epileptic criminal Hillary Rodham. Yet we haven't heard about Trump actually grabbing one when not invited to ( women do like their "p" grabbed on occasion) so now what? Any fella who's ever been in a locker room, barracks, bachelor party or deer camp can't pretend to be offended so I guess that leaves us with Hillary's type of guy.

I've heard several women say things in private that make Trump's bawdy talk sound like choir practice...give me a break. Also in the news today, Wiki leaked Hillary's Goldman Sachs speeches detailing how she LIES to her voters with a "public position" not intended to be confused with her "private position" which is what she follows. So there you have it.....a guy in middle-age crisis mode bragging about his supposed exploits with some soap opera dipshit who kept the tape and is now trying to get Trump dumped. But then let's remember what the alternative to the Donald is, eh?

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Because of this video Trump cancelled his campaign schedule for tomorrow in Elkwood, Wisconsin.
In this same link both Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus are blasting Trump.

Donald Trump will not attend a Republican Party event in Elkhorn on Saturday, House Speaker Paul Ryan announced late Friday after recordings surfaced earlier that day in which the GOP presidential nominee could be heard using lewd and sexually charged comments about women as he waited to make a cameo appearance on a soap opera in 2005.

“I am sickened by what I heard today,” Ryan said in a statement. “Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified. I hope Mr. Trump treats this situation with the seriousness it deserves and works to demonstrate to the country that he has greater respect for women than this clip suggests. In the meantime, he is no longer attending tomorrow’s event in Wisconsin.”
Where are the leftists? WHERE IS YOUR PUBLIC MELTDOWN?
It's not the same context and you know that. Trump was discussing on trying to sleep with married women (while being recently wed) and telling people that with fame you can do anything; even just grab a girl by her genitalia. It's not the same context.

And don't call me a liberal just because you're mad. I'm pro traditional marriage, believe in Jesus Christ, believe in gender being something set before coming to this life

I've had worse discussions with girlfriends at a sex toy party by far.. Give it a rest.. NO ONE, and I mean no one but you liberals buy your load of crap and lies.

OBAMA USED THE P WORD and took God's name in vain.. WHERE'S THE MELTDOWN?
If you're going to ignore the context of both discussions then there's no use talking. Keep being mad people aren't biting your bait when you look like a desperate fool with your every 10-second posts about wanting liberals to reply. Trump was talking about adultery and getting away with assault. Obama was talking about enjoying sex

I'm not a liberal and you aren't a family-values-conservative. Neither are any Trump supporters. Keep crying.

Take your L and keep on moving
He used the P-word and said "God damn." In the liberal alternate universe, that's sufficient cause to keep him out of the presidency.
I'm currently listening to Trump's so-called apology. It's really pathetic. But, but, but Bill Clinton.
Do you think it's worse than Hillary's so-called "apology" for using a private server to store top secret government documents on?
Trump is not being denounced for using a word. He is being denounced for the way he used it. He admitted to both attempting adultery and assaulting a woman as being acceptable. His excuse was that he has celebrity status as a rich person and therefore, it is OK for him to break both religious law and criminal law.
One can't be a christian conservative and want to elect this man.
Unfortunately, the type of Christian conservative we have in America today tends to completely overlook, and many engage in, this type of behavior and attitude.

Why do you believe that's "unfortunate?" That's exactly the kind of behavior you endorse when Democrats engage in it.
I'm currently listening to Trump's so-called apology. It's really pathetic. But, but, but Bill Clinton.
Has he got Bill on tape saying things like he said? It's one thng to talk about liking women; it's another to talk about grabbing their privates or any other part of them, of kissing them, etc. AGAINST THEIR WILL. Of doing it w/o their consent and bragging about getting away with it because he is a celebrity. Of essentially bragging about deviant behavior. Of bragging about attacking married women in this way.

This isn't just lewd, it deviant, anti-social.

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